Wednesday, June 26, 2024

WCW Halloween Havoc 1995 10/29/1995

WCW Halloween Havoc 1995 10/29/1995

Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan are our commentators.

We see Hulk Hogan and The Giant driving their monster trucks at each other on the roof. Tony says Arn and Pillman attacked Ric Flair before the show. Bobby says these guys mean business and says Ric doesn't have a friend in the world.

WCW TV Title - Diamond Dallas Page (c) vs Johnny B. Badd

We get a nice video on the feud as Johnny B. Badd missed his US Title shot due to a flat tire. Maxx Muscle, who is with DDP, says he had four flat tires. Badd says he didn't say that and figured out Maxx/DDP were the ones who did it and started a fight about it on WCW Saturday Night.

A fake Johnny B. Badd is on the entrance ramp then the real Badd comes through the crowd. He hits DDP from behind and the match starts. DDP is sent out then Maxx and DDP have their heads banged together outside. DDP goes into the corwd and Badd follows him, sending him into the rails. DDP has a bucket put on his head and Badd hits it. Badd armdrags him and armlocks him.

Badd armlocks DDP then DDP throws him down by the hair. Badd throws DDP down by the hair and armlocks him. Badd hiptosses DDP for 2 then dropkicks him. Badd hits corner punches and is dropped face first on the top buckle.

DDP stomps Badd and knee drops him. Badd is thrown chest first into the buckles then backdrops him. DDP drops him forward on a piledriver then chinlocks him. Bad backslides him for 2 then DDP lariats him. They try pin attempts then DDP powerslams him for 2.

DDP elbow drops him then chokes him with tape while Max has the ref distracted. DDP chinlocks him again. Badd backdrops him. Badd atomic drops him then hits punches. Badd flying headscissors him then top rope double axe handles him. Diamond Doll gives Johnny a 10 with her cue cards.

Badd sitout powerbombs ddt for 2. DDP counters a hiptoss with a ddt. Badd blocks a diamond cutter for 2. Badd hits corner punches then bodyscissors DDP over the top. Badd tope con hilos DDP and Max outside then slingshots splashes him inside for 2. Badd dropkicks DDP into Max for 2. DDP holds up Badd for a shot from Max and Max nails DDP on accident. Badd then pins DDP and wins it.

The work was good but like the last PPV, I thought it was longer and slower than it needed to be especially for the opener. I also thought Max should have at least been ejected after getting involved multiple times.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs The Zodiac

Kamala was supposed to be in this but was replaced for some reason.

Zodiac comes out with Dean Malenko's future music. Macho hits Zodiac while he's on the ropes and eye raks him. Macho chokes Zodiac on the ropes. A fan gets in the ring and goves after Macho. The ref holds the fan back while Macho ignores it. Zodiac's head is banged off the rails then Macho is sent into the post.

Zod misses a 2nd rope splash and the fan is rushed out by security. Macho hits a top rope elbow drop and pins Zodiac.

Thoughts: Kamala had the right idea not showing up for this. This was a short waste of time that buried Zodiac. The fan getting involved also hurt the match as everyone was focused on them instead of the match. 

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Johnny B. Badd. Badd says if you believe, you can acheive. He said he dreamed of the day when he could hold the gold. He says dreams become reality. Badd says he's a bad man and will never give up. Gene tells him they are going to Greektown for dinner. Gene says he's going to sing at dinner.

Heenan makes fun of Gene and we see Kurosawa breaking Hawk's arm.

Roadwarrior Hawk vs Kurosawa

Heenan starts coughing due to Kuro's smoke and Tony tells him to get a drink of water.

Hawk flurries on Kuro then flying shoulders him. Hawk neckbreakers him and jumping fist drops him. Hawk drops him with a punch and hits a hard chop. Hawk misses a corner charge then gutwrench suplexes him. Hawk powerbombs him and Col. Rob Parker trips Kuro. Kuro slams Hawk then misses a top rope elbow drop. Hawk lariats Kuro over the top and Kuro takes a nice bump for it.

Hawk diving lariats Parker off the apron. Hawk's head is banged off the post then Kuro water wheel drops him. Kuro samoan drops him. Kuro's feet are on the ropes and Parker holds Kuro's leg there. Kuro then picks up the shocking win.

Thoughts: This was short but I liked it. Kuro was a real prospect at this point being a bigger man who moved well. I didn't love him beating Hawk, especially in a match where Hawk was getting his revenge, but I did like him picking up a win. I have no idea why they had him get the win here when Macho beat him on Nitro. Hawk's offense looked good here and I liked Kuro's power moves at the end. Kuro had a nice top rope elbow drop that I would have liked to have seen him hit.

Mean Gene interviews "Macho Man" Randy Savage. Macho says one down and one to go as he is supposed to face Lex later. He said he heard Hulk talk about him but says he can separate business from friendship. He said he can beat him in the ring. Macho tells Gene his mustache is crooked out of nowhere and Gene says his beard his crooked. Macho says he will make sure Lex beats Meng. Macho says his curiosity is killing him about the monster truck sumo match. He says he has interest in the world title match.

Thoughts: This was a wild promo here from Macho that was all over the place.

J.L. vs Sabu

Mr. JL is now just J.L. Heenan says his name is short for Just a Loser. The Original Sheik is with Sabu since they are in Detroit.

JL step up enzugiri's Sabu down the steps. JL is sent into the rails then Sabu asai moonsaults him and Sheik in a funny botched spot. Sabu comes off the apron and lands on the floor. JL top rope crossbodies him outside.

Sabu misses a moonsault off the top inside then JL top rope moonsaults him for 2. JL sitout powerbombs Sabu for 2. JL misses a corner charge then takes a slingshot legdrop. Sabu is on the buckles and JL germans him. Sabu top rope rolling drops him down. Sabu goes up top and is dropkicked off the ropes to the floor. Sabu does a seated moonsault and wins. The Sheik then throws fire at JL's face after Sabu wins.

Thoughts: I have to assume the finish was botched here as Sheik throwing a fireball at JL would have made more sense before the finish. It was a wild spotfest here with lots of wild flying and bumps and little selling. Sabu moonsaulting Sheik was hilarious. 

We get a promo from The Master (The Wizard) and Kevin Sullivan. Master calls Kevin his son and says the moon and stars are aligned for him. He says they will destroy Hulkamania tonight. He says the evil became out of control for Hulk when he put the black clothing in. He says Hulk doesn't have a friend in the universe. He says lightning doesn't strike twice in this universe.

Lex Luger vs Meng

Men wore that stupid mask out again that is too small for him. Lex hits shots on Meng then bangs Meng's head off the buckles. Lex side headlocks him then catapults him into the buckles. Meng's eyes are raked on the ropes then Lex's head is banged off the buckles.

Meng boots him then cradles him for 2. Meng charges into Lex's boot then Meng is lariated over the top. Meng is sent into the post and has his arm pulled down over the top rope. Meng eye rakes Lex. 

Lex hits punches and misses a corner charge. Meng rolls on him off a backdrop. Meng shoulderbeakers him then pulls his arm around the ropes. Meng foot chokes him. Meng piledrivers him and chokes him. Meng chinlocks him.

Lex gets out and crossbodies him. Meng backdrops him for 2. Lex goes out and is stopped from getting in multiple times. Meng misses a dropkick and wee clips of Bobby Heenan dining with Sonny Oono, who is a new debut here. Lex suplexes Meng in from the apron.

Lex hits lariats then back body drops him. Lex running lariats him then powerslams him. Meng spikes Lex with his loaded thumb. Meng nearly has it won then The Taskmaster comes in and kicks Meng. Lex wins via DQ.

Thoughts: The ending was lame here and didn't make much sense. Tony says it's because they wanted Lex to have to fight Savage, but why not just get DQ'd from the start and use weapons if that's the plan. The work wasn't bad but it was longer, slower and boring.

Mean Gene interviews The Giant, who is wearing racing gear. Giant says he will push Hulk off the roof tonight and says he will chokeslam him through the floor. Giant says Hulk will get the beating of his night in their match, if he lives through the sumo match.

Special Challenge Match - The Four Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman) vs Sting and Ric Flair

Ric was attacked before the show and did not come out with Sting. Arn and Sting trade hammerlocks. Arn full-nelsons Sting, Sting reverses it. Arn tries to use the ropes to get out but is just dropped down.

Sting is put in a wristlock and kips down then kips up. Sting facebusters Arn and hits shots on both opponents. BP makes Sting chase him outside. Arn goes for a lariat out there, misses and Sting knocks both down. BP goes for an eye poke and is gorilla press slammed.

Sting catapults Arn into BP, who is on the top rope. BP is crotched then rocket launched onto the rails. Sting hits shots on Arn. Arn bangs Sting's head off of BP's head. Sting takes a shot to the gut and Ric Flair runs in wearing regular clothes. The ref grabs Ric. Sting's head is banged off the rails.

Sting and BP trade. Arn chinlocks Sting. BP is rocket launched by Sting gets his knees up. Sting goes for the tag and is stopped. Sting goes for the tag and Ric chases BP around, missing Sting's tag. Arn abdominal stretches Sting with help from BP.

The heels work on Sting. Sting slugs it out with Arn. Arn spinebusters Sting for 2. Arn works Sting's legs. Ric says, "stand tall" and "I'm here". Arn bearhugs Sting. Sting gets out and BP blocks the tag.

Sting fights off the heels 1v2 and bangs their heads together. Sting finally tags Flair in. Flair then decks him immediately. Sting is beaten up 3v1. Sting goes after Flair and Sting acts like a wild man trying to get revenge. BP and Arn hold Sting down while Flair stomps him. 

Arn holds Sting for shots from Flair then Sting takes stomps with the refs trying to shield him.  

Mean Gene calls this the most disgusting thing he has ever seen. The Horsemen get on the mic. Ric says now we go to school. The first thing you learn is not to jump on Double A or play around with Flyin' Brian. He says the 3rd thing is not to mess around with The Nature Boy and the fourth thing is not to talk, talk or breathe unless The Horsemen want you to. Arn says be careful what you ask for. He says the fans wanted The Horsemen and now they got them. Ric says they are reunited and it feels so good, Horsemen style.

Thoughts: The heels did some classic heel work here on Sting, making you beg for Flair to come in. Sting finally got the hot tag in and it seems like we are going to get a good hot tag and then Flair just turns on Sting. While turning on Sting is almost a birthright for Flair and various WCW heels, it made little sense. Flair had been fighting Arn and Pillman. They had double teamed him, cheated him and generally just gave him very little reason to see them as friends. Meanwhile, Sting actually helped out Flair when he needed him. Like the last match, it didn't make a whole lot of sense to do a whole match just for Flair to turn on his partner. What if Sting won? What if Arn or Pillman got injured? Would it really be worth tricking Sting? No. And it's not like this was for a title. The only thing Flair gained out of this was an enemy. It was just one of those angles that sounds good for five seconds until you think about it further and realize it doesn't make any sense. And what makes it worse is that the angle robbed us of a potential classic.

Heenan says The Horsemen had to be back together and Sting was sacrificed.

Mike Tenay interviews Lex Luger.  

Lex says it seems various forces besides Sting want his match with Macho to take place. He said he doesn't really know why. He says he's not 100% but it'll be him and Macho getting it on. He says he will be all over Macho. He says Macho better be ready and said he never had a bigger match than him. 

Tony Schiavone is out of the commentary booth and Eric Bischoff is there instead. Bob Chandler, some monster truck guy, is at the booth. He puts over the monster truck Hulk got.

Monster Truck Sumo - Hulk Hogan vs The Giant

They get told the rules and yell at each other. They said there are two charges that can cause an explosion if you go over them.

The two trucks are tied together, so we don't get any cool crashes here. Hulk has a cool monster truck with his arms on the sides of it. They push the cards around for a while and hit one of the charges. All it really does is shoot off fireworks. Hulk eventually pushes Giant's truck out of the circle and wins.

The Giant goes after Hulk on the roof after. Giant misses a charge and picks him up by the throat. They fight on the ledge and Giant seemingly falls of the roof to his death. Hulk immediately calls for help and runs.

Thoughts: This was boring. The two trucks were tied together and couldn't ram each other or anything. It was just trucks being pushed back and forth and it was about as interesting as it sounds. WCW is going to be in some serious trouble for filming a man's death on a PPV and the only fighting Hulk is going to be doing is in a court room as he tries to explain this.

We go back to the commentary booth. Heenan says he doesn't know what to do. Eric says security is headed up there. Heenan wants to know whether Giant fell in the river or in the parking lot. Eric leaves to go up to the roof and we go back to the matches. The show must go on!

"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs Lex Luger

Heenan says he can't watch this match and says Giant just fell off the roof. Lex offers a handshake and Macho boots him. Lex's head is banged off the buckles then Lex running lariats him. Lex bangs Macho's head off the buckles. Jimmy Hart comes out as Lex boots Macho.

Lex chokes Macho on the ropes. Macho hits shots to the gut. Lex throws Macho out. Heenan yells at Tony for trying to call the match and says we need to know what happened to Giant now.

Lex double axe handles Macho off the apron. Lex is sent into the steps and the rail. Heenan says he can't stop shaking. Macho lariats Lex from behind inside. Macho comes off the top and Lex hits him in the gut.

Jimmy Hart distracts the ref on the apron. Lex knees Macho then tries to pin him with his feet on the ropes. Hart still has the ref distracted though and the ref doesn't count. Macho throws Lex into the ropes, knocking over Hart. Macho top rope elbow drops Lex and wins.

Thoughts: It was a bizarre match. Heenan is doing his serious voice as he is selling this like someone died and naturally doesn't want to call the match. Tony could care less and makes it seem like nobody really got hurt. Jimmy Hart came out for unexplained reasons and distracted the ref. And what we got of Lex vs Macho was short and very basic.

Heenan begs for a walkie talkie so he can know what happened outside. Tony says we are going go to Michael Buffer. Heenan complains and says we need to go outside and see what happened. Heenan then gets mad and walks off as Tony "The Cold Hearted Devil" Schiavone acts like nothing happened.

Heenan comes back. He says it would take him 2 hours to get out there. He says we can talk to astronauts on the moon but can't figure out what happened outside? Tony makes a joke and Heenan says this is serious and says him and Giant's father go far back.

We see clips of Hulk Hogan murdering The Giant again. Heenan wants to know why we can't find anything. Heenan gets on his hands and knees to bet for information. Tony's trying to not to laugh and shakes his head at Heenan like he's a moron. Heenan rightfully tells him he thinks Tony doesn't care. Heenan says we aren't being told anything because it's bad.  Heenan asks fans for a walkie talkie. 

Thoughts: This whole thing has turned really bad at this point. Tony's exposing this whole angle by not caring or treating it like it's serious while Bobby Heenan of all people is the voice of reason in this insane situation. This is like a Twilight Zone movie at this point where the main character is the only sane person.

WCW Title - Hulk Hogan (c) vs The Giant

Michael Buffer does the intro for The Giant. He says there's been a chance and Hulk comes out instead. Hulk gets on the mic. He says what happened was not supposed to go down. He said it was a long way down to the parking lot. He says there was a terrible accident out there then The Giant and The Taskmaster come out. The Giant doesn't have a single scratch on him and runs at Hulk like he is as good as new. This is The Giant's WCW debut and his second match ever.

Heenan says something has happened here as this man survived a 5 story fall. Tony says this is the most incredible thing he has seen in his life. Hulk has Taskmaster paint on his head. He hits shots on Giant and it takes many just to get him to sell some. Hulk goes for the slam and is clubbed. Giant back rakes Hulk. Giant boots Hulk and elbows him in the neck. Giant chokes Hulk and foot chokes him.

Giant double knuckle locks him. Hulk is pounded on and Giant back elbows him. Giant hits a big slam. Giant misses a legdrop. Hulk bangs Giant's head off the buckles then hits corner punches.

Hulk hits punches and lariats. Giant is lariated over the top to the floor. Taskmaster tries to walk Giant to the back and Hulk bangs Giant's and Task's heads together. Hulk eye rakes him and hits punches. Hulk eye rakes and chokes Giant then Giant eye rakes him. 

Giant hits a backbreaker. Giant bearhugs him. Hulks gets out and Giant slams him. Giant bearhugs him again and Hulk makes his comeback. Giant hits a chokeslam and Hulk hulks up. Hulk big boots Giant then hits a big slam. Hulk leg drops Giant and Himmy Hart seemingly nails the ref (the camera's barely catch it and you have to see it in slow mo to even somewhat see it). Hulk asks Jimmy what happened. Jimmy says he doesn't know. Hulk turns around and Jimmy hits Hulk with the title. Hulk no sells it. 

Hulk grabs Jimmy. Giant bearhugs Hulk. Taskmaster comes in and helps beat up Hulk. Lex Luger and Randy Savage comes down. Jimmy hits Macho with the title and Lex stomps Macho. The Yeti comes down. The Yeti bearhugs Hulk from the other side and it looks like Hulk is getting DP'd in a very stupid moment. Lex racks Hulk and the ref somehow doesn't see any of this. Giant and Yeti then DP Macho and Lex racks Macho. The ref gets up and raises Giant's hand while holding the title. We are told The Giant is the winner via DQ.

Hulk is left laying and is helped out by Doug Dillinger. 

We cut to commentary. Heenan says this couldn't have happened to two nicer guys. Hogan and Macho help each other out and Tony calls it one of the most bizarre endings in wrestling.

Thoughts: This whole thing was one of the worst wrestling segments and matches ever. Heenan thinks The Giant is dead to start things off in odd fashion.The Giant falls off a roof and doesn't even have a scratch on him. He then has a long, slow and mostly boring match with Hulk with little but punches, boots, eye rakes and bearhugs. Jimmy Hart hits the ref with the title belt, then turns on Hulk for no real reason, losing management power of the world champ in the process for someone who doesn't have the title. Giant then ends up being awarded the DQ win despite it being obvious that Jimmy did this to help out Giant and not Hulk. The ref sees a bunch of people come in and none of that influences his decision either. We then get The Yeti. The Yeti and The Giant do a double bearhug spot that looks fake and looks like a weird sex scene. They then do it again and it looks just as bad the second time.

Overall thoughts: It was truly a horrid pay per view and easily one of the worst shows ever. Kamala gets replaced by Zodiac against Macho. A fan runs in during the match and everyone focuses on the fan instead of the match. Sabu moonsaults his own uncle. Kevin Sullivan costs Meng the match for questionable reasons in a dumb way. Ric Flair feuds with Arn and Pillman for months seemingly just for the sole purpose of turning on Sting, which would have required time travel to figure out and execute. We get a boring monster truck sumo battle. Macho has a nothing match with Lex that plays second to Heenan and Tony fighting about whether The Giant died or not. Tony doesn't care that The Giant maybe died and exposes the whole angle while Heenan takes it seriously and ends up looking like an idiot. Giant then survives a fall off a roof and isn't effected a single bit. He has a long and boring match against Hulk, where Jimmy Hart turns on his champion client. The ref then punishes Hulk for getting turned on by giving The Giant the win. The Yeti then comes out and does the worst run-in ever and the faces are left laying to close the show. It was an awful show that should have lost WCW The Monday Night Wars from the start.

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