Saturday, May 25, 2024

CMLL 5/24/2024 Arena Mexico

CMLL 5/24/2024 Arena Mexico

I only was able to catch the Top 3 matches (there were 5 total). I'll try to cover the rest of the matches as soon as I can get access to them.

Atomo, Chamuel & KeMalito vs. Los Micro Malditos (Micro Gemelo Diablo I & Micro Gemelo Diablo II) & Tengu


Cham = Chamuel, Ke = KeMalito, Gem = Either Gemelo Diablo, Ten = Tengu

Gem and Atomo go at it. Gem headflips out of the wristlock and armdrags him. Gem is hiptossed, kips up and armdrags Atomo. Gem sunset flip Atomo and armdrags him. Ke and Tenb go at it. Ke rolls over his back and armdrags him twice. Ke basement dropkicks him then dives on him off the apron. Cham and a Gem fight. Gem does a nice cartwheeland a backflip over him then springboard armdrags him. Gem headscissors him  then flips off the 2nd rope into an armdrag on him. Cham is dropkicked out.

Gem topes Cham then a Gem 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Atomo. Gem headscissors Atomo then diving armdrags him off the top. Atomo avoids a dive from a Gem then takes a cannonball off the apron from the other Gem. Cham takes corner attacks for 2. Atomo is dropkicked then triple stomped. Ke is triple stomped.

Ke is double flipped backwards. Ke kicks the Gem's then uses the ropes to flip and headsicssors Ten. Ke is lifted into a headscissors on a Gem then does a itlt-a-whirl armdrag on the other Gem. Ke 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Ten then Atomo topes a Gem. Cham canadian destroyers a Gem and pins him to win the match.

The mini's then argue and fight after.

Thoughts: It wasn't the cleanest fall here with them having some issues getting each other over due to their size. It did have a charm to it though and was still enjoyable.

Kira, La Catalina & Skadi vs. Persephone, Tessa Blanchard & Valkyria

1st Fall - Val and Kira go at it. Val takes down then Kira armdrags her. Kira headscissors her. Val snapmares Kira then chinlocks her. Kira armdrags her. Val trips her and hooks the leg then Kira grabs the ropes. They end up doing a standoff. Skadi and Pers go at it. Pers slaps her and is chopped down.

Skadi rolls her up then Pers corner euros her. Skadi trips her and elbow drops her back. Skadi pumphandle gutbusters her. Skadi catches Tessa's crossbody and backbreakers her. Tessa superkicks and backcrackers her for 2. Tess goes up and over Cat then takes a single leg flying dropkick. Cat is tripped on the apron then Tess throws her into the rails. Pers rolls up Skadi and stomps her while Valk suplexes Kira. Val splashes both opponents then Pers springboard splashes both opponents. Skadi and Kira are pinned. Tessa's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Tess gets on Skadi's back with a sleeper. Kira and Cat are pulled down from the apron. Skadi throws Tess over then takes a 3v1. Val 2nd rope dropkicks Skadi. Pers running euros Kira in the corner then Cat is triple teamed for a while. Pers pendulum kneepresses Kira down in the corner.

Tess is double superkicked by her partners on accident. Cat flying knees Val. Cat apron crossbodies Tess outside. Kira rolling armbars Pers then Skadi submits Val. Skadi's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Kira flying headscissors Val. Kira walks up the buckles and flips into a double armdrag. Kira running sitout powerbombs Pers for 2. Val 2nd rope dropkicks Kira for 2. Cat electric chair drops Val for 2. Tess cutters Cat then Skadi double underhook backbreakers Tess.

Skadi is sent out then Val running dropkicks her outside off the apron. Kira tornillo topes Val. Pers tope con hilos Skadi. Tess top rope diving codebreakers Cat and pins her. Tessa's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was your usual so-so women's match. It wasn't super pretty and it was just not that good or impressive.

Satoshi Kojima and Okumura vs Magia Blanca and Rugido

1st Fall - MB and Oku start us off. Oku side headlocks him then is front facelocked. MB armdrags him and trips him. They trade spin kicks and MB shotgun dropkicks him. Koji and Rug trade chops. Rug side headlocks him  then Rug takes him over. Koji grounds him and is pulled up. They shoulder battle and Koji knocks him over.

Koji clubs on MB then takes a knee to the gut. MB running boots him then takes a tilt-a-whirl from Oku twice. Oku running euros MB in the corner. Oku and Koji hit stereo 2nd rope cutters and win the fall.

2nd Fall - Rug is hit from behind by Oku. Koji sliding dropkicks Rug then Rug gets stomped by both opponents. MB is bakc body dropped then low dropkicked by Oku in the back. Rug is 2v1'd then double backdropped. MB flying elbows and dropkicks Oku. Rug top rope dropkicks Koji then Rug and MB do stereo topes. MB low dropkicks Oku for 2 and Rug hits shots on Koji.

Koji takes corner lariats from both then Rug powerslams Koji to pin him. Rug and MB win the fall.

3rd Fall -  Oku and MB trade forearms then facekicks. MB knocks him over. MB 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's him. Oku takes a corner meteora. Kojima hits machine gun chops on Rug and MB. Koji corner forearms MB then top rope elbow drops him.

Rug and Koji trade then Koji lariats him. Koji hits a nasty looking brainbuster on him for 2. Rug throws him on a release northern lights suplex for 2. Rug armdrags Koji for 2 then MB top rope crossbodies Oku. Rug flying headscissors Oku then MB does a tope con hilo outside on him. Rug then does a plancha to the outside on both opponents. Rug and MB kick out of stereo cutters for 2. Koji takes a german from Rug then MB 2nd rope cradle shocks Oku at the same time. Rug and MB get pins and win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a mess and was funny at times with the Mexicans getting stiffed by Koji and not knowing what to do with it. It went longer than it needed to as well.

The wrestlers say Viva Japon and Viva Mexico after.

Lightning Match - Star Jr. vs Templario


They shake hands then fight over a waistlock. Temp is taken down and rolls out of a sunset flip. Star goes for an upkick and they stand off. They trade armdrags then try to dropkick each other at the same time. Star sentons him and they do a cool stand off.

They jump over each other and Temp armdrags him. Star does a nice jumping headscissors takeover. Star's head is banged off the buckles then Temp ropewalk crossbodies him. Temp flying headscissors him out then topes him into the rails.

They fight on the apron. Star facekicks him and superkicks him. Star 2nd rope asai moonsaults him outside. Star springboard crossbodies him inside and superkicks him. Temp pumping knees him then Star hits a superman style punch. Temp wheelbarrow germans him for 2.

Temp takes a step up enzugiri on the buckles then is 2nd rope hurricanrana'd off a powerbomb attempt. Star misses a top rope double footstomp and spinning high kicks Temp. Star spanish flies Temp off the top and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a fun, fast-paced flying match here. They only had 7 minutes here but really made the most of it and provided a lot of action.

Torneo Cibernetico

Meph = Mephisto, Oro = Angel de Oro, V3 = Hijo de Villano III

The seeding battle royale was quick.

Felino and Angelo de Oro go at it. Fel sunset flips him then Oro crossbodies him low. They trade armdrags and Fel yanks the arm. Esfinge and V3 go at it. V3 hits chops on him. V3 leapfrogs, pretends to be injured and nails Esfinge. Esfinge flying headscissors him out.

Dark and Meph go at it. Dark armdrags him then headscissors him. They then sand off. Atlantis and Stuka go at it. Stuka dropkicks him in the knee and is monkey flipped. Atlantis hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on 5 different people then topes Stuka into the rails. Atlantis then is group stomped.

Mistico and Magnus go at it. Mistico handspring back elbows him then step up enzugiri's him on the apron. Mistico springboard crossbodies him then springboard twisting ardmrags him. Mistico tornillos him outside then is group stomped.

Meph chops V3. V3 top rope dropkicks him then asai moonsaults him outside. Fel shoulders V3 over. Everyone starts hitting boots and kicks then Mistico springboard hurricanrana's Atlantis. V3 chops Felino and slaps him around. V3 2nd rope moonsaults Fel for 2. V3 misses a top rope senton then Fel taps him out with a figure four variation. Hijo del Villano III is eliminated.

Dark and Esfinge go at it. Dark then flying hurricanrana's Fel, Stuka and Meph. Dark flying headscissors Mistico out then plancha's him. Stuka lariats Oro over the top then hurricanrana's him outside.

Esfinge and Mag go at it. Esfinge flying headscissors him and hits superkicks. Esfinge then topes him int othe rails. Dark then topes Esfinge into the rails. Dark does a 619 variation on Esfinge for 2. Esfinge ties up Dark's legs and bridges to pin him. Dark Panther is eliminated.

V3 is stretchered out. Atlantis step up enzugiri's Fel then runs the ramp and flying crossbodies him over the top rope. Felino is eliminated. 

Oro stomps on Mistico. Mistico does a silly string into a hedscissors on Oro. Mistico 2nd rope hurricanrana's Oro. Mistico top rope dives on Oro. Atlantis springboard crossbodies Esfinge. Atlantis is splashed then superkicked. Esfinge tope con hilos Atlantis. Magnus powerslams Mephisto for 2. Mephisto muscle busters him for 2.

Magnus corner splashes Mephisto then takes a corner lariat. Mephisto pops him up and kicks him. Magnura meteora's Mephisto in the corner and pins him. Mephisto is eliminated.

Esfinge springboard hurricanrana's Oro. Oro hits a chop and punch combo on him. Esfinge monkey flips Oro then misse a springboard swanton. Oro rolls him into a rocking chair and submits him. Esfinge is eliminated.

Magnus chops Stuka then hits an angel's wings. Magnus double stomps Stuka's back and sliding boots him. Mistico and Atlantis stare down. Mistico flying headscissors Atlantis. He tries to asai moonsault him but is german suplexed for 2. Atlantis hits a cradle shock on Mistico. Atlantis oges up top, Mistico runs up the buckles and top rope spanish flies him for 2.

Atlantis powerslams Mistico for 2. Mistico springboard crossbodies Atlantis then taps him out with la mistica. Atlantis Jr. is eliminated. Stuka spin kicks Magnus then bridging twisting neckbreakers him for 2. Stuka rolls up Mag then Mag corner lariats him. Stuka corner lariats him back then hits wasteland on him. Stuka tries to top rope splash him but Magnus gets his boots up. Magnus 619's him and rolls into a cutter on him for the pin. Stuka Jr. is eliminated.

Magnus and Mistico square off. Magnus spears him and hits mounted punches. Magnus rips up the mask. Mistico is in tree of woe and is booted by Mag and Oro. Oro rips at Mistico's mask. Mistico is popped up into a kick by Oro for 2. Mistico takes a corner meteora from Magnus for 2. Mistico is double stomped by Oro and Magnus.

Mistico hits a double back elbow on his opponents then does a double armdrag off he ropes. Mistico is popped up into a hurricanrana on Oro. Mistico flying headscissors Magnus out. Mistico dives out and hurricanrana's Oro on the floor. Mistico then topes Magnus.

Magnus stomps on Mistico then Mistico spins him into la mistica. Magnus taps out. Magnus is eliminated. Oro step up enzugiri's Mistico. Mistico step up enzugiri's him on the buckles then top rope spanish flies him for 2. Mistico springboard hurricanrana Oro while Oro is standing on the ropes. Mistico spinning headscissors Magnus. Mistico springboard twisting crossbodies Oro then is tripped by Magnus. Oro kicks Mistico low then michinoku drivers him to win the match.

Magnus rips off Mistico's mask after and poses with it. Someone from the crowd seems to throw the ref a mask to give to Mistico. Mistico is then stomped by both after.

Thoughts: The ending was different here. Angel de Oro hadn't been featured a lot so it was surprising to see him win. It was a decent cibernetico. Not as crazy as some others but they hit their stuff clean, had a lot of highlights and kept up a good pace. Atlantis and Mistico had good showings here with Mistico doing stuff he doesn't normally do.

Overall thoughts: The cibernetico was good. It got a lot of time and had lots of flying just as you would want. I liked Templario vs Star Jr. as well. The Mexico vs Japan tag was a mess with the luchadores not being able to deal with Kojima. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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