Friday, June 7, 2024

Stardom 5/28/2024 Stardom in Osaka 2024

Stardom 5/28/2024 Stardom in Osaka 2024

Syuri & Konami vs. Aya Sakurai & Sayaka Kurara

Kon takes down SK and headlocks her. Kon headlock takeovers her and SK headscissors her. SK hits chest forearms then is slapped. SK dropkicks her. Aya hits chest forearms on Kon then is slammed. Aya is kicked in the back then snapmares Kon and kicks her in the back. Kon drops her with a body kick then throws her into the buckle.

Syuri footchokes Aya then kicks her in the back. Syrui stomps on Aya and rolls her. Kon double chops Aya's back and foot chokes her. Kon sleepers Aya then Syuri beats up on Aya. Aya hits forearms on Syuri then Syuri hits knees to the body.

Aya running dropkicks Syuri. SK springboard armdrags Syuri and dropkicks her. Syuri slams SK then sleepers her. Syuri suplexes SK then Kon chest kicks SK. SK spinning neckbreakers her for 2.

Aya dropkicks Kon several times then spin kicks her in the corner. Kon armbars Aya then sliding kicks her on the ropes. Kon takes a double snapmare and a double basement dropkick. Aya neckbreakers her then hits kicks. Kon spin kicks and running PK's her. Kon then does her triangle lancer and SK breaks it up.

Aya rolls up Kon then SK spears Kon. Aya 2nd rope kneepresses Kon then Kon high kicks her. Kon triangle landers her and submits her to win.

Thoughts: It was a mostly one-sided rookies vs vets match. It was okay for what it was with the rookies getting some hope spots in but nothing more. I thought Aya did a decent job here. 

Koguma vs. Waka Tsukiyama vs. Ranna Yagami

Waka and Kog do taunts to start. Ran refuses to do either one and is double booted. Ran is pushed into Waka then takes a hip attack and splash. Ran takes a double basement dropkick. Ran is put in the camel clutch then Kog stands and stomps on Ran.

Waka knees Kog through the ropes then does hip attacks on her. Waka lets Kog go and Ran goes for the pin. Waka headscissors Ran then Kog hedscissors Waka at the same time. Kog stands and stomps on both opponents at once.

Kog takes shots from both and is knocked over. Ran kicks Waka in the chest then Waka double reverse armbars her on her back. Kog dropkicks Waka out and Ran takes a cutter from Kog. Ran cradles Kog then crucifixes her. Waka tries a pin on Kog then trades chest shots with Ran.

Ran dropkicks Waka, is dropkicked back then leg lariats Waka. Ran high kicks Waka then Kog splashes both off the top and wins.

Thoughts: It was a shorter and not a super serious three way. It was fine for what it was but nothing special.

Mayu Iwatani, Hazuki & Momo Kohgo vs. Ami Sohrei, Saki Kashima & Starlight Kid

Saki and Momo start us off. Saki slams her for 1. Momo hits forearms then Saki armdrags and boots her. Momo dropkicks her. Saki is rolled into a basement dropkick, double stomps and a triple basement dropkick. Momo slams Saki.

Haz basement dropkicks Saki then facewash kicks her. Haz slams Saki and Mayu slingshot double stomps Saki. Mayu armbars Saki and pulls on the hair at the same time. Ami shoulders Mayu over.

Ami corner splashes Mayu and puts Haz in the corner. She then splashes both and shoulders Mayu over. Ami does a drop on Mayu. Mayu spin kicks her then Mayu rolls her into a boot.

Haz 2nd rope dropkicks Ami then crossfaces her. Ami blocks Haz's codebreaker then suplexes her. Kid springboard twisting crossbodies Haz then basement dropkicks her. Kid standing moonsaults Haz then Haz codebreakers her. Momo dropkicks Kid then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her.

Momo is tripped into the 2nd rope and 619'd by Kid. Kid dropkicks her. Kid flying headscissors Momo then bulldogs her. Ami sliding lariats Momo then Kid perfectplexes Momo twice for 2. Kid rolls into a stretch muffler on Momo.

Momo 619's Kid then Kid takes a triple team bulldog. Momo underhook twisting drops Kid for 2. Kid does a gori bomb varation on Momo, dropping her on a knee. Kid misses a top rope 180 splash then Momo rolls her up for 2. Saki uppercut palm strikes Momo down then Kid tretch mufflers Momo. Kid puts her leg around Momo's throat with it and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was an average trios match for the most part with fast paced action. It was fine for what it was but we see little of Mayu and Saki here. Ami had a good showing here.

Mayu and Syuri get their clothing stuck on each other outside after and have to be pulled apart.

Tam Nakano, Saori Anou, Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori vs. Saya Kamitani, AZM, Lady C & Miyu Amasaki

Yuna and C start us off. C wristlocks her then Yuna headscissors her. Yuna rolls her into a leg submission and C ropebreaks. Yuna takes a double flapjack and double basement dropkick. C knee drops Yuna. C  takes a double dropkick and double kicks then takes a 4 person basement dropkick on the ropes.

Anou chest slaps and facekicks C. C giant swings Anou. AZM 2nd rope dropkicks Anou then armbars her. AZM fisherman suplexes Anou then PK's her. AZM back rolls Anou into a pin attempt then takes a step up enzugiri.

Tam pumping knees AZM on the ropes then backdrops her for 2. AZM rolls up tam and takes a forearm. Tam is then tripe dropkicked. Saya hits flying knees on Tam for 2. Tam ducks a spin kick then Saya kips down and up out of a lariat.

The two trade forearms and hit each other on the ropes. Tam spinning high kicks her and germans her for 2. Saya spinning high kicks her and pump kicks her.

Miyu ddt's Poi then Poi takes a triple kick in the corner. Miyu pendulum ddt's Poi for 2. Miyu takes an interesting double team back body drop move. Tam and Poi gon the 2nd rope and get knocked over outside. Saya then springboard crossbodies outside.

Miyu 2nd rope spinning facebusters Poi for 2. Miyu does an interesting hammerlock ddt on Poi. Poi hits spin kicks on her then everyone comes in to hit a move. Miyu forearm flurries Poi then rolls her up for 2. Miyu takes a double superkick then Tam and Poi hit stereo double plancha's outside. Miyu takes shots from all 4 opponents and a 4 person axe kick. Poi hits a ranhei on Miyu and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag. We got some 2-4 person moves here, they kept it moving and we got some dives. 

Suzu Suzuki & Mei Seira vs. Hanan & Saya Iida

Hanan and Mei trade forearms to start. Hanan really flurries her. Mei trips her and they stand off after missing dropkicks. Suzu and Saya go at it. Saya hits machine gun chops then Saya takes a double basement dropkick. Suzu hair throws Saya then footchokes her.

Mei hair throws Saya then slaps her. Mei slams her. Saya hits chest forearms on Suzu then is dropped with a forearm. Saya sliding lariats Suzu then Hanan leg lariats and running euros Suzu. Hanan 2nd rope twisting crossbodies both opponents then Suzu rolling spears her from the side.

Mei 2nd rope dropkicks Hanan then stf's her. Hanan hi pthrows Suzu then running euros Mei. Mei superkicks Hanan then takes a euro. Mei dropkicks her then Hanan cuty specials her.

Saya corner lariats Meithen Mei 2nd rope headhunters her. Suzu running knees Saya in the corner then Suzu kicks her in the back. Suzu running drive by kicks Saya. Saya gets some offense in on Suzu. Hana leg lariats Suzu then Suzu takes a double running euro for 2.

Suzu misses a high kick then Saya double chops her. Saya takes a double basement dropkick. Saya takes a 2nd rope diving codebreaker into a german. Saya lariats Suzu for 2 then pins her after Hanan lariats Suzu.

This was garbage. It went 100mph with nobody selling anything and nothing meaning anything. It was too hard to even follow.

Hazuki and Koguma seem to challenge Hanan and Saya for the New Blood tag titles after.

Maika, Mina Shirakawa, Xena & HANAKO vs. Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Thekla & Fukigen Death

Death and Mina duck each other's lock-ups. Mina legsweeps her and pounds on her. Everyone fights outside and OT sends the faces into the seats. Tora suplexes Mina in the ring. Tora running back elbows her in the corner then sits on her. Thekla footchokes Mina.

Thekla hits forearms on Mina and spin kicks her. Mina flying neckbreakers her and OT stops Mina from making the tag. Mina dropkicks Momo and Tora in the knees then spinning forearms Thekla over. Xena comes in and spinning side slams Thekla.

Xena rolls Thekla up off the ropes into a kick in the head. Thekla ducks Xena's chop then hits a big forearm. Thekla boots Xena while she's on the ropes. Thekla suplexes Xena. Momo chest kicks Xena then Xena hits a near suplex on her.

Maika gets in and shoulders over Momo. Death hits Maika with a newspaper then Momo chest kicks Maika. Everyone fights. Xena running forearms Momo. Mina gets on Maika's shoulders and is dropped down on Momo and Death. Maika sliding lariats Momo.

Momo half-nelson suplexes Maika then Maika lariats her over twice. Hana and Tora trade shoulderblocks. Tora shoulders her over. Mina's team gets offense in hitting corner attacks on Tora. Hana running facekicks Tora then kneedrops her for 2.

Hana and Tora trade chest forearms. Tora crossbodies Hana then cannonballs her against the ropes for 2. We get a stupid tower of doom spot with Hana powerbombing Hana so she can suplex Tora. Hana hits doi fives on Tora for 2.

Mina top rope dives onto a bunch of people including her own partners outside. Thekla then does the same thing. Hana takes a triple team for a 2 count. Tora top rope swantons Hana for the win.

Thoughts: Aside from the tower of doom spot, it was an okay tag. The heels were heels here and the faces were faces. It was far from anyone's best work though and we barely saw some of the girls due to the limited time they had to work with.

They set up a trios title match after then OT beats up Xena, Maika and Mina. They put them onto the mat and pose on them.

Overall thoughts: It was a house show and a house show quality show. Nothing was that great here though most of it was okay. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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