Tuesday, June 4, 2024

NWA Powerrr 6/4/2024

NWA Powerrr 6/4/2024 

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/nwa-powerrr-5282024.html

The Crockett Cup First Round - The Savages of Samoa (Alofa and Ativalu) vs The Country Gentlemen (AJ and KC Cazana)

Alofa is LA Smooth. Alofa and AJ lock up and AJ backs off. AJ shoulder battles Alofa. AJ stomps his foot and shoulders him over. KC stomps on Alofa and buttdrops his arm. AJ kneels on Alofa's arm. KC armlocks Alofa and AJ legdrops the arm.

AJ works the arm more. Ati gets in and hits punches on AJ. Ati's head is banged off the buckles and he no sells it. Ati leg lariats AJ. Ati headbutts AJ in the back and backrakes him. Ati lariats AJ over the top rope. KC hits shots on Alofa outside then Ati chops KC. The four fight outside. We go to break and return. 

Ati nerve holds KC then KC takes double team shots in the corner. Alofa nerve holds KC then KC gets his legs split. Ati corner splashes KC then running knees him in the corner. Alofa hip attcks KC in the corner.  KC sunset flips Alofa for 2 then Alofa headbutts him.

AJ gets in and hits shots on Ati. AJ hits short arm clotheslines. The SOS are thrown into each other but just get mad. The SOS hit stereo splashes then miss stereo splashes. KC gets on the top and twisting crossbodies Ati. AJ running lairats Alofa and pins him.

Thoughts: The crowd wasn't into this at all which hurt it. I didn't think they did that great of a job here as the hot tag segment and comeback wasn't much.  It also needed another big spot. The announcers really put over Ativalu.

The King Bees and EC3 are interviewed. DJ Drew is with The King Bees. The Bees welcome him and say they and the fans appreciate him. Drew thanks them all. EC says Drewhas a face for radio. Drew said he was nice to him and made him sound intelligent and asks why he wants to diss him. EC says e like to have fun here and some healthy banter amongst friends doesn't hurt. EC said if you can't compete in the ring, you have to find a surrogate who can fight for you. Drew says he met someone earlier who is named Wrecking Ball Legursky. EC says he came on like a wrecking ball and says he will see him out there. This sets up an NWA Title match later in the show.

Cookin' with Carson

Carson Drake has The Slimeballz, Bryan Idol and Natalya Markova. He says he will sow us to how to properly season chicken. He throws a ton of garlic pepper on it and says it cantn ever be too salty. One of the Slimeballz is really going afer the food, eating it like a wildman. Natalya grabs hot sauce and says it's hot just like her.

They pour all kinds of stuff in the chicken and say that's how you season the chicken. Carson then says to always kiss the cook.

Thoughts: It was a GLOW style skit. I appreciate them trying to do something different here but the trick is to tie it into stories.

Thom Lattimer, Blk Jeez and Mims are interviewed. Jeez says he leads people to greatness. He says Mims is known as BSM on the streets. He said with the church's money and Mims, they are going to greatness.  Mims says lets focus on the future. He says he has his missing piece. He said Jeez is about cultivating the smile and the money. Thom says he's the National champ because he put himself first. He said Zyon ain't him and will have to pry the title out of his hands.

We get a video saying Baron Von Storm is coming.

Crocket Cup First Round - The Immortals (Kratos and Odinson) vs The Kids (Alexander Lev and Jackson Drake)

Lev spits in Kratos' hand and Kratos chops him. Lev hits forearms then Kratos pounces him into the corner. Kratos hits slaps then throws him on a suplex. Kratos does another suplex thrown and throws Lev into the corner.

Kratos chokes Drake then hits a big chop. Drake is popped up into a huge euro from Odin. Odin knee drops and stomps him. Odin corkscrew euros him in the back of the neck. Lev STO's Kratos after rolling him backwards.

Drak handsrpings and is caught with a nasty fire thunder on his head for 2. Odin flying euros and flying back elbows Lev. Odin mcgillicutters Lev. Odin torture racks Lev then drops him and legdrops him after. Odin F-5's Drake onto Lev. Odin hits a huge pounce on Drake. Lev takes an overhead suplex into the buckles from Kratos. Drake takes a flapjack + euro off the buckles and is pinned.

It was a fun one here with The Kids getting cute with the big guys and paying for it. They got thrown all around and did a great job bumping here. Kratos and Odin looked big and bad here.

Kratos and Odin do an interview after. They say they are the most dominant athletes in the world. Kratos says whoever faces them will fall.

Dory Funk Jr. and EC3 are interviewed. Dory thanks everyone and says wrestling can't go along without the fans. EC says it's a great legacy to hold Dory's title and an honor to shake his hand. EC says on the Mount Rushmore of wrestling, Funk's name is there. EC says he hopes he can fulfill Funk's legacy the way he started it. Funk says he looks forward to more and more success.

NWA World Women's Title #1 Contendership Triple Threat Match - Taylor Rising vs Ella Envy vs Kylie Paige

They say Miss Star is out there managing Ella. Ella nails TR from behind then TR is stomped by Ella and Kylie. Ella is pushed into Kylie then TR crossbodies both in the corner. Ella throws Kylie out then TR throws Ella out. TR then topes both outside.

TR dropkicks Kylie. Ella trips TR from the outside and stomps on her. Ella foot chokes TR then chops her. Ella corner lariats TR then corner facekicks her for 2.

Ella chops TR in the corner. TR hits chops on Ella then Ella backbreakers her for 2. Ella and Kylie argue and push each other. TR then bangs their heads together. TR hits chops on Ella. TR chokes Kylie on the ropes then superkicks Ella. Kylie backdrops TR.

Kylie hip attacks TR into the buckles then corner dropkicks her. Miss Starr gets on the apron and distracts the ref. She says her neck hurts. Kylie gets distracted then TR spinning punches Kyle. TR pumphandle slams Kylie.

Kylie pushes TR into Ella. Kylie checks on Ella and is rolled up. Kylie code reds TR then Ella crucifixes Kylie and pins her.

Thoughts: It was a decent main and was what it needed to be. They pushed the issues between Ella and Kylie, having to do this as partners and they had Ella get the surprise win on her. I thought they missed an opportunity by not having Kenzie out there as well to really push this storyline. This was a three way though and the format really forces the match to be a certain style. Kylie was just hanging outside of the ring for a long portion of this.

Overall thoughts: It was an okay but not perfect episode. The opener could have been done better and the crowd was dead for it. The Kidz vs Kratos and Odin was good. I liked the main. I don't know what the EC3 stuff was about with DJ Drew as we didn't get the NWA Title match we were promised out of it. I assume that's next week.

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