Friday, June 7, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 6/7/2024

WE NXT Level Up 6/7/2024

Last week's show is here:

Tank Ledger vs Tavion Heights

Tank puts his helmet on Bryon's head during his entrance.

They lock up. Tav takes him down and side headlocks him. Tank headscissors him and Tank kips out of it. Tav side headlock takeovers him. Tank trips him and Tav side headlock takeovers him. Tank body blocks him and splashes him in the corner. Tank goes up and over and splashes him again.

Tank flying shoulders him then Tav belly to belly suplexes him. Tav waistlock takedowns Tank and rams him chest first into the buckles. Tav russian legsweeps him. Tank hits a big lariat and Tav upkicks him.

Tank knees him in the gut then atomic drops him. Tank 2nd rope twisting shoulderblocks him. Tav rolls him up. Tank blocks a belly to belly and hits a bubba bomb for the win.

Thoughts: It didn't look that good on paper and wasn't. These two didn't match up that well at all and Tav didn't get a lot of offense in.

Wren Sinclair is interviewed. She said she has shown that she can climb to the top of the women's division through the NXT Combine. She said she is proud of herself. She said Adriana Rizzo is tough and says she will do her all to take her down. Wren high fives herself then the interviewer high fives her.

Adriana Rizzo vs Wren Sinclair

Wren has new gear and finally got rid of the stupid half-shorts and half-full legged pants outfit.

Wren shoots in and Rizz wristlocks her. Wren rolls and Rizz rolls with her. Wren armdrags her then Rizz hammerlocks her. Rizz trips her then hits a dropkick.  Wren bckslides her. Rizz misses a corner charge then they bridge up together.

Wren cobra twists her. Wren back elbows her and Rizz pushes off the bottom rope to get out of a pin in a new and clever spot. Rizz backrolls her then does a flipping butt drops on her and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a short one here. Rizz's new finisher was pretty cool and her using the ropes to get out of a pin was pretty cool. It was okay for what it was but just so-so. Wren didn't look that great for being a vet

Wren does The Family's hand taunt with them after.

Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne vs Drake Morreaux and Javier Bernal

JB backs up Riley off the lock up. JB side headlocks him then Riley handstands out. Riley shoulders him over then dropkicks him. Drake shoulders Riley over and Riley does a big bump for it.

Riley dropkicks him and takes a running lariat. JB hits boots and forearms on Riley. Riley flying headscissors him. Duke corner uranages JB then flips Riley onto him.

Duke back elbows JB then elbow drops him. Duke slams Riley onto JB for 2. Riley suplexes JB. Riley is distracted by Drake on the ropes then crotched by JB and knocked over. Drake corner splashes and big boots Riley.

JB chops and stomps Riley. JB double underhook suplexes him. JB spinning headscissors Riley into the ropes. JB superkicks Riley in the side of the head hten Drake backdrops Riley for 2. Riley flying snapmares Drake.

Duke is tagged in and cleans house. Duke side slams JB then shoulders Drake over. Duke hits the bionic elbow then facekicks JB off the apron. Riley tope con hilos JB and lands right on his ankle. Duke reverse ddt's Drake and wins.

Thoughts: It was a perfectly fine tag here. Riley sold well and Drake did a good job as the big man here. It wasn't that long so it wasn't as good as it could have been but it was alright.

Overall thoughts:
There was nothing must see here. The main was okay which helped things but the other two matches weren't that good. I don't recommend this one.

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