Friday, May 3, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 5/3/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 5/3/2024

Last week's show is here:

Eddy Thorpe vs Kale Dixon

They lock up. Eddy hammerlocks him then snapmares him. Eddy side headlocks him then side headlock takeovers him. Kale armdrags him and Eddy armdrags him off of it. Eddy twisting crossbodies him then Kale running euros him. Kale flips Eddie out of the sideslam position.

Kale knocks him down with a shot for 2. Kale stomps him then clubs on him. Kale gutwrench suplexes him for 2. Kale chinlocks him and hits a chop. Eddy fires up and dragon screws him. Eddy hits chops then hits running shots. Eddy chest kicks him, face kicks him then germans him. Eddy jumping elbows him then hits an impaler ddt for the win.

Kale did not look good here with offense that didn't hit clean and looked dangerous. Eddy had a great fiery comeback here to win.

Je'Von Evans is interviewed. He says he went from getting his first W to going against a top guy on NXT. He said it looks like the title spot has opened now that Ilja has left NXT. He said he's willing to go against anyone to get the spot. He said it's all love with Riley Osborne. He said he's in the way of want he wants and said NXT will have something to worry about when he's done with him tonight.

Kendal Grey vs Kelani Jordan

They trade wristlocks and waistlocks. Grey goes between her legs then is tripped. Kelani cartwheels and wristlocks her. Kelani throws her over with the armlock. Grey headscissors her from the mat. Kelani headflips out of it.

They trip each other and Grey side headlocks her. Grey take sher down and armbars her. Grey keeps rolling her over with the armbar. Kelani rolls her off and side headlocks her. Grey hits a nice belly to belly suplex.

Grey cravates her. Kelani tries to take her over and Grey rolls with it Kelani water wheel drops her and does a nice bridge. They try pins on each other. Kelani swings over her back and rolls her up. They collide with their heads then Kelani hits wasteland. Kelani split legged moonsaults her and gets the win.

This was a great technical wrestling match. I've never seen a girl move the way Grey does. She's a phenom. This was a really special match and just something totally different than anything else you are going to see. WWE has to do this one again. I loved this one.

Riley Osborne vs Je'Von Evans


Vic Joseph replaced Byron Saxton between matches. They didn't go too much into why but that's something that never happens. Huge pops for Evans here.

Riley wristlocks him. Evans kips up, cartwheels and headflips out. Evans takes him down. Riley corkscrews over him then hits a hiptoss and dropkick. Riley armdrags him. Evans flying headscissors him and Riley cartwheels through it. Evans sitdown springboards and hurricanrana's Riley. Evans then dropkicks him.

Riley 619's under the bottom rope then Riley slams him. Riley hits forearms and an uppercut. Evans running forearms him then Evans hits a nice corkscrew kick. Evans springboard lariats him then suicide dives over the top rope. Evans is back body dropped outside then Riley fosbury flops him. Evans rolls him up for 2.

Riley blocks a roll-up out of the electric chair and Evans sunset flips him. Evans lays on him and pins him.

It was a fast-paced high flying match here. These two naturally matched up well together and had a super athletic match together. This was exactly what you would want and was good stuff.

Overall thoughts: The women's match here was an amateur wrestling clinic and one of the best matches this show has ever had. The main was a really good high flying match with a hot crowd and both guys looking great. This show is worth a look and I recommend this. This is Level Up at its best.

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