Friday, June 14, 2024

CMLL 6/11/2024 Arena Mexico

CMLL 6/11/2024 Arena Mexico

Dr. Karonte I and II vs Leono and Astral

Dr. Karonte 1 has the yellow/black on his outfit and Dr. Karonte 2 has the red. Astral and 1 go at it. Astral armdrags him and 1 armdrags him back. Astral wristlocks him and is wristlocked. Astral armdrags him. 2 and Leono get in. 2 armdrags him and armlocks him then Leono rolls him into a pin attempt. Leono takes him down and ties his legs up. 2 hits armdrags then Leono back elbows him. 2 armdrags him and does a spinarooni up. They go chest to chest and tag out.

1 and Astral fight. Astral takes him down and is hit on the ropes by 2. Astral is double teamed then Astral springboards into an armdrag on 2. Astral springboard headsicssors 1 out. 1 boots Leono then spinkicks 2 on accident. Leono tilt-a-whirl backbreakers 1 then flying headscissors 2.

1 dropkicks Leono then Leono is held for a springboard codebreaker. Astral is basement dropkicked then suplexed on the apron. Leono is double teamed. He hits a headcissors on 1 then monkey flips 2. Astral springboard crossbodies 1 then Leono cannonballs 1 off the apron. 2 asai moonsaults outside then Astral double springboard plancha's outside. Astral goes for a double jump moonsaults and 1 gets his feet up. 1 gorilla pres sgutbusters Astral and pins him. Leono then takes a top rope splash from 2 and is put in a reverse figure four. 2 submits Leono to win the match.

Thoughts: It was okay. We got a few dives and it didn't overstay it's welcome. It was absolutely nothing must see though. 

Espanto Jr., Nitro, Okumura vs El Audaz, Hombre Bala Jr., Legendario 


1st Fall - Bala and Nitro start us off.  Bala side headlocks him and wristlocks him. Nitro trips him and hooks the leg. Bala armbars him. Bala headflips out of a wristlock and armdrags Nitro. Bala armdrags him and they stand off and tag out.

Oku and Aud go at it. Oku shoulders him over. Aud flips out of a snapmare and armdrags him. Oku spin kicks and chest kicks him. Aud kips up and flying headscissors him. Esp dropkicks Aud out of the ring. Leg springboard crossbodies Esp then spinning forearms him. Leg flips off the ropes and armdrags Esp.

Leg tope con hilos Esp. Bala top rope crosbodies Oku. Bala pumping knees him then pendulum double knees Nitro and pins him. Aud headscissors Oku into an armbar and submits him. Bala's team wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - Leg double jump moonsaults over Oku. Leg tornillo armdrags him off the top. Leg flying headscissors Oku. Leg flips off a slingshot and hurricanrana's Esp. Aud pumping knes Oku then springboard tornillos him. Aud backflips into a spinning headscissors. Aud is thrown into the ropes and backflips over them to the stage. Esp flips Aud into the ring and aud flying headscissors Nitro.

Bala flying headscissors Oku then springboard tornillo armdrags Nitro. Bala flying headscissors Nitro then corkscrew headscissors Eespn. Bala tilt-a-whirl armdrags Esp then is booted outside by Oku. Okus sends Bala into the rails.

Nitro back body drops Leg. Aud is dropkicked in the crotch off the 2nd rope by Nitro and pinned. Esp la escalara's Leg and submits him. Espanto's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Bala takes corner splashes then an eye poke from Esp. Leg is triple teamed. Aud takes a double spinebuster then Nitro elbow drops Aud's crotch. Bala evades a triple team and superkicks Esp. Bala armdrags Nitro then triangle tornillo plancha's outside.  The faces do stereo springboard armdrags then stereo asai moonsaults outside. Bala top rope crossbodies Oku then takes a cutter and backcracker. Nitro top rope splashes Bala and Okumura picks up the pin. Espanto's team wins the fall and match.

It was a good one here with the faces being alloed to go all over. It was definitely a workrate heavy match and Okumura had one of his better showings. I liked this one.

Hera & Olympia vs Metálica & Reyna Isis 

1st Fall - Hera and Metal start us off. Metal takes her down then Hera wristlocks her. Metal headflips out of it and armdrags her. Hera rolls out of a wristlock and ties up Metal's legs. Hera cartwheels over Metal then walks up the ropes and flips off for an armdrag.

Reyna and Hera fight. Hera corner lariats her then step up enzugiri's her. Reyna flying headscissors her then tilt-a-whirl armdrags her. Olym trips Reyna then Reyna armdrags her. Olym tiger feints and rolls her into a dropkick. Reyna trips Olym then Hera top rope sunset flips Reyna. Hera springboard 180 splashes both opponents then Olym springboard splashes both opponets. Hera and Olym get pins to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Metal flips over Olym then flying headscissors her. Olym flips off the ropes into an armdrag on Metal. Reyna is pushed into Metal then Olym headscissors Metal. Olym flying headscissors Reyna.

Metal trips Olym then Reyna basement dropkicks her. Hera is thrown into the rails and Olym is dropped on the rails throat first. Metal basement dropkicks Hera. Olym is dropkicked in the crotch. Hera and Olym are spinebustered down together then take legdrops. Reyna double underhook suplexes Olym then Metal maybe backbreakers Hera off the casadora. Reyna and Metal win the fall.

3rd Fall - Olym is double stomped by her opponents. Olym takes corner attacks  and flips over Metal's back. Olym pops up Hera into a hurricanrana on Metal. Olym goes up top and plancha's both opponents outside. Hera then hits a top rope plancha on both. Hera springboard inverted splashes Metal.

Reyna top rope splashes Olym. Reyna dropkicks Hera and gets a 2 count on Olym. Reyna is double suplexed for 2. Olym squats Metal then slams her down. Hera bottom rope asai moonsaults Metal. Reyna sit out death valley drivers Hera. Olym headstand pendulum bronco busters Reyna in the corner and Hera hits a code red on Metal to pin her.

Reyna flying double chops Olym. Olym swinging side sitout slams Reyna to win the match.

Thoughts: It was good for the girls. Hera did some nice flying and Olym is always pretty solid. There weren't any real screw-ups and I liked it far more than I expected.

Fugaz, Guerrero Maya Jr., Star Black vs Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Kráneo

Gem = Either Gemelo Diablo since they look the same

1st Fall - Maya and a Gem start us off. Maya side headlocks him and is tripped. Maya is put in a bow and arrow then Maya wristlocks him. Gem single leg crabs him then is taken down. They trade leglocks an stand off.

Fug and a Gem go at it. Fug snapmares him. Gem trips him and rolling leglocks him. Fug is flipped off his back and snapmares him. Fug then puts him in an octopus that is quickly broken. Star takes a double back elbow in the corner then Kraneo hip attacks Star. Maya's head is banged off the buckles then Maya takes a doomsday device. Kraneo corner splashes Fug then Fug is double gorilla press dropped. Kraneo splashes Fug and wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Star is triple teamed and triple booted out. Fug takes a double back elbow then is flipped over in a 2 person slam. Mije tries to dive onto Fug's crotch but the ref catches him and stops him. Fug pushes the Gen's into each other and pump kicks one out. Fug tornillos outside. Maya and Star hit springboard reverse topes and get pins to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Maya and Kraneo go at it. Maya pulls down Kraneo then springboard armdrags him. Maya tilt-a-whirl backbreakers both Gem's and poses. Fug boots Kraneo and dropkicks him. Fug fyling headscissors a Gem then walks up the ropes, does rope tricks and tornillo armdrags the other. Kraneo and Star go at it.

Star hits flying shoulders. Star dropkicks Kraneo and springbord twisting crossbodies a Gem. Star hits a flying headscissors on a Gem then walks up the ropes and springboard armdrags the other Gem. Star diving hurricanrana's A gem off the apron. Maya armdrags Kraneo then topes him outside. Fug springboard hurricanrana's a Gem for 2. Fug asai moonsaults a Gem and pins him to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was nothing special here. The Gems and Kraneo did little and the faces didn't do their best stuff here. 

Hechicero vs Blue Panther

1st Fall - Blue does a nice twisting armdrag. Blue pulls Hech's arms back. Hech trips him while in front of him  then Hech drops down on the leg. Blue armbars him. Hech ties up Blue's arm inside of his leg. Blue headscissors and kimura's Hech. Hech rolls him into a submission. Blue ties up his arms on the mat then Hech la magistrals him into a pin attempt.

Blue trips Hech and they stand off. Hech hooks both legs and Blue lifts himself in mid air and spinning headscisosrs him down. Hech flying headscissors Blue off an armlock. Blue headstands out of the headscissors. Hech surfboards him then Blue puts his own surfboard on.

Hech crucifixes Blue then taps him out with a grounded octopus. Hech wins the fall.

2nd Fall
- Both fly at each other and miss. Blue hits lariats then taps him out quick with a fujiwara armbar.

3rd Fall - Hech step up knees him in the corner. Blue dropkicks him in the knee. Hech jumping kicks him then hits corner splashes. Hech chops him then hits knees to the head. Blue handstands in the corner and headscissors him. Hech climbs the ropes from the apron and is pushed down to the floor. Blue then cannonballs him off the apron.

Blue is sent into the rails. Hech chops and elbows him. Hech lays him on the rail then misses a dive onto it. Blue stares down Sac the parrot then topes Hech outside. Hech pulls Blue's throat down over the top rope and top rope elbows him for 2.

Hech boots him in the head, springboards and is powerbombed down for 2. Blue is dropkicked while on the buckles and Hech rolls him into a swinging hammerlock. Blue cradles him out of it for 2.

Blue 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's him out. Blue goes on the ramp and crossbodies him off of it. Hech dropkicks him and step up knees him in the corner. Hech headscissors drops him then taps him out with an arm submissiom from below him.

It wasn't as submission focused as you would think and Hech didn't do his more complicated submissions. It lost a little bit of its steam in the third fall as it went longer but it was still an entertaining match.. It was an entertaining match and Blue being able to do dives at his age will never stop being impressive.

Hech puts Blue on his shoulders after and holds his arm up. 

Ángel de Oro, Soberano Jr., Stuka Jr. vs Atlantis, Flip Gordon, Máscara Dorada

1st Fall - MD and Sob start us off. They battle for an arm lock. Sob trips him then MD armdrags him and kips up. They trade holds and MD armdrags him. MD spinning headstand headscissors him. Sob boots him over then MD is triple stomped. Flip and Atlantis are sent into the rails outside. MD is popped up into a kick from Sob.

Atlantis takes corner attacks then Sob step up enzugiri's him. Oro pins Atlantis to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Flip takes corner attacks and a double basement dropkick. Sob gorilla presses KeMalito onto Flip. MD is torture rack dropped by Stuka then basement dropkicked. Atlantis is triple stomped. Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Sob then Flip and MD do stereo opes outside. Atlantis taps out Sob with la atlantida to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Flip and Sob pose. Sob leapfropgs him. Flip handstand walks then spinning headscissors him.  Filp moonsaults over Stuka then springboard slingblades him. Flip kips down out of Oro's lariat then kicks him. Flip goes up the buckles and corkscrews over Oro. Flip springboard hurricanrana's him.

MD is double stomped by the heels. MD is on Oro's shouldesrs and hurricanrana's him. MD superkicks Stuka. Sob and MD do stereo handsprings. MD spinning headscissors him out. Atlantis armdrags Oro then hiptosses him. Oro double dropkicks his opponents on accident. Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers his 3 opponents. Atlantis then dives on Oro off the apron.

Flip springboard crossbodies Stuka. Stuka throws him down. MD is stuck hanging from the top rope and Sob 2nd rope moonsaults him. Sob pins him then Stuka top rope splashes Flip to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a by the numbers match with nothing happening in the first two falls then the technicos picking things up in the third fall and giving us some action. Flip was good here as always. Atlantis couldn't do a lot here and we didn't see much of really anyone in this one.

Overall thoughts: It was fine but not must see. The girls did an okay job. Hechicero/Panther was good but wasn't as technical as I expected. The main was rather by the numbers and not a real impressive showing. I wouldn't recommend this.

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