Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 6/2/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 6/2/2024

There has been any new matches for the last few weeks so I have not been covering it.

Herb Simmons and Bryan welcome us to the show.

SICW Tag Titles - 2/3 Falls - Brandon Baretta and James Jeffries vs The LA Husters (Bradley Diggs and Lamont Potts)

1st Fall - Joey Vinetti is replaced here by James Jeffries and I don't know why. Lucky P. Larson gets on the mic beforehand. He said he doesn't care who Brandon has with him. He says the greatest tag team, The LA Hustlers, will be the first ever 3x SICW tag champs.

The Hustlers nail James and Brandon before it starts. They beat them up in the corners. Potts chokes James. Brandon's team fights back and Jay is eye raked. The Hustlers are thrown into each other and Diggs is double dropkicked.

Potts boots Brandon out of the corner. Brandon catches his crossbody off the buckles then jackhammers him to win the first fall. 

2nd Fall - Diggs takes a double bulldog. James hits punches on him. Diggs takes shots from both opponents and a double back elbow. James is lifted into a legdrop on Diggs. James legdrops Diggs for 2. Diggs low blows James. Potts double stomps James and chokes him. Diggs back elbows James. James is choked by The Hustlers and Potts chokes James over the ropes.

James hits punches on Diggs then takes a side slam. James is choked in the corner by Potts. James takes a shot to the gut by Potts. James hits punches and is eye poked. James sunset flips Potts but Potts grabs onto Diggs. The ref stops them and James gets a pin attempt.

Potts flying forearms James. James ddt's Potts. Potts hits a soul foot on James. James takes a russian legsweep + facekick combo and is pinned.

3rd Fall - Diggs hits boots on James. Diggs misses a corner splash. Potts stomps James form making the tag then trap holds James. James hits shots to the gut then they collide heads and go down. Brandon is tagged in and cleans house. Brandon spinebusters Potts. James is rocket launched but misses. Larson distracts the ref and Diggs hits Brandon with Larson's suitcase. Potts then pins Brandon. The LA Hustlers win the tag titles.

Thoughts: It was a good match here as expected with good face and heel work. It got a lot of time and James did a good job substituting for Joey Vinetti here.  Larson's interference almost surely guarantees there's more to come here.

Herb and Bryan talk about the match. Herb says it was a unqiue situation. He said Joey Vinetti has licensing issues and couldn't wrestle. He said James and Brandon were close here and said he could see him wrestling here again in the future. Herb says there will be a rematch down the road and says The LA Hustlers are a good team that could be better without Larson.

They put over The Professionals as an experienced team and said The LA Hustlers could be looking out for them. Bryan says he'd love to see it.

They talk about Steve Fender vs Greg Anthony.

AIWF World Title - "The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony vs Steve Fender

They lock up and Steve is pushed back into the ropes.  Greg snapmares him and shoulders him over. Steve misses a shot in the corner and is armdragged. Steve misses an elbow drop and is armdragged again. Greg chops Steve then Steve superkicks him for 2. Greg gets his foot on the ropes and Steve thinks he has it won.

Steve clips Greg then stomps his leg. They trade corner chops. Steve hits a shot on him and is rolled up for 2. Steve lariats him over then legdrops Greg's leg. Steve puts him in an indian deathlock variation.  Steve bangs Greg's leg off the mat.

Greg knee breakers him over the knee then figure fours him. Greg hits punches then neckbreakers him. Greg is thrown off the top then Steve misses a top rope splash. Greg rolls him up for 2. Greg blocks a hiptoss and rolls him up for the win.

Thoughts: It was a solid old-school wrestling match here with the two matching up well and putting on a worthy main event. 

Steve beats up Greg after then hits him when Greg tries to shake his hand. Steve then poses with the title.

Drew Abenhaus interviews Greg Anthony after. He said it's not easy being champ but when the crowd cheers, his blood pumps and he is the winner.

Herb and Bryan talk about Fender vs Anthony.

Wrestling at the Chase - Dick Murdoch vs Steve Hall

This is a retro match. Steve armdrags him and armlocks him. Dick armdrags him and they stand off. Dick headlock takeovers him and side headlocks him. Dick side headlocks him then hits knees to the gut. Dick chest clubs Steve and side headlocks him.

Steve headscissors him. Dick knees and kicks him. Dick throws Steve out then bangs Steve's head off the commentary table. Dick hits elbows to the chest. Dick hits more elbows, snapmares him and stomps him. Dick hits a punch flurry to the face then slams him.

Dick running back elbows him then brainbusters him for the win.

Thoughts: Steve got a little in here but it was mostly a squash with Dick winning. It was interesting to see him bust out the brainbuster.

Dick Murdoch is interviews about a future match with Andre the Giant. Dick says he's not afraid of anyone but he's not a freak of nature like Andre is. Dick says the fans think Andre will whip him but he says he won't. He says Andre is not the caliber of an opponent for him. Dick calls Sam Muchnick a conspirator and said he ended up wrestling twice last time. He said him and Flair cleaned Andre and Rocky Johnson. He said he then threw Dick the Bruiser out of the ring during the battle royal. He said he had Andre up in the battle royal but Pat O'Connor and someone else hit him from behind and stopped him. He said he's the only man who stepped in this area that can ever be considered an athlete. They ask if Dick can brainbuster Andre. He said Andre will hit 10 on the Richter Scale if he does. He says he wants Sam to get him a title match if he beats Andre. He says he will then be called the world champ.

They say they like to air the Wrestling of the Chase footage as it triggers old footage and it takes you back in time. They say they have a lot coming and are going to different parts of Illinois and St. Louis. They then close the show.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches here and an older match show. The two new matches were both fine with the tag title match being really good. As usual, it was a decent episode of SICW.

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