Thursday, June 20, 2024

WWE Main Event 6/19/2024

WWE Main Event 6/19/2024

Last week's show is here:

Ivy Nile vs Zoey Stark

They lock up. Ivy takes her down twice. Ivy rolls her up from behind then fallaway slams her. Ivy then kips up. Shayna Baszler gets on the apron then Ivy is distracted and pulled down from the buckles. Zoey hits mounted shots on Ivy then lariats her. Zoey cravates her then elbow drops her for 2.

Ivy release germans her then spinning enzugiri's her. Ivy spinning headscissors her. Ivy flying kicks Zoey then gutwrench suplexes her for 2. Zoey springboard moonsaults her for 2. Ivy rolls her up. Ivy goes for a headscissors but takes a Z360 off of it and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with the two matching up well together. The finish was super creative and was hit well. This couldn't have gone much better than it did and was Ivy's best main roster match yet.  

Julius Creed vs Tyler Bate


JC takes down Bate. JC wrestles him down on the mat. Bate wristlocks him. JC gutbusters him. Bate spinning headscissors him and dropkicks him. Bate headscissors JC while in the gorilla press position then Bate does a nice tope con hilo through the ropes.

We go to break and return. JC catches Bate in the air. JC has him in the suplex position, sits down then gets up and suplexes him. Bate ddt's him then step up enzugiri's him in the corner. Bate flying euros him then JC hits a big lariat. Bate is thrown into the ropes and rebound lariats him.

Bate backslides him then rolls him up for 2. JC catches Bate in the air and release germans him for 2. JC misses a top rope moonsault then Bate airplane spin slams him. JC pop-up drops him then low lariats him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. The two had an athletic match and really worked together. Creed seemed to hurt himself off the standing moonsault landing. Creed seemed to work more heelish than usual here.

Overall thoughts: Only two new matches as usual here but both were good. This one is worth a look if you have a spare 20 minutes or so.

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