Thursday, June 20, 2024

AEW Dynamite 6/19/2024

AEW Dynamite 6/19/2024

Last week's show is here:

Rush vs MJF

They trade shots. MJF side headlocks him. Rush drops down and MJF struts. They trade chops and Rush headbutts him. MJF goes down then Rush stomps on him.  Rush hits shots then back body drops him. MJF appears to be bleeding from the mouth. MJF sunset flips him for 2 then Rush punches him. MJF goes down again and Rush poses.

Rush boots him and poses. MJF then hits mounted shots. Rush hits mounted shots back. Rush rebound germans him and basement dropkicks him. Rush misses a basement dropkick. MJF cradles and backslides him. MJF superkicks him then hits a ddt while holding him in mid-air. MJF short piledrivers him for 2.

Rush belly to belly suplexes MJF into the buckles. MJF slips off the ropes and is punched. Rush straightjacket piledrivers him for 2. Rush flying forearms him. MJF is thrown into the rails outside. 

MJF hits rush with cables outside. Rush wraps it around MJF's mouth. Rush rips up a sign then is tripped into a chair. Rush belly to belly suplexes MJF off the apron to the floor. Rush runs at MJF in the corner and is lariated.

MJF hits a spinebuster and mounted punches. MJF bangs Rush's head off the buckles. MJF hits conrer punches then bites him. MJF hits a heatseeker piledriver then brainbusters him for the win.

Thoughts: I thought MJF took too much of a whooping here just to come back and win. I liked the work for the most part though. It's a shame they didn't have the guts to give Rush a win as it would have given both of them something to do and raised Rush's stock some.

The Cage of Agony and Hechicero mock clap for MJF on the tron after. Cage says The Elite EVP's wanted to send their congratulations as well. Cage seems to imply there Hechicero is challenging MJF at Forbidden Door. Hech talks in spanish.

Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, Kyle O'Reilly and Dante Martin are interviewed. Mark said he lost the match for his team and said it won't happen again. He said vengeance and redemption are the words for today. He says The Conglomeration is here. Jack Perry walks by and stares at Mark. Mark then says "get your @ss out of here, Jack Perry" after he leaves. Mark says tonight is all-star 8-man tag action. OC gives Renee a bracelet after.

 Swerve Strickland and Will Ospreay come out. Will said he held 3 different titles on 3 continents at the same time. He said he will test him and find out that he is the best wrestler in the world today. Swerve says he's the best wrestler in the world. Swerve says he's been watching him the whole time.

Swerve asks if he will try to get the help on Don Callis to beat him. Will says he doesn't need Don and says he can do this by himself. Don Callis and crew are then seen watching in the back. Will says while Swerve had a hit row, he had a hit list. He said the killshot he promised everyone is off. He says Swerve won't walk out alive if he uses the tiger driver '91.

Swerve says he doesn't have any friends. He asks who is Will Ospreay if he breaks his leg or arm at Forbidden Door. He says you have to sacrifice that just more to be champ like him. He says he's not ready for it. He brings up Will's son, who really isn't his son, and Will says not to make this personal.

Prince Nana says this isn't the time and they need to save their energy and emotion for Forbidden Door. Prince Nana says, "Whose House?" and Will says, "My House". Swerve asks Will what if he wants to make this personal. He says it's always personal when it involves the title and says to send his regards to Al and Harry again, whoever that is.

Thoughts: I thought this was all over the place and didn't really get to whatever the point of it was.

Don Callis and his family talks in the back. Trent says Will disrespected the family. Don says it will all be fine. 

Orange Cassidy, Kyle O'Reilly, Mark Briscoe and Dante Martin vs Roderick Strong, Zack Sabre Jr, Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher

KF = Kyle Fletcher, KT = Konosuke Takeshita,  KOR = Kyle O'Reilly, OC = Orange Cassidy

Everyone but OC and Zack go out. Zack and OC stare down. OC goofs off then boht get nailed. Kyle and Mark fight in the ring. KF topes Mark outside. KOR dives on KF outside then KOR leglocks Strong through the ropes. KT facekicks Mark. OC sits down in a chair to duck a KT clothesline then dropkicks him out.

Zack puts an octopus on OC on the ropes. Instead of stopping it, Mark jumps to the outside onto KF. Dante is popped up and hurricanrana's KT. Dante double springboard tope con hilos outside. 

We go to PiP break and return. OC goes to put his hands in his pockets and is stopped. Zack takes him down by the arm then is flipped by the arm. Zack tries a pin attempt on him then KT forearms OC over. Strong and KT push each other then KOR kicks both.

Strong step up knees KOR then uranage backbreakers him. Strong and KOR trade shots. Strong drives him down by the arm. Dante hits forearms on Zack then armdrags Zack. Dante hits a double hurricanrana. Dane hits a springboard crossbody on KF. KT 2nd rope powerbombs Dante.

We go to another PiP break and return. Mark hits chops on KF and flying kicks Zack off the apron. Mark hits shots on Strong and KF then back enzugiri's Strong. KT eye rakes Mark. Mark rolling death valley drivers KT. The faces jump off the top onto KT for 2. Everyone comes in to hit a move. Dante ends up diving onto Bennett and Taven outside then Mark headhunters KT off the apron. Strong hits a big jumping knee on KOR then OC hits an orange punch and wins.

Thoughts: It was a long one that went past two breaks. They had a long finishing stretch here with people coming in to hit a move and getting out. OC had to do comedy here. I didn't really love it as it was just too all over the place.

Jack Perry drops Date Martin on the ramp. Mark Briscoe goes after him then fights with Takeshita. OC and Zack then bump chests.

Mercedes Mone does a promo. She said Zeuxis fought hard last week but just gave her a taste for lucha talent. Mone says she's been training to get the IWGP Women's title. Mone says the titles aren't up for grabs, they are hers to take.

Don Callis goes up to Rush in the back. He talks in Spanish. Rush hits the wall.

AEW Tag Title Eliminator - The Young Bucks vs The Acclaimed

Max's mic is muted during his rap. We see Okada on the tron muting him. He says he pushed the wrong button and is so sorry, b!tch. The two teams fight on the ramp. A Buck is back body dropped on the ramp.

A Buck takes a neckbreaker on knees. Max slams a Buck then Bowens legdrops the Buck in the crotch. Max hiptosses a Buck. Bowens is dropkicked in the knee and goes off the apron. Max misses a corner charge and goes over the top to the floor.

We go to PiP break and return. Max hits a top rope double crossbody on The Bucks. Bowens hits an over the back fameasser and goes down due to leg pain. Bowens is superkicked for 2. Bowens is bridged on the ropes and takes a top rope swanton.

Bowens takes a legsweep then a double superkick. Bowens takes another double superkick. Max is back body dropped over the top. 

A Buck is crotched on the top rope then Bowens is low blowed. Bowens takes an EVP trigger for 2. A buck topes on Max then throws him over the rail. Bowens takes a shiranui + powerbomb combo for 2. A Buck misses a belt shot and almost hits the ref. The ref turns around then the one Buck hits the other. The Acclaimed hit the arrival and the mic drop and win.

There should have been a DQ for the attempted belt shot. I was really surprised to see The Acclaimed win this as I was sure they had lost it. I thought The Acclaimed took a little too much offense here with Bowens being hurt yet taking shiranui + powerbomb combos, EVP triggers and double superkicks.

Samoa Joe and Hook talk in the back. Joe talks about the rent and chopped cheese in NYC with Hook. No, really. They go into The Premier Athletes locker room and nobody is there. A note is left for Joe and Hook, challenging them to a 3v3 Collision match. Joe, Hook and Shibata accept the challenge.

Mariah May hosts a contract signing for Toni Storm vs Mina Shirakawa. May says she loves them both. Mina tells her to shut up. She says Toni is a legend in Stardom and a star in AEW. She says Toni got soft and weak as AEW champ. Mina says everyone says "We Want Mina" and says nobody wants her. Mina says she iwll take her title and her girl, then points to Mariah. Toni does her chin up line to Mina and tells her to watch for the shoe. Mina says May must choose.

Saraya, Harley Cameron and Anna Jay come out. Anna sends Mina into the post. Toni saves May by hitting people with her shoe. She germans Saraya then ends up doing a hip attack into the table when Saraya moves.

Claudio says him and Pac are prime candidates for the spot at Wembley for the Owen Hart Cup Final.  Claudio says let's do it.

I won't be covering the Kris Statlander match. Stokeley Hathaway gets on the mic after and says he knows Willow wants a piece of them. He threatens her. Willow gets on the tron after and congratulates them.  She says when he moves onto the 2nd round, there will be no more running. She says she will whoop her @ss and get one step closer to her goal of wrestling at Wembley.

Renee interviews Private Party. They are facing two luchadores this weekend and Renee asks if they will use their momentum from beating up Jericho in it. They said Jerico's crew learned they are no joke. Jericho's crew then comes in. Jericho said they got the upper hand on him but they cheated. He says when you are facing luchadores, you make sure to avoid the tombstone. Bill said they made a first impression and said not all first impressions are good. Bryan Kith then says something maybe in spanish about respecting Jericho.

I don't know what this was, but it was bizarre. Renee asking Private Party if them beating up Jericho's crew gave them momentum was a weird question.

Daniel Garcia vs Rhett Titus

DG wore some weird shirt out. Rhett rushes him and stomps on him. Rhett then does DG's dance. DG shotgun dropkicks him and hits twists and shouts. DG underhook lifts him and drops him on his knees. DG then wins.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here.

The Gates of Agony beat up Matt Menard on commentary after. Brian Cage and Hechicero come in and join the fun after. MJF then comes out and goes after the heels. MJF is beaten up and Hechicero puts him in a hold. Will Ospreay then comes out. Will of course cleans house then him and MJF stare down. The crowd treats it like it's Hogan/Warrior at the 1990 Rumble.

Will then helps Garcia after.

Will Ospreay is interviewed by Renee. He says he couldn't care less about MJF. Brian Cage then comes after Will but is held back. They agree to a title match on Collision.

Owen Hart Tournament Men's Quarterfinal - Pac vs Claudio Castagnoli

Pac shotgun dropkicks him then dropkicks him off the top. Pac sends CC into the rails. Pac top rope dropkicks CC. CC pop-up euros Pac outside.

We go to PiP break and return. CC spears the post when Pac moves. Pac diving hurricanrana's him off the apron. Pac moonsaults him outside. Pac flips off the apron and ends up ddt'ing him on the floor. Pac springboard elbow drops him.

They trade and Pac rebound germans him. Pac hits kicks and drops him. Pac misses an ssp and takes a running euro for 2. CC giant swings Pac then running lariats him for 2. Pac brutalizers him in the air then CC sharpshooters him. CC crossfaces him. They try pin attempts and Pac wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything special. They had some nice spots but then they went into submissions for the latter part of the match and Pac won via a fluke pin.

Overall thoughts: I wasn't that interested in the show, but they are following through on various storylines and trying to build some things towards Forbidden Door. I think they did the right things on this one, but I don't think the talent and matchups chosen for Forbidden Door are the best matches available. I think this attempt at Forbidden Door is being done a lot better than previous attempts have been, but I still don't expect the show to be a major draw.

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