Wednesday, May 22, 2024

WWE Speed 5/22/2024

WWE Speed 5/22/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals - Tyler Bate vs Apollo Crews

Bate runs at him, is caught and thrown to the floor. Crews then moonsaults onto him off the apron. Crews germans him. Bate kneelifts him. Crews catches him off the buckles and release germans him. Bate springboards and is caught with a samoan drop.

Bate rebound lariats him then punches him. Crews enzugiri's him then gorilla press drops him. Crews standing moonsaults him for 2, then Bate cradles him and pins him off the kickout.

Thoughts: It went 2:05. They had an action packed 2:05 minutes but it wasn't must see. They did the best they could but there's little you can do with only 2 minutes.

Overall thoughts: There was only one short match as usual. It wasn't must see and I wouldn't recognize it.

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