Thursday, June 6, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/6/2024 Episode #67

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 6/6/2024 Episode #67

Last week's show is here:

Queen Aminata vs Mazzerati

They back each other up in the corners. Queen throws her down then ddt's her. Mazz takes her down with her legs then is release german suplexed. Queen kicks her in the back of the head on the ropes. Queen running kicks her while Mazz is sitting on the apron. Mazz hands out of the ring from the bottom rope and is dropkicked.

Mazz hits forearms and elbows then takes a double chop. Queen hits a running air raid crash and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay squash here by Queen with her offense looking good.

Lexy Nair interviews Dalton Castle. He says he's sorry and says his therapist told him he had to get it out. He says he's been putting her through a lot. He says he's been running hot and is now cool. Johnny TV says he stole his sunglasses and he wants them back. Dalton says their fight is over and he has no qualms with him.

Dalton says he's winning the TV Title tonight and says he has bigger plans. They then motion how big their plans are with their hands and make a competition out of it, doing some obvious sexual innuendo.

Amira vs Marina Shafir

MS takes her down and Amira grabs the ropes. They shoulder each other and MS high kicks her. MS hits mounted forearms then kicks her in the back. MS hits another high kick then powerslams her. MS does like a reverse sleeper and wins.

Thoughts: It was the usual MS squash. I don't really have faith that it will lead anywhere or get MS any further than she has gotten.

ROH TV Title - Kyle Fletcher (c) vs Dalton Castle

They get off to a slow start. Kyle shoves him and DC rams him int othe ropes. Kyle goes out and stalls. DC chases him then hits knees to the body. DC hits a short ddt. Kyle leg lariats DC off the apron.

Kyle pumping knees him outside then throws him into the rails. Kyle pulls DC's arm down over the top rope. Kyle stomps DC. Kyle takes chops then hits a chop and stomp flurry.

DC rolls up Kyle off the tombstone then they double clothesline each other. Dalton suplexes him and Kyle stops a bangarang. Kyle is caught off the 2nd rope and caught with a german. Kyle pounds on DC's back then is put across the top rope. DC flying knees him and Kyle goes down to the floor.

Kyle tiger suplexes him on the floor. Kyle corner kicks him then brainbusters him. DC gets a 2 count on a pin then spinning back elbows him. Kyle leg lariats him on the ropes then DC jack knifes him for 2. Kyle hits a nasty tombstone variation and wins it.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of it. The stalling early wasn't too exciting and they did too much with the tiger suplex on the floor. I didn't think they clicked that great either.

The Infantry vs Jacoby Watts and Nick Comoroto

Nick backs up Bravo and pats him on the head. Bravo side headlocks him. Nick takes a double hiptoss and a double fist drop. Nick goes over the top and skins the cat. Dean dropkicks him. Watts distracts Dean then Nick running forearms Dean. Nick back body drops Dean.

Bravo top rope crossbodies Nick then jumping knees him. Bravo does a tag off a tornado ddt. Watts boots Bravo as he comes off the ropes then Watts is double superkicked off the apron. Nick double lariats Infantry, stops paying attention and takes a double superkick. Nick takes a scissors kick and a top rope splash and is pinned.

Thoughts: They were pushing here that Watts didn't want to get in and that he was tricking Nick. I think they got that over here and they got Infantry a win. 

Lee Johnson does a promo. He said he's on another winning streak with nothing to show for it. He says Kyle Fletcher has something he wants and asks for one more match. Kyle walks in and says he heard Lee talking about him. He said it feels like deja vu. He said Lee forgot about what happens when you disrespect him. Kyle says he beat him twice in six months so he can go to the back of the line. Lee says he can beat him two times in one night and challenges him to a 2/3 falls match. Kyle says he accepts and says he will prove why he is who he says he is and why Lee will always be who he is.

Proving Ground Match - Billie Starkz vs Zamaya

Zam has a Bull Nakano style haircut and facepaint. Billie came out alone. She shakes hands and wipes her feet of the mat onto Zam. BS bangs Zam's head off the mat then slaps her hair around. BS germans her the nhits boots to the face. BS wipes her feet off the mat again onto Zam.

Zam is sent into the rails outside then BS stomps on her. Zam double throat thrusts her then Zam's head is banged off of BS's knee. BS spinning high kicks her then top rope swantons her for the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't too good and didn't do much for Billie. It was sloppy as well.

Red Velvet shows up behind BS and goes after her. BS then runs away. Queen Aminata then shows up behind BS and throws her in the ring. Red pounds on BS then takes her down. Red hits more mounted shots.

Griff Garrison, Cole Karter and Johnny TV vs The Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson vs Dark Order (Evil Uno, John Silver and Alex Reynolds)

Jacked Jameson ripped the crowd to little reaction during his entrance. Jacked and Silver have a pose off. Silver knocks him over. Bronson is tripped into the buckles. Uno hits chops and clubs on Bronson. Bronson running back elbows him. Bronson gets his head put in Boulder's chest. Boulder is pulled over the top.

JTV does a weird tornillo to the outside. Griff and Cole double shoulder Uno over. JTV kisses Taya while he facelocks Uno. JTV then hits a moonlight dive on Uno on the floor. Griff stomps Uno in the corner and JTV gets shots in as well. Uno is beaten up more in the corner. Uno neckbreakers Cole after giving Griff his foot.

Alex lariats Cole then running facekicks Griff. JTV springboard kicks Alex. JTV takes a drop + flying kick. Griff face kicks Bronson. Boulder hits a facekick then Cole flying knees Boulder. Jacked lariats Cole and JTV knees Jacked in the back of the head. JTV then poses with Cole and Griff.

Boulder crossbodies the three. Bronson gets on Boulder's shoulders and Alex cutters him down off thetop. John leg lariats Boulder on the ropes then germans Boulder. Uno drops Jacked with a punch then Jacked is triple flipped by The Order. Jacked is then pinned.

It was your usual three way here. We didn't get a lot of anyone and they really didn't have enough time. They made what they could of it but it was nothing special.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't that good of a show. The main didn't get enough time. They gave Dalton/Kyle a bunch of time but it wasn't a classic. The main was too short. They furthered Red Velvet vs Billie some here and maybe built some kind of Johnny TV vs Dalton Castle match for next week. Billie and Kyle were the only champs on this show. There was just nothing great here and nothing worth seeing.

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