Friday, June 14, 2024

WWE Smackdown 6/14/2024

WWE Smackdown 6/14/2024

Last week's show is here:

They are live in Scotland and because of it, the show aired early in Europe.

We see Cody Rhodes, The OC and Kevin Owens arrive.

Chelsea Green gets on the mic. She says Scotland's hometown heroes have arrived. She said they are so lucky as they get to see two bonecrushing defeats tonight. Green says she will beat Naomi then Piper will beat Bayley tomorrow. She says they will become the new WWE Women's Tag champs.

Chelsea Green vs Naomi

Green side headlocks her then Naomi shoulders her over. Naomi ducks a kick then upkicks her. Green begs off and is slammed. Naomi runs the ropes back and forth then split leg drops her for 2. Naomi corner drpkicks her and Green calls timeout as she stalls outside. Naomi goes to dive on her and gets slapped. Green stomps the back of her head and we go to break.

We return and Naomi crossbodies her. Green dropkicks her in the knee. Green bangs Naomi's head off the mat. They trade shots on their knees. Naomi springboard kicks her then topes her. Naomi top rope crossbodies her for 2.

Green throws her off the buckles then top rope dropkicks her for 2. Green rolls her up with her feet on the ropes for 2. Naomi backrolls her into a bridge and wins it.

The ending was sudden but it wasn't a bad match otherwise as the two matched up well and were fairly athletic here. 

Baron Corbin talks to Nick Aldis in the back. He says a fresh start is what he needs. Legado Del Fantasma come in and mock him. Nick says Legado is lucky they are allowed in the building after what they did last week. Nick says they are fined for that and says next time, a fine will be the least of their worries. Nick says Apollo Crews is clear to compete and Santos says he will face him tonight.

The Grayson Waller Effect

Austin asks where the plants are that Waller usually has and Waller says this place is so depressing the plants can't grow here. Waller then tells the crowd he speaks English only. He brings DIY out.

DIY destroy the set as they enter. Waller said it's no wonder he had a small chair as they acted like children. Waller only had one chair for them and Ciampa wasn't happy. Waller says him and Austin are best mates and a tag team. Waller says he'd take a bullet for him and Gargano says Austin sacrificed himself last week for Waller. Gargano wants to show footage from last week and Waller protests. We see Waller pull Austin into Gargano's dive.

Waller gets mad that footage is shown and Gargano also says Waller used Austin as a human shield. Waller said he's not taking friendship advice from them and said they beat them. Ciampa said the fans didn't come here to see his stupid talk show, they came here to see a fight for the tag titles. Ciampa says they want to see a title match tonight.

Waller mocks the idea of defending their titles here. Waller says they won't drive a wedge between them. Gargano says DIY is coming for the tag titles. Gargano said everyone is sick of hearing from Waller and says he wants to talk to Austin.

Gargano says him and Austin go way back. He says he always believed in him and is proud of what he did on his own. He said it kills him to see him now. Gargano tells Austin that Waller is using him and he doesn't need him. Waller pushes Ciampa over and a fight breaks out. Austin's head is banged off the table. Austin pushes Waller out of the way and takes a superkick from Gargano. Ciampa then running knees Austin. Waller then slides out. DIY pose with the titles after.

Thoughts: I thought it was effective in continuing to push the issues between Waller and Theory. I'm not sure where this is going though.

Kevin Owens talks to The Street Profits and B-Fab in the back. The Profits say they have KO's back. Ford says one thing they have in common is that they can't stand Bloodline. The Profits make a song out of it and exit.

Waller complains to Theory in the back then Bayley and Naomi talk. They walk into Blair Davenport who has words for them. Chelsea Green tries to hide their face out of the segment. Bayley thanks Naomi for her help over the years. Green comes back in and says the titles will be theirs tomorrow. Piper then knocks Naomi and Bayley into the wall.

Apollo Crews vs Santos Escobar

Crews hits shots on him then overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Santos chops him. Crews hits him from the apron then is dropkicked off of it. Crews is dropped on the apron. Baron Corbin's music hits and he comes out. He beats up Angel and lariats Berto down. Berto is thrown over the rail. Crews gorilla press drops Santos then standing moonsaults him for 2. We go to break and return.

Santos has him in a chinlock then corner spears him. Santos hits an enzugiri from the apron and slingshot swantons him. Santos tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him then armlocks him. Santos pulls on Crews' arms then Crews armdrags him.

Crews pump kicks him and splashes him. Crews hits lariats and germans. Crews flying lariats him and then kips up. Crews samoan drops him for 2. They fight up top. Santos is knocked off the top then pumping knees Crews when Crews comes off the top.

Crews and Santos trade forearms. Crews pop-up death valley drivers him for 2. Berto and Angel go after Corbin. Corbin thwarts them then Elektra Lopez pushes Crews off the top. Santos rolls up Crews with the tights and wins.

Thoughts: It was a nothing match for the most part with an obvious outcome. I was surprised it went as long as it did.

Andrade is watching in the front row was are Ashante The Adonis, Cedric Alexander and Pretty Deadly. 

Cody Rhodes comes out to talk. He said he thought AJ would actually retire. He said has the impossible task of trying to make him say, "I Quit". AJ Styles' music then hits then he comes out with The OC. AJ says Cody is really worked up about this and says it was really that easy.

Cody asks why he's so far away and says to leave his friends behind and face him man to man. AJ says they are nothing alike and it took him 17 years to get to the top of WWE. He says the fans couldn't wait to make him a star but he quit when it got tough in WWE. He says Cody quit NJPW, ROH and quit the company he helped start up. He says Cody can't handle the pressue. He says when the going gets tough, Cody Rhodes get going.

Cody says he's never been afraid to walk away to chase something better. He didn't quit. He gambled on himself and he was right. He said he wouldn't be WWE champ if he didn't. He said if anyone quit, AJ quit on himself. He said AJ had to pretend to be Mark Henry for a night to get a title shot. He said AJ has become a resentful coward and will be happy to make him say "I Quit".

AJ says you see how natural it is for him to say those words? AJ said he can't quit being phenomenal. He said his family wants him to quit but he's done when he says so. AJ says he will do whatever it takes to get the WWE Title. He says he will do whatever it takes to get AJ to say he quits.

Thoughts: It was a good segment. Like their last match, it didn't really feel like they got the point of their feud until the last show before the PPV and the same thing is happening here. This should have happened on week one of the feud but is now happening at the last minute where it can't be built upon.

The Street Profits and B-Fab are interviewed. Cathy says it means they inserted themselves in Bloodline business. Bloodline then jump them before it is broken up by Aldis and various agents. KO goes after them and gets stopped.

Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark do a promo. They say Jade and Bianca will take on two of the most ruthless and heartless fighters in WWE. Shayna says they will rip them apart limb by limb. 

Nia Jax vs Michin

Tiffany Stratton is on commentary. Michin hits shots and takes a headbutt. Nia misses a corner charge and takes corner spears. Michin hits a soul foot and Nia goes out. Nia is pushed into the post. Tiff argues with Michin and throws water on her. Michin throws Tiff over the commentary table. Nia bodyblocks her, elbow drops her and banzai drops her for the win.

Thoughts: This was short and hurt Michin. I don't know why they did this when Michin could have lost a more even match and it would have been better. It seems like they started up a Tiff vs Michin promo here.

Kevin Owens is interviewed. He said it doesn't look like The Street Profits will have his back tonight. He says he fought The Bootleg Bloodline alone before and will do it again.

We see a video of Logan Paul at the Tetris Championships. He said he didn't win and will go back to doing what he does best - beating up WWE stars.

Logan arrives at home and is told "your boy from LA is here". Logan finds LA Knight in his pool. Logan asks how he got here and says to grab security. LA leaves and says he has to go. LA  said he was here to hang out and have a good time and said he will see him next week. He says to bring the US Title with him.

Uh okay, this was unusual. Logan needs to fire his security guards.

Carmelo Hayes does a promo from the stands. He asked what he just watched? He says that was trash just like LA. He says some dudes will do anything for clout. He says he doesn't chase opportunity, opportunity chases him. He says that's why he will have an opportunity to qualify for MITB next week. He says he will beat him and be one step closer to being Melo In The Bank.

Nick Aldis talks to Bloodline. He says Tama and Loa are banned from ringside. He said if he sees either one of them, they are all suspended. Paul Heyman tells him he is out there by himself. He says if he loses this match, he loses his leadership position. Solo says he's coming after Paul if he loses this.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are interviewed. Alba says they will make history tomorrow in Glasgow. Isla said they didn't come all the way home just to come home. She says they will be the new Women's Tag champs tomorrow.

Solo Sikoa vs Kevin Owens

KO charges him and hits forearms and boots. Solo goes out and KO pushes him into the rails. Solo's head is banged off the commentary table and he is sent into the Prime Energy Hydration Station. KO lariats Solo back over the top then lariats him on the floor. KO frogsplashes him from the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. KO corner lariats Solo and Solo goes out. KO's throat is pulled down over the top rope. KO is thrown into the steps. KO gets some shots in and is lariated. Solo corner hip attacks him. Solo misses a hip attack and is ddt'd. KO clubs and stomps on Solo. They lariat each other then KO lariats him. They trade shots on the buckles and KO tornado ddt's him. Solo samoan drops him.

They trade superkicks. KO hits a couple more superkicks then corner cannonballs him. KO hits a top rope swanton for 2. KO takes a back body drop on the apron and rolls to the floor.

We go to break and return. They fight on the buckles. KO top rope splashes him for 2. Solo uranages him for 2 then does it again for another 2 count. KO superkicks him twice. KO goes for the swanton but Solo gets his knees up. KO stunners Solo but Heyman puts Solo's foot on the ropes at the last second.

KO goes after Paul outside and grabs him. Solo samoan spikes KO twice and gets the win.

Thoughts: I thought it went a little long here and wasn't that good. I'm not real sure what it was but it needed more and just never got super exciting. It also felt like the repeated stuff at the end of this match. The finish wasn't that great either.

Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa beat up on KO after. Randy Orton comes out to make the save. Orton sends Loa into the rails then backdrops Tama on the rails. Solo hits Orton outside. Solo then takes a draping ddt over the 2nd rope. Orton hits an RKO on Loa then Tama pulls Loa away.

Owens hugs Orton.

Thoughts: I didn't like fight afterwards. Whatever credibility Tama and Loa had as stone cold killers and super dangerous dudes is rapidly going away fast.

Overall thoughts: It was just an average show overall. There was nothing must see here and due to it being a go home show, they weren't going to do anything too wild on this one.

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