Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Marigold 6/1/2024 Marigold Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 2

Marigold 6/1/2024 Marigold Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 2

The last show is here:

 Chika Goto vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Goto and Yuz lock up. They back each other up on the ropes and Yuz forearms her. Yuz wristlocks her and is put into a hammerlock. Yuz side headlocks her then Goto side headlocks her. Yuz side headlocks her then headlock takeovers her. Goto headscissors her and they stand off. Yuz hits running dropkicks on her then Goto stops her.

Goto slams Yuz then Goto hits a big hip attack. Goto running jhip attacks her then sits on her. Goto hair throws her then running hip attacks her. Yuz hits chest forearms then Goto drops her with one. Yuz hits more chest forearms then Goto again drops her with one. Yuz dropkicks her in the knee and the chest for 2. Yuz then goes for the armbar.

Goto puts Yuz in the corner. Yuz walks up the buckles and facebusters her. Yuz armbars her. Yuz wraps the arm around the ropes and pulls then take san atomic drop. Yuz rolls her up for 2 and hip throws her. Goto wheelbarrow spins her then does a normal giant swing.

They trade chest forearms. Yuz rolls her up several times. Yuz superkicks her for 2 then armbars her. Yuz deadlift slams her down out of the triangle then slams her. Goto does a high crab on her and Yuz ropebreaks.

Yuz rolls her up for 2 then basement dropkicks her. Yuz hits superkicks then runs into a chokeslam for 2.  Goto drops her down chest first for 2 then hits mounted forearms. Yuz rolls her into an armbar and the time limit expires.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything special. I guess it was supposed to be kind of a rookie vs vet match but Chika Goto isn't exactly Masa Fuchi. It was just very average with Yuzuki doing most of the selling.

Nagisa Nozaki vs Zayda Steel


Zay wristlocks her then NN reverses it. Zay side headlocks her then NN reverses it. NN shoulders her over. Zay hiptosses her and side headlocks her. Zay snapmares her then meteora's the back of her head.

NN does an abdominal stretch. NN sleepers her then bites on the arm. NN facekicks her through the ropes then does her reverse kick on her for 2. Zay hits boots then is stomped in the back of the head.

NN goes up top and Zay step up kicks her down. Zay topes her then kneepresses her down while she's on the middle rope. NN holds her foot back and kicks Zay. NN puts her in a grounded sleeper.

Zay hits forearms on NN then slaps her. Zay backcrackers her then enzugiri's her for 2. NN facekicks her and boots her. NN running boots her in the face and wins it.

Thoughts: It was nothing special. You've seen one Nagisa match and you've kind of seen them all. Zayda's attractive but doesn't really know what she is doing yet and is not going to have a good one on her own.

Nanae Takahashi vs CHIAKI

I think this could be good. They shake hands and Chi won't let go. NT boots her. NT clean breaks her on the ropes. They test strength and NT wristlocks her. Chi reverses it then NT side headlocks her. Chi side headlocks her then they shoulder battle.

Chi running shoulders her in the corner then hair throws her. Chi hits facewash kicks on her then is shouldered over. NT slams her then camel clutches her. NT bites Chi's arm and snapmares her. NT kicks her in the back then armbars her. NT ties up Chi's legs and they both bite each other in the leg.

NT hair throws Chi then slaps her. NT chop flurries her and boots her out of the corner. NT misses a splash and takes basement dropkicks her. Chi corner spears her and facebusters her. Chi cartwheel double knees NT's back for 2. NT suplexes her. Chi claws her and is slapped.

They trade chest forearms. Chi euros her then hits a rolling spear. NT crossfaces her and hits boots to the face. They trade forearms and NT backdrops her for 2. Chi powerslams her for 2. Chi hits forearms and NT enzugiri's her. NT facewash kicks her and misses a splash. Chi basement dropkicks her then facewash kicks her.

Chi sit out burning hammers her for 2. NT top rope superplexes her then lariats her. NT top rope splashes her and wins.

Thoughts: This really comes down to whether you can excuse the sitout torture rack slam or not. If you can, it a was a little long but a good match. I think  I'm willing to in this one, but it shouldn't have been done. NT did everything she could here and it would have been better with someone else. Hopefully Chi can pick up something from this. They matched up well together.

NT and Chi shake hands after talking on the mic.

Misa Matsui & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace

NS = Natsumi Shozuki

Misa tries to go face to face with Boz before it starts.

Misa's team attacks at the bell. They pull on Boz's hair and double dropkick Boz. They then double armbar Boz. Misa's team hits a double flying knee. Boz shoulders both over then gorilla presses Myla out on her opponents. Boz throws Misa at the seats as all 4 fight outside. Misa is thrown at a door then is droppped with a Boz forearm. Myl's head is banged off the post. Bo tries to lariat Misa against the post and misses.

Myla lariats NS then spinning fisherman's neckbreakers her. Myla tries a 619 move on NS but gets stuck on the ropes then she top rope la silla's her. Myla flying dropkicks NS for 2. NS hits knees to the body of Myla then flying knees her for 2.

NS fisherman suplexes Myla. Misa gets in and crossbodies Myla against the bottom rope. Myla superkicks Misa then Misa flying dropkicks her. Misa flying knees Myla for 2. Boz picks up Misa off a pin attempt and germans her.  Boz back splashes both opponents in the corner then cradle shocks Misa for 2. Misa hurricanrana's Boz off the powerbomb attempt then basement dropkicks her. NS meteora's Boz. Boz suplexes Misa. Myla jumps off of Boz's shoulders onto Misa. Misa double reverse armlocks Boz then NZ codebreakers Boz. Misa and NS try a double bridge pin on Boz.

Misa and NS double boot Boz. NS buzzsaw kicks Boz. NS and Misa are double powerbombed off the 2nd rope. Boz hits a double vader bomb on both opponents and pins them both to win.  

Thoughts: It worked out pretty well here. They didn't go too long and didn't overcomplicate it. Nobody got exposed here and it bet my expectations. It was a decent match. 

MIRAI & Utami Hayashishita vs. Mai Sakurai & Miku Aono


Mirai and Mai start us off. Mai hits shots to the gut and wristlocks her. Mirai wristlocks her. Mai kips up and armdrags her into an armlock. Mirai hammerlocks her and is reversed. Mirai uses the ropes to escape the hold then kicks Mai in the arm. Mai hits a big boot on Mirai then dropkicks her while she's stuck in the ropes. 

Mai pulls on Mirai's arm around the ropes. Mai rolls her into a paradise lock. Mai poses on her then is back elbowed by Utami. Mai takes a double back elbow then Mirai dropkicks her in the back. Utami spin slams Mai. Mai hits chest forearms then Utami knocks her over with one. Utami pounds on her neck then takes a flying knee to the body.

Miku comes in and corner dropkicks both opponents. Utami back body drops Miku then running back elbows her. Utami elbow drops Miku for 2. Mirai running back elbows and lariats Miku in the corner. Mirai top rope dropkicks Miku for 2. Miku does an interesting swinging slam on Mirai then kicks her in the ribs.

Mirai half-nelson wheelbarrow slams Miku. Utami dropkicks Miku and lariats her against the ropes. Utmai spinebusters Miku. They trade forearms and lariat each other at the same time. Utami hits a big lariat on Miku. Miku release germans Utami then rainmakers her.

Mai running facekicks Utami then axe kicks her. Mai basement dropkicks Utami. Mai cobra twists Utami. Mirai takes a double dropkick. Mai top rope dives on both opponents outside. Utami takes a top rope dropkick + suplex combo. Utami is sandwiched with a sliding lariat and forearm.

Mai misses a top rope elbow drop. Utami takes a neat exploder from Mai for 2. Mirai hits a double lariat. Mai crucifix bombs Utami for 2 then Utami lariats her. Mirai hits a big lariat on Miku and Utami hits an air raid crash on Mai for 2. Mai takes a german + jumping lariat combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a good tag here. Mai stepped up big and really put out her full effort. Miku didn't get a ton in here but they made it work. They had some nice moves and double teams and were stiff with each other. 

Miku stares down Utami. Utami calls out Nanae Takahashi after and is pushed by her. I think the girl who is debuting next has words with Mirai after.

Overall thoughts: 3 of the 5 matches were good so it was a good show overall. The promotion is a lot what I had expected so far - a decent main event scene and a weak undercard. The shows are being kept under 2 hours so far which I greatly appreciate. I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to see it but it beat my expectations.

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