Wednesday, June 26, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 10/23/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 10/23/1995

Last week's show is here:

"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs Kurosawa

Col. Rob Parker is with Kuro. Parker wags his cigar Macho and Macho pushes him. Kuro hits leg kicks on Macho then clubs on him. Kuro hits kicks and chops as he beats him down. Macho pulls Kuro out and Kuro gets back in, no selling it. Kuro waterwheel drops him for 2. Parker argues with the ref. Macho gets an eye rake in then is chopped in the throat. Kuro baseball slides him outside.

Kuro does an armbreaker and we go to break. We return and Kuro is in control still. Macho eye rakes him. Kuro misses a baseball slide. Kuro misses a kick near the post and kicks the post. Kuro goes for an armbar and is sent into the ropes. Macho lariats him from behind then top rope elbow drops him. Macho then wins.

Thoughts: I didn't think Macho got enough in here to justify the win. Kuro really dominated him. Kuro looked good here on offense.

The announcers talk and the lights go out. We here The Wizard/Curtis Iaukea talk from a stone throne. He talks nonsense and there's some kind of blowing rock wrapped in plastic. He says something about the eyes of the demon coming down on Hulk Hogan at Halloween Havoc. 

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Giant and The Taskmaster. Gene calls the pink rock an iceberg. Taskmaster says it's an insurance policy. He says he is father went with the surfer guys to get "The Yeti". He says Hulk wears black as he walks in the land of madness. Giant calls Hulk the biggest cat in the jungle and says he's running out of lives. He says he will take his last life form him. He says he will find out he isn't the immortal, but Giant is. Task says Giant is ready and said what he saw sent shivers down his side. He says Hogan has to be stopped and says the insurance policy is in. He says The Giant will win the title.

This was really bad. The Wizard was talking nonsense and the glowing rock thing looked cheap. Then they explained that The Yeti was inside which made it worse. The Dungeon of Doom were goofy enough on their own but this was taking it to the next level. It's not believable or realistic on any level and you can already tell it's not going to work. And all that's bad enough but we also know monster truck sumo is going to be involved as well with this which will make it even worse.

Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart. Hulk says he knows it's the 11th hour and says people around here think he is boxed in. Hulk says he fears no evil and fears no man. He says he carries the Hulkamaniacs on his back. He says he is going to get a big bad Harley and drag Giant around with it until he disintegrates. He says the dogs of Sting, Luger and Macho better decide who has the biggest bark as he's waiting on them. He says he'll beat all of them one at a time. He says it's machine vs machine in Detroit and says whatcha gonna do when the man in black destroys you.

Thoughts: This wasn't a good promo at all and was hard to follow. I didn't like him calling Sting, Macho and Luger dogs here as he was teaming with them like they were his best friends a few weeks ago. That's rude. 

Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko vs Mr. JL and Eddie Guerrero

Alex Wright is on crutches and comes out with JL and Eddie. CB and Eddie stare down. Eric says JL's name is like E-T. CB is wearing rare yellow and black tights. CB wristlocks him and Eddie takes him down by the leg.

Eddie ties up the leg. CB's team does double leapfrogs and Dean plancha's Eddie outside. Dean holds Eddie for a CB tope but CB ends up nailing Dean instead. Eddie pops up JL into a dive on CB outside.

Eddie armdrags Dean off his shoulders then Dean leg lariats him. Eddie tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. JL is popped up into a jumping headbutt on Dean. Dean backdrops JL and we are told there's a fight in the back. Shark and Scott Norton are going at it and Bunkhouse Buck and Zodiac of all people break it up.

JL headscissors CB. JL is pulled into the ropes where Dean hits him. Dean abdominal stretches JL. We go to break and return. Dean corner lariats JL then belly to belly suplexes him for 2. CB hits a high backdrop on JL. Eddie breaks up a pin and CB pushes him out.

JL armdrags CB out of a powerbomb then misses a dropkick. CB chops on JL and drops him on the ropes gut first. CB superplexes JL then JL backslides Dean. JL flying euros Dean. Eddie gets in, flips over Dean's back and dropkicks him. Eddie step up enzugiri's Dean then walks up the buckles and takes CB and Dean over.

Dean lariats JL and Eddie and CB go over the top together. Alex Wright trips Dean with his crutch and JL rolls up Dean for the upset win.

Thoughts: The action was good here as expected and the guys worked well together. Eddie actually got over some with this. JL getting the win was a big shock as he was by far the least likely to win this one.

Brian Pillman nails Eddie as he walks to the back and ddt's him on the floor. Brian holds up The Four Horsemen sign.

We see more shots of the block of ice.

Sting and Lex Luger vs Harlem Heat

Eric talks about In Your House last night and Mongo calls it "In Your Outhouse". Sting's got a goatee for this which looks weird. Sting also has Hulk's red and yellow colors on.

Booker hits shots on Sting then shoulders him over. Sting leapfrogs and dropkicks him. Sting hiptosses Booker over the top to the floor. Sting back body drops Booker. Lex 2nd rope douxle axe handles Booker and we go to break. 

We return and Booker hits a nice dropkick on Lex. Booker hits mounted punches on Lex then Sting eye rakes Booker. Lex fights back and takes a knee to the gut. Booker foot chokes Lex then scissors kicks him. We see Sherri kissing a photo of her and Parker.

Booker chinlocks Lex. Booker side slams him then misses a Harlem hangover. Sting finally gets in and beats up both Heat members. Sting corner lariats Booker then corner splashes him and Stevie. Sing elbow drops Booker then Stevie stops a scorpion deathlock.

Lex takes a double suplex then Sting springboard lariats Booker while Stevie isn't looking. Sting then pins Booker to win.

It was simple but it wasn't a bad match. Booker did a good job here pretty much carrying his team and looked like a future main event prospect.

The Taskmaster and The Giant come out. Giant chokeslams Lex and Sting. Macho Man comes out and attacks both. Giant and Macho square off then Hulk Hogan comes out.

Hulk blocks Giant's shots and hits his own. Giant no sells it then clubs Hulk's back. Hulk hits shots on Giant then bangs his head off the buckles. The Dungeon of Doom comes in and the faces knock them away. Doug Dillinger comes out with a baton and threatens Hulk with it to stop him. We then see the ice block explode and The Yeti comes out wearing mummy wraps. The show then ends.

Thoughts: Whoa, there was a lot going on here. I thought they did a good job making you want to see Hulk vs Giant though I wouldn't have had them fight it out here. Save that for the PPV. I was really shocked to see Doug Dillinger basically threatening Hulk with a baton. That's something we've really seen happen to Hulk and it looked weird. Then the ice block exploded and Yeti came out. Even though the stuff with The Yeti sounded dumb, the ice exploding was cool. 

Overall thoughts: The show was dominated by The Dungeon of Doom vs Hulk Hogan storyline. As the go home show before the PPV, they probably should have pushed some of the other stuff on it a little better. The stuff with the block of ice and The Wizard was dumb but Yeti exploding through ice to make his first appearance was cool. Booker T looked like a future main eventer here in this one and we had the usual time filler cruiserweight match where Eddie got over. There was some good and bad here but I came out of this wanting to see the PPV so it's hard to say this was a failure. I did like it overall.

1 comment:

  1. The Eddie/JL tag match is more or less responsible for making me into the sort of wrestling fan that I am. I was 12 at this time, and I was mostly watching WWF Superstars, since I didn't have cable. So it was one hour a week of gimmicks and squashes, and some highlights from Monday Night Raw or the recent PPV. I asked someone to tape this show for me so I could check it out, and the tag match completely blew me away. I'd dig it out and show it to friends and people that I knew, some of whom didn't even care about wrestling, and even they had to admit that it was good stuff. My family wound up moving a year later, and finally got cable, so I could keep up with all the wrestling, but I probably watched this match 1,000 times.
