Wednesday, May 22, 2024

WWC Superestrellas de la Lucha Libre 3/23/2013

WWC Superestrellas de la Lucha Libre 3/23/2013

Last week's show is here:

We see a highlight video of the issues with The Colon's and Invader #1.  Eddie Colon says he's are going to Puerto Rico to deal with Invader #1. Invader says he's the most wanted man and most hated man by the Colon family. He talks about Carlos' daughter Stacy. Carlito then gets on and thanks Eddie, and says he has to worry about Orlando Colon in WWE. Invader says Eddie/Primo Colon is not a serious man like him. He tells him to go dream somewhere else.

The Sons of Samoa (Afa Jr. and LA Smooth) vs Abbad and Sebastian Guerra

We join this in progress. Afa and Abbad are in and both are down. They tag out. SG hits shots on LA then running lariats him multiple times. SG slams LA for 2. The SOS are pounded on in the corner then the faces are irish whipped into each other. SG's shoulder is thrown into the buckles. Afa misses a splash and splashes his own partner LA. Abbad walks the ropes with Afa's arm and twisting crossbodies LA.

Abbad is thrown out. SG full nelson's LA. Afa breaks it with a superkick to the back of SG's head. SG takes a samoan drop from LA then Afa top rope splashes SG. Afa picks up the win.

Thoughts: We only saw a few minutes of this. I liked Afa's splash here but we didn't see enough of this.

The SOS beat up on SG after. Thunder and Lightning come in and beat up The SOS. They push Afa off the top but he lands on SG anyway.

They run down the next show - Camino A La Gloria on 3/30/2013. It has Ray Gonzalez vs El Super Fenix in a ladder match, Savio Vega vs Invader #1, Primo Colon vs A Mystery Opponent, The Sons of Samoa vs Thunder and Lightning, El Chicano and Abbad vs Andy Leavine and Samson Walker, Zion RT1 vs Diabolico and Jay Velez and AJ vs Chris and Steve Joel.

Andy Leavine vs Apollo

This is joined in progress. Andy has a chinlock on. Apollo hits shots then spinebusters Andy. Apollo hits punches and lariats Andy. Andy survives the lariats then is knocked down with one.

Apollo chops him then takes a chokeslam for 2. Andy top rope elbow drops Apollo for 2. Apollo avoids a lariat and superkicks him for 2. Andy blocks a rock bottom. Apollo boots him out of the corner then rolls him up for the win off the crucfix.

Thoughts: We only saw some of this. It was pretty much average with them not hitting great looking offense. I would have liked a better finishing stretch too.

Carlito Caribbean Cool and Savio Vega vs. Thunder and Lightning


We join this in progress with Savio and one of Thunder down. Thunder goes for the tag but there is no one there. Carlito then hits a big dropkick. Carlito takes a big spear. Savio gets in and kicks Lightning on the apron.

Savio trades punches with his opponent. Savio throws Lightning out and Thunder is pounded on in the corner by Savio and Carlito. Thunder hulks up on Carlito and hits chops on him. Carlito then hits a superkick for 2. Carlito misses a springboard and takes an F-5 from Thunder.

We go to break and return. Thunder and Carlito are both down. Lightning and Savio are tagged in. Lightning pulls down his straps and hits great punches on Savio. Lightning powers up and shakes the ropes. Lightning lariats Savio over then side slams him for 2.

Lightning is double teamed in the corner. Thunder bangs the heels heads together. Carlito and Thunder are whipped into each other. Savio misses a spinning heel kick. Invader #1 runs down. Lightning swings at him, misses and Invader heart punches Savio down. Lightning then picks up the win after being shocked.

Thoughts: What we saw of this was a good tag here. Lightning hot tag segment was really cool and Savio really sold the heart punch well at the end. I really wish we could have seen all of this one.

Carlito and Invader push each other after and argue. Savio pulls Carlito off and grabs Invader. Carlito then backcrackers Savio. Savio does a fantastic sell for the backcracker. Invader punches Savio with a foreign object then pounds on him. El Wizard on commentary finds this hilarious. Carlito then pounds on Savio with Invader. Carlito raises Invader's arm after and they seemed to have formed a partnership.

We see Carlos Colon working out. 

We see more of Thunder and Lightning invading The Sons of Samoa match after before getting a Sons of Samoa promo with Barrabas. LA Smooth says The Road to Glory will be the end of Thunder and Lightning. He says they will handle business like they have been for the last 4 months, stomping their @sses. Afa Jr. says they will still be champions.

Thunder and Lightning do a promo on The Sons of Samoa then jump them in the locker room.

Lightning gets the edge on one of them, throwing a chair at LA then Thunder rams Afa through a table.

We get a video of someone talking about Super Fenix.

 Ray Gonzalez does a promo on Super Fenix.

Savio Vega does a promo then we see a longer version of the promo Invader and Carlito did to open the show.

Overall thoughts: We only saw a little of each match here. What we saw of Carlito and Savio vs Thunder and Lightning looked really good. I liked the Thunder and Lightning attack of The Sons of Samoa as well. I wouldn't really recommend this due to the all of the clipping but I did like it.

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