Monday, June 3, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/16/1989

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/16/1989

Last week's show is here:

They are in Indianapolis, Indiana and talk about it. Vince puts Indiana over as a place with great schools. Jesse says it's the alma mater of Mr. Belvedere and Alfred (Batman's Butler). He says Belvedere University is where they teach you to wait on people.

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs Tom Stone

Tom makes fun of Piper's kilt. Piper runs him over then bangs his head off the bottom buckle. Piper jumps off the apron and hits him. Piper spinning punches him. Brother Love does an inset promo. He says Rick Rude has promised him he will teach Piper a message about humiliation.

Piper back body drops Tom then backdrops him. Piper then pins Tom with his kilt over his face.

Thoughts: It was your usual out of control Piper squash with him being a wild madman. I liked Tom making fun of his kilt.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene says it will be a No Hols Barred Christmas. He says Zeus was awesome in the movie and has been testing Hulk time and time again.

Brutus Beefcake and Hulk Hogan do a promo behind a cage. Brutus says fans are asking if they have crossed the line and gone too far with the cage. Brutus says he's asked if it's destiny or revenge. Hulk says it's destiny and said they crossed over the line. He says he is hearing from the new Hulkamainacs, not the old ones who know you have to train, take your vitamins and do what you must to stay alive. Hulk says there is no choice but to settle this in a cage. Hulk says the fury of The Madness and The Mania will go down in the ring. Hulk says they will know how hard the titanium steel bars are and says they will find out that Brutus and Hulkamania are the strongest force in the universe. 

The Bolsheviks vs Mark Young and Mike Sheldon

Nik sings the Russian national anthem before the match. Boris nails Mark from behind. Mark backrolls him then cradles him. Mark's head is banged off the buckles. Mark slides under Nik and dropkicks him.

Nik clubs on Mike when he gets in. Nik hits a stiff knee to the gut then double underhook suplexes Mike. Nik stomps Mike. Boris boots Mike. The Bushwhackers do a promo. They say they will take care of The Russian's for all. Boris trips Mike into a Nik stomp. Nik drops Mark on the top rope throat first. Mike is sent into the buckles chest first then Boris lariats him hard in the back of the head to win.

Thoughts: It was a decent squash here. As usual, Nik's offense looked good. Boris' lariat to the back of the head was nice. 

Dusty Rhodes vs Al Burke

Al goes out and is chopped. Dusty throws him back in. We see Sapphire cheering from the seats. Dusty elbows Al. We see Sapphire do an inset promo. She said Dusty came to save her and she was so happy she got to meet The American Dream. Dusty slams Al then back elbows him. Dusty elbow drops Al several times and gets the pin.

Thoughts: Al was a good jobber as usual here and was beaten pretty easy. Sapphire talked for the first time here through an inset promo.

Dusty brings in Sapphire after. They dance. Vince says, "I've never seen polka dots move like that before".

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Reno Riggins

Tony Schiavone and Lord Alfred Hayes are on commentary here. A fan holds up a Ted Dibiase money waste basket. Ted and Virgil try to pay off Reno. Ted slaps him around. Ted turns his back and Reno top rope dropkicks him.

Reno hits another dropkick and sends Ted out. Reno headscissors Ted over the top to the inside. He tries again and is back body dropped to the floor. Reno's head is banged off the apron and he is slammed on the floor.

Ted slaps Reno around with money then Ted lariats Reno. Ted suplexes Reno and calls out Jake Roberts. Ted Dibiase does an inset promo. He says he will buy the publishing company that published the WWF Magazine with Jake on it and put them out of business.

Ted elbows Reno off the 2nd rope then powerslams him.  Ted puts him in the million dollar dream and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a decent squash here with Reno getting some offense in. Ted is one of the better squashers on this show. His opponents usually get a little in and Ted has good enough offense and personality to get the match over.

"The Model" Rick Martel models some clothing with Lord Alfred Hayes narrating. Rick says he doesn't need sunglasses to look flashy but says when you have as beautiful of eyes as he does, you have to protect them.

Hercules vs Craig Green

Craig's maybe taller then Herc and Herc shoulders him over. Herc bangs Craig's head off the buckles. Herc hiptosses him and armlocks him. Herc elbows him in the back of the head then slams him. Herc torture racks him and wins.

Thoughts: It was short and boring. Craig wanted to go toe to toe here and wasn't doing any big bumps to put Herc over.

The Brother Love Show

Love says it's not going to be a merry Christmas for Brutus and Hulk. Love brings out Macho King Randy Savage, Sensational Sherri and Zeus. Macho says it won't be a merry Christmas for Brutus and Hulk. It will be a steel cage match with no holds barred. Zeus talks about getting his hands around Hulk's neck. Zeus says it's No Holds Barred then Macho and Sherri say "No Holds Barred".

Thoughts: They said almost nothing here but "No Holds Barred".

The Rockers vs The Brooklyn Brawler and Dale Wolfe

Brawler hits a back elbow and lariat on Marty. Brawler stomps Marty. Marty hits some shots back and Brawler blocks Marty's sunset flip. Marty ducks a lariat and gives Brawler one of his own.

Shawn works Brawler's arm. Shawn goes up and over then is hit on a backdrop attempt. Brawler is thrown off the buckles. Dale gets in. He side headlocks Shawn. Shawn dropkicks him into Marty's slam. Mr. Fuji does an inset promo. He rips them for wearing filthy clothes and says his Powers of Pain will teach them a lesson they won't forget.

Dale is outside and thrown back in. Marty crossbodies Dale then dropkicks him. Dale takes punches from both Rockers then is powerslammed. The Rockers hit stereo top rope fist drops and pick up the win.

Thoughts: It was pretty even here. The Brawler was put over and didn't sell much here, leaving that one to Dale.

Mr. Fuji comes out with a microphone after. He says his Powers of Pain want a match with The Rockers. I don't know what else Fuji is saying but The Rockers double dropkick him and double slam him. The Rockers then hit stereo top rope fist drops. Jesse rips The Rockers for beating up an old man and says he will pay for it.

We see The Genius play the Wrestlemania video game. He says it doesn't take a genius to play this game, but it helps.

Dino Bravo vs Scott Colton

Jesse says Scott is put together pretty well. Dino shoves Scott back. Dino, Quake and Hart do an inset promo. Quake says he can't wait until Dino gets his hands around The Ultimate Warrior's neck. Dino says he will take the title from Warrior.

Dino shoulders Scott over then backdrops him. Dino piledrivers him then hits an elbow drop. Dino chops him over then boots him in the gut for 2. Dino throws Scott out then Quake throws Scott back in.

Dino airplane spins Scott then throws him down. Dino lifts him on the count. Dino side slams Scott and wins.

Thoughts: It was a totally one-sided squash as usual from Dino and was boring.

Earthquake does a big butt drop on Scott after.

Vince and Jesse hype up next week's show to end it.

Overall thoughts: The WWF Event Center's were missing from this one so it was a shorter show than usual. It was pretty much all about No Holds Barred: The Movie/The Match here and not much else happened. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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