Friday, June 7, 2024

WWE Smackdown 6/7/2024

WWE Smackdown 6/7/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Bloodline come out to start the show. Paul says Solo Sikoa sits at the head of the table until Roman Reigns comes back. Paul says tonight is a double proclamation and says Tama Tonga was already made a fully-fledged member of The Bloodline. He said he will not only be known as Tama Tonga but "Tama Tonga The Right Hand Man". Paul also says Tanga Loa is a member and calls him "Infamous".

Solo says Paul is forgetting something. He says Paul should thank Tama and Loa for saving him from Kevin Owens last week. Paul does. Tama save they could have let Owens kill him but they saved him by orders of The Tribal Chief. Paul says he's been hearing that Kevin Owens is looking for a piece of any and every Bloodline member.

Kevin Owens comes out. He spears Tama in the ring and hits shots on Loa. He then hits shots on Solo and is beaten up 3v1. The Street Profits come out to help. Owens chairs Loa and Solo. Owens then chairs Tama too after superkicks from The Street Profits. The Bloodline back off.

Thoughts: Paul was great here as usual. Loa kind of got buried here as Tama is now the right hand man and he's just "The Infamous".

Solo runs into Paul in the back and asks if he is trying to leave. Solo tells him to make a 6-man tonight or says the main event will be in the locker room with Tama vs Paul. Paul says he likes the 6-man choice better and Solo says it's a wise choice. 

Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill vs Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae

BB = Bianca Belair, CL = Candice LeRae

We see an inset with Indi and LeRae complaining about Jade and Bianca to Nick Aldis. Nick says the LeRae vs Jade match is now a tag match. Alba, Isla, Zoey and Shayna come out. BB cradles CL. BB flips over CL off the 2nd rope then corner spears her. BB suplexes her then kips up BB handspring moonsaults her for 2. Indi knocks over BB then flips CL onto BB.

We go to break and return. Indi double axe handles BB. BB makes the tag to Jade. Jade swinging backbreakers CL then suplexes Indi. Jade gorilla press throws CL onto Indi. Jade superkicks Indi. CL is thrown out. Indi is lifted into a ddt and wheelbarrow german. Jade pins Indi to win.

It was short with the break eating up most of this. What we got wasn't much here.

The four girls watching outside beat up Jade and Bianca after. Jade is thrown into the rails then Bianca is too. Shayna, Alba, Isla and Zoey then fight. Jade pump kicks Shayna. Bianca spinebusters Zoey. Alba takes a jade end then Isla takes a KOD.

Cody Rhodes is mad in the back. Nick Aldis comes up to him and says he got played by AJ Styles too. He says it's not in the companies best interest for them to fight in the loading docks as someone could get hurt. Cody says someone will get hurt and it's not him. Cody says this is between him and AJ and tells him to step aside.

Apollo Crews is interviewed. He goes to say something about Angel Garza then is jumped by Legado del Fantasma. Then it is broke up.

LA Knight asks Nick Aldis where Logan Paul is. Nick shows him his phone and LA says he's playing Tetris. Carmelo Hayes comes in and says LA is talking about a guy who isn't here. He says he's been cooking LA the last three weeks. LA says since Nick has an opening for a match tonight, it should be him vs Melo. Nick agrees.

Johnny Gargano vs Grayson Waller

JG hits shots and boots om GW. GW punches him then hits knees to the head. JG rolls him into a kick then chops him. GW backbreakers JG then JG hurricanrana's him. GW rolls in and is backdropped. JG misses a plancha outside. JG does a sliced bread on the floor to GW.

We go to break and return. GW works JG's neck. JG hits lariats then slingshot spears him. Waller doesa fireman's carry sitout drop for 2. JG and GW trade forearms. JG superkicks him then kicks him in the head. GW hits a jumping knee then JG does something like a twisting canadian destroyer.

GW pulls Theory into a JG tope to avoid it. JG is sent into the post then GW does a flipping unprettier to win it.

Thoughts: I didn't like this one. It was pretty flippy, JG seemed to hurt himself outside on the sliced bread and I didn't like the corkscrew canadian destroyer not meaning anything.

Nick Aldis comes up to Cody Rhodes in the back with security. He says AJ Styles is arriving any second and this is just a precuation.

We go to break and return. AJ arrives with The OC and Cody goes for him. Security is involved and Cody heads to ringside.

Cody comes out and tells AJ to come to the ring. AJ, The OC, Aldis and Security come out. AJ asks if Cody thinks he cares what he wants. AJ says what he wants is irrelevant to him. AJ says to give him what he wants and says he wants a title match at Clash at the Castle. Cody says he won't just beat him, he will make say what he should have said last week - I Quit.

Cody beats up security to try and get to AJ. Security stops him. AJ then flying forearms the whole security pile with Cody.

It was an okay segment here. Cody finally has some real direction with this AJ feud.

Bianca and Jade are interviewed after talking to nick Aldis. Bianca says they wanted to know their tag match at Clash at the Castle and said there will be a triple threat for the tag titles with them vs Alba/Isla and Shayna/Zoe.

LA Knight vs Carmelo Hayes

Melo clubs and knees LA. LA hits punches then LA hits a hard lariat out of the corner. LA throws Melo over the top. Melo's head is banged off the commentary table. Melo rams LA's back into the apron edge.
Melo is back body dropped onto the commentary table then LA pounds on him.

We go to break and return. LA hits punches then Melo springboard twisting lariats him. LA throws Melo in but Melo rolls through it. LA pop-up drops Melo then hits stomps in the corner. LA running knees him in the corner then Melo superkicks him. Melo hits a la mistica for 2.

Melo hits forearms and chops. LA chops him over then slams him. LA misses an elbow drop and Melo cradles him. They trade shots and LA pop-up powerslams him. LA hits an elbow drop. Melo rolls him up and LA reverses it to win.

LA gets on the mic after. He tells Logan Paul to play all the games he wants. He said if Logan doesn't want to come to Smackdown, he will bring Smackdown to him.

Thoughts: It was a lose-lose here as neither guy needed the loss. They matched up better than I had expected but it wasn't some long and epic match. It was okay for what it was but I'd like to see a rematch. I'm not real sure where this leaves Melo though and all this losses are hurting him.

Tiffany Stratton goes up to Nia Jax. She said so many people are gunning for her and she has Nia's back. She says no one can stop them together and tells her to think about it. Michin goes up to Nia. Nia tells her to take a page out of AJ's book and actually retire. Michin throws a drink at her and Nia throws her onto a table. Refs then break it up.

Bayley comes out to talk. She says she steps into unfamiliar territory next week when she faces Piper Niven for the first time. Piper Niven and Chelsea Green come out. Green says she talks a big game despite being a big loser. She said she was a loser in Saudi, a loser last week and a loser partner in Naomi. She says she will be a loser when Piper finishes her and they become the tag champs.

Bayley says Piper doesn't need her. She says they will be in Piper's home country and says she knows it will be more than just a title match for her. She says she knows it will mean more than everything. She said Piper could have just asked for a title match but attacked her. She said she will have fun beating her in her own country. Piper says she's saving beating her until next week in her home country.

Piper says Bayley doesn't know about her journey. She said she's been putting Scottish wrestling on the map since the 2000's. She says she was already a champ before she stepped in the door. She said if Bayley had any idea how dangerous she was, she wouldn't stand so close to her. She says her respect won't stop her from drilling her head into the mat and taking her title. She says she hopes the respect she has for her makes it less painful when Piper stands over her as champ.

Thoughts: It was a good segment here that explained Piper's motivations and her being the hometown girl at the PPV.

Logan Paul does a video message. He says a WWE mega star who never won a title is looking for him. Logan says he's not there and is in LA to compete in the World Tetris Championship. He said he's coming home with another belt. He said LA did nothing to get his attention and said he's a walking catchphrase. He said he's not on his level and tells him to go back to the midcard where he belongs.

Thoughts: I don't like the midcard being mentioned here but Logan's promo was good otherwise. They should stop pushing how LA hasn't won a title yet though as it does make him look bad. 

Piper and Chelsea talk in the back. They run into Nick Aldis and Naomi. Naomi tells Chelsea to keep her name out of her mouth. Nick separates them and says he doesn't have time for this. He asks if they will face each other next week and they agree.

Kevin Owens and The Street Profits vs The Bloodline (Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa)

Dawkins hits punches on Tama then flying back elbows him. Dawkins corkscrew splashes him in the corner and spinning enzugiri's him. Ford shoulders Tama over. Ford hits spears to the body of Tama. Loa slams Ford then Tama slingshot swantons Ford. Ford goes up and over Tama and hits a stiff lariat.

Tama is back body dropped over the top then Solo bangs Ford's head off the apron and post. We go to break and return.

Solo samoan drops Ford. Solo corner hip attacks Ford. Tama sliding lariats Ford. Tama misses a sliding lariat and goes out. Ford enzugiri's Tama. KO is tagged in and stomps on Solo in the corner. Ko corner cannonballs Solo then hits a top rope swanton for 2.

Solo and KO superkick each other and Solo larias him over. KO stunners him then is pulled out by Tama and Loa. KO is beaten up outside then Dawkins joins in. Ford tope con hilos over the post into all of them. Solo chairs Ford for the DQ loss.

Dawkins pounds on Solo then is clubbed on by Loa. Solo samoan spikes Dawkins then spears Ford. KO is triple teamed outside. KO is triple powerbombed onto the commentary table. The Bloodline then pose over KO.

Thoughts: What we got was a good but short match. Tama continues to look good. I would have liked a clean finish here and I do think Bloodline should have gotten the win.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall. Clash at the Castle is coming along well. Paul Heyman's doing a fantastic job as usual and they finally got Cody on a decent path.

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