Wednesday, June 19, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 10/2/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 10/2/1995

Last week's show is here:

Eric Bischoff, Mongo McMichael and Bobby Heenan are on commentary. Mongo's dog Pepe has goofy glasses on. Ric Flair comes in and says it's him and "Double A" Arn Anderson tonight.

Lex Luger leaves WCW if he loses - Lex Luger vs "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Mongo says Lex might have to go back to that "other league" where they "don't do nothin'" if he loses. Mongo says you are braindead if you aren't watching this. Macho's got a super colorful outfit on.

Thye lock up and roll on the ropes. They then roll out and stay tied up together. We go to break and return. They get back in the ring and Lex shoves him into the corner. Lex poses. They shove each other and Lex slaps him. Macho back elbows him then Lex neckbreakers him on the floor.

Macho cradles him then is gorilla press slammed inside. Mach backslides him then Lex backslides him. They run into each other and both go down. Macho comes off the top and is hit in the gut. Macho pulls Lex out. Macho hits a top rope double axe handle on Lex outside.

Lex is dropped on the rail throat first. Macho is sent into the post then flying knees Lex in the back. Lex is sent into the ref then Macho slams Lex. Macho hits a top rope elbow drop but the ref is out.

The Giant comes out. Giant chokeslams Macho then Lex torture racks Macho. Macho is out from the chokeslam and the ref awards the match to Lex.

Thoughts: It was average with a so-so finish They made it sound like we missed a lot here during the break. This was not their first match against each other as they had fought in 1993 in The WWF.

The Disco Inferno comes out when he's not supposed to and dances on the stage. Eddie Guerrero backs him up off the stage. 

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko

Dean's wearing black wrist tape here which I don't remember him wearing much. Eddie shoves him then Dean backrolls and headflips up. Eddie bridges him off the double knuckle lock then Eddie flips out of a monkey flip.

Eddie hammerlocks Dean. Mongo says there's a new book about 1,000 sex positions and asks how Dean knows 1,000 holds. Eric tells Bobby that he will turn the mic off if he touches that. Eddie shoulders Dean over and Eddie flips over him. Dean is popped up and he dropkicks Eddie off of it. Eddie takes an alabama slam and cartwheels out of a headscissors. Eddie lariats him. We cut to Hulk Hogan arriving. Jimmy Hart says The Giant is here and tells him to stay in the limo. He says he doesn't want to know what happened to Macho. Hulk said that's why he's here. He says he will hunt him down and put an end to his shenanigans. Jimmy tells him his neck isn't 100% and he doesn't need to be here. Hulk says he's not the big picture, it's about The Hulksters.

We go back to the match and they reverse each other. Dean snapmares him. Eddie hooks his legs under Dean's arm and throws him over the top to the floor. Eddie slams Dean on the floor. Eddie top rope crossbodies Dean outside. Eddie brainbusters him.

Dean gets his knees up on a frog splash from Eddie. Eddie then grabs the pin soon after on a reversal on a pin attempt.

Dean tells him he got lucky and says he wants another match. Eddie says anytime and anyplace.

WCW completely cutting away to Hulk was really rude to both wrestlers. It made them feel unimportant and they were really just second to the Hulk stuff all throughout. They were moving well and matched up together but they didn't have the time or the spotlight to do anything great here. That Mongo line above was so funny and random.

Mean Gene Okerlund brings out Hulk Hogan. Jimmy Hart comes out with Hulk. Hulk says he had to do some soul searching. He said he was with Jason Pittman, who is a kid that is getting ready for a double lung transplant. He said Jason to look Giant in the eye and take him down.

Hulk shakes the fans hands then someone dressed like a woman throws powder in Hulk's eyes then hits him with a cane. The Giant and The Zodiac come out. The Taskmaster is in the woman costume. Giant takes off Hulk's neckbrace then neck twists him. Taskmaster then shaves off Hulk's mustache.

The American Males try to help and get nailed by Giant. The Nasty Boys then come out. giant chokeslams Knobbs and Saggs. Taskmaster then goes to cut Hulk's hair but doesn't. WCW's medical trainer comes out and his shirt has a giant hole under the arm.

This was a really weird angle here with Sullivan crossdressing and then shaving Hulk's beard.

Ric Flair vs Arn Anderson

They lock up and Arn pulls him down by the hair. Ric chops and punches him. Arn back body drops him. Arn stomps the arm and hammerlocks it. Ric hits chops. Arn eye pokes Ric. Ric is sent to the apron and pulls Arn over the top rope to the floor.

Ric kicks Arn in the gut. Arn back body drops Ric on the floor. Arn hits shots on Ric inside then spinebusters him. Arn armlocks him. Ric puts him in a sleeper. Arn is pushed into the buckles then backdropped.

Arn back elbows him in the corner then Ric back elbows him. Ric figure fours Arn. Ric comes off the top outside onto Arn but Arn nails him in the gut. Arn is back body dropped on the floor.

They get back in and Ric blocks a ddt by holding on to the ropes. Ric hits a punch flurry then bends over and takes an elbow to the neck. Arn comes off the 2nd rope and Ric chops him. Ric figure fours him then Brian Pillman top rope splashes Ric. Ric wins the match via DQ.

Pillman beats up on Arn then Arn fights back. Arn holds onto Ric as Pillman beats up on him.  Pillman then does the Four Horsemen sign.

Thoughts: They didn't work together as well as you would think as they had a botch or two here. Like the opener, it didn't really get enough time to mature. They definitely had to speed things along more than they would have normally.

Eric tells us Flair asked for a cage match with Arn Anderson next week.

Overall thoughts: The show really didn't waste any time at all and the show was packed with things happening from start to finish. If you missed a few minutes here, you definitely missed something. As you expect, this lead to a fast paced and interesting show. Two of the three matches had dirty finishes here which sucked and neither really had enough time to be a classic. I didn't like them interrupting the Guerrero/Malenko match as it totally took you out of it and made the match feel unimportant. I still liked this despite its flaws, but it was not a perfect show.

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