Friday, June 14, 2024

WWE Main Event 6/12/2024

WWE Main Event 6/12/2024

Last week's show is here:

Akira Tozawa vs Bronson Reed

I swear I've seen this match at least twice already on Main Event. Akira flurries on him with forearms then 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's him. Reed picks him up and splashes him in the corner then belly to belly suplexes him. Reed suplexes him then cranks his neck. Reed's nose gets busted open then he back elbows Akira.

Reed is tripped into the 2nd buckle then Akira pop-up ddt's him. Akira superkicks him and corkscrew kicks him. Reed pop-up death valley drivers him. Reed top rope splashes him and wins.

Thoughts: It was the usual Reed vs Tozawa match with Tozawa getting some little bits of offense in before being put down. It wasn't one of their more interesting matches.

New Catch Republic vs The Creed Brothers

BC = Brutus Creed, JC = Julius Creed

The Creed's have not had a good main roster run so far. They got featured for like 2-3 weeks, hurt one of the Judgment Day guys and we haven't seen a lot of them since.

Dunne does an armlock on BC. BC catches a triangle attempt and lifts him. Dunne pulls at the fingers and stomps the arm into the mat. Bate 2nd rope rolling sentons onto BC. Bate pulls himself up the buckles and headscissors BC. BC lariats him in the back of the head and knocks him over. BC lifts Bate with a suplex and passes him to JC. JC suplexes Bate.

JC pops up Bate and Bate headscissors BC down. Dunne step up enzugiri's BC. Dunne apron moonsaults and Bate tope con hilos through the ropes. We go to break and return. JC belly to belly suplexes Dunne.

JC gutwrench suplexes BC onto Dunne then BC flips JC onto Dunne. JC bearhugs Dunne. Dunne pulls on JC's ears then hits a chop flurry. JC bearhugs him again. Dunne rebound germans him.

Bate and BC tag in. Bate spinning headscissors JC then 2nd rope euros JC. Bate springboard euros BC. Dunne splits JC's fingers and Bate punches JC. Bate rebound lariats BC for 2. Bate airplane spins BC and slams him. BC gets his hands stomped on then he takes a double kick to the head.

JC pulls Bate over the top. Dunne takes a brutusball doomsday device and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was what you would expect and it was an okay match with a crowd who didn't really care. They put out a good effort here. I'd almost say it was somewhat of an upset that The Creed's won.

Overall thoughts: There were only two new matches here as usual. Both were fine for what they were but weren't classics. There was nothing must see but there's worse says to spend 20 minutes to see the two matches here.

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