Friday, June 14, 2024

TNA Xplosion 6/7/2024

TNA Xplosion 6/7/2024

Last week's show is here:

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Lars Frederiksen is the guest this week. Lars says the best wrestling is the realest wrestling. He says Dani Luna and Jody Threat are punkers like him. Lars and Gia say there's a lot of crossover between punk rock and wrestling. Lars talks about a line from a song that says, "it's not fake, you're just stupid".

Lars talks about seeing Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson. He said he didn't get NWA until the mid-80's then saw Mid-South, Polynesian Pacific Championship Wrestling and GLOW. He said he went to AWA and Polynesian shows. He said he was excited to play Madison Square Garden as Jimmy Snuka jumped off the cage there.

He says there's a lot of similarities between wrestling and punk rock. He says he truly is stoked to be here. 

The Good Hands (John Skylar and Jason Hotch) vs Sinner & Saint (Judas Icarus and Travis Williams)


The Good Hands interrupt the ring announcer. Skylar says they have been overlooked and underappreciated for too long. They said they will prove a point against The New Kids on The Block here. He says these two ham sandwiches will lose to these two good hands.

Hotch and Travis go at it. Hotch wristlocks him then Travis bridges and headflips out. Hotch is double hiptossed into the ropes then flipped back. Hotch then takes a double basement dropkick. Hotch slams Travis.

John takes offense in the corner. Sinner and Saint go up and over multiple times then John takes a dropkick in the corner. Hotch holds the ropes open and Judas falls out of the ring. Judas' head is banged off the apron.

Judas takes punches from both men in the corner. John spears Judas on the ropes. Hotch slingshots and rolls into a neckbreaker on Judas. Judas has the pin on John and Hotch reverses it. John lariats Judas.

Juas is put in tree of woe and has his crotch stood on as he hangs. Judas tags Travis in. Travis handspring lariats Hotch. Travis 2nd rope dropkicks Hotch then John is thrown out. Hotch is popped up into a german from Travis. Judas is put on John's shoulders and takes a 2nd rope headhunter from Hotch. Judas is then pinned.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. It was fast paced. Travis had a nice hot tag segment and the crowd was into it. Despite this being a show nobody really watches, they didn't take the night off.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match and one new interview as usual. It wasn't must see but it was good especially for this being a smaller show.

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