Saturday, May 4, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 5/4/2024 Wrestling Dontaku 2024 Day 2

New Japan Pro Wrestling 5/4/2024 Wrestling Dontaku 2024 Day 2

Shoma Kato & Tiger Mask vs. TMDK (Mikey Nicholls & Shane Haste)

Kato backs Mikey up in the corner and shoves him. Tiger backs up Shane and double chops his chest on the break. Shane headlock takeovers him and is put in a headscissors. Tiger flips and double kicks Shane on the flip. Kato calls for Mikey to get in.

Mikey slaps Kato then Kato hits forearms back. Mikey lariats him. Kato takes a double team then a rolling senton + fist drop. Shane kicks Kato in the back. Shane slams Kato. He chops him then kicks him in the back. Kato hits forearms on Mikey then is chopped down.

Shane slams Kato and kicks him in the back. Kato dropkicks Shane. Shane face kicks Tiger then Tiger rolls him up. Kato dropkicks Shane into a Tiger crucifix. Tiger double armbars Shane. Shane takes a spin kick and a running shoulderblock. Kato crabs Shane and hits forearms on him.

Shane boots Kato then Kato hits forearms on Mikey. Mikey slams Kato then crabs him. Things break down. Tiger takes a 2v1 with a backdrop + neckbreaker combo. Kato dropkicks Shane and Mikey then takes a uranage + powerbomb combo. Mikey pins Kato.

It went longer than it needed to here. Kato got a bunch of offense in on this one and Tiger didn't get to do much.

United Empire (Francesco Akira & Great-O-Khan) vs. Just 5 Guys (DOUKI & Yuya Uemura)

Akira and Douki start us off with a lock-up. Douki side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Douki splits, causing Akira to go out. Akira flying headscissors him then does a nice dropkick. Akirak nees him in the gut then Douki rolls into a headbutt.

Yuya slams Akira and elbow drops him. Yuya hits chops then takes a corner lariat from Khan. Akira rolls Yuya into a double stomp. Khan dodges a lariat then shoulders over Yuya. Khan stomps on Yuya then sits on his neck in the corner.

Khan misses a corner charge and Yuya hits chops. They trade forearms then Khan pump kicks him. Yuya does his new weird armdrag in the air and double chops him. Douki and Akira trade forearms. Douki armdrags him then back elbows him. Douki springboard back elbows Akira. Douki double arm triangles Akira then Akira rolls him. They bridge up and Akira rolls him. Douki rolls him back. Douki armdrags him into a pin attempt but Akira reverses it and wins it.

The Khan/Yuya segments weren't as good as I hoped for here but Douki and Akira did some fast paced juniors wrestling to make this a little better.

United Empire (Callum Newman & Jeff Cobb) vs. TMDK (Kosei Fujita & Zack Sabre Jr.)

Kosei hits forearms on Cobb. They shoulder battle. Cobb calls him a young punk then shoulders him over. Newman gets in, runs the ropes fast and face kicks Kosei. Kosei flying headscissors him then dropkicks him. Zack strangleholds Newman with a headscissors. Zack cravates Newman and is slammed.

Cobb throws Zack hard into the buckles. Zack hits forearms on Cobb then is punched in the gut. Zack pele kicks Cobb's arm. Cobb blocks a hurricanana from Kosei then Kosei flying kicks him. Kosei springboard dropkicks him. Cobb crossbodies him.

Newman gets in and corner dropkicks Kosei. He PK's him for 2. Kosei release germans Newman. Zack neck twists Newman then dropkicks him in the back of the head. Zack PK's him for 2. Newman throws a mouth guard at him and they try pin attempts.
Zack facekicks him then triangles him. Newman deadlift powerbombs him to escape it.

Everyone gets in and hits a move then Zack michinoku drivers Newman to win it.

What we got was okay but they didn't have enough time here and the match was limited because of it. The talent was here and these guys would have put out a good effort but they weren't given the shot.

House Of Torture (EVIL, SHO, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. Guerrillas Of Destiny (El Phantasmo & Hikuleo), El Desperado & Shota Umino

The heels attack before the bell like usual and most of the wrestlers go out to fight. Despy backdrops Kanemaru. They trade some shots and Despy is pulled over the top. Despy is group beaten outside then sent into the rails. Evil pulls Despy's hair from the outside.

Evil abdominal stretches Despy with help from his partners. Despy pulls on Evil's hair then is eye raked. Despy spinebusters Evil. Hiku gets in and gets offense in all the heels. Kanemaru takes snake eyes and a face kick rom Hiku. HIku powerslams Evil then ELP does his top rope swanton into an asai moonsault onto Evil. Sho takes a Hiku uppercut then corner attacks. Sho takes a spinning side slam int oa 2nd rope elbow drop.

Togo trips Shota  from the outside then Shota takes corner attacks. Togo chops Shota in the nuts from the 2nd rope. Shota dropkicks Yujiro, who was going for a cane shot. Hiku double lariats the heels then Despy kicks the middle rope into Togo's crotch. Despy then tope con hilos through the ropes onto the heels. ELP walks up the buckles and rope walk moonsaults outside onto the heels. Shota hits ignition on Yujiro then running euros him in the back of the neck. Shota hits a double underhook ddt and wins it.

I was fine with this. The heels cheated, the faces got the hot tag in, cleaned house and won. It was short and the HoT shenanigans was kept to a believable minimum. 

Shota throws Despy in after and makes him celebrate with them.

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Oleg Boltin vs. Just 5 Guys (Taichi & TAKA Michinoku)

Oleg and Taka start us off. Taka knees him in the gut and they shoulder battle. Oleg shoulders him over. Tana comes in and slams then elbow drops Taka. Oleg is back in and he karelin's lifts Taka. Oleg hits forearms on Taichi then takes leg kicks. Oleg chops Taichi, takes face kicks and shoulders him over. Oleg splashes Taichi then Taichi side kicks him.

Taichi kicks Oleg in the back then stomps him. Taka hits knees on Oleg and dropkicks him in the back. Taka running knees Oleg for 2. Taichi boots Oleg then hits Kawada kicks.

Taichi hits various kicks to a downed Oleg. Oleg hits forearms then is spin kicked in the gut. Taichi corner face kicks him. Taka pump kicks Oleg and Oleg takes a buzzsaw kick for 2. Taichi single leg crabs Oleg and Oleg ropebreaks.

Taichi takes his pants off. Oleg catches his superkick then is face kicked. Oleg hits a dropkick. Tana dragon screws Taka, slams him and 2nd rope swantons him. Taka pump kicks him from the side then Tana takes corner attacks. Taka superkicks Tana for 2. Tana puts just facelock on Tana.

Oleg hits karelin's lift on Taka then Tana slingblades Taka. Tana hits a high fly flow on Taka and wins it.

It was a short sub-10 minute match. There's not a whole lot to say about it other than it being filler.

Taichi and Oleg argue and fight after.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi, Tetsuya Naito & Yota Tsuji) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Clark Connors, Taiji Ishimori, Drilla Moloney & Gedo)

LIJ attacks before the bell and all but 2 wrestlers go to fight outside. Bushi takes a 2v1 then does a double hurricanrana. Yota chops Clark then slams him. Gedo trips Yota then sends him into the rails. Drilla headbutts Bushi then Gedo hits Yota with the bell hammer outside. Hiromu gets hit with it as well.

Clark snapmares Yota then elbow drops him. Yota's head is banged off the exposed buckle. Taiji fist drops Yota then eye rakes him. Gedo eye rakes Yota in the corner while Drilla gut punches Yota. Yota hits forearms on Drilla and is spin kicked in the gut. Yota pushes Drilla's head into the mat with his feet.

Yota tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Taiji. Hiromu gets in and flying headscissors Taiji. Hiromu sends Clark into Taiji then shotgun dropkicks Clark. Hiromu basement dropkicks Taiji. Taiji goes for a guillotine then eye rakes Hiromu. Taiji handspring corkscrew kicks Hiromu.

Naito and Drilla fight. They trade forearms. Drilla spin kicks him in the gut. Naito takes corner attacks from multiple opponents. Drilla then spinebusters him into a double stomp and elbow drop. Yota comes in and shoulders Drilla over hard. Yota armdrags CLark then curbstomps Gedo. Bushi topes Taiji.

Drilla takes a triple team then is tornado ddt'd by Naito. Naito hits destino on Drilla and wins it.

It was a short and basic tag match here with the heels cheating and the faces making their comeback to win. There was nothing special or interesting about this one and it was just filler.

IWGP Tag Team Title Match - Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI) (c) vs. BULLET CLUB (Chase Owens & KENTA)

Chase and Goto start us off and Kenta nails Goto from behind. Goto takes a 2v1. Chase hits some punches then is double shoulkdered over. Yoshi is hiptossed onto him then Goto suplexes Kenta onto him. Chase boots him in the corner then sentons him. Kenta hits corner spears on Goto then Chase backbreakers Goto for 2.

Kenta gets some offense in and is rebound lariated. Yoshi gets in and beats up the heels 1v2. He neckbreakers Chase, corner lariats Kenta then suplexes Kenta for 2. Kenta urakens Yoshi then Yoshi lariats him. Goto hits forearms, a spin kicks and a backdrop on Chase for 2.

They trade forearms and Goto shoulders him over. Kenta grabs a title belt, ends up giving it to Chase and Chase hits Goto with it. Chase pepsi twist lariats Goto then Goto back body drops Chase. Chase pumping knees Goto on the ropes and cutters him for 2. Chase knees Goto in the face then Yoshi headhunters Chase off package piledriver attempt.

Goto ushigoroshi's Kenta. Goto and Chase trade forearms on their knees. Chase spinning back elbows him then Chase is superkicked by Yoshi. Chase akes a superkick and avoids a double team. Chase grabs the ref and Kenta chairs Yoshi in the back.

Chase face kicks Goto then gamengiri's him. Kenta face kicks Goto then Goto hits a double lariat. Chase takes lariats from both opponents then takes a GTW from Goto for 2. Chase low blows Goto then Kenta busaiku knees Goto. Chase jack knife pins Goto and wins it.

This was what you would expect - a match with basic cheating by the heels that was nothing special. I'm not happy about Chase and Kenta winning this one as it means we have to see more of these matches at a time when NJPW is already producing low quality garbage.

NEVER Openweight Title Match - Shingo Takagi (c) vs. Gabe Kidd

They charge at each other and trade forearms. They shoulder battle and then pose at each other. Shingo hits a corner lariat then a punch and chop combo in the corner. Gabe suplexes him. Gabe chops him and sends him into the rails outside. Gabe's head is banged off the apron. They trade forearms. Shingo is sent into the rails and they duel with chairs.

Shingo is hit with a chair then explodered on the floor. Gabe brainbusters him. Gabe starts an argument with El Desperado on commentary. Gabe foot slaps Shingo and they trade chops in the ring. Shingo hits punches and chops then Gabe bites him.  Shingo knees him in the gut, back elbows him and ddt's him. Shingo suplexes him. Gabe bites him then Shingo bites him back. Gabe release saito suplexes him and they trade release saito suplexes. Shingo corner lariats him and they trade headbutts on the buckles. Gabe hanging guillotine chokes him then brainbusters him.

Gabe top rope suerplexes him. They face kick each other then Shingo hits a made in Japan for 2. They lariat battle. Shingo hits chops. They trade lariats and Gabe drops him with some. Shingo lariats him on the ropes and they collide with lariats. They trade headbutts and slaps then Gabe spinning lariats him for 1.

Shingo lariats him then flips him with one. Gabe piledrivers him, Shino no sells it and mostly misses a sliding elbow. They slap each other on their knees. Shingo hits a forearm combo then Gabe slap combos him. Shingo forearms him down. Gabe slaps him then piledrivers him. Gabe punches him then Shingo hurricanrana's him. They trade shots, Shingo headbutts him in the chest then sliding lariats him. Shingo rebound lariats him  then hits a nasty Takagi driver '98.

Gabe spits at him and takes a running forearm. Shingo then hits a last of the dragon to win it.

I thought they didn't make enough of the early part of the match and had too many pauses and slow sections to really get a good pace going. It got good by the end but it wasn't enough. I still liked it but it sadly was not the classic I had hoped for. This was all chops and lariats.

IWGP Global Heavyweight Title Match - Nic Nemeth (c) vs. David Finlay

They fight on the ramp before it even starts. DF's head is banged off the apron then he is back body dropped on the floor. DF is thrown into the post then Nic is sent into the rails. They get in and the match officially starts.

DF's eyes are raked on the top rope and Nic headbutts him. Nic is dropped face first on the buckles. DF pounds on him and pushes the ref over. Nic is thrown out and sent into the rails. DF chokes him on the ropes then Nic is sent chest first into the buckles. DF throws him on a suplex.

Nic olympic slams him then hits punchest in the corner. Nic headbutt flurries him, corner splashes him and neckbreakers him. Nic hits elbow drops then top rope elbow drops him. DF spears him out of the ring. DF puts Nic on his shoulders and throws him into the post. DF charges him and runs through the rail door. A rail then falls on DF.

They trade shots on their knees then trade euros for punches. Nic hits a punch flurry, is hit then lariated for 2. DF hits oblivion for 2 then Nic does a grounded sleeper. DF climbs the buckles and falls back with Nic on him. DF goes for a powerbomb and Nic hits a fameasser out of it.

DF spinning forearms him then is superkicked for 2. DF throws him into the buckles off a danger zone attempt then powerbombs him for 2. DF powerbombs him then knees hi min the gut from the suplex position. DF then wins it.

It was the usual average match from DF. I figured Nic was losing here since he was not staying in Japan and this was made on the fly. DF's run through the rail door was nice but DF just doesn't have the personality or the ability to have great matches.

IWGP World Heavyweight Title Match - Jon Moxley (c) vs. Ren Narita

Mox is nailed by Kanemaru before he even gets in. Sho helps group stomp him right in front of the ref. Shota comes out to help and has whiskey spat at him. Ren uses a chair on Mox and the ref doesn't care then Shota is handcuffed. Sho hits Shota with a chair and Mox is group beatne up in front of the ref. Mox thwarts it and match finally officially starts.

Ren is sent into the rails by Mox. Mox beats him up in the aisle and bites him. Ren is crotched on the rail then Mox hits corner punches. Sho grabs Mox as he tries to piledriver Ren on the apron then Ren knee press drops Mox off the apron. Mox is sent into the rails. Ren hits Mox with a rail.

Ren rakes Mox's eyes across the top rope. They trade chops in the corner and Ren kneedrops him in the corner. Ren suplexes him and Ren sends him into the rails. They go into the crowd and Mox is sent into chairs. Ren uses a chair on Mox then knee drops him on the apron. HoT chokes Mox with a weapon. The ref refuses to count as Ren cheats.

They trade forearms and Ren is thrown out. Ren gets back in and is curbstomped. Mox topes Ren over the rails then sets up two tables outside. Mox goes up top and hte heels hit him. Mox uranages him off the apron through two tables. Ren flying knees him in the corner and is lariated.

Mox release suplexes him for 2 then hits reverse curb stomps. Ren chokes him. The ref gets nailed and Mox is double teamed. El Desperado comes down and helps. Ren hits Mox with a push-up bar. Mox cutters him and they trade forearms. Ren sleepers him and cobra twists him. Ren germans him then exploders him for 2.

Mox hits Ren up top, rakes the back and suplexes him. Mox bulldog chokes him and the lights go out. Evil and Togo show up and Mox is beaten up by both. Mox takes a magic killer and Togo chokes him with a weapon. Shota Umino comes down to help. Ren is pushed into a Mox ddt then takes a death rider ddt. Mox then wins it.

It was a complete joke from start to finish with interference before and during the match, weapons shots, ref bumps and seconds fighting. There was little to no wrestling here. The ref watched Ren cheat multiple times and didn't care and the stupid babyfaces weren't able to predict or prepare for any of this as usual.

Mox gets on the mic after. He says he will fight to his dying breath.

Overall thoughts: The main was filled with HoT nonsense and was a joke. Finlay/Nemeth was average as expected. Gabe/Shingo was good overall but not as good as it could have been. The tag title match was nothing special and the rest of the show was filler. It was a long and hard show to sit through and I didn't like this one at all.

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