Tuesday, June 4, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 6/3/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 6/3/2024 

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/wwe-monday-night-raw-5272024.html

We see Zoey, Shayna, Bron and Judgment Day arrive.

We see clips of the Becky Lynch vs Liv Morgan feud and see Liv kissing Dominik Mysterio last week. This didn't air and was only seen through social media.

Liv Morgan comes out and says welcome to the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour. She said they say revenge isn't as sweet as you think but not for her. She said she took out Rhea then became women's champ. She said then she put Becky Lynch into early retirement. She said kissing Dom was the cherry on top.

Dominik Mysterio comes out and is booed. He says he doesn't know what game Liv is playing and says when Rhea comes back, she will kill her. Liv says maybe, but she might kill him too. Liv says she iwll make it all worth it. Liv says Dom didn't come out for Becky last week, he came out for her. Liv said she meant it when she said she wanted to take everything from Rhea  and said it includes him. She then touches him. Finn tells Liv to back off. Liv says what if she and/or Dom doesn't want to go. Liv says she will go for now. Liv then touches Dom's hair.

Sheamus is interviewed by Jackie. He says he's pumped to get in the ring with Ludwig Kaiser. He said Kaiser hit him from behind. He said he thought he was Gunther's announcer and coat holder all this time. He said maybe Gunther has been holding Kaiser back. He says Kaiser will get a chance to see if he can go toe to toe with him. He said he will give him a chance to earn his respect and says the only way to earn his respect is to put on banger after banger.

Sheamus vs Ludwig Kaiser

Kaiser nails him from behind during his entrance. Ref's quickly come to break it up. We go to break and return. They trade chest slaps. Sheamus hits him in the gut then suplexes him. Kaiser take Sheamus down by the leg and hits more chops. Kaiser hits kicks to the leg and stomps on him. Kaiser clubs on him.

Sheamus lariats him over then spits back at him after Kaiser did it earlier. Sheamus euros him. Kaiser beats on Sheamus' knee. Sheamus hits leg kicks on a downed Kaiser. Sheamus lariats him over the top. Sheamus gets his leg banged off the apron.

Kaiser is sent into the rails. Kaiser stunners him over the top rope and throws him into the post. Kaiser dropkicks Sheamus' knee into the steps. We go to break and return.  

Kaiser tries to hit Sheamus' chest clubs but is blocked. Sheamus stunners Kaiser over the top. Sheamus lariats Kaiser then Kaiser hits chops. Kaiser hits stiff lariats then Sheamus slams him. Kaiser stomps Sheamus' knee into the mat.

The ref tries to stop the match but Sheamus won't let him. Kaiser chop flurries him and Sheamus calls him a b!tch. Sheamus chops him back. Kaiser leg kicks him then elbows him over the neck. Sheamus hits a pumping knee. Kaiser rolls him up for 2. Sheamus euros him and hits chest clubs on the ropes.

Kaiser leg kicks Sheamus while he's on the 2nd rope. Kaiser rolls him up off of it and pins him.

The ending wasn't the best, but it was a stiff and violent match. These two chopped and kicked the crap out of each other. It was the best match I've ever seen Kaiser in and even made me want to see them tone it down at points. This was a great match and a must see.

The Judgment Day talk in the back. Dom says he didn't do anything. Finn says that's the problem. He tells him if you play with fire you will get burned. Damian Priest comes in. Finn says the situation is taken care of. Priest asks about Rhea and Dom says he's giving her space. He says everything is fine. Priest says he works everything out with him. Priest says let's settle some scores and remind people why Judgment Day runs Raw.

Ilja Dragunov goes up to Ricochet in the back. Ric says he's good to go. Ilja says people like them need to go to the limit. Ric says if he can walk, he can fight. Ilja says he understands him and tells him to be cautious. He says Bron is wired differently. Ric says Bron's been getting in their business for too long. Ric says they can handle their business after he slaps the spray tan off Bron.

Dragon Lee does a taped promo. He says he will show the WWE Universe that there is no one like him. He says he will be ready and will do what he has always done and the ref will follow. He says he will be a legend. He says there's only one Lee and he will set the world on fire.

Dragon Lee vs Finn Balor

Finn hits forearms to the back and goes for the armbar. Lee cartwheels out of it. Lee walks up the ropes and armdrags him down. Lee armdrags him and armbars him.

Finn hits shots on him then Lee flying headscissors him. Lee topes him. We go to break and return. Lee fires up and hits some punches. Lee rebound germans Finn then hits combinacion cabron in the corner. Finn rolls him up for 2 after a JD distrction. Lee sitout powerbombs Finn for 2.

Lee finlay rolls Finn and nails JD McDonaugh on the apron. Lee goes up top and Carlito crotches Lee. Lee top rope dives Carlito and hits shots on him. Finn shotgun dropkicks Lee then hits a top rope double stomp to win.

Thoughts: We didn't get too much of this and there were a ton of shenanigans here with Judgment Day.

Judgment Day beat up Lee after. Rey Mysterio and Braun Strowman come down. Braun beats up Judgment Day . He then runs around the ring and Judgment Day run for it.

Judgment Day is in the back. Priest said he thought this Braun situation would be solved by now. He says if Carlito wants to run with the crew, he should ask Pearce for a match with Strowman. He tells him to do it tonight. Carlito says that's not cool.

R-Truth comes in. He says being in Judgment Day is like riding a roller coaster. He says when you are down they kick you. When you are up, they still kick you. Truth says being with them was the best days of his life. Miz stares at him and questions him. He says they are tag champs and these should be the best days of his life. Miz says they stole his tv. Truth says Miz is obsessed with Judgment Day and things are getting weird. Oh the usual fun with R-Truth...

Sami Zayn comes out. He says last time he was here was for Mania and said we know how that went. He said Chad Gable has been a thorn in his side. He said this is about Chad vs Sami. He proposes that Chad come out and face him man to man and they put an end to this right now.

Alpha Academy comes out minus Chad. Max says Chad said Sami doesn't deserve their time or respect. Max read a note from him. Chad laughs at the idea of his students turning on him. Chad rips them in the letter and Max reads it out. Chad says it only ends with him getting a title shot. Sami agrees.

Sami asks if the three of them have had enough. He says they are better than all of this. He said Chad doesn't get to decide what they are worth. Sami says to set yourselves fre from Chad once and for all. Chad Gable then comes out from behind and nails Sami from behind. Chad hits crossface shots and germans him.

Chad tells Otis to hit Sami. Chad slaps Otis when he doesn't and shoves him. Tozawa holds Chad back. Chad pushes Tozawa around. Max then tries to stop that. She begs for him to stop and Chad tells her to get on her knees and beg properly. Chad tells them all to get out of his ring. Otis gets in the way and stares down Chad.

Sami then hits shots on Chad. Sami is thrown into Otis. Otis knocks Tozawa and Max off the apron. Chad points his finger at Sami. Sami points back. Oti then hits a world's strongest slam on Sami. Chad holds up Sami's IC title. Otis carries Max and Tozawa to the back.

Thoughts: It's been a good angle and this was yet another chapter in the fun saga of it. This one is going to be going on for a while so I wasn't too shocked it ended the way it did here.

Adam Pearce is seen watching this on the TV. Bron Breakker comes up to Adam and says he would break Sami in half. Bron says he came here to congratulate him on putting him in a match with real competition. Adam says he doesn't deserve it. He said Bron only has a match because Ricochet asked for it. Pearce said Ric understands respect. Bron says he will teach Ric and Pearce about respect and said neither can hold him back.

Alpha Academy is in the back. Chad says Max was genius for faking an injury. Max says she's really hurt and Chad doesn't believe it. Tozawa says he is hurt too. Chad says he is so proud of Otis and kisses him. He says he's always been his #1 guy. Chad said they will accomplish their goal and win back his IC Title.

Ricochet vs Bron Breakker

Bron has a new faster paced theme with dogs barking as part of the rhythm. Ric slaps Bron and hits shots. Ric goes up and over then superkicks him. Ric rolls over Bron's back. Ric backflips into a headscissors. Ric dropkicks Bron.

Bron ropes the ropes fast and does a running punch. Bron gorilla presses Ric and drops him on the rails. We go to break and return. Ric ddt's Bron out of the gorilla press. Ric springboard lariats Bron. Ric asai moonsaults him for 2.

Bron run at him and takes a superkick. Ric hits a recoil for 2. Bron runs up the buckles and hurricanrana's Ric. Bron hits a big spear and wins.

It was a good match here with Bron showing up big when he needed to. The crowd was into him and this really couldn't have gone much better than it did. It was a nice mix of flying and high impact moves here.

Bron throws Ric into the steps after. Bron grabs the steps and various officials come out. Bron throws the steps at Ilja Dragunov. Ilja ducks it and Bron heads out through the crowd.

Rey and Vega go up to Lee backstage. They tell him he looked good out there and will get his payback. Rey says they need to handle Judgment Day. Rey says he's going for the head of it tonight - Damian Priest.

Kiana James is interviewed. She says Natalya is one of the most accomplished stars. She puts over Adam Pearce and said she asked for this match. She said to beat Nat, it validates that she is the 1% and is the perfect first step on her rise to the top.

Natalya vs Kiana James

Nat side headlock takeovers her. Nat wristlocks her. KJ headflips up. Nat rolls and headflips out of a wristlock and suplexes her. Nat goes up and over then back rolls her. KJ rolls her up then Nat goes for the armbar. KJ corner stomps her then hits corner spears. Nat spinning lariats her.

Nat basement dropkicks her for 2. Nat release germans her. KJ upkicks her then hits a 401k. KJ wins.

Thoughts: It was good to see Kiana win her debut here. The two had a pretty good wrestling match here with them both looking athlete and moving well.

The New Day are interviewed. They aren't worried about Kross. Kofi says they are the best to ever do this. They said many teams have tried to come and stop them and failed. Karrion Kross comes in. He says the power of positivity is dead. Kofi doesn't agree and says AOP will find out the hard way tonight. Kross says Woods won't have to follow Kofi around anymore after tonight.

Natalya talks to Sonya Deville in the back and says enough is enough and it's time for a change. Sonya goes up to Zoey and Shayna. They said they do't care what she has to say. They said they invited Bianca and Jade here so they know they are here. Sonya says not to do anything brash. Shayna says to leave them alone. Sonya wore some stupid jewel paint over her eye brow that did not look right.

Braun Strowman vs Carlito

Carlito is rushed and pulls Braun's throat down over the top rope. Braun throws him in the corner. Carlito dropkicks Braun then Braun shoulders him over. Braun throws him. JD and Finn get on the apron. JD is hit. Carlito hits Braun from behind and misses a backstabber. Braun picks him up by the back of the neck and drops him chest first to win.

Judgment Day beat up Braun after then Braun hits a double clothesline. Dom clips Braun. Braun swats a chairshot away and Dom heads out. Braun stalks him as he crawls. Liv Morgan then comes out and gets in the way of Braun. She shakes her head. JD topes Braun then Braun takes a 3v1. JD hits Braun with a chair all over his body. JD chsairs Braun's knee several times. Dom goes up to Liv after. Liv flirts with him and Finn gets in the middle and tells her no.

The match was just a quick one full of shenanigans. The Liv/Dom stuff is interesting though and really provides a ton of different storytelling possibilities that should be interesting.

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill come out to talk. Bianca says she hasn't been on Raw in a while. She says they are defending their tag titles on both brands. Jade said they have a speicl invite to Raw and came to collect with Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark.

Shayna and Zoey come out. Zoey said she's shocked they came and doesn't remember the last time the titles were on Raw. Zoey said she thought they were ducking and dodging. Shayna says they should be scared of them as they will send them back to SD when they get their title match. Shayna said they can kee pdodging them there. Jade says why don't we do the match right here and right now. Shayna agrees.

Adam Pearce comes out and confirms that these four want this match. Adam asks if the crowd wants this match and says get me a ref.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair (c) vs Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler

SB = Shayna Baszler, BB = Bianca Belair

BB slams SB then shoulders her over. SB hits boots on BB. BB goes up and over then spears her in the corner. Jade dominators BB onto SB. Zoey springboard dropkicks BB then Jade gordbusters Zoey. Jade superkicks Zoey.

Jade and BB delay suplex their opponents at the same time then do stereo kip-ups. We go to break and return. BB shoulders over and dropkicks Zoey. BB backdrops SB. BB suplexes Zoey then corner spears her. BB hits corner punches on SB then spinebusters Zoey. BB handsrping moonsaults Zoey.

BB throws SB out. SB running knees BB. SB is pulled out and sent into the steps. Jade then goes into the steps. Zoey rolls up BB for 2. BB hits a KOD on Zoey. Alba Fyre and Islaw Dawn then run in and beat up Jade and BB for the DQ ending.

SB and Zoey join in on the beatdown on Jade and Bianca. 

Thoughts: It was short, nothing too special and had a dirty finish.

Damian Priest is interviewed. He agrees that Judgment Day has had success tonight. He says Rey has been a thorn in their side for a while. He says he has to close the door on the issue with Rey. Drew McIntyre walks in. Drew says his life will be good in 2 weeks at clash at the Castle. Drew says this is it and is as high as Priest will reach. He tells him to live up and says Priest wanted to make it personal and now it is.

Jey Uso does a promo in the crowd. Jey says he's got big plans for himself. He says last summer was MITB with the Bloodline Civil War. He said it was tough on him.  

He said he's not a right hand man for anyone now and can be Main Event Jey Uso. He thanks the crowd for being with him. He said he has one more plan this summer and that's win MITB.

Lyra Valkyria is interviewed. She said Becky is disappointed but says she's at her best when people think they have her beat. She said she will come back better than ever and that's how real winning is done.  Cathy asks how can Lyra get around with her. Lyra said she proved she can do this on her own and said like Jey Uso, MITB is her goal. Iyo Sky then jumps Lyra. She sends her into the rollaway door and boxes. Iyo then runs around and scream. 

The New Day vs The Authors of Pain

Woods dropkicks Razar and hits corner punches. Razar misses a facekick but it is sold anyway. Razar hits mounted shots. Akam knees Woods in the gut and clubs on him. Akam twists Woods' head. Woods enzugiri's him.

Woods superkicks Akam. Scarlett gets on the apron and Kross goes up to Kofi. Woods goes for the tag but no one is there. Akam corner lariats Woods and Woods takes a neckbreaker + sitout powerbomb combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was just a quick one with a lot of shenanigans.

Alba Fyre and Islaw Dawn are interviews. Alba says they weren't given the same opportunities of other people here and didn't get a title shot. Alba says SB and Zoey never beat them and Isla isn't happy about being left off Clash at the Castle. 

Damian Priest vs Rey Mysterio

Rey takes a big boot and a falcon arrow for 2. Rey spinning headscissors DP then asai moonsaults him outside. Rey slingshots in and DP hits a lifting flatliner. DP stomps on Rey. DP side slams him for 2.

DP knocks Rey out of the ring with a shot and tells him to stay down. Rey spin kicks DP then step up enzugiri's him. Rey hits leg kicks. DP misses a corner splash and Rey rolls him into the buckles.

Rey enzugiri's DP from the apron. Rey top rope la silla's DP. Rey springboard twisting crossbodies DP. Rey hits corner punches and corner spears. Rey is thrown into the corner and lands on the ropes in a weird way. Rey ddt's DP for 2.

Rey is caught on an asai moonsault. DP hits snake eyes and a big lariat for 2. They fight up top and Rey hurricanrana's him off the 2nd rope. Rey hits a 619 then slinghsot splashes him for 2.

Carlito gets on the apron. Dragon Lee goes after then nails him off the steps. Lee hits shots then Judgment Day stop Lee. Rey tornillos out to save Lee. Rey gets caught up top and takes a south of heaven chokeslam. DP then picks up the win.

It was a good big man vs little man match here. What Rey is able to do at his age is just unbelievable. 

Drew nails Priest after from behind. Drew then hits a future shock ddt. Drew beats up the other members of Judgment Day. He throws JD across the ring. Drew yells at Cole then Priest chokeslams Drew through the table. Priest then poses over top of Drew.

Overall thoughts: It was a pretty good show. The opener was great. The main was good. Kiana had a good showing on her debut and the Alpha Academy/Sami stuff looks to be on its way to being a great storyline.

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