Tuesday, June 4, 2024

WWE NXT 6/4/2024

WWE NXT 6/4/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/wwe-nxt-5282024.html

We see clips from earlier. Ethan Page arrives and Ava Raine and Mr. Stone are waiting for him. He asks if she is ready to iron out this deal and give him what he wants.

Jordynne Grace vs Stevie Turner

Roxanne Perez comes out during Stevie's entrance. JG headlock takeovers her. Stevie slaps her. JG goes up and over and slaps her back. JG shoulders her over then flips her around off the side slam. Stevie throws her backwards into the buckles then facewash kicks her.

Stevie neckbreakers her then pulls on her chin. Stevie grabs the hair and JG suplexes her. JG hits chops and forearms then she slams her. JG spinning back elbows her then slams her. JG vader bombs her then hits her juggernaut driver and wins it.

Thoughts: It was short and what it should be. It gave JG a chance to show off a little before getting the win without giving away everything. 

Perez gets in the ring and stares down Grace after.  She shoves her then gets shoved. Grace then slides out of the ring to avoid more damage. 

Trick Williams and Lash Legend talk in the back. Lash says she hasn't seen Ethan Page. Trick says he will knock the ego out of Ethan Page. He says Oro and Noam aren't his boys, but he will take care of Page. Lash says her and Trick are done. Trick says he gets it but he is going to take care of this Ethan Page issue. He says they are good.

Shawn Spears talks to Je'Von Evans, Uriah Connors, Kendal Grey, the other new girl and someone else. He says he can he can help them all. Josh Briggs walks in and says he hopes people aren't listening to him. Shawn says he has potential but says there's a difference between saying and proving it. He says Josh is not a lost soul. Shawn asks who is Josh Briggs. Josh tries to start a fight. Shawn says he's showing the world his insecurities and misguidance.

NXT Women's North American Title Summit

Booker says he sees the future of this business. He asks Michin what she will do to get it done. She says she knows what it takes as she has had her face shattered and broken and she loved it. She said she gets to be the HBIC in NXT. Jaida Parker interrupts. She said she's back in NXT, but it's not black and gold. She said if she comes close to her title, her butt will be black and blue. Fallon Henley interrupts. She said this is her kind of match and she said she doesn't have to carry deadweight or worry about tag partners. She said she doesn't care about any of the girls. She said the title was created just for her.

Kelani Jordan asks where the title says her name. She said nobody wants it or is willing to take the risks like "Lani". She said these people deserve a champ like Lani. Sol said every woman here thinks they will be the one but says 5 will be wrong. She says 5 sols will be snatched. Lash Legend interrupts. She said it's been a rough couple of weeks. She said Sunday is about her. Jaida said she didn't know Lash could think of anything but Big Trick. The girls all then end up fighting as expected.

Mr. Stone comes out. He says if you don't want to wait for Battleground, we will have a six-woman tag match tonight.

Charlie Dempsey is in the mirror and says, "Are you talkin' to me?". Myles Borne walks in. Charlie asks him to get Damon Kemp. Damon says he's right here. Damon asks if we find it weird that we are talking to each other in the mirror. Charlie says he wants Kemp to make him proud. He said he wants him to bring the Heritage Cup home to the family. Charlie then makes him say capice and Damon eventually does.

Chase U is in the back. Thea's yelling and being wild. Riley Osborne and Duke Hudson say they aren't going out there tonight. Chase says he will be with Thea. Ridge comes in and Ridge, Chase and Thea come out together.

Thea Hail vs Jazmyn Nyx

Thea rolls her up then takes leg kicks. Thea rolls her up for 2 and standing moonsaults her. Thea armbars her then armdrags her twice. Thea gets kicked off the up and over attempt in the corner. Nyx running PK's her.

Nyx throws her down by the arm. Nyx bangs Thea's arm off the mat. Duke and Riley come down. Thea hits double axe handle shots then flipping neckbreakers her. Thea world's strongest slams her then get distracted by Duke and Riley. Thea hits forearms then goes for the kimura. Nyx pele kicks her and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just a match. Nyx didn't get much offense here and Thea didn't do anything too interesting.

Ethan Page comes out of Ava's office. He says it's a fantastic deal. He says there's one more thing and he says he has all the leverage, so he can get what he wants.

Mr. Stone said he set up the 6-woman tag. Ava talks about all the demands Page has.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer are at the merch booth. The OC come in and beat them up. Frazer is sent into the door and Ax takes a big boot from Luke.

Shawn Spears drops Josh Briggs with a chair. He tells him to show him something. Je'Von Evans tells him to try it on him. Evans hits punches and they fight into the ring. Evans hits punches then trips him and hits mounted punches. Evans topes Spears into the commentary table. They then go into the steps. Spears clears off the commentary table then Spears is back body dropped onto it. Evans hits a springboard cutter and lariats him out of the ring. 

The D'Angelo Family is in the back. Tony says Heritage Cup matches are unique. He says it wasn't his type of expresso, but he learned to like the taste. Tony says Luca helped him with the catch clause and says now we will see what the Catch Crew can do when the rules are even.

Heritage Cup Title Match - Tony D'Angelo (c) vs Damon Kemp

Round 1 - Tony teases not being the one to represent his team. Kemp rolls him up then fireman's carries him. Kemp crucifixes him then la magistral's him. Tony hit punches on Kemp then underhook suplexes him. Kemp backdrops him then stomps on him. Tony hits a perfectplex and wins the fall.

Round 2 - We go to break as soon as the round starts. They take each other down and Tony single leg crabs him. Kemp takes him down and gets a 2 count then takes him down by the arm. Kemp codebreakers the arm. Kemp goes for the armbar. The round ends and they hockey fight. Their second have to break it up.

Round 3 - They hockey fight. Kemp does an atomic drop > double stomp > splash. Kemp cradles him then hits an uppercut. Kemp germans him for 2. Kemp hits more germans. Ton lariats him and hits punches. Tony belly to belly suplexes him. Kemp does a rolling death valley driver and the round ends.

Round 4 - Tony spinebusters him and pins him to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It wasn't a real interesting one. Kemp wasn't going to win and these two aren't the most exciting NXT guys. 

Ava Raine is interviewed by Kelly Kincaid. She said she wanted Page to sign his contract in her office. She said Page wants it signed in the ring but she's not sure about it. Trick Williams comes in. He says to give Page what he wants and isn't happy about him jumping the line for a title shot. Trick said he will make sure the pen hits the paper later and will be there. Ava then leaves to talk to Sexy Red

Jordynne Grace and Michin talk in the back. Sol Ruca walks in and says she's a huge fan and says she's jacked. Jaida Parker comes in and says to stop kissing each others @sses. Michin said of course she's the one talking about @ss as she pops up everywhere. Arianna Grace says these girls are draining and says they have the same last name but aren't related. Tatum Paxley comes in. She asks if Grace loves that tile of hers. Arianna says it's not as important as her crown and Jordynne says it is. Tatum then makes a face and says it's important to her too before giggling.

Lola Vice and Shayna Bazler talk about NXT Underground. Lola says she has heard to stay humble and enjoy the grind. She says she's not like everyone else, she's a superstar in every form. She said she brought Shayna back to NXT and said she never imagined Shayna would be jealous of her.

Shayna says people forgot about her dominance and said she was the most feared woman in NXT. She said Lola wouldn't be one of the hottest prospects if it wasn't for her. Some of the wrestlers talk about who they think will win. Lola says she will knock Shayna out and then its time to dance.

Izzi Dame vs Natalya

Karmen Petrovic is on a crutch. Nat gives Booker T her sunglasses. Izzi side headlocks her and shoulders her over. Izzi boots her in the gut and blocks a crucifix. Izzi bangs her into the buckles. Nat takes her down by the leg then low dropkicks her. Nat is sent into the steps.

Izzi backbreakers her and boots her in the chest. Izzi abdominal stretches her. Nat hurricanrana's her off a powerbomb attempt. Nat spinning clotheslines her for 2. Izzy rams her into the buckles then hits corner punches. Nat sitout powerbombs her for 2. They trade pin attempts and Nat wins it.

Nat says it's time for a change after.

Thoughts: Izzi got a lot of offense in here and she did some different stuff than she usually does. It was fine for what it was. An Izzi win might have been nice but Nat has been losing too much lately for that.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom are interviewed in the parking lot. Ax asks if The OC think they are tough men attacking them like that. NF says being tough is defending these titles after the attack. Ax says he will see them Sunday.

Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe vs ?

Dupont and Igwe get beaten up during the commercial break by Gallus. Gallus then talk. Joe says it was the wrong place and wrong time. They complain about last week. Joe says if they cared about TikTok or shook their @ss maybe the WWE Universe would respect them. Mark says they aren't here for online clout, they are here to be professional wrestlers. Joe says they are fully grown men and said they have business to take care of Sunday. Joe says anything goes and they will do anything to make sure he leaves with the North American Title

Oba Femi comes out. He said it would be foolish to call them anything less than extremely dangerous. Oba goes to say more and Wes Lee interrupts from the crowd. Wes say he will do what he has to do. Gallus jumps Oba. Wes comes in to fight. Joe drops Oba. Wes takes a flying knee and an F-5. Oba and Wes are left laying.

We see Wendy Choo washing her face. The glass breaks and it says she will be here next week.

Lexis King is interviewed. He said Dante Chen didn't look like much of a winner last week. He said he laid him out so bad that he couldn't even walk. Dante Chen then comes in and beats up King. Chen is sent into the table then he takes down King and beats up on him. It then is broken up with Robbie Brookside and Norman Smiley separating them.

Lash Legend, Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan vs Michin, Sol Ruca and Jaida Parker

KJ side headlock takeovers Sol then Sol does it to her. KJ headscissors her and Sol handstands out. KJ side headlocks her then Sol cartwheels out of a headscissors. Both then cartwheel and do backflips at the same time. Lash picks up KJ and puts her on the apron to tag in.

Jaida and Lash shoulder battle. They grab each other by the hair then Jaida is thrown backwards. Lash misses a splash. Michin side headlocks Lash and shoulders her. Michin flying hurricanrana's Lash. Michin corner facekicks Lash. 

Michin takes a knee to the back and is lariated by Lash. Fallon slides out and punches Michin in the face. We go to PiP break and return.

Jaida and KJ go at it. KJ hits flying forearms then cartwheel back elbows her. KJ handsprings then does an interesting olympic slam style move on her. KJ is caught off the 2nd rope and backbreakered. KJ is laid on the 2nd rope and Jaida springboard buttpresses her down.

Jaida reverse suplexes her for 2. Michin pounces KJ for 2. Michin bow and arrows her. Michin dropkicks her. Jaida abdominal stretches KJ. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx then come out. Jacy has a protective facemask on. KJ stunners Jaida. Sol springboard onto Fallon then is hit in mid-air off a springboard.

Fallon running back elbows her and swinging facebusters her. Sol and Fallon double clothesline each other at the same time and go down. Michin slaps Jaida on the back and sends her in. Jaida then pounds on Michin. Sol is held for shots from Fallon. Fallon nails KJ then hits Lash on accident. KJ flatliners Fallon. Lash pump kicks KJ then Sol hits a sol snatcher on Lash and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a fun tag but needed more time. I liked them all fighting amongst themselves near the end. Sol's finisher looked great here and I think this worked in getting you excited for the 6-way match at Battleground.

Stevie Turner goes up to Ava Raine. Stevie aid it wasn't fair that she got put up against Jordynne Grace and asks for another shot next week. Ethan Page heads to the ring.

We get an Eddy Thorpe promo with him talking about fire and showing clips of other Indian wrestlers. He says he's fighting for representation. He says he returns to NXT reborn with a clear mission to execute.

Ava Raine and Ethan Page come out for the contract signing. Page says she will have to get used to him calling the shots. He says he will get perks others won't get if he signs the contract. He said others won't like it but he doesn't care because he earned it. He said she should have a smile on her face as she is going to sign the wrestler with the biggest upside in wrestling. Ava says she's not signing anyone with these demands. Page says she is.

Page says he could have sat home for the next 2 years and collected a check but he says talent gets opportunities. He says she knows he is a mega star.

Trick Williams comes out. Page throws the table outside. Page says he knows how these things go and he's only here to handle business. Trick asks Ava to give him what he wants so he can give the fans what they want by whooping his @ss. Trick says this is his house.

Trick says he must be crazy to think he can come to his home and do this stuff. Page says they have more in common than he thinks. He says he's been in someone's shadow too like Trick was with Melo. He said Trick broke out and put the spotlight on himself. Page says with the title comes the spotlight and the target on his back. Page says he craves the spotlight. He said it wasn't personal, he was making an opportunity for him. He says he's ready to sign that contract. Page says she's signing this for the end of the "Whoop That" era. Trick says Page can't end nothin'. Trick says he will hear one thing come Battleground - "Whoop That Trick". Ava signs the contract and they argue with each other. Trick then holds the title up in front of him.

Thoughts: I thought this one went a little too long and wasn't that interesting.

Overall thoughts: NXT go-home shows usually aren't that interesting for various reasons and this followed that. As I've been saying for a few weeks now, NXT is in a transition period. There's new people being pushed and some old vets being brought back into the fold and it's just not all clicking yet. Maybe it will, maybe it never will. The Battleground card does not look that good at all and that makes it hard to build to. I liked the stuff with the six girls tonight and Grace's NXT debut was okay, but nothing else got me that interested. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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