Monday, June 3, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/9/1989

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/9/1989

Last week's show is here:

They are in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jesse and Vince welcome us to the show. Jesse asks what a Hoosier is.  Vince says Bobby Knight might throw a chair at him if he doesn't watch what he says. He says Bobby isn't a Hoosier, he's a hoser like Vince.

Jake Roberts vs Todd Becker

Jake side headlocks him then shoulders him over twice. Jake steps over Todd then Todd slams him. Todd misses an elbow drop then Jake slams him. Jake does an inset promo. He says if Ted Dibiase wants to find out what will happen to him, just get the new WWF Magazine where Jake is on the cover. He says there's nothing Ted can do about it.

Jake hits more slams. Jake lifts him by the arm and throws him then Jake armlocks him. Jake lariats him out of the corner then ddt's him. Jake then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here. Jake hit a bunch of slams here and Todd really only got one slam in.

As usual, Jake puts Damien on Todd. Vince wonder what Jake will get Damien for Christmas and Jesse says, "probably Becker".

WWF Update with Mean Gene

No Holds Barred: The Match/The Movie is a little over 2 weeks away. They show clips from Survivor Series 1989 with Hulk's team and Zeus' team. Zeus chokes Hulk and pushes the ref away when he tries to break it up. The ref then disqualifies Zeus. We then see clips from the interview after with Brutus Beefcake and Hulk Hogan. Hulk says Brutus pulled his team through and they proved they are survivors. Hulk says they are going out to win the cage match and put out Macho/Zeus from the WWF. Hulk says the cage match doesn't seem like his kind of match. He says it looks like Zeus could handle anyone in the arnea. Hulk tells Brutus to keep his clipper near the cage.

Queen Sherri walks in and yells at Hulk. She asks what they will do when there's no holds barred. Sherri then throws powder at Hulk and Brutus. Zeus and Macho then come in and choke them. The wrestlers come in to stop them including heels. 

The Hart Foundation vs Al Burke and Brad Perry

Anvil throws Brad back. Brad's actually bigger than Anvil is. Anvil slams him then shoulders him over. Anvil throws Al across the ring. Bret boots and punches Al. Bret snapmares him and elbow drops him. Al takes a backbreaker then is put in tree of woe. The Hart's stomp Al then Anvil throws Al again.

Anvil slams Brad then Brad takes a hart attack. Bret picks up the win on Brad.

It was a good squash here. Al took some nice bumps off of throws and Brad looked like a suitable challenger for Anvil.

"The Model" Rick Martel models some clothes as Lord Alfred Hayes narrates. Rick says there is a fashion crisis in the US today. He says he will donate his services to raise the level of fashion awareness.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

He hypes up the 12/9/89 Boston Garden show, which is tonight. The Bushwhackers fight The Bolsheviks in a ball and chain match. Mr. Perfect and The Genius do a promo. He says when he was a kid, the only thing he wanted to do was become WWF champ. He says Hulk is giving himself away by getting in a cage with Macho/Zeus. He says he will get weakened from it and will deliver the title to him. Perfect says the title is his.

The Bushwahckers do a promo. They say The Bolsheviks are coming out of the iron curtain. Butch says they will show them what they will do and send them back to where they belong. Sean says there's no diplomacy involved in that match.

We see clips of The Big Boss Man hitting Dusty Rhodes and Tito Santana with a night stick at Survivor Series 1989. Dusty gets handcuffed to the ropes and Boss hits him with the stick. Boss then chokes Dusty with it. Brutus grabs his clippers and Boss backs off.

The Big Boss Man vs Larry Lawson

Sapphire is in the crowd wearing her normal attire, though they still haven't named her. Boss clubs on Larry and uppercuts him. Boss hits a back elbow then headbutts him. Boss boots him down then hits a nice shoulderbreaker.

Boss does an inset promo. He said it's not often that  you see him happy. He says what happened at Survivor Series is nothing compared to what he will do with Dusty with the ball and chain.

Boss clubs on Larry then lariats him. Boss sidewalk slams Larry and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided squash with Larry getting nothing in.

Boss puts the ball and chain on Larry after then lariats him. Boss drops the ball on Larry then chokes him with the chain. Vince doesn't approve and Jesse brings up how Jake does the same thing and he likes it. Slick and Sapphire argue then Sapphire slaps Slick. Boss goes up to Sapphire and yells at her. Dusty Rhodes then comes out with a night stick and Boss backs up. Dusty says don't put your hands on her and Dusty walks her out. 

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

He hypes up the 12/9/89 Boston Garden show, which is tonight. Hulk Hogan does a promo. He said Perfect is in real deep. He says it's more than just business, it's personal. He said millions of Hulkamaniacs cried when Perfect destroyed the belt. He said he wants to get even with him then destroy his perfect record. Hulk said he jumped The Sheik in 1984 from behind and beat him for the belt in MSG. He said they have never been in such danger as they are now. He says he knows Perfect can hook his leg but can he throw him down?

Brutus Beefcake vs Alan Reynolds

Jesse says to enjoy Brutus for now because The Barber will have done his last styling job at No Holds Barred. Rick Martel does an inset promo. He said he can't believe he's stupid enough to hang with Hogan and get himself in a cage match. He said he will get rid of him if he's still around after as he's an insult to fashion and wrestling.

Alan knees him in the gut and clubs on him. Alan hits shots to the gut then Brutus hits a punch flurry. Brutus stomps him then hits shots on him in the corner. Brutus puts him in a sleeper and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a short and nothing squash here with Brutus getting the easy win.

Brutus gives Alan a haircut after in true face fashion.

The Brother Love Show

Rick Rude and Bobby Heenan are the guests. Love says he has never been humiliated and Heenan says Piper humiliated himself by tying up Love. Rude yells on the mic about Piper. He says Piper cost him his IC Title and said he paid a bimbo to say he has "stink breath". He asks Piper if he's man enough to come and try to put a diaper on him (that's what Piper did to Love). Rude says he's the monster that Piper created.  Heenan says he won't be responsible for what Rude does to Piper. He says he's mad.

Thoughts: This was not good and felt childish.

The Bushwhackers vs Cleo Reeves and WT Jones

The BW's rub each others heads and Butch licks Luke's head. Butch clubs on a jobber and back elbows him. Luke hits an elbow to the head and eye pokes him. The Bolsheviks do an inset promo. Brois says The BW's have no wrestling skills and need to be taught a lesson. Nikolai says they are the ugliest and stinkiest wrestlers he ever saw and wants to put them out of their misery.

Luke hits a double throat thrust. Luke hits punches. Butch knees WT in the gut then battering rams him with Luke. WT takes a double gutbuster and Luke pins WT.

Thoughts: WT had a Mr. T haircut here and looked pretty wild. It was your usual Bushwhackers squash here with no real wrestling holds or moves and just various shots.

The fans rub Butch's head after.

The No Holds Barred Report

Gene says it will be a No Holds Barred Christmas. Macho King Randy Savage, Queen Sherri and Zeus do a promo behind a cage. Macho says they got Hulk and Brutus' attention.  Sherri says she got them with powder from the cauldron of madness. Zeus calls Brutus "Beefcake Barber" and says he will break their necks in half. Macho says he can't control Zeus and washes his hands of him. He says you gotta eat cake.

Mr. Perfect vs Jim Evans

The Genius does a poem putting over Mr. Perfect then brings him out. Big chants for Hogan here. Perfect slaps Jim then turns around. Jim hits Perfect from behind then Perfect hits knees. Perfect drops his knees onto Jim's leg and Genius says Hulk can't do that. Mr. Perfect and Genius do an inset promo. Perfect tells Hulk to do the cage match as it makes his job easier.

Perfect butt drops Jim's leg on the ropes then hits a perfectplex for the win.

Thoughts: Jim got a little in here which was nice and they did a decent job of pushing the Hulk/Perfect match while this one went on.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

He hypes up the 12/9/89 Boston Garden show, which is tonight. Greg Valentine and Jimmy Hart talk about Ronnie Garvin. Hart says the shin guard should be illegal. Greg says Garvin isn't hurt and it's a cheap way out. Greg says he's the master of the figure four and says he will be carried out on a stretcher.

Dusty Rhodes does a promo on The Big Boss Man. He says he will give him some real southern justice when he ball and chains him. He says he will throw away the key. He says the ball and chain ain't going nowhere except around Boss' legs. He says he will throw the key to America to keep forever.

Vince and Jesse close the show and hype up next week's show.

Overall thoughts: This one was pretty much all about hyping up No Holds Barred: The Movie/The Match and Dusty/Boss Man. There wasn't a ton of news here on this one and as usual, it was all squashes. I wouldn't recommend this.

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