Wednesday, June 5, 2024

CMLL 6/1/2024 Arena Coliseo

CMLL 6/1/2024 Arena Coliseo

Last week's show is here:

Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II & Grako vs. Astro Boy Jr., Leono & Retro

Karonte 1 wears the short trunks. Karonte 2 and Retro go at it. Retro trips him then rolls him into a pin attempt. They trade front facelocks. Retro trips 2 and puts ona leglock, then he STF's him. Retro armdrags him. Retro trips 2 then is kicked in the back. Retro armdrags him and they stand off.

Grako and Leono go at it. Grako trips him and boots the leg. Grako ties up the leg then hammerlocks him. Leono flying snapmares him and Grako shoulders him over. Leono flying headscissors him out. 1 knocks over Astro several times and flips over his back. Astro splashes him then boots him out of the ring.

Retro shoulders over Grako then Grako flying shoulders him. Retro flying headscissors him then armdrags 2. Retro boots 2 then fallaway slams him. Astro and 1 go at it. Astro hurricanrana's him off his shoulders then completely botches a walk-up the buckles armdrag. Astro hurricanrana's him out.

Retro and Grako go at it. Leono tilt-a-whirl armdrags Retro. Leono walks up the buckles and armdrags 1. Leono flying hurricanrana's 2. Retro is triple teamed. 2 springboard codebreakers Retro then 1 backcrackers Retro. Leono is double spinebustered then thrown into a Grako powerbomb. 1 hair throws Retro.

Grako back elbows and lariats Astro. Astro takes a suplex on the apron from 1. Retro is double teamed in the corner. Retro tilt-a-whirl backbreakers 1 then hits a flying double clothesline onb the other two. Retro topes 1 outside and Astro hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on 2. Astro springboard tornillos outside. Leono does a spinning bow and arrow submission on 1 and wins the match.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. Astro had a hard time hitting his spots and Karonte 1 seemed more agile at times. It also could have been a bit shorter.

Periquito Sacaryas & Tengu vs. KeMalito & Micro Sagrado

Ten = Tengu, Ke = KeMalito, Per = Periquito Sacaryas, Sag = Micro Sagrado

1st Fall - Ten throws Sag down then Sag armdrags him. Ten armdrags him and is splashed. Per and Ke go at it. Ke armdrags him and Per does a funny selljob for it. Per trips and splashes him then Ke does it back to him. They trade armdrags. Ten dropkicks Ke from behind then camel clutches him.

Per chops Ke down. Sag breaks up the double team on Per then is double teamed. Sag takes a double foot choke. Per corner lariats Sag then Ten corner basement dropkicks Sag. Ke is snapmared and pinned. Ten 2nd rope splashes Sag for the pin and Tengu's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Ten basement dropkicks Ke in the corner. Ke is double teamed. Ke botches a double hiptoss intoa double armdrag spot as both rudos end up just falling backwards. Sag running dropkicks Per. Sag topes Per outside then Ke 2nd rope twisting crossbodies outside. Ke 2nd rope buttdrops Ten inside and pins him.

Per goes after Ke. Sag goes up top and delays his dive for some reason then elbow drops Per to pin him. Kemalito's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall
- Sag and Per trade chops. Per corner lariats him and they do a bad spinning headscissors spot with Sag lifting him for it. Per dives on him off the apron. Ke armdrags Ten over twice then basement dropkicks him. Ke back body drops Ten then butt drops him. Ke vader bombs him and pins him. Per ends up getting counted out I think. KeMalito's team wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't good. Periquito Sacaryas had a really bad night and no one seemed to be moving well except Sagrado.

Atrapasuenos (Dulce Gardenia, Espiritu Negro & Rey Cometa) vs. Los Cancerberos del Infierno (Cancerbero, Luciferno & Virus)

1st Fall - Cancer and Negro go at it. Cancer pulls him by the chin then wristlocks him. Negro trips him and leglocks him. Cancer fireman's carry takeovers him then ties his legs up. Cancer hip throws him and Negro goes down holding his knee.

Luci and Rey go at it. They trade holds and Rey is armdragged. Rey armdrags him back. Luci headscissors him and Rey headflips out. Luci armdrags him and Rey headscissors him. Rey armdrags him and they stand off. Luci pushes him. Dulce and Virus go at it. Dulce trips him then Dulce hip attacks him. Dulc walks up the buckles and is pushed off the top.

Negro is triple teamed. He takes a triple boot. Rey takes lariats and a chest kick. Dulce is triple stomped then takes a shoulderbreaker. He is pinned while his partners are submitted. Virus' team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - The faces are beaten up. Dulce is kicked in the leg and face. Negro is kicked in the leg. Negro takes a double back elbow then Rey is thrown around by the hair. Dulce is triple teamed. Virus is rolled up into a crossbody from Rey. Rey superkicks then topes Virus. Dulce walks up the buckles and moonsaults onto Caner then Negro top rope swantons Luci to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Negro flips over Cancer's back then flying headscissors him. Negro walks up the buckles and armdrags him. Virus shoulders Rey over then Rey headscissors Virus out. Rey diving hurricanrana's Luci from the apron. Dulce screws around and springboard armdrags Luci. Dulce walks up the buckles and tornillos Virus off the top. Rey top rope crossbodies Cancer.

Rey tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Cancer. Negro corner cannonballs Cancer off the apron. Rey asai moonsaults Luci outside. Dulce top rope crossbodies and rolls up Virus. Dulce then taps out Virus with a grounded octopus variation. Dulce's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: The first fall was pretty lazy and this one was nothing special. Dulce tried a bit more than usual here.

Lightning Match - La Catalina vs Tessa Blanchard

They lock up. Tess wristlocks her and Cat headflips out. Tess forearms her then Cat shotgun dropkicks her. Cat hits flying lariats then dropkicks her in the butt. Cat running crossbodies her off the apron and stomps her. Tess trips Cat on the apron then sends her into the post. Tess chokes Cat over the 2nd rope.

Tess slingshot elbow drops her for 2. Tess slaps and boots her. Cat flying knees her. Tess hits forearms then Cat fires back. Cat flying lariats her then hip attacks her on the ropes. Cat hip attacks her in the corner. Cat to prope splashes Tess for 2.

Cat superkicks her and pedigrees her for 2. Tess 2nd rope codebreakers her. Cat spinning electric chair drops her for 2. Tess cutters her. Cat hits an electric chair driver for 2. Tess lifts her and half-nelson slams her. Tess diving top rope codebreakers her and wins.

It really wasn't good. They just did moves here that had no meaning or anything before it ended. They also shouldn't have been kicking out of electric chair drivers.

Atlantis, Blue Panther and Fugaz vs Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Kraneo

Fug = Fugaz, Gem = Either Gemelo Diablo

1st Fall - Fug and a Gem go at it. Fug armbars him and Gem camel clutches him. Fug armdrags him and kips up. Fug is headscissored then they do amateur wrestling. Fug is kicked in the arm. Fug rolling snapmares him. Blue and a Gem go at it. Blue takes him down and headscissors him then they stnd off. Blue is in his opponents corner and Kraneo hits him from behind. Blue is then triple teamed. Kraneo corner splashes Blue then corner hip attacks him.

Fug takes a double back elbow. Kraneo bodyblocks and him and splashes him. The Gem's hit a double elbow drop and pin Fug to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Atlantis gets beaten up by the heels. Blue takes a double gorilla press. Gem gorilla presses Fug then Kraneo elbow drops Fug. Atlantis is triple teamed then shoulderblocked out. Fug pump kicks and dropkicks a Gem. Fug tornillos a Gem outside. Blue hits chops on Kraneo. Blue throws Kraneo down and pins him then Atlantis pins a Gem.

3rd Fall - Blue walks up the buckles and twisting crossbodies Gem. Blue 2nd rope hurricanrana's a Gem. Fug dropkicks Kraneo. Fug is lifted into a headscissors on a Gem. Fug walks up the ropes, does rope tricks and diving hurricanrana's a Gem.

Gem chops over Atlantis then Atlantis chops back. Atlantis hiptosses a Gem and throws the opponents into each other. Atlantis hits armdrags and hiptosses. Fug springboard double splashes the Gem's.  Kraneo ends up splashing his partners when Fug moves.

Gem and Kraneo are pushed into each other then put in the rowboatd. Fug hurricanrana's the other Gem into the middle of it. Fug is popped up into a double dropkick on Gem and kraneo. Fug topes Kraneo, Blue hits an apron cannonball then Atlantis hurricanrana's a Gem to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't good. Very little of interest happened here as expected. There were just too many immobile guys involved in this one.

Atlantis Jr. and Mascara Dorada vs Grank Guerrero and Stuka Jr.

AJ = Atlantis Jr., MD = Mascara Dorada

1st Fall - Gran and AJ go at it. Gran flips him and is armdragged. AJ armdrags him. Gran has a half-Stuka/half-Gran mask on that looks neat. They try pins on each other and A armdrags him. They stand off. Gran takes down AJ. AJ trips him and is kicked on his leglock attempt. AJ flying headscissors him out.

Stuka and MD go at it. MD side headlocks him then Stuka hammerlocks him. MD flying snapmares him. MD armdrags him and trips him. They then stand off.  MD sunset flips Stuka and pulls him into an AJ crossbody. AJ headscissors Gran then MD armdrags Stuka.

They fight outside and AJ is dropped face first on the apron. Gran then does his huddle pose with a fan and holds his arm up. MD is popped up into a Gran body kick. Stuka trips AJ into a kick from Gran. Gran gordbusters MD onto Atlantis. Stuka then top rope double splashes his opponents. The rudos double pin and win the fall.

2nd Fall - Atlantis is popped up the nbasement dropkicked by Gran. Stuka rips at MD's mask then running side headhunters him. MD then takes a magic killer. Atlantis is held for a kick in the leg. MD is popped up into a hurricanrana on Gran and pins him while AJ pins Stuka at the same time.

3rd Fall - AJ gets double stomped on. Atlantis superkicks Gran then 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's him. Atlantis monkey flips Stuka then spinning headscissors Gran out. AJ tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Stuka on the floor. MD flips over Stuka then corkscrew headscissors him. Gran pops up MD into a hurricanrana on Stuka. MD does a nice rotation headscissors on Stuka.

AJ and MD hit stereo topes outside. AJ powerslams Stuka for 2 and Gran stops the ref's count. Gran package powerbombs AJ. MD spin kicks Gran then stands on his back and code red's him. AJ superkicks Stuka. MD is suplexed on Atlantis then Gran gordbusters Stuka on them from the 2nd rope.

Stuka and MD hit stereo superkicks then do a frog splash + tope rope ssp and win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was an okay main with both sides getting enough in and trying some. Not great or memorable and it certainly wasn't their best effort, but it was enough.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't one of CMLL's better efforts. The card didn't look good and it wasn't. Only the main was decent and I wouldn't recommend this.

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