Wednesday, June 26, 2024

TNA Xplosion 6/21/2024

TNA Xplosion 6/21/2024

Last week's show is here:

Sinner & Saint (Judas Icarus and Travis Williams) vs Torero and Quintero

Trav and Quin lock up. The video actually freezes and Quin is aken down. Quin is held and takes running forearms. He then is dropkicked in the knee which sends him into a gutbuster. Trav takes a russian legsweep + lariat combo. Tor running lariats him in the corner and Quin dropkicks him for 2.

Trav hits chops and rolls him into a suplex. Judas hits some shots on Tor then double chops him. Judas does a dangerous reverse ddt move. Tor rolls up Trav for 2. Tor takes some kicks from his opponents then Tor takes a shining wizard kick + an elevated pedigree to win.

Thoughts: It was a short one sadly, as we didn't get to see a lot of anyone. Sinner and Saint got a little too cute with some of the moves at times here.

Around The Ring with Gia Miller

Jordynne Grace is the guest this week. Gia says she has a photo of Grace's animals on her fridge. Grace says she has 6 dogs. She says she has fostered dogs. They talk more about the dogs and it doesn't really go past that.

Leon Slater vs Kon

Kon wristlocks him. Leon reverses it then is pulled down. Kon gets him by the neck and Leon hits a handspring back elbow. Leon springboard back elbows him then facekicks him. Leon lariats him over the top.

Leon is caught on a plancha outside and slammed on the apron. Leon's back is rammed into the apron. Kon stomps on him then Leon does a flip sell when thrown into the corner. Leon hits shots and Kon blocks his sunset flip.

Leon enzugiri's him off a chokeslam. Leon dropkicks him in the corner. Leon 2nd rope diving headscissors him then suicide dives him outside. They trade shots outside and Kon goes into the post. Leon jumps over the post and tope con hilos him.

Kon hits a big lariat for 2 then hits back elbows. Leon leg lariats him then swanton 450's him for the win.

Thoughts: I didn't like Kon losing here. If you wanna do this, you do it on TV, not on a show like this with no build. It makes Kon look bad and nobody saw it anyway. The match was fine otherwise.

Overall thoughts: There were 2 new matches and a new interview this week. It's nice to get a 2nd match again. Nothing here was must see but Kon losing to Leon was a surprise.

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