Tuesday, June 4, 2024

TNA Xplosion 5/31/2024

TNA Xplosion 5/31/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/tna-xplosion-5242024.html

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Sami Callihan is the guest. He says Gia's new hair is blinding him. Sami is not wearing shoes. Gia said she wore shoes as Sami tries to take her shoes off. They discuss whether Gia is wearing sandles, flip flops or chanclas. Sami said he didn't get to wash his gear so it smells. Sami said he makes his own gear.
Gia is confused and Sami starts sticking the mic in Gia's face. Gia says they have lived together and they argue over whether Gia is a good roommate or not. Sami talks about how he used to be a good singer. Gia says Sami can make money out of everything and Sami says he can sell ice to an eskimo. They agree on something and Gia wants to end it. Sami then takes the mic with him.

Thoughts: Yeah, this was pretty wild and random. and didn't accomplish much.

Eric Young vs Alan Angels

They lock up and EY wristlocks him. Alan rolls and headflips out of it then shoves him. EY backs him up in the corner and pats him on the head. Alan pushes him.

EY spears him from the apron and shoulders him over and out of the ring. Alan gets in and slaps him then makes him chase him. Alan misses a shot when EY gets in. Alan 2nd rope moonsaults outside onto EY. Alan hits a corner spear, a corner lariat and a neckbreaker for 2.

EY northern lights suplexes him. EY hits shots then spinning lariats him. EY slams Alan then top rope elbow drops him. Alan step up enzugiri's him and double stomps him off the buckles. Alan 2nd rope moonsaults him for 2.

EY bites Alan's head on the buckles. Alan puts the ref in the way of EY. Alan spinning high kicks EY for 2. EY slaps him then piledrivers him to win it.

It was a solid match here with Alan annoying EY and trying to outsmart him but losing. It felt like both guys had a shot here at winning this and that's because it was done well.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there was only one new match and an interview segment. EY vs Angels was good match but the show wasn't must see.

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