Friday, June 7, 2024

All Japan Pro Wrestling 6/4/2024 Super Power Series 2024 Day 3

All Japan Pro Wrestling 6/4/2024 Super Power Series 2024 Day 3

Hideki Suzuki vs. Hokuto Omori

They lock up and go for basic holds. HS takes him down off the double knuckle lock and is headscissored. Omori blows a kiss at him and hits forearms. HS hits him in the gut then is pulled over the top. Omori forearms him off the apron and forearms him outside. HS fights back outside and euros him down. Omori flatliners him inside then running forearms him.

Omori suplexes him. HS catches him and hits a tombstone for 2. Omori hits forearms then takes a dropkick. Omori spinning forearms him then dragon suplexes him. HS hits headbutts then does an octopus to him. HS then wins via submission.

Thoughts: It was a short and lazy match here with them doing little of interest.

Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana vs. The End (Odinson & Parrow)

Seigo and Jiro stall outside and The End get bothered by this. Jiro's team hits forearms on their opponents  and make their opponents hit each other when they duck a shot. Parrow takes a 2v1 in the corner then double suplexes his opponents.

Parrow elbow drops Jiro then Jiro takes a double suplex. Odin knee drops Jiro then chokes him on the ropes. Odin stands on Jiro's head. Parrow pulls Jiro as he hangs on the ropes. Jiro hits a chop flurry on Parrow then Parrow chops him down.

Parrow splashes Jiro for 2. Odin corner euros Jiro then full-nelson slams him. Odin fireman's carry slams Parrow onto Jiro. Odin pulls Jiro's arms back then Odin hits his corkscrew euro to Jiro's back.

Jiro hits shots on Parrow then is pulled down onto the buckle. PArrow tries to chokeslam Jiro but is ddt's out of it. Seigo and Odin get in. Seigo hits forearms and STO's him. Seigo hits a forearm flurry then suplexes him. Odin suplexes Seigo then pounces him.

Jiro hits jacket punches on Odin then Jiro handspring back elbows Odin. Jiro enzugiri's Odin. Odin lariats Parrow on accident then Jiro superkicks Odin while Seigo holds Odin. Jiro and Seigo are thrilled the double team work. Jiro and Seigo go up top. Both get caught by their opponents and take a super collider. Seigo takes an awful looking doomsday device euro on his neck, somehow surviving the fall and is pinned.

The finish was awful here as Seigo landed right on his head and could have seriously gotten hurt. You could never pay me to flip for the doomsday deivce. It was a decent match otherwise with Jiro and Seigo being the fun underdogs to the bigger guys. I thought The End should have given the faces more of a whooping though.

Suwama vs. Kuma Arashi

Suwama side headlocks him. They shoulder battle and Kuma knocks him over. Kuma sentons him and does his yell. Suwama flying shoulders Kuma then hits double chops. Suwama lariats him over then sleepers him. Kuma torture racks him and torture rack drops him.

They trade forearms. Kuma crossbodies him for 2. They lariat battle and Suwama hits a nice lariat on him for 2. Suwama backdrops him and wins it.

Thoughts: I was disappointed by this. They had maybe like 6 minutes for this. This could have been a 20+ minute match and it would have been great. Instead we go nothing. I don't know who that is on, but it sucks.

Hartley Jackson & MAZADA vs. Saito Brothers (Jun Saito & Rei Saito)

Maz and Rei start us off. Rei beats him in the test of strength and Hart quickly stops it. Rei side headlocks Maz and Hart breaks it again. Hart throws Rei out and they shoulder battle outside. Jun puts a fan's towel around Maz's head then Rei slams Maz for 2.

Hart and Rei sholder battle and chop battle inside. They lariat battle then Hart crossbodies him. Maz is shoulders over by Rei then stomped by him. Jun elbow drops Maz. Rei stands on Maz then Jun joins in as well.

Rei chops Maz up then corner lariats him. Maz eye pokes him and hits dropkicks. Hart dropkicks and corner splashes Rei. They trade headbutts and Hart lariats him over. Rei takes shots to the gut from both then takes a flying lariat from Hart. Maz elbow drops Rei.

Rei splashes Maz against the ropes then Jun running facekicks and running shoulders Maz for 2. Jun suplexes Maz then Hart takes a double shoulderblock. Jun facekicks Rei on accident. Maz fights off both opponents then is shouldered over. Maz takes a double chokeslam for 2. Jun jackhammers Maz and wins it.

Thoughts: It was okay. The Saito's picked on Maz here and Hart kept trying to save him until he couldn't anymore.

Fuminori Abe & Yuma Aoyagi vs. Rising HAYATO & Ryuki Honda

Yuma and Honda start us off. Honda side headlock takeovers him and is headscissored. Yuma dropkicks him then is shouldered over. Honda does some weird dance then flips up. Abe and Rising go at it. Abe hammerlocks him and waistlocks him. Abe crucifixes him then facekicks him after some holds. Rising spinning headscissors Abe out then poses.

Yuma interrupts Rising's pose and Abe nails Yuma on a failed double team. Rising boots Abe in the corner. Honda chokes Abe on the ropes then does it to Yuma at the same time. Honda back elbows Abe for 2. Abe facekicks Rising off the apron and all four fight outside. Rising is sent into the post.

Honda and Rising are sent into each other outside then Honda gets sent into Abe. Abe hiptosses Rising. Rising chops Abe then Abe forearms him down. Abe dropkicks Rising then Rising falcon arrows him. Honda shoulders over Yuma and they trade forearms. They each do corner attacks and Honda spinebusters him for 2.

They trade forearms and Yuma hits a nice dropkick. Yuma chokes Honda on the ropes. Honda suplexes Yuma. Rising comes in and jumps off Yuma's back to dropkick Abe. Rising running back elbows Yuma. Abe hurricanrana's Rising after moving Yuma out of the way. Abe spin kicks Rising in the gut and Yuma falls trying to do it. Rising is tripped into a Yuma elbow drop. Abe slaps Rising and Rising rolls him up off of his hurricanrana attempt.

Yuma hits forearms on both opponnets then Honda lariats Yuma into Rising's curcifix bomb. Abe is popped up into a superkick then Honda running lairats Abe. Rising asai moonsaults Abe for 2. Rising misses a top rope moonsault and is rolled up for 2. Rising hits superkicks then Abe backdrops him for 2.

Abe baseball punches Rising then Abe wrist and leg clutch backdrops Rising to win it.

It was a fun tag here with some fun personalities in it. Yuma and Honda had some fun goofing around a bit without taking away too much from the match. They kept it moving here as well. 

Kento Miyahara & Shotaro Ashino vs. Ren Ayabe & Yuma Anzai

Sho and Yuma go at it. Sho blocks Yuma's takedown and rolls him on the mat. They trade front facelocks on the mat and Sho armdrags him. Yuma back elbows him then Sho goes for the ankle lock off of Yuma's flying knee. They then stare down.

Ren and Kento go at it. Ren backs him up on the ropes and pats him on the head. Kento facekicks him the nis shouldered over. Kento takes a double shoulder then Sho does as well. Ren foot chokes Kento and hits forearms.

Ren misses a face kick then is dragon screwed on the ropes. Kento bangs Ren's leg off the post then bangs his knee off the floor. Kento and Ren trade outside. Ren's leg is banged off the apron.

Kento elbow drops Ren's leg. Ren gets his legs split then Sho butt drops the leg on the ropes. Shot ties up both of Ren's legs and his arms but Ren ropebreaks.

Ken dropkicks Ren into the knee and headbutts him. Ren flying neckbreakers him. Yuma flying corner forearms Kento then belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Yuma dropkicks Kento. Kento dropkicks him in the knee and the side of the head. Kento pump kicks Yuma. sho corner euros Yuma then running low euros him. Sho karelin's lifts Yuma for 2. Yuma hits a wild belly to belly on Sho.

Ren hits facekicks on Sho for 2. Sho sends Ren and Yuma into each other then Ren takes a combo euro + pumping knee. Sho ankle locks Ren. Sho takes a double forearm and dropkick from his opponents.

Ren dropkicks Sho for 2. Ren goes for his sitout suplex move and Sho gets an ankle lock off of it. Yuma germans Sho then flying knees Kento. Yuma flying knees Sho then Ren hits a sitout spinning gordbuster to win.

Thoughts: I don't know how AJPW does it, but they basically put any four people together in the main and make a good tag out of it. I wasn't expecting much from Yuma and Ren as a team but they made it work as did Kento and Sho. Ren's finisher looked nasty here and the belly to belly Yuma did on Sho looked pretty crazy here as well. It was just a good tag main event with some creative double teams and four different guys finding ways to work together.

Overall thoughts: I say 6 of the 7 matches. I liked the top two matches as well as Jiro's tag. I thought it was good overall and as usual, they managed to get a good main out of a random tag match.

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