Wednesday, May 29, 2024

TNA Xplosion 5/24/2024

TNA Xplosion 5/24/2024

Last week's show is here:

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Eric Young is the guest this week. He has two dogs and no kids. He says you learn so much from them and says they are the best. He has a pitbull. He says his last dog was Southern and was able to run on treadmills. He said his wife runs marathons and his last dog was able to run full training sessions for marathons with her.

Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich vs Shazza McKenzie and Jada Stone

Alisha shoves Shazza and they yell at each other. Alisha tells Jada to shut up. Shazza snapmares Alisha then takes her down and tries a pin. Shazza then poses at Alisha. Alisha slaps her and faceshoves her.

Shazza northern lights suplexes her for 2. Jada and Masha go at it. Jada hurricanrana's her then headflips into a forearm. Jada does a cartwheel snapmare and kicks her. Jada then meteora's her. Masha takes a double hiptoss then her opponents double cartwheel into a double basement dropkick.

Masha trips Shazza into the 2nd rope and kicks the rope. Alisha chokes Shazza on the ropes then crossbodies her against the ropes. Shazza is double footchoked in the corner then Shazza is double flapjacked. Shazza then takes a low dropkick and a senton for 2.

Alisha catches Shazza's boot, makes her split and kicks her. Alisha pulls both of Shazza's arms back then throws her backwards. Alisha hits kicks to the back for 2. Masha chops Shazza. Shazza rolls out of the corner and tags out. Jada hits lariats and a dropkick on Masha.

Jada kicks Masha off the ropes then top rope moonaults for 2. Alisha throws Shazza out. Masha spinning high kicks Jada. Jada is put in the electric chair and takes a bulldog off the top. Masha gets the win.

Thoughts: They made me think Jada and Shazza had a shot at winning this, so they did something right. Jada didn't hit her stuff clean here and had a rough night in that department. It was fine for what it was but it wasn't must see. The sound was off here as the girls were screaming and it wasn't being picked up right.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match here and one interview segment. The match was fine (thought not 100% clean) but nothing must see. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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