Monday, June 3, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/23/1989

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/23/1989

Last week's show is here:

We are still in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jesse is dressed up as Santa and Vince has a santa hat on. Even the mic has Santa on it. Jesse said he needs Vince's gut to fill out his suit. He said his Christmas gift isn't coming until 2 days after Christmas when Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake get squashed by Zeus and Macho King Randy Savage.

The Ultimate Warrior vs Brian Costello

Brian hits shots to the back. Warrior isn't bothered by them. Warrior pushes him then hits chops. Warrior goes looking for something under the ring. Brian hits double axe handles on Warrior and Warrior just ignores it. Warrior chops him outside.

Warrior no sells a lariat and bangs Brian's head on his chest. Earthquake and Dino Bravo do an inset promo. Quake says it's just a matter of time until Dino takes Warrior's title. Dino says he can outpower and outwrestle him and will take this title.

Warrior clotheslines Brian then gorilla press slams him. Warrior splashes Brian's back and kneels on him to pin him.

Thoughts: It was total domination from the Warrior here. I have no idea what Warrior was looking for. Warrior didn't even acknowledge some of Brian's shots. Brian is thrown out after and Warrior throws his title on him.

Warrior carries Brian up the aisle then drops him.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene says Wednesday is a No Holds Barred Christmas. He says No Holds Barred is a great gift giving idea and to order it for someone special. We go to highlights from Survivor Series '89 with Zeus choking Hulk. Gene says no individual has tested Hulk's instinct like Zeus.

Macho King Randy Savage, Zeus and Sensational Sherri do a promo behind a cage. Macho tells Brutus and Hulk to come to their house in the cage. He says there's no rules in the cage. He says Zeus has no control and says he's like a fish out of water with rules. He says The Hulkamaniacs will see something they never thought they would see but did. Sherri climbs the cage and says Hulk won't know where he is. Zeus tells Hulk this is home and says he will destroy him. They then yell "no holds barred".

The Colossal Connection vs Burt Todd and Frankie DeFalco

Haku and Todd go at it. Haku takes him down with the waistlock. Todd wristlocks him then is lariated. Frankie gets in. Demolition do an inset promo. They wish everyone a merry christmas. They said they got their gift by being featured on WWF Spotlight Magazine. they said it will be a tough holiday season as they got The Colossal Connection.

Haku running knee lifts Frankie then he bangs Frankie's head off of Andre's head. Haku hits a nice dropkick. Haku hits a headbutt and a chop. Haku hits a stiff backdrop and bangs Todd's head off the buckles. Andre holds Todd for a superkick from Haku. Andre then punts and elbow drops Todd. Andre pins Todd to win it.

I LOL'd at Haku banging his opponent's head off Andre. That was a funny spot. Haku hit some stiff offense here and Andre was pretty much just limited to the finish here.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

1/13/90 is the next Boston Garden show. Dino Bravo, Jimmy Hart and Earthquake do a promo. Dino says he's the world's strongest man and he couldn't beat Dino in a push-up contest. Dino says he has the confidence and the power and is taking Warrior's title from him.

Jimmy Snuka does a promo on Honky Tonk Man. He calls Jimmy Hart his monkey manager and says he needs him because he needs help. He said Honky hit him with the guitar in his back and said that's the wrong place for him to hear his music. He said there's a volcano coming that is ready to explode on Honky.

Bad News Brown vs James Sexton

Brown hits James before he is even announced in and chokes James with his own jacket. Brown hits punches and bangs James' head off the mat. Brown back body drops him then elbow drops him. Brown chokes and headbutts him. Brown hits a ghetto blaster and wins it.

Thoughts: It was your usual Bad News squash where his opponent gets nothing in. Brown roughed him up like usual.

Brown slaps his opponent and throws him out after.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs Conquistador #1

Con nails Jim at the belly. He hits eye rakes and shots to the back. Jim lariats him and bangs his head off the buckles. Jim hits corner punches and bangs Con's head off the buckles again. He then hiptosses him. Jim Duggan does an inset promo. He says to watch No Holds Barred and says he hopes to get leftovers of Savage from it.

Con heads up the aisleway and Jim grabs him. Jim back elbows him in the ring then hits a three point stance lariat to win it.

Thoughts: Conquistador got a little in here at least before Duggan got the win. 

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

1/13/90 is the next Boston Garden show. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan says fans tell him he lost his sense of humor and easygoing sense. Jim says Macho and Sherri stole it from him. He said there is no way on Earth that he will sit back with his hands in his pockets. He said Savage will get beat in their match with 2 refs.

The Colossal Connection and Bobby Heenan does a promo. Haku is growling. Heenan says that means Haku is hungry. He said he feeds him when he is hungry and Demolition will be their lunch. Andre says he doesn't make a sound but catches what he wants to eat. Andre says they are the best team ever put together because The Brain put it together. 

"The Model" Rick Martel vs Warren Bianchi

Rick has a Christmas present and gives it to Warren. Warren accepts it. Rick does an inset promo. He says if there is anything left of Hulk and Beefcake, he wants it as he wants to destroy them. Warren opens the gift and it's a tie. Warren goes to shake his hand and is hit.

Rick slams Warren then chokes him with the tie. Jesse says he's just trying it on him. Rick hits a nice dropkick then elbow drops him. Rick backbreakers him then crabs him.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here but at least it was something different. I popped for Jesse saying Rick was helping Warren try the tie on when he choked him with it.

Rick piledrivers Warren after and puts the tie on Warren. Rick says it's a fashion makeover.

Jimmy Snuka plays Wrestlemania and does his usual grunting and yelling. Jesse says if The Superfly can play it, you can get it for your pet monkey for Christmas.

The Brother Love Show

Love says his guests aren't looking forward to a merry Christmas as they will have a no holds barred Christmas. He then brings out Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake.

Hulk says it won't be a merry Christmas for Savage and Zeus. He says it's a different cage match than the WWF has ever had. He said they are going to bust the two up permanently. Hulk said he's glad it's a few days after Christmas as even if you win, you still get hurt. He says Brutus knows more about the steel than anyone he knows.

Brutus says the titanium steel cage is like his titanium scissor blades that are razor sharp. He said he trained and slept with the steel like Hulk. He says someone will get their hair cut in the cage. Hulk asks what Brutus will do if he gets hurt first. He said if the Hulkamaniacs end up loving him like they love Hulk, then break his leg.

Hulk said Zeus choked him and he survived the attack after by Zeus and Macho. He said this is a whole different type of situation. He said they are going out to win and are going out there to put them out of the WWF permanently. Brutus says it will go down as the day in history when no holds were barred. Hulk then does his "whatcha gonna do" line to end the segment. 

The Powers of Pain vs Larry Lawson and Randy Fox

Warlord slams Larry and drops a fist on him. Barb boots Larry in the gut and chops him. Mr. Fuji does an inset promo. He says nobody makes a fool of him and they did last week. He vows that his Powers of Pain will take care of them forever.

Larry takes a double shoulderblock then is thrown into his own corner. Barb knees Fox in the gut then facekicks him. Warlord backdrops Fox. Warlord lifts Fox for a nasty 2nd rope diving clothesline from Barb. Barb picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a good squash. The Powers looked good here and Barb did usual stiff looking offense.

Dusty Rhodes talks on the podium. He says Santa has been good to him every year. He said he told Santa he wanted something special. He brings out Sapphire as his new manager, who he says is direct from Santa himself. They then dance on the podium. 

"Rugged" Ronnie Garvin vs Spike Jones

Spike clubs on him then bearhugs him twice. Spike hits shots in the corner then is sent into the buckles chest first. Spike takes some nice bumps for that then is hiptossed for 2. Greg Valentine does an inset promo. He asks why Ronnie is getting special treatment with the shin guard? He said everyone knows there is nothing wrong with Garvin's leg. He says Garvin will never use his leglock on him because he's the master of the leglock.

Ronnie hits headbutts and a big punch on Spike. Ron hits the Garvin stomp then sharpshooters him to win it.

Thoughts: It was an interesting squash with Spike getting a lot in and taking some nice bumps before being put down.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Bad News Brown says he never forgives or forgets. He said he didn't forget what Bret did to his trophy at Wrestlemania IV. He said that was just an avenue to him. He says he will finish him off once and for all.

The Ultimate Warrior does a promo. He said Dino proved himself to be like the other normals. He said he fears the fear. Warrior says he loves in the darkness and eats fear. He says he will destroy him.

Vince runs down next week show where we have Demolition vs The Colossal Connection for the tag titles. Heenan says Demolition has one week to think about it as they are coming back and looking for them. Heenan says the gold is coming back. Andre says they will take it back and Heenan has nothing to worry about. Demolition said they accepted the challenge and will put the titles up against anyone anytime. Smash says to bring it on.

Overall thoughts: There was not too much of note with this one. Sapphire is now officially with Dusty. We get a big title match next week with The Colossal Connection vs Demolition which should be interesting. They did the final push for No Holds Barred here as it's only a few days away. I'll covering that one. I wouldn't recommend this show as there was nothing really worth seeing.

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