Wednesday, May 22, 2024

WWC Superestrellas de la Lucha Libre 8/14/2022

WWC Superestrellas de la Lucha Libre 8/14/2022

Yesterday's show is here:

Mike Nice vs Brandon


Mike shoulders and lariats him over. Mike then gorilla press slams him and Brandon begs off in the corner. Brandon clips him and stops the leg. Brandon lariats Mike's leg then is driven into the corner for spears. Mike is pulled into the middle buckle then Brandon knees him in the gut. Brandon is thrown on a backdrop.

Mike hits punches and mongolian chops. He hits nice lariats and back body drops Brandon. Brandon jawbreakers him then they cut away on Mike's finisher. We literally don't know what Mike won with other than some kind of drop. THEN they do a slow-mo replay of the move being cut away from. WHAT?

Thoughts: Mike looked good here with strong looking offense. Them cutting away from the finish AND THEN SHOWING THE CUT IN SLOW MOTION is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in wrestling history. 

We go to Ray Gonzalez's office with The New Order. Xavant says the title was stolen from him at the 49th Anniversary. He wants Ray to give him his title back. Ray says it's not his responsibility and holds his hands up at this. Ray says he can face Gilbert in a match and Xavant isn't happy about it. Xavant bangs his hand off the desk and yells at him for this.

Jovan vs Makabro

Mak is doing a clown gimmick. Mak hits a chop and Jo hits a nice flying shoulder and dropkick. Jo spinning heel kicks him and Mak goes out. Jo follows him around the ring. Mak misses an elbow drop on him and is arm wringered. Mak spinebusters Jo for 2 and chokes him. Mak snapmares him and chinlocks him. Mak hits a powerslam for 2.

They chop each other and Mak eyerakes him. Mak chinlocks him and flying forearms him. Jo neckbreakers him then hits a big cutter for 2. Mak flatliners him for 2. Mak misses a corner charge and is pump kicked for 2. Mak sleepers him then grounds him with it. He chokes Jo out and wins it.

Jovan was a good babyface here. Unfortunately, the crowd didn't care and Makabro didn't bring a ton to the table. He wasn't bad or anything just he did basic stuff with few thrills.

Xavant and his partner talk to someone outside on the phone.

They say Xavant and Gilbert will fight on September 3rd.

Carlos Colon vs Abdullah The Butcher

Colon is backed up on the ropes and they trade punches and headbutts. Abby gets a shot in then takes more punches. Colon rakes on Abby's head. Colon hits more punches and headbutts. Colo kicks him low, headbutts him and punches him. Colon rakes Abby's eyes and head.

Colon hits more punches. Abby holds his eye and Colon busts Abby's eyebrow open. He hits it with some kind of object and sticks it in there. Colon bites him above the eye and hits more punches. The camera goes in close and gets Abby's blood on it.

Colon fires away more and eye rakes him.

We go to break then find Xix Xavant on the phone. He says he needs someone to accompany him. Then meets up with one of his New Order buddies.

We return to the match and Colon is sticking his hands right in Abby's eye. He does the world's funniest looking monkey flip to him then bites Abby's head. Colon sticks something in Abby's eye. The ref brings the doctor in to check on Abby's eye. Abby tells him to go away. Colon hits punches and Abby fires back. Abby tells the ref to go away again and Abby sells big for Colon's punches, going down.

Colon boots Abby's head and the doctor comes back in. The doctor looks at the eye and Abby tells him to go away. Colon pounds on Abby more and boots him in the head several times. The doctor and the President of the WWC Victor Jovica comes in. Jovica stops it and Colon keeps stomping on Abby. Colon then headbutts the ref.

Abby heads to the back and Colon beats him up all the way to the back. The fans then carry Colon out on their shoulders. 

Thoughts: It was a one-sided beatdown with Abby getting the crap kicked out of him to the point that it was getting close to turning him face. Abby got little in here. His eye was targeted all throughout and he bled all over the place, even getting it on the camera. There were no fancy moves here. There were barely any moves period aside from the monkey flip. It was all just punches, boots and headbutts. It worked to some degree but you can only watch so many minutes of that.

Xix Xavant's muscle waits for Ray Gonzalez outside of his office after then beats him up in it. Ray is thrown through a door, gets busted open and is pounded on. Ray gets his shirt ripped up and they say it's a message from the champion.

Thoughts: It was a pretty good angle here. Ray got beat down good and really looked a mess after to sell it. It felt real and looked violent. It made me want to see what happens next.

Overall thoughts: The new matches weren't that great with the finish being missed by the cameras in one of them and then the missed camera shot was replayed in slow motion. Colon vs Abdullah was a one-sided beatdown though seeing Abby actually have to sell and lose was interesting. I liked the angel to close the show with Ray Gonzalez but I wouldn't recommend this one.

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