Wednesday, June 5, 2024

CMLL 6/3/2024 Arena Puebla

CMLL 6/3/2024 Arena Puebla

It doesn't seem like CMLL aired this week's Arena Puebla, but I haven't been able to 100% confirm it yet. The show is going to be televised on Television Puebla starting next week and that likely is the reason. I have no idea what the status of these shows will be from now on, but I hope it's not the end. These matches are recorded via fancam and there's only 3 of them/

Lluvia & Sanely vs Olympia & Zeuxis


Z = Zeuxis, Sane = Sanely, Olym = Olympia, L = Lluvia

NOTE - Persephone was supposed to be Z's partner here but Olympia seems to have replaced her.

1st Fall - Olym and Sanely go at it. Sane armdrags her then Olym does it back and rolls her. Sane does a bow and arrow then Olym wristlocks her. Sane armdrags her and bounces off the ropes to side headlock takeover her. Sane does it again then armdrags her. Sane does another armdrag to send her out.

Sane and Z go at it. Sane kicks her in the leg. Sane goes up an dover but is dropkicked then hedkicks her in the corner. Z and L trade corner attacks. L flying headscissors her out. Olym amd L go at it. L headscissors her out of the corner then does a flying octopus hold.

L does a headscissors + headlock takeover. Sane double armdrags her opponents off the ropes. Olym and Z trip their opponents. Olym hits her pendulum bronco buster in the corner and Olym's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - L and Sane get beaten up in the corners. L is held in a bridge for a running kick from Z. L is beaten up by Olym then the heels are pulled down by their hair. Sane hits a corner crossbody and L hits a corner basement dropkick. Sane and L then win the fall.

3rd Fall - Olym takes corner lariats then a double boot. Z is dropkicked in the butt as Sane holds her. Olym flips out of a hiptoss and turns it into a pin attempt on L.   

Sane rolls Olym into a double arm hold. Z goes for a tombstone on Sane and is pushed over. Z is put in tree of woe and takes stereo basement dropkicks. Olym throws down L for a meteora from Z. Olym takes a double boot then a double suplex.

Olym swinging side sitout slams Sane then drops Z into a legdrop on her. Sane double crossbodies the heels against the bottom rope. Olym is bridged on the ropes and Sane meteora's her down from the buckles. L then pins Z with a dropkick against the ropes.  Sanely's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a decent effort by the girls and they tried a little more here than usual. Not the greatest match ever but it was fine for their skill level.

Occidente Trios Titles - Crixus, Difunto and Raider (c) vs Arkalis, Pegasso and Rey Samuray

Dif and Ark start us off. Dif waistlocks him then side headlocks him. Ark front facelocks him.  They work each others arms and Dif is armbarred. Ark armdrags Dif out then backs him up on the ramp. Rey and Raider go at it. Raider rolls out of a wristlock.  Rey gets on Raider's back and is shoulder thrown.

Rey armdrags Raider, Raider legsweeps him then is armdragged. Rey works Raier's arms and rolls him up. Rey gets caught in tree of woe and basement dropkicked. The heels beat up on the faces. Dif rips at Peg's mask on the ramp.

Crix unties Rey's mask then basement dropkicks him in tree of woe. Crix lariats him then Raider clubs on Peg's chest. Dif rope walk double stomps a bridged Peg. Crix chokeslams Rey for 2. Rey is held in the air and springboard dropkicked by Raider. Dif stomps on Peg then Peg is triple stomped by the heels.

Peg does a nice headscissors on Raider after bouncing off the ropes. Rey is popped up into a double dropkick on the heels. The faces do triple dives outside. Rey top rope crossbodies Crix then corner lariats him. Rey corkscrew armdrags Crix then Raider dropkicks Rey out. Peg diving hurricanrana's Raider off the top.

Peg spinning headscissors Raider. Peg kips down and up out of Dif's shot. Dif running back elbows and stomps Peg. Rey springboard armdrags Dif into a single leg crap then Crix is double stomped by the faces.

Crix is coderbeakered and backcrackered. Raider is held in the air for a Rey legdrop then Peg top rope splashes Raider. Dif gets beatne up by the faces. Dif is tripped into a legdrop, basement dropkick and 2nd rope moonsault for 2.

Crix and Rey trade then everyone trades shots. The rudos are dropkicked out then take triple dives. Crix is double teamed then powerslams Rey. Crix does a double leapfrog and Crix superkicks Rey. Dif and Raider do stereo ropewalk dropkicks then Crix falcon arrows Peg and wins it.

Thoughts: It was similar to the other matches these two teams have had, but that's okay because they were good matches. We got a couple dive spots by the faces and the crowd was into it.

Ángel de Oro, Hechicero, Soberano Jr. vs Gran Guerrero, Místico, Último Guerrero 

1st Fall - We join this in progress. Mist is beat up in the corner then he is stomped on by Sob and Angel.  Mist takes corner attacks and Angel rips at his mask. Hech stops on UG. Mist takes a double boot out. Sob trips Gran and Hech flurries UG in the corner with shots.

UG is tripped by Hech then Hech rolls him into a grounded submision. Hech taps him out and Hech's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Sob bites Mist's foot. Mist headscissors Angel on the ramp then is knocked over on it. Angel hits facekicks then corner lariats him. Mist is popped up into a kick by Angel. Mist flying headscissors Angel then is beaten up by the heels. Mist is held then booted by Angel.

The heels try to take off Mist's mask. Mist hits a handspring double back elbow and flying headscissors Angel out. Mist plancha's Angel outside. Gran chokeslams Sob then takes him out with an octopus variation. UG 2nd rope gordbusters Hech and pins him. Mist chases Angel up the ramp.

3rd Fall - Mist chases after Angel. Gran and Hech go at it. Sob hits Gran on the ropes and Hech is triple stomped by the heels. Gran avoids a adouble team and sends Hech into Sob. Gran spinebusters Sob then package powerbombs Sob onto Hech.

UG elbows over Hech. Hech flips over UG's back then is lariated by Gran. UG running back elbows Gran on accident. Gran baseball slides Hech out. Mist springboard headscissors Angel then topes him outside. Hech and UG go at it again. Hech slides through the ropes when UG moves then UG jumps off the apron onto him. Sob top rope diving headscissors Gran then fosbury flops him outside.

Mist springboard twisting crossbodies Angel. Angel pulls off Mist's mask and cradles him to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was an okay enough main but not must see. Angel and Mistico continue their feud and it was fun to see Hechicero put the boots to Ultimo.

Overall thoughts: All 3 of the matches were fine with the Occidente Trios Title match being the best thing on the show. What we got wasn't bad at all, but we missed the semifinal and the two opening matches. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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