Monday, July 8, 2024

WWE NXT Heatwave 2024 7/7/2024

 WWE NXT Heatwave 2024 7/7/2024

WWE NXT North American Title - Oba Femi (c) vs Wes Lee

Wes hits a kick to the leg and is swept. Wes hits shots to the body then Oba throws him in the corner. Wes spin kicks him and springboard enzugiri's him. Oba knocks him out of the ring with a punch. Wes springboard dropkicks back in then Oba does an F-5.

Wes hits upkicks and is thrown over the top. Wes is thrown into the apron edge. Oba backbreakers him then stands on his back. Oba beats him up more. Oba throws him on a slam. Wes is in tree of woe and Oba misses a spear. Oba blocks a sunset flip and is sent over the top. Oba chops Wes.

Oba uranage backbreakers him and stretches him over his knee. Wes upkicks him and superman punches him. Wes superkicks him then hits a tornado ddt for 2. Wes topes him several times. Oba blocks a springboard meteora and Wes hurricanrana's him.

Wex springboard meteora's the back of his neck.  Wes then springboards into an Oba euro. Oba blocks a hurricanrana and Wes escapes a 2nd rope powerbomb. Wes handspring backflip kicks him for 2. Wes top rope splashes him and Oba picks him up by the throat off of it. They go over the top on a lariat. Oba shoulderbreakers him outside.

Wes double stomps Oba's back. Wes superkicks him in the back and Oba throws him from the backdrop position. Oba pop-up sitout powerbombs him.

Thoughts: It wasn't great but it was what it should have been. Wes tried to fly and did various underdog moves and Oba just threw him around and blocked him. It totally did what it was supposed to and it worked out well. Oba needed a little more offense in and needed to throw Wes around more for this to really get to the next level though. 

WWE NXT Women's North American Title - Kelani Jordan (c) v Sol Ruca

I have big time expectations for this. They lock up. KJ fireman's carry takeovers him then Sol headscissors him. Sol handstand walks and backflips into a headscissors ala Titan but KJ cartwheels out. KJ headscissors her and Sol cartwheels out.

Sol side headlock takeovers her and KJ side headlocks her. KJ goes up and over then Sol does as well. KJ 2nd rope twsiting crossbodies her. They then stand off after a backflip and headflip. Sol trips her and side headlocks her. Sol lands on a hiptoss and KJ handstands to avoid a facebuster.

KJ does a cool tilt-a-whirl on her back and backslides her. Sol facebusters her for 2. Sol does like a reverse bow and arrow then surfboards her. KJ tiger feint armdrags her then flying headscissors her. KJ tornillos her outside. 

KJ facebusters her for 2. Sol superkicks her then springboard twisting crossbodies her. Sol springboard 450 lariats her. They trade forearms. Sol  hits kicks then KJ spinning heel kicks her. KJ kips up and poisonrana's her. Sol goes out.

KJ asai moonsaults her outside. Sol kicks her from the apron then vaults off the 2nd rope and moonsaults her. KJ rolls her up out of a slam and they trade pin attempts. Sol does a nasty looking powerbomb out of the fireman's carry.

Sol gets her knees up on KJ's 450. KJ blocks a sol snatcher then Sol blocks a poisonrana. KJ takes a reverse alabama slam on the buckles. KJ 2nd rope poisonrana's her then hits a split-legged moonsault to win.

Thoughts: It was flippy was expected here but both are athletic girls and both are faces. I liked it and it was pretty much as expected. It was the most athletic women's match in WWE history and it's clear these girls are miles above the average women's wrestler. We got a look at the future of women's wrestling here. it was good but not great.

Gallus does a video on Tyson Dupont's and Tyriek Igwe's tweets. They say it doesn't matter how many social media subs they got, it matters what you do in the ring.

Ava talks to Karmen Petrovic and Arianna Grace. She said they made a good tag team though she didn't know if this pairing would work. Grace says the results would have been catastrophic if KP was out there by herself. KP said she got the win and it was a team effort. Grace said she was the MVP and it's the last time they team together. Grace says she can't have her anchoring her down. They end up setting up a singles match as Grace says she's the better girl. Grace yells at Ava for pitting tag partners against each other.

WWE NXT Tag Titles - Nathan Frazer and Axiom (c) vs Chase U (Andre Chase and Duke Hudson)

This is one of those times where booking overtakes having a good match. Riley Osborne really should have been in this one.

Ax takes down Chase by the arm then snapmares him. Ax side headlock takeovers him and Chase headscissors him. Chase back elbows Ax. Ax armdrags him when coming off the 2nd rope and dropkicks him. Chase dropkicks him and armdrags NF.

NF superkicks Chase and spinning enzugiri's him. Duke overhead belly to belly suplexes NF. NF enzugiri's hase then Chase takes a short ddt. Chase takes a german and a double superkick for 2. NF springboards and is caught with a Chase side effect.

Ax flying armbars Chase and Chase tries to pin him off of it. Ax catches an enzugiri with an ankle lock. Duke hits a double clothesline then hits punches on NF. Duke hits a double elbow on his opponents. Duke pop-up throws NF then does a senton + gutbuster combo.

NF dropkicks Duke out then Duke does a slingshot into a german. NF hurricanrana's Zack into the buckles. Ax 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's Duke. NF and Ax hit ropes outside. Ax top rope splashes Duke then NF springboard 450's Duke.

Duke does a handstand headscissors on NF on the ropes. Duke swinging sideslams NF for 2. NF springboard dropkicks Duke. Ax top rope spanish flies duke then NF top rope phoenix splashes Duke. Chase canadian destroyers Ax off of NF's back. 

Ax hits kicks on Chase and lariats him on the ropes. Chase running facekicks him then step up enzugiri's him while using NF. NF superkicks Ax on accident. Chase then rolls up Ax for 2. Chase russian legsweeps Ax and does C-H-A-S-E-U stomps him. Chase top rope crossbodies Ax for 2.

Chase boots NF out of the corner. Chase goes up top and NF superplexes him. Chase takes a superkick + suplex then NF tope con hilos outside. Ax hits a golden ratio kick on Chase and wins.

Thoughts: It was a workrate based match like Sol/Jordan and didn't have much of a story. The action was nice and all but it went on a little longer than it needed to and I wasn't super invested into this. It was fine just not great.

They try to interview Wes Lee after. Wes is upset and said he lost and failed. He said he travelled the world, won tag team gold and had the best title run ever. He said he was supposed to regain his crown and failed. He said Oba Femi was the better man and he's at a loss for words. He said he needs time to figure out what's next.

We get videos that have already been shown on Carlee Bright, Josh Briggs and Dante Chen

WWE NXT Women's Title - Roxanne Perez (c) vs Lola Vice

They lock up. RP gets a shot in and Lola pushes her back. Lola side headlock takeovers her then shoulders her over. RP goes for an armdrag and Lola armbars her off of it. Lola slams her down off the waistlock and hits knees to the gut. Lola misses a uraken and RP goes out.

Lola cannonballs her off the apron. RP pounds on her then bangs her head off the buckles. RP's head is banged off the buckles and RP throws Lola back. RP pulls on Lola's hair.

RP russian legsweeps her. Lola hits a knee to the gut and RP rolls her up. Lola hits kicks to the body and kick combos her. Lola hip attacks her in the corner and axe kicks her for 2.

RP goes for a running euro and is put in a sleeper. RP backrolls out and Lola puts another choke on. Lola gets rammed into the commentary table to break it. Lola uraken's the post when RP moves. RP stomps the hand then northern lights suplexes her on her arm on the floor.

RP cranks Lola's arm back and knee drops it. RP stands on the hand then backdrops her. Lola urakens her and RP goes out. Lola hits mounted shots and RP works the arm. RP sends Lola into the post. They trade spin kicks and RP hits pop rocks for 2. 

RP clears off the commentary table. RP hits pop rocks on the table. RP crossfaces Lola then hits pop rocks three times in a row to win.

Thoughts: To me this was their big chance to show that they can do a classic and I just didn't see it. RP worked the arm for a little but it didn't really go anywhere and Lola just didn't step up on the bigger stage and has just plateaued. You could have put anyone in Lola's place and I think it would have been the same level of match. Booking wise, I didn't like this. I thought Lola should have won. She lost the last time she challenged and lost again here.  She didn't even have an excuse for this loss as RP won clean.

Lexis King says he's using 4th of July to celebrate his heritage and listen to rock and roll. He says Tony D'Angelo has a lot of heritage and he wants to take it in their Heritage Cup match.

Tony D said he was in his garden this morning and was told to watch the Lexis King video we just saw. He says he's insulted if King thinks this will be a walk in the park with him. He says he will slap the fake beard off his face then come back to his garden.

WWE NXT Title - Trick Williams (c) vs Shawn Spears vs Ethan Page vs Je'Von Evans

Evans topes Page outside to start. Trick slams Shawn then lariats him over the top. Evans and Page trade shots outside. Page and Spears try to do outdo the other by banging their opponents heads off the steps. They then stare down. They shake hands and poke each other in the eye.

They blow a catapult spot and Trick neckbreakers Page. Evans and Trick stare down and shake hands. Evans misses a kick and armdrags him. Evans dropkicks him then seated springboard headscissors him. Trick flying lariats Evans then slams him.

Trick dropkicks Evans. Trick sidekicks Spears and Page. Spears does a flying lariat and Page gets it instead. Trick hits a double flapjack. Evans does a double springboard crossbody and Trick uranages Evans. 

Spears lays over the middle rope and Page suplexes Evans onto his back. Page yanks and powerslams Evans. Evans takes an electric chair flying shoulder and Spears is ddt'd by Trick during it. Spears nails Trick, Page and Evans with a chair. Trick takes a death valley driver into a chair in the corner.

Evans superkicks Page, as does Spears. Spears superkicks Evans then trick headhunters Page. Trick is sent into the post then Page is sent into it. Trick hits forearms on Page while he yells at him. Evans tope con hilos over the post onto Trick, sending him through the rails.

Spears 2nd rope attitude adjustments Evans for 2. Spears headscissors Trick over the top then Evans walks up the buckles and top rope spanish flies Page. Evans hits a top rope diving cutter on Page for 2. 

Trick and Evans trade shots. Trick upkicks him. Trick and Evans flying kick each other at the same time. Evans top rope cutters Spears then 2nd rope tornillos him for 2. Evans goes for a springboard and is pushed off the top onto the commentary table where he lands hard.

Trick misses a kick on Spears and Spears sharpshooters Trick. Page pump kicks Spears then Page hits a razor's edge on Trick. Evans puts Trick's foot on the ropes to break the count. Page pounds on Trick. Tricking jumping knees spears and Page. Page falls on Evans and gets the pin as Spears pulls Trick out.

Thoughts: I don't like Page winning or Trick losing. Trick was getting huge reactions and I would not risk him losing that. Page is a midcard guy. He arguably needs to be in NXT as much as anyone else does and despite being a vet, is far from a completed project. Storyline wise, I would have almost opted for Evans to win instead if the title had to change hands. The match was decent but it had the usual limitations multi-man matches have.

We then see Joe Hendry's face at the end of the show.

Overall thoughts: It didn't look like it would be the most exciting show on paper but I figured the matches would be good. That's what this was. Trick losing was a mistake, especially to Ethan Page and the show as whole just didn't really get me excited for the next show. It was good overall but it wasn't great.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 7/7/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 7/7/2024

Last week's show is here:

Stuka Jr., Hijo de Stuka Jr and Fugaz vs Villano III Jr, Hijo de Villano III and Stigma


SJ = Stuka Jr., HS = Hio de Stuka Jr., V3J = Villano III Jr., HV = Hijo del Villano III

1st Fall - Stig and SJ go at it. Stig flying headscissors him and SJ kicks him away. HS and HV (no tattoos) go at it. HV kips up out of a wristlock and takes him down. HS spinning headscissors him from the mat. HV front facelocks him then HS takes a triple team in the corner. V3J nails his partner off the top on accident. Fug side headlocks V3J then hiptosses him. Fug armdrags V3J off his shoulders. HV dropkicks Stig out. SJ flying headscissors a Villano then is top rope dropkicked by Stig.

Stig takes a double chop outside then Fug hits a tope outside. The Stuka do stereo ddt's and get stereo pins to win the fall. 

2nd Fall - HV is hiptossed in from the ramp. V3J and Fug go at it. Fug hiptosses him then dropkicks him out. Fug flying headscissors Stig then walks up the buckles and springboard hurricanrana's HV.

V3J thesz presses Fug and hits mounted punches. HV flying corner lariats Fug. The Villanos are tripped off the top buckles then the faces stomp on them. The Villanos try to cover Stig while he's getting stomped and they get stomped for it. Stig takes a spin kick and is thrown on SJ's knees.

HV takes a flipping neckbreaker from SJ then takes a magic killer + a springboard dropkick. HV is thrown on the ramp  and HS rips at his mask. The Villanos and Stig all hit tilt-a-whirl backbreakers. HV hits a tope and V3J cannonballs off the ramp. Stig canadian destroyers SJ and pins him to win the fall.

3rd Fall - SJ shoulders over Stig. HS stomps Stig. Stig 2nd rope double stomps SJ then superkicks HS. Fug takes a pop-up powerbomb then HV springboard dropkicks Fug. V3J splashes Fug off the top for 2. HV flips over Hs' back then springboard headscissors him. HV is double stomped by his opponents then he pop-up dropkicks SJ. Fug is catapulted into a HV 2nd rope dropkick.

HS chops HV and HV chops back. HS jumping knees him. HS takes a running throw by three people into the ring. Stig springboard splashes HS. Stig dropkicks Fug out then topes him. V3J racks HS then HV does a double jump moonsault. The Villanos get pins and win the fall and match.

Thoughts: I don't know who the faces were here but I was fine with it otherwise. The Villanos looked good as usual and we got some creative moves here.

Felino & Felino Jr. vs Hijo de Octagón & Octagón

FS = Felino Sr, FJ = Felino Jr., Hijo = Hijo de Octagon, OS = Octagon Sr.

1st Fall - FJ and Hijo go at it. FJ takes Hijo down then camel clutches him. FJ ties up his legs and Hijo goes for the armbar. FJ does a nice Japanese armdrag on Hijo. Hijo armdags him. They legsweep each other and stand off.

OS and FS go at it. FS offers a handshake.OS armdrags him a couple of times then OS is double teamed. OS takes a double back elbow out. FJ catches Hijo's hurricanrana and powerbombs him. FJ pins Hijo. OS takes a spinebuster and a top rope FS elbow drop. The Felino's win the fall.

2nd Fall - FJ spin kicks Hijo then chops. Hijo takes a double team. OS is tripped and takes a basement dropkick. Hijo flying headscissors FJ then superkicks FS. FJ kicks him over. OS offers a handshake to FJ then punches him. OS crucifixes FJ and pins him. Hijo does la escalera on FS and submits him. The Octagon's win the fall. 

3rd Fall - OS hiptosses FS then armdrags FJ. OS hiptosses both. He arm throws FS and tags out. OS and FS go at it. OS walks up the buckles then dropkicks FJ. He then springboard headscissors HS. Hijo is popped up an dropkicks FS. He dropkicsks FJ out and tope con hilos him. OC la esalera's FS but FS reverses it on him and taps him out. The Felino's win the match.

Thoughts: Octagon Sr. was really limited here and did what he could. Hijo de Octagon took up a lot of work here. It was a shorter one and maybe that was for the better. It was watchable at least.

Gran Guerrero, Hechicero, Volador Jr. vs Akuma, Flip Gordon, Máscara Dorada

MD = Mascara Dorada

1st Fall - Akuma and Hech go at it. Akuma wristlocks him, Hech rolls him back to escape it. Akuma trips him and pulls his arms back. Hech knee drops Akuma's leg and they roll each other into pin attempts. Akuma bow and arrows him then Hech knee drops the arm. They end up doing a stand off and push each other.

Flip and Gran go at it. Vol nails Flip from behind. Flip is tripped and takes a double boot. MD is rolled into the air and takes a double kick. Hech chops Akuma then Hech step up knees Akuma in the corner. Vol superkicks Akuma.

Flip is popped up into a kick from Vol. Flip takes a triple boot. MD takes a spinning hammerlock backbreaker. Akuma and Hech trade chops. Gran package powerbombs Akuma and pins him. Flip is flapjacked then Hech tapes him out with a double arm submission to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Akuma is bridged on the ropes and Hech is popped up into a buttdrop on him. Hech stomps on Akuma. Flip then takes the same move. Flip gets his legs split. Hech ankle locks Flip then Flip is held for shots from Hech. Flip gets out and MD armdrags Gran. Akuma hits a double dropkick then Flip hits a tope outside. Gran takes a 450 and is pinned then Akuma pins Vol with a muscle buster. Akuma's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Vol and Akuma fight. Akuma dropkicks him. akuma avoids a double team and pushes Gran into Hech. Akuma armdrags Gran. Flip and Hech get in. Flip asai moonsaults him then ddt's him. Flip kips down and up then kicks Gran in th gut. Flip springboard dropkicks Gran. Gran goes up and over Vol then 2nd rope flipping neckbreakers him. MD flying headscissors Hech. MD flips over Vol then jumps off of Hech to headscissor Vol. MD headscissors Hech while on his shoulders.

MD flips off of Gran then satelitte headscissotes him out. MD tornillos out onto Gran. Hech headscissors drops Akuma and pins him and Vol pins Flip. Hechicero's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was acceptable. Nothing too great here though and we really didn't see anyone's best stuff in this.

Overall thoughts: All three matches were fine here and it was an okay show overall. There was nothing that great on it and we sadly didn't get to see the mini's cibernetico which looked great on paper. The Villanos match was probably the best thing on here.

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/9/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/9/1991 

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. Piper is on crutches and says it will take more than a dirt bike spill to keep him out of Wrestlemania. He said he's mad about what Sgt. Slaughter has been saying about Hulk Hogan. He says Hulk will zap Sarge.

The Hart Foundation vs John Martin and Pete Sanchez

Bret gives a fan his glasses his as usual. Pete side headlocks Jim and is hit on the ropes from Bret. Pete's head is banged off of Bret's foot then Bret dropkicks him. Bret atomic drops John and stomps his gut. The Nasty Boys do an inset promo. Jimmy says The Harts will be the chumps and The Nasties will be the champs. Saggs says they took their manager and now will take their belts. Knobbs says when you rock the foundation, everything comes crumbling down.

Bret headbutts John then backbreakers him. Bret hits shots to the gut. John takes a hart attack then is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. I was surprised The Hart's were using heel tactics here by attacking from the apron. The Hart's wore all pink and white outfits here. 

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

We are two weeks away from Wrestlemania VII. Gene confirms Piper was in a motorcycle accident but will still be in Virgil's corner at Wrestlemania VII. We see clips of Ted Dibiase forcing Virgil to put the belt around his waist at Royal Rumble 1991. We then see Virgil hit him with the belt. We see clips of Virgil beating Haku two weeks ago.

Ted Dibiase does a promo. He laughs at Piper's accident. He says a cripple on a crutch in Virgil's corner won't do him any good.

The Mountie vs Cliff Sheets

Tito Santana does an inset promo. He said there's few officers like Mountie who like to throw their weight around. He says he will make sure Mountie doesn't throw his weight around on him.

Mountie boots him then bangs his head off the buckles. Mountie does a double choke takedown and trap holds Cliff. Cliff is out and the ref ends it.

Thoughts: This was a super short and unimpressive squash. The trap hold was the best finisher they could come up with here? Really?

Mountie handcuffs Cliff after. Mountie gets on the mic and says he has the right remain silent and says his words can be used against him in his court of law. Mountie then shock sticks Cliff with sound effects. Mountie then slaps Cliff with his gloves. 

Mean Gene is at Toys R Us again. Gene puts over a WWF Powercycle. He runs into Hacksaw Jim Duggan, who is only wearing his blue trunks. Jim says he's trying to fill out his collection of WWF wrestling cards. He says he is missing card #51. Gene says it's his card and shows him it. Jim offers to trade him for it and offers a Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior card. Jim throws down his 2x4, Gene pretends like it hit his foot and Jim takes the cards.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney pronounces Kitao's name wrong. Demolition and Mr. Fuji do a promo. Crush says everyone wants a piece of the toughest team in the WWF. Crush says the Japanese will need good luck. Smash says Tenryu and Kitao are supposed to be the best sumo wrestlers, but they say they are the best.

The Warlord and Slick do a promo. War says Bulldog claims to be the biggest and strongest man. He said Bulldog thinks it will be so easy but he doesn't think so. He says he will put the full nelson around his neck and put him out of wrestling.

The British Bulldog does a promo. He says everyone wants to be part of WM7. He tells Warlord to go for the full-nelson as he will take a ride on his shoulders and go through the ring at WM7.

The Big Boss Man vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Brawler attacks, Boss drops down and Brawler goes outside. Boss punches him then hits a spinebuster. Boss leg lariats Brawler on the ropes. Bobby Heenan and Mr. Perfect do an inset promo. Heenan says Perfect will walk to the ring carrying the belt and will walk out of it with the belt. Perfect says to be champ you must be Perfect and says Boss doesn't understand that.

Boss running back elbows him. Boss spinebusters him and then picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It was your usual quick squash here without too many thrills.

Boss handcuffs Brawler after like a true face and totally not like The Mountie.

Mean Gene Okerlund is on the stage. He said he was appalled by Sgt. Slaughter's actions last time he talked to him here. He said Sarge burned a Hulk Hogan poster. Sarge and Adnan come out with a Hulk Hogan stick on a pole.

Adnan talks in his language. Sarge says Hulk's shirt is just a mere piece of cloth. He says soon they will enter the battlefield. He says he wants Hulk to enter the match with extra ammunition. He says "Hulk Rules" is nothing but a cruel hoax. 

Sarge says Hulk and all of his pukeamaniacs will go up in flames. He then lights the Hulk shirt on fire.

Thoughts: It was all cheap heat here and another attempt to get people to care about this feud.

"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka vs Shinji

Snuka has a solo strap singlet on. Shinji is Shinji Sasazaki, who wrestled in Japan. Shin hits some chops and 2nd rope crossbodies Snuka. Shinji suplexes him then Shinji is thrown off the buckles. The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do an inset promo. Paul says to jump off the top rope into Taker's clutches and Taker says he will bury him 6-foot under.  

Shinji's throat is dropped on the ropes then Snuka hits a dangerous looking piledriver to win.

Thoughts: What we got here didn't look good and it was a quick squash.

Shinji is thrown out after.

WWF Event Center

Rick "The Model" Martel says Jake is walking around smiling and happy. He says Jake is counting on fans to direct him. He says Jake thinks he's real smart. He says he will figure out where Jake is by his smell. He says he stinks and needs Arrogance.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts does a promo. He says Rick gets to walk down that dark alley like he did. He says expect nothing from him but the worst as that's what he gave him. He says he can do all the things he thought of doing to him. He says he will get help from all of his friends (the fans) in their match.

Wrestlemania Report

Gene hypes up Sarge vs Hulk. He says he can't get over what Sarge did. Hulk does a promo. He says he and his Hulkamaniacs are burning up right now. He says torching his stuff was as bad as torching Old Glory. He says he's coming after him with his patriots (arms) loaded. He says if he shook Sarge's hand, he knows Sarge would fire a scud missile at his head. He says this is war and says if he has to go to war to stop him, then they will go to hell and back again. He says he and his Hulkamaniacs will live forever. He says there will be no surrender and no POW's, only victims. He says Hulkamania will live forever.

"Macho King" Randy Savage and Queen Sherri do a promo. Macho says Warrior signed his death warrant. He says he owns Warrior's career. He says it's the biggest of the big and the one everyone will remember. He says it's Warrior's Waterloo.

The Ultimate Warrior does a promo. He says he knows what Macho looks for. He said Macho came to The Royal Rumble to take something from him. Warrior says there's a piece of both of them in the WWF Title belt. He said a piece of Macho's crystal was sewed into his head. He tells Macho not to look back, just forward. He said he destroyed one career in Brother Love and says he has a firm grip on Macho's last piece of crystal.

Gene talks about the rest of the Mania show.

The fake Queen of England says the battle between Warlord and Davey Boy Smith will happen in the ring at Mania. He says it will be lights out for The British Bulldog. Gene says maybe he met her at the lounge in Wichita, Kansas.

Gene talks about the instant replay debate at Mania and some of the guests. Marla Maples talks. She says imagine her at Mania with the other stars. She says "talk about high society, wow". And that's it.

Haku and The Barbarian vs Dale Wolfe and Randy Hunter

Dale back elbows Haku then Haku lariats him. The Rockers do an inset promo. Shawn says the biggest match of the year is coming. Shawn says their opponents will get a frontal lobotomy at Mania. Marty says the odds are stacked against them but they will pull through.

Dale takes a double boot and headbutt. Barb chokeslams Dale then lariats him. Randy gets some shots in on Haku then Haku eye pokes him. Vince says Randy and Haku having matching tights. Haku chops him. Haku leapfrogs him then Randy runs into Barb's suplex. Barb backbreakers him. Randy takes an atomic drop + superkick combo and is pinned. 

Thoughts: Barb and Haku usually do good squashes and this was no exception. Randy was a little scrappy here before being put down. This was Barb and Haku's first Superstars match as a team. 

WWF Event Center

Greg Valentine says he is no dummy. He said he signed the match to wrestle Earthquake and thinks Hart wants him out of wrestling. Greg says Quake will feel the wrath of Greg Valentine. Jimmy Hart and Earthquake do a promo. Hart said he walked down the aisle as Greg's manager at Wrestlemania 6 but will walk down the ring as his enemy at Wrestlemania 7. Quake says Greg will feel the quake and says he made a mistake.

The Legion of Doom do a promo. Animal says Power and Glory stuck their nose where it doesn't belong and will knock it out at Wrestlemania VII. Hawk says there's power here and they could care less about glory. Hawk says they are a problem for them and thinks they can't solve it.

Next week has a special interview with Hulk Hogan.

Overall thoughts: Like last week, Wrestlemania VII is the main focus here. It should be but the matches are kind of set already and there's no real new developments. To me, WM7 is a two match show - Jake/Martel and Warrior/Macho. I can't say I care much about the rest as there's no great storylines behind anything else except Hulk/Sarge. I wouldn't recommend this one but I didn't mind it.

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/6/2024 Season 4, Episode 43

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/6/2024 Season 4, Episode 43

Last week's show is here:

The Fab Four come out without The Carlson Twins. Lana isn't happy about Penelope Pink having to wrestle Tiki Chamorro. Lana says they want The Beast. Lana says Pink will take her frustrations out on Tiki.

Tiki Chamorro vs Penelope Pink

Tiki takes Pink down by the arm then foot pushes her into the buckles. Pink is sent into the buckles then Pink eye pokes Tiki. 

Pink gori specials her into the buckles then gordbusters her. Pink hits a basement dropkick and loses a hair extension. Tiki crucifixes her then dropkicks her. Tiki slingshot sunset flips her then Pink knees her. Tiki step up enzugiri's her then hits lariats.

Tiki headbutts her then headbutts her off the ropes. Tiki 619's her. Vickie Lynn McCoy grabs Tiki, Pink nails McCoy on accident then Pink gets the win.

Tiki is beaten up by The Fab Four after. The Tonga Twins then make the save and everyone has a fun fight in the ring. The refs all try to break the fight up.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Tiki being the underdog as usual vs Pink. The brawl after wasn't too crazy but I liked it.

David McClane interviews The Tonga Twins and Tiki. Tiki says it feels great to win and says the win is also for the people of Guam. McClane says that The Fab Four are barred from ringside in the Miami's Sweet Heat vs Tonga Twins match.

Ice Cold vs Lil' J-Boogie

J armlocks her and is hammerlocked on the mat. Ice crabs her then J side headlocks her. J hiptosses her and takes a boot. Ice facebusters her. Ice meteoras her in the corner and bangs her head off the mat. J hits boots out of the corner then J dropkicks her.

J crossbodies her for 2. Ice hits a backcracker then J step up enzugiri's her. J running leg lariats her and wins.

It wasn't that good as expected. J is not one their top girls and her offense does not look good.

J does breakdancing after.

Animal Instinct (Goldie Collins and Katarina Jinx) vs Team Spirit (Pep Reilly and Sasha Sparks)

Golide gets on the mic and says it's an honor for the fans to see them. Goldie said they were surprised to see they were wrestling Pep and Sasha tonight. She said she's familiar with training toy breeds. Jinx says they understand the art of playing with one's food. She said it doesn't take much to knock them off their feet and take them down. Jinx says they can smell Team Spirit's fear.

Sasha and Goldie go at it. Goldie pie faces her and takes a boot. Sasha walks up the ropes and armdrags her. Sasha dropkicks her. Pep cartwheel back splashes Goldie then basement dropkicks her for 2. Goldie shoulders her over then sends her into Jinx's boot.

Jinx hits the mouse trap facebuster and sends Pep into the buckles. Goldie perfectplexes Pep for 2. Goldie boots Pep in the corner then Jinx does too. Pep jawbreakers Jinx. Sasha hits back elbows on Goldie then up kick enzugiri's her from the mat. Goldie is double tripped. Pep takes a flipping neckbreaker while on Goldie's shoulders and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was an average match here with no botches or major highlights. Jinx was good on the mic before the match here. 

We see clips of Samantha Smart talking to The Disciplinarian. She has Elon Musk on her phone contacts. She says everyone has had enough of Dis' behavior. She says the outbursts are eroding the team's foundation. She asks if she will get herself together and watch the team crumble under her rage. Smart said she expects her to be in the match next week. She says if her attitude comes with her, she will be forced to replace her.

Top Tier does a promo. They said they aren't done with Ariel Sky. They say Sky can't sweat with them. Coach says they are always Top Tier and can't be duplicated.

Miami's Sweet Heat vs The Tonga Twins

The Fab Four come out despite everyone but The Carlson's being banned from ringside. Dave says The Fab Four didn't get the message. The crowd chants, "kick them out". Dave says they are right and says we will kick them out. Dave says everyone but The Carlson's are banned from ringside.

Lindsay (blonde) and Kaoz (red shoe laces) go at it. Lori side headlocks Kaoz then Kaoz shoulders her over. Lori (black hair) gets pounded on by her opponents. Lori takes a double team for 2. Lori legsweeps Kona (green shoe laces) then legdrops her leg.

Kona stomps Lindsay then Lindsay takes a t-gimmick slam. Lindsay pounds on Kaoz's leg and pulls it over the bottom rope. Lori legdrops Kaoz's leg. Lindsay chinlocks Kaoz. Lindsay is dropped chest first on the mat.

Kona comes in and hits lariats on Lori. She slaps her, superkicks her and samoan drops her. Lindsay lariats Kaoz. MSH take suplexes. MSH take stereo hip attacks then the ref takes a hip attack on accident. The Fab Four come out and MSH are disqualified.

Tiki then comes out with a kendo stick and hits McCoy with it. The heels then leave.

Thoughts: The match was fine but the finish was lame especially since The Fab Four were already banned from ringside. Look, these two teams are WOW's better teams and I don't mind seeing them wrestle each other, but at some point, WOW does have to move past this match-up.

Overall thoughts: It was okay overall. Nothing really stood out here on the one and the finish to the main wasn't that good. I'm sure there will be some follow-up to what happened in the main next week but that doesn't really help us this week. I like The Tonga Twins vs Miami's Sweet Heat but the company is relying on that match-up a little too much.

WWE Money in the Bank 2024 7/6/2024

WWE Money in the Bank 2024 7/6/2024

Men's Money in the Bank - Drew McIntyre vs Carmelo Hayes vs Jey Uso vs Chad Gable vs Andrade vs LA Knight

Everyone fights to startand Drew is the first one knocked out of the ring. LA powerslams Melo and stares down with Jey. Uso then dives on Melo and LA dropkicks out. Drew rams Andrade into the rails. Drew rams a ladder into people. Chad armbars Drew on the ladder then Andrade springboard legdrops him while he hands. Andrade uses the ladder on people. Melo springboard clotheslines andrade off the ladder. Andrade 2nd rope flipping russian legsweeps Melo onto a ladder.

Jey samoan drops Drew then spears him. Jey spinning enzugiri's Drew. Chad germans Drew then chaos theory germans Melo. Chad hits Andrade with a ladder. LA stomps on Chad and Chad dragon screws him. Chad takes a neckbreaker on a ladder. LA bangs Melo's head off the commentary table outside. Melo codebreakers LA.

Melo and Chad are on ladders and Chad ankle locks him. Chad is thrown into a ladder then powerbombed on one. Jey superkicks Drew then LA BFT's Drew. Jey top rope splashes Drew. Jey and LA fight on the ladder and Melo pushes both off of it. Melo tope con hilos Chad and hits nothing but net on Jey.

Andrade sunset bombs Melo off the ladder onto a bridged ladder. LA is thrown backwards into a ladder then belly to belly suplexed onto a bridged ladder. Chad goes for the briefcase and ends up hanging in the air. He falls down then takes a Jey spear. Jey goes for the briefcase and Drew knocks him down with a ladder. Drew then wins MITB.

It was a total spotfest like all of these are. You could just watch the highlights and see everything. We really didn't see a ton of anyone here as only 2-3 people would be in the ring at any time. It was just your average MITB and hopefully nobody got hurt off of it. I'm really surprised they didn't have CM Punk to come out and interfere in this one.

WWE Intercontinental Title - Sami Zayn (c) vs Bron Breakker

Bron overhead throws him then takes him down. Sami slaps him and Bron hits corner spears. Sami nails him off the 2nd rope then Bron is thrown out. Sami sitout springboard moonsaults Bron outside.

Bron runs the ropes fast and lariats Sami. Bron belly to belly suplexes him. Bron running knees Sami then does another belly to belly. Sami walks up the ropes and tornado ddt's Bron for 2. Sami does a blind springboard and lariats him out. Sami moonsaults off the rails, is caught and Sami pushes Bron into the post.

Bron lariats him on the floor. Sami hits blue thunder inside for 2. Bron walks up the buckles and hurricanrana's Sami for 2. Bron jumps off the apron and lariats Sami over the commentary table. Sami exploders Bron.

Bron jumping knees him then powerslams him. Sami boots him on a spear attempt then helluva kicks him in the corner to win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of Bron losing here. I'm not saying he should have won either, but his losses should be minimized. It was a good match as expected though Sami should have been roughed up more so he could sell more and put Bron over more. 

Trish Stratus, who is the host of this, appears. She talks about her career real quick and brings out John Cena. Cena has a towel that says "The Last Time Is Now". Cena heads to the ring.

Cena talks to the fans and says he is officially announcing his retirement from WWE. He says he wants to talk about Canada. He says Canadians always show up. He says Raw is moving to Netflix and he will be there for it as he has never been on Netflix. He says The 2025 Royal Rumble and 2025 Elimination Chamber will be his last.

He says Wrestlemania next year will be the last Mania he will do. He says he will field any questions in the press conference after. He says he wants to say thank you to all the fans. He says he wants to return to Toronto to kick some @ss.

Cena's 47, but he's a young 47. He can still move well and he's not super injured. They can say he's retiring, but I really don't believe it. It is wrestling after all and there's going to be a lot of money matches down the line which I think he will have a hard time passing up. 

The Judgment Day talk in the back. Finn says it's time to punish Seth. Priest says no one should get involved in his business tonight. Priest leaves and Finn says in a serious tone, "whatever you want, boss".

World Title - Damian Priest (c) vs Seth Rollins

Seth can't challenge for the title again if he loses as long as Priest is champ. Priest leaves Judgment Day if he loses. Seth hits boots and chops. Priest falcon arrows him. Priest hits punches and a lifting flatliner for 2.

Priest hits flying back elbows then Seth does a flying slingblade. Seth lariats Priest over the top and calls out Drew. Seth topes Priest multiple times and eventually sends him over the commentary table.

Seth superkicks him. Seth springboard swantons him into an asai moonsault for 2. Priest hits a headlock driver. Seth hurricanrana's him off a chokeslam attempt. Priest lariats him and looks for Drew to come out.

Priest does some weird flip off the ropes and is powerslammed. Seth top rope splashes Priest. Seth spinning forearms Priest. Seth buckle bombs Priest then Priest sitout powerbombs him for 2. Priest slaps Seth around and they trade forearms. Priest fires up and hits kicks.

Priest hits spinning kicks then gets curbstomped. Priest falcon arrows him for 2. Seth superplexes him then falcon arrows him. Priest doesn't kick out but the ref only counts two. The lights even come on to further signify the match ending.

Drew McIntyre comes out. He cashes in his briefcase and makes this a triple threat. Seth superkicks Drew. Drew future shock ddt's him.

Priest throws Seth out and Drew dropkicks Priest. CM Punk comes out and attacks Drew. Punk knocks him over the rail and hits him with chair shots. Punk chokes Drew with a cable and pounds on him.

Punk grabs the title belt and nails Drew with it in the ring. Cole calls Punk "Phil" and asks what he's doing. Priest hits south of heaven on Drew and wins.

Thoughts: They were working a lot faster than they normally do and the match was rushed. You could tell something was up. This should have been an epic with what was on the line but was not.

They messed up final pin attempt before Drew came out. Priest forgot to kick out and the lights got turned on when they shouldn't have and that further hurt things.

Drew was also a total idiot here. Instead of waiting for the match to end and catching someone hurt and off guard, he made it a triple threat which wasn't smart.

Punk ended up screwing Drew which made sense but I wish it would have happened during MITB. Then the briefcase would still be in play for a while which gives you more story to work with and could have maybe helped someone else get over. 

Seth yells at Punk after and Punk stands on the commentary table as they argue.

Women's Money in the Bank - Iyo Sky vs Tiffany Stratton vs Lyra Valkyria vs Chelsea Green vs Zoey Stark vs Naomi

Everyone but Green go out to get ladders. Green tries to knock the briefcase down with a ladder. Iyo springboard dropkicks the ladder into Green. Iyo dropkicks Tiff into a ladder then meteora's her into it. Lyra northern lights suplexes Iyo into the ladder. Lyra ddt's her then fisherman busters her on a ladder. Lyra dropkicks Green through the ropes and Zoey springboard dropkicks Lyra. 

Zoey superkicks Lyra then half-nelson suplexes her. Lyra is dropped on a ladder. Zoey does a seated corkscrew moonsault and lands on her head. Naomi thesz presses Zoey on a ladder then split drops her.  Naomi sit out moonsaults her on a ladder.

Tiff cartwheel spinebusters Naomi on a ladder. Tiff walks up a ladder that is beind held up by Iyo then she swantons off the top onto people outside. Green goes up a ladder. Iyo hits her with the ladder and sandwiches her with ladders.

Lyra climbs the ladder and ends up hanging off of it. Iyo stomps on Lyra then Lyra germans her as she hangs off the ladder. Zoey and Tiff fight on a ladder. Naomi ends up stuck doing a split between ladders and ddt's Zoey. 

Naomi is sent into the steps by Green. Iyo and Green trade shots in the ring. Green is flapjacked onto a bridged ladder then Tiff is catapulted into a bridged ladder. Lyra is powerbombed on a bridged ladder. Zoey and Iyo climb a high ladder. Zoey takes a landslide off a ladder onto a bridged ladder.

Green goes for the briefcase and Tiff stops her. Tiff pushes Green off a ladder through tables. Tiff then grabs the briefcase.

Thoughts: Like the Men's MITB, it was a spotfest. It wasn't as good of one though as the girls had some sloppy moments and the talent level was just not the same. It was nice to see Tiff win as that was the right call but the build to her winning hasn't been good at all. She likely got punished for a post she made about Jade as she was on the backburner for months leading up to this. 

Trish Stratus and Tiff Stratton interviewed. Tiff said she just won MITB and says Trish should say something to her for it. Tiff says she's going viral. Trish said she was going to congratulate her but she says not to get too arrogant. She says what happens with her MITB win is what matters - will she be a flash in the pan or a hall of famer like her? Tiff says isn't it sad Trishy time is over and says Tiffy time has just begun.

Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens & Randy Orton vs. The Bloodline (Jacob Fatu, Solo Sikoa & Tama Tonga)

Cody drops down and uppercuts Tama. Tama hits punches then Cody bulldogs him. KO pounds on and stomps on Tama. Cody hits punches on Tama then gordbusters him. Orton hits punches on Tama then hits corner punches.

Fatu gets in and Orton throws him out. Orton draping ddt's him over the 2nd rope. Fatu no sells it and gets up as Orton goes for the RKO. Fatu samoan drops him then superkicks him. Solo pounds on Orton then Tama slingshot splashes Orton. Tama hits punches on Orton and Orton backdrops him. KO gets in and hits shots on Tama.

KO lariats him and corner cannonballs him. KO hits a top rope swanton for 2. KO is worked on by the heels  and Tanga Loa chokes KO from the outside. KO and Solo trade then Solo hits headbutts. Solo corner hip attacks him then Fatu does it to KO too.

Fatu does a flying back elbow to KO then Tama pounds on KO. Solo gets over the top. Loa pulls Orton off the apron on a tag. Solo hits punches on KO then misses a corner hip attack. Fatu elbow drops KO. 

Fatu hits headbutts on KO then misses a corner splash. Cody gets tagged in. He hits shots on Solo then powerslams him. Cody hits a disaster kick on him and a cody cutter on Tama. Cody topes Solo then topes Loa. Fatu beats up Cody outside then is back body dropped over the rail.

Solo spears Cody for 2. Solo nails the ref on accident then takes cross rhodes. KO top rope splashes Solo. Orton RKO's Solo. Fatu comes out of nowhere and nails the faces then splashes the ref on the steps on accident. Owens hits superkicks on Fatu and stunners Tama. KO hits Fatu with a prime bottle then splashes him through the commentary table of the rails.

Loa messes up a low blow on KO then gets it right the 2nd time. Orton RKO's Loa and Tama. Cody hits cross rhodes on Solo. Fatu runs up the buckles, corkscrew sentons Cody then implant ddt's him. Solo samoan spikes Cody and gets the pin.

Thoughts: If you were looking for a wild one here with big spots, it wasn't that at all. The biggest spot here with a small table spot. It was a good main but not great and far from anyone's best work. This was something you'd expect on a Raw or SD ep than a PPV.

Overall thoughts: There were only five matches here. Nothing was great and the women had some sloppiness issues as usual. Nothing was awful though either and the big notes here match relates as Cena announced he was retiring and Punk screwing Drew. It was good overall but not must see.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

AEW Collision 7/6/2024

AEW Collision 7/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

We get a video on the Daniel Garcia/MJF angle to start. We see Matt Menard yelling about it while he's all bloody saying MJF better hope he finished the job.

MJF comes out. He says he knows everyone in the building is inbred and stupid but hopes they will keep their mouths shut. He says Daniel Garcia is nothing more than a pawn. He says he was never going to give him a match at All In and was always going to stab him in the back. He says Garcia is a make a wish kid at best. He said he offered him a match at Wembley against the best wrestler who ever lived and he didn't answer. He said he won't wrestle again.

He plays a clip on the tron of him saying he has ADHD and can't regulate rejection. He says he opened up to the people and said it would tear his heart out if they turned his back on him. He said they didn't care. He said he did everything for them and changed for them.

He said he got mad at people chanting, "Thank You Joe" after he got hurt. He said fans discarded him for Joe, Swerve, Okada and Will. He said Garcia is the tip of the iceberg and said he will take away everything people love in this company. He said the people have ruined the company with their garbage taste and said the only way to fix it is with him up top.

MJF says Will can't help this company like him. He says Will is a child and doesn't care about money. All he cares about is putting on good ratings and says the only ratings he cares about are from a guy named "Meltzer". He said he only cares about ratings from a guy named "Neilson". He says let's pop a rating now. He tells Will to come out here so he can sacrifice him like a billy goat.

Will Ospreay's music hits and MJF says he's not coming because he's a gutless coward. He says we can thank him later.

I didn't like the shoot stuff here with him bringing up Meltzer. I'm still not really sure how beating up Garcia helped out MJF though or what it has to do with Will Ospreay.

The Conglomeration talk. Kyle says he's bummed out after Forbidden Door. Mark Briscoe says he's not. He says the word of the day is epiphany and says failure is a figment of your imagination. He says they will put a historical whooping on The Iron Savages tonight. Orange Cassidy says he doesn't care.

The Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe, Kyle O'Reilly and Orange Cassidy) vs The Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson

Jacked tells the people ot shut up and calls the faces losers. He says they are anorexic and don't stand a chance. He says Mark's bones are brittle and said OC/Kyle belong at the bottom of our evolutionary chart. The Undisputed Kingdom come out before it starts and join the commentary booth.

Kyle side headlocks Jacked then Jacked shoulders him over. Jacked then grabs savage sauce. Mark drinks out of it then hits hard shoulderblocks on Jacked and Bronson. Boulder takes a double shoulder then is enzugiri'd. Kyle hits kicks on Bronson then is back elbowed by Boulder.

Kyle jawbreakers Bronson. Kyle takes a double shoulder then Bronson sentons him. Bronson short arm lariats Kyle and we go to PiP break. We return and KOR hits a shot to Jacked's nuts. Mark 1v2's The Savages and spinning forearms Bronson. Boulder misses a splash. OC is tagged in and he hits a tope outside. OC top rope crossbodies Bronon then ddt's Boulder.

Bronson hits knees to the gut. Mark jumps off of Bronson's back and flip dives to the outside. Bronson takes a dropkick + legsweep then Mark cannonballs Boulder off the apron. OC orange punches Bronson and wins.

Thoughts: OC's team won here as expected. It was too short to really be as good as it could have been and was just average.

Jack Perry talks. He says the true cost of anything is what you will sacrifice for it. He says he challenged for the TNT Title a long time ago but said he didn't realize the cost. He said he paid in full though now. He says he will give someone the opportunity to sacrifice and take the title away from him. He says if you don't sacrifice, he will sacrifice you.

Adam Page is interviewed. He said The Bucks brought him back as soon as they thought they could use him. Adam says he will burn through the tournament, win at Wembley and right a wrong. He says he will then burn a hole through the ground. He's asked about Jay White then he gets mad and leaves.

Toni Storm vs Trish Adora

Trish side headlocks her. They shoulder battle and Trish knocks her over. May rolls her up then Trish tries a pin. Trish puts her in a submission then pulls both of her arms back. She then sits on her shoulders while doing it. Trish takes a shotgun dropkick then is hip attacked off the apron.

We go to PiP break as Toni goofs off on the mic. We return and Toni backcrackers her off the 2nd rope. Toni fisherman suplexes her for 2. Trish black hole backbreakers her. Toni hits punches and Trish kneeling germans her. Trish misses a corner charge and takes a hip attack for 2.

They trade forearms and Trish pump kicks her. Toni hits a short piledriver and wins.

It was another shorter one and ended before it really reached its peak. There was nothing wrong with it but there was nothing memorable about it. Toni won as expected here.

Willow Nightingale does an interview. She said Mariah may is where she was last year.  May says Toni believes in her and wants to win at home in Wembley. May says she will stop at nothing to take the cup home and says it's for Toni.

The Patriarchy do a promo. Christian said people were left in awe that he let Jay White get away with saying things to him. Christian said he didn't know he was a trios champ and doesn't think his head is in the game. He asks why he put himself in The Owen Hart Tournament. He says Juice Robinson in a child and calls The Gunn's genetic wastes. He said Colten has some promise though. He says he will take the trios titles off Jay's hand and revive them. He says he will make them prestigious and pave his road to the title. He says people are tired of seeing Jay tread water and want to see The Switchblade they were promised.

Kip Sabian of all people walks near. Kip says he lost his father. Christian says his dad was probably a loser but he won't see the disgrace he has become. He says his day will get a lot worse and tells Killswitch to take care of him. We then hear Killswitch yelling and stuff being thrown.  

AEW TNT Title - Jack Perry (c) vs Marko Stunt

This is an open challenge. MS headbutts him and hits shots. Jack lariats him. Jack hits punches and kicks on him.

MS is lawn darted in the middle buckle and of course he kicks out at 2. Jack stomps on him. Marko slaps him and hurricanrana's him. Marko codebreakers him. Marko flips off the top and is bucklebombed. Jack running knees him and wins.

Thoughts: Marko Stunt is the last person AEW needs. I don't know why they brought him back. 

The House of Black do a promo. Black says they don't feel anything and don't feel for Buddy Matthews. Black says revenge isn't a straight line. It's an unbalanced scale waiting to be balanced. Brody says they feel nothing but says Christian will feel everything.

Claudio Castagnoli vs The Beast Mortos

Here's another random one. CC takes him down. CC rolls out of a wristlock and kips up. CC wristlocks him. Mort flips off the ropes to get out. CC tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Mort then double stomps him. Mort hits shots in the corner and powerslams him. Mort misses a flying knee in the corner, goes over the top and knocks over the camera man. Mort tornillo topes him.

Mort flying headscissors him in the ring then CC throws him shoulder first into the post. CC backdrops him. We go to PiP break and return. They trade shots. Mort slingblade bulldogs him then pop-up samoan drops him.  

Mort is thrown into the corner, jumps up to the top and flies into CC with a headbutt. Mort spears CC. CC sends Mort over the top to the floor. CC running euros Mort against the rails. Mort headbutts him and rolls him up. Mort backbreakers him. Mort comes off the 2nd rope and takes a euro. CC giant swings Mort. CC running lariats Mort and wins it.

Thoughts: Mort seemed to have gotten hurt after landing on the camera man and that hurt this one here some. It was a hard hitting match and despite Mort not being that big, he came across a power guy here so this helped him out some. This was totally random though.

Matt Menard is interviewed. He says he's not feeling great. He says Daniel Garcia is at home and lost strength in the left side of his body. He says he will make a full recovery. He says he made a promise to Garcia that Garcia will get the satisfaction of putting his hands on him. He said MJF doesn't know when that will happen and said he won't get "Dick Dancing Danny Garcia". He says he will get "Red Death".

Thoughts: It was a short and decent promo here, doing exactly what it was supposed to. I would have let this wait a week though with how much of a beating Matt took. 

We get some kind of video of someone running down a tunnel and disappearing after typing in text in a command prompt. Deeb said she made history with Riho in 2021. She says she's not the same wrestler or woman she was then. She says she's not on the same level as her.

Riho vs Lady Frost

Riho is back. I wonder how long she will be back this time. Lady shoulders her over and Riho bridges out of the pin. Riho armdrags her. Lady goes up and over then hits a flipping neckbreaker for 2.

Lady is tripped into the ropes and Riho 619's her. Riho top rope crossbodies her. We go to PiP break and return. Riho does a really weird takeover by armdragged her with her legs. Riho top rope crossbodies her outside.

Riho misses a top rope double stomp. Lady spinning high kicks her then spinning air raid crashes her for 2. Lady hits a forearm and overhead belly to belly suplexes her. Lady hits a top rope moonsault for 2. Riho dragon suplexes her then ranhei's her for the win.

Thoughts: It was okay but not as good as it could have been. The finishing stretch was a little awkward. Someone got busted open somewhere here as Riho had some blood on here. I thought they would have matched up a bit better than they did though to be honest as they both do flying. This was another random one.

Shane Taylor Promotions, Top Flight and Action Andretti talk in the back. They fight next week. Shane said they should have beaten them a few weeks ago for getting involved. Action says the wait is over and they will settle this on Rampage next week. Darius says if they want to rumble, let's go. Dante talks about beating Lee last time they fought and Lee wants to fight now. Ogogo says this isn't Chuck E Cheese. He says this is a fight game and they will mess him up.

Men's Owen Hart Tournament Semifinals - "Hangman" Adam Page vs Jay White

We are told The Young Bucks said The Bang Bang Gang can't be out there with Jay. Page shoulders him over and puts the boots to him. They go outside and Jay hits boots and corner spears. Jay gets dropped with a shot then Page fallaway slams him.

Jay hits spears to the gut and chops him. Page boots him then springboard lariats him off the apron. Page throws Jay into the rails. Page swings Jay in the sleeper position and pounds on him. Page boots him. We go to PiP break and return. During the break, Page is pushed backwards over the stairs then lariats Jay over the rails, going with him. This spot got Page busted open somehow.

We return and Page is bloodied. Jay dragon screws Page then hits punches and chops. Jay ddt's Page for 2. Jay chops him and takes a spinning forearm. Jay hits a nice bladerunner then germans him.

They fight on the apron and Page flatliners him on it. Jay is powerbombed on the apron edge. Jay dragon screws him over the middle rope. Page pop up powerbombs him for 2. Page goes for a buckshot lariat and is uranage'd. Jay does a suplex and Jay is thrown into the ref. Page hits dead eye then chokes Jay with his belt. Page whips him with it. Jeff Jarrett comes down with a belt. Page argues with him and is suplexed. The ref kicks Jeff out then Christian Cage spears Jay. Page hits a buckshot lariat and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't what you would expect and was a slower match with a lot of strikes. I didn't like it too much. The interference at the end furthered storylines a little here. I don't like Jay losing as he's already basically a midcard guy now and this further makes him one. I also don't like The Patriarchy and The Bullet Club feuding as neither are faces and another turn is going to hurt The Club further.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual odd Collision show with random matches and appearances. Yeah, sometimes the matches are fun but they don't help the company. I didn't really like the main that much and I was not happy to see Marko Stunt return. Riho/Frost had some good parts to it and CC/Mortos was fun. It was about average overall.