Wednesday, May 29, 2024

WWE Speed 5/29/2024

WWE Speed 5/29/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals - Tomasso Ciampa vs Ludwig Kaiser

This is a  new tournament with only 4 people in it.

They lock up. Kaiser backs him up then is chopped. Ciampa hits some boots as well then is booted. Kaiser side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Kaiser rolls out of a backslide then rolling death valley drivers him. Ciampa is thrown into the post shoulder first then dropkicked as he hangs.

Kaiser drops him with a punch and is caught with a knee coming off the 2nd rope. They trade shots and Ciampa hits a big forearm. Kaiser euros him then takes a face kick. Kaiser spinning lariats him then hits a PK for 2. Kaiser goes for a ddt and is rolled up then Ciampa hits a sit-out pedigree for the win at 2:54.

It was a quick one of course. The match length didn't really fit either guy and it wasn't anything special. I didn't like Kaiser losing here.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there was only one new match. It went 2:54 and neither guy really fit the super fast format here. This one wasn't worth seeing.

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