Friday, May 24, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 5/24/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 5/24/2024

Last week's show is here:

Jazmyn Nyx vs Lainey Reid

LR grabs her foot on a boot and trips her. LR then rolls her up into a pin attempt. Nyx shoulders her over then LR goes over her back and armdrags her. LR hits another armdrag and dropkick for 2. LR armlocks her. LR tries to headscissors her in the corner, is caught and kicked.

LR's head is banged off the buckles and Nyx stomps on her in the corner. LR back rolls her, is tripped then Nyx PK's her for 2. Nyx kicks her in the back then headscissors her. LR kneels and lifts Nyx up while in the headscissors. She then drops her on the buckles face first.

LR hits shots, does some sloppy move and neckbreakers her. LR flying back elbows her in the corner, picks her up like a backdrop and drops her on her chest. LR double underhook suplexes her and floats over. Nyx gets out and pele kicks her to win it.

: It wasn't a bad effort for girls who were only in their 2nd and maybe 3rd matches on TV. LR is sneaky strong and seems like she's going to be a different kind of prospect than usual. Nyx moved fast here and obviously has a great look.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger argue in the back. Tank is a singles match as Tank said Hank hurt himself in a sneezing incident. Tank says Kale Dixon is a hot head and a loose cannon. He says he has nothing to lose. Hank talks about a tank. Tank interrupts and says he's the largest tank in the US. They then make "chuga chuga chuga" tank sounds and head off in a wild promo segment.

We see clips of Kale Dixon getting beaten up by Bron Breakker on Raw and being stretchered out. They say they wish Kale Dixon a speedy recovery and say they are taking us to a "previously recorded main event" with Kale.

Tank Ledger vs Kale Dixon

Tank wore a soldier's helmet out. Tank shoulders Kale over and side headlock takeovers him twice. Kale grabs the hair and side headlocks him. Tank shoulders him over and slams him. Tank corner splashes him then back splashes him.

Tanks comes off the 2nd rope and is kicked in the air. Kale boots him then chokes him on the bottom rope. Kale hits chops and Tank sunset flips him. Kale boots him and pulls both of his arms back. Kale gyrates then Tank hits a big lariat.

Tanks hits more lariats, atomic drops him and 2nd rope twisting shoulderblocks him. Kale rolls him up then Tank lariats him. Tank bubba bombs him and gets the win.

Thoughts: Tank had a decent comeback here but Kale is kind of a generic heel. He's not bad or anything mind you, but he has a pretty limited and basic offensive set and it's not the most exciting thing to see. The info about this being previously recorded was interesting though you could tell this isn't live since SD is in Saudi Arabia, isn't taped and Byron was on there.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here. Both matches were fine just not great. It was an okay 20+ minute show.

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