Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Ground Zero Wrestling 5/27/2024 Ground Zero Vol. 63

Ground Zero Wrestling 5/27/2024 Ground Zero Vol. 63

This is Ground Zero Wrestling from Rochester, NY. I've also seen them listed as Wild Zero Wrestling.

Scott Richards vs "The Investment" Price Purgold


They lock up and Price pushes him back into the buckles. Price waistlock takedowns him and paintbrush slaps him. Price wristlocks him and Scott hammerlocks him. Price hits elbows then is hiptossed. Scott step up enzugiri's him then hits a kamigoye for 2.

Price avoids a superkick and slides out. Scott chops him outside and bangs his head off the apron. Price drops him back first on the ropes then pump kicks him. Price talks trash and Scott superkicks him. Scott hits an attitude adjustment for 2. Price hits a TKO on the knee and hits a stiff short lariat to win.  

Thoughts: It only went about 4 minutes. Price is more experienced than Scott is and he has a decent offensive arsenal that looks good. It was fine for what it was. I'm not sure about the reverse stun gun on the ropes that Price did. I don't think it would hurt.

Darren Crowe vs Damien Saint

They lock up and Saint takes him down off of it. Saint goes up and over and hits an armdrag. Saint does a japanese armdrag and kips up. Crowe hits snake eyes on him then lariats him. Crowe hits shots then hits spears to the corner. Crowe chops him then bites him.

Crowe stands on him and drops a boot. Crowe footchokes him on the ropes. Saint jawbreakers him then takes a spinning heel kick for 2. Crowe suplexes him and Saint sunset flips him for 2. Crowe hits a knee to the gut then axe kicks him. Crowe gordbusters him and shining wizards him for 2.

Crowe clubs on him and punches him. Saint enzugiri's him then ushigoroshi's him. Saint then uses the bottom rope to disaster kick Crowe. Saint gets him coming off the top then Crowe hits destino to win it.

Thoughts: This was a decent juniors match here. Saint's a pretty crisp worker and Crowe has enough personality to make me think that he might be able to get a little further ahead. They didn't overdo it here and they had a fun little back and forth match before it ended. I was pleasantly surprised by this one.

Chael Connors vs "The Frozen One" Don Freeze


They lock up and CC hammerlocks him. CC waistlocks him and Don side headlocks him. CC headscissors him and Don kips out of it. They sweep each other and CC rolls him up for 2. CC wristlocks him. Don rolls out of a wristlock, armdrags him and rolls him up.

They lock up and CC side headlocks him. Don shoulders him over. CC does a high leapfrog. They try to dropkick each other at the same time and headflip up together, which is quite impressive as Don is a heavy dude. CC offers a handshake. Don accepts it then CC kicks and forearms him.

Don's head is banged off the buckles. CC is caught on an up and over then Don pele kicks him. Don back elbows him and CC step up enzugiri's him. CC hits corner spears and chops him. Don knees him in the gut then Don springboard twisting crossbodies him for 2. CC knees him in the gut and ddt's him off of it for 2.

CC armlocks him then Don armdrags him and forearms him. CC superkicks him then is flipped with a lariat. Don hits flying shoulders then backdrops him. Don standing moonsaults him for 2. CC cutters Don for 2. Don samoan drops him then misses a running ssp. CC hits a lethal injection for 2 and Don does a great flip for it.

CC lariats him from behind then pounds on him. CC misses a top rope 450 and is rolled up off a lethal injection attempt. Don then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a little bit indy here with all of the flips and them doing a little more than they should have. However, this was rather impressive. Don has to be around 300lbs and he can do moonsaults and ssp's. It's unbelievable and the only other guy who can do stuff like that at his weight is Willie Mack. If Don can improve his gear, he is without a doubt going to get on a bigger stage soon. Chael can move really well and he's probably worthy of being on a bigger stage here. I really liked the finish here and I thought it was a good match overall.

Overall thoughts: If you can look past the arena here, it was a pretty decent show. All 3 matches were watchable and had good parts to them. Don Freeze is one to keep an eye on as he is likely going to pop-up in other places as soon as people see him. He's just too impressive for his size. They got 3 matches in within a 22 minute time frame which was impressive. The commentary was pretty good with the announcers knowing all of the moves. I liked it and I would watch another show from this company.

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