Saturday, June 8, 2024

AEW Rampage 6/7/2024

AEW Rampage 6/7/2024

Last week's show is here:

Penta El Zero Miedo vs The Butcher

They push each other and Butch decks him wit ha forearm. Penta superkicks him and Butch facekicks him. Penta hits another superkick and a step up enzugiri. Penta pendulum double boots him in the corner.

Penta hits leg kicks then headscissors him. Butch shoulders over Alex outside when Penta moves. Penta sends Butch into the steps and calls for help for Alex. Butch forearms Penta down then lariats him against the apron. Butch hits corner lariats Penta then kicks Penta in the back.

We go to break and return. Butch is stomping on Penta. Penta hits slingblades then Butch slingblades him for 2. Penta goes up and over in the corner and hits a backcracker. Butch half-nelson backbreakers him for 2.

Penta spin kicks him then hits a package piledriver. Penta then wins it.

Butch lost as expected here. This was just filler and wasn't the smoothest match ever.

The Learning Tree come out. Jericho tells Menard not to talk over other announcers and tells him to keep his face up. He says something about winning an award from The Wrestling Observer, so he knows what he is talking about. We couldn't hear what was said clearly here.

The Acclaimed vs Hunter Grey and Parviz

These guys were on Dark a long time ago. Parv had a different and less stupid name. Max and Grey trade. Parv goes into the post. Grey gets out of an attitude adjustment then takes one. Max top rope elbow drops Grey and wins it.

It was just a quick squash here that didn't do much for The Acclaimed.

Shane Taylor Promotions do a promo. They say they were going to call out the best and the baddest and that's what they have done. Shane says that leads them to Top Flight and Action Andretti (lol the best eh?). Shen says he will hurt both of Top Flight and make Action fly solo. Ogogo says being in the ring with him is a scary place to be and he says he will smash them up.

The Gates of Agony vs Private Party

Zay and Kaun start us off. Zay flips out of backdrops and stunners Toa over the top rope. Quen springboard dropkicks Kaun out. Zay dives on Kaun outside then Toa pounces Zay.

We go to PiP break and return. Zay walks up the buckles and swantons outside. Zay top rope swantons Kaun for 2. Kaun corner uranages Zay then shotgun dropkicks Quen. Quen is sandwich lariated.

Toa misses a vader bomb. Zay 450's Toa then Quen top rope ssp's Toa. Zay hits foreamrs on Kaun. Zay is popped up into a swinging side slam from Toa in a cool spot. Zay then takes a t-gimmick and is pinned.

Thoughts: I liked this one. They got the best out of both teams. Party got to bump and fly here and Gates got to do their power stuff.  The pop-up swinging side slam spot was awesome.

Toni Storm does a voiceover video on Lady Frost. She says she will raise her temperature and says let's make cinema

Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson and The Gunn's) vs Caleb Crush, Chris Wilde & Tyler Payne

Colten makes Aubrey touch his stomach. Juice runs over 2 of the opponents and hiptosses tyler in. Juice hits punches then leg lariats Tyler. Chris is spinebustered then corner cannonballs Crush. Juice hits a ddt on Crush and wins it.

Thoughts: This was all squash here with only Juice getting in.

Jay White gets on the mic after. He says he loves seeing his boys go to work. He says the gang is back together. Jay says Juice is being anointed as 1/4th of the trios champs. Yeah, don't ask. Jay was fired up here though and sounded good.

Serena Deeb vs Mina Shirakawa

I hope Stardom knows that AEW is poaching Mina soon. Mina wristlocks her. Deeb takes her down and puts her in a paradise lock. Deeb then dropkicks her to break it. Mina hits leg kicks and elbow drops the leg. Deeb is dropped on her knees. Deeb neckbreakers her over the middle rope and we go to PiP break.

We return and Mina hits a step up enzugiri. They trade euros and Mina spinning forearms her. Mina kicks her from the ropes then flying neckbreakers her. Mina comes off the top and knee presses Deeb's shoulder. Deeb germans her then hits a pepsi twist for 2.

They try pin attempts then Mina rolls her into a figure four. They trade slaps while the figure four is on. Deeb dragon screws her over the middle rope then powerbombs her for 2. Deeb stretch mufflers her. Mina cradles her and urakens her. Deeb clips her then bangs her knee off the mat. Mina hits a lifting sitout reverse ddt and wins it.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this one. They both tried knee work here at times but didn't focus enough on it. The finish also had nothing to do with the knee work.

Mariah May comes out to hug Mina Shirakawa after. Toni Storm appears annoyed on the stage then May tells Toni to come down. May then makes them shake hands. Toni and May then both hold the rope down to let May out and seem to get mad at each other.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't that interesting of a show with random filler matches and 2 squashes. I liked the Gates of Agony squash here and some of the Bang Bang Gang promo but not much else. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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