Friday, May 24, 2024

NWA JCP SE 5/23/2024 Season 4, Episode 6

NWA JCP SE 5/23/2024 Season 4, Episode 6

Last Week's show is here: 

The Stew Crew do a promo. They say they are taking the first step into winning the tag team tournament. They aren't happy with their seeding. They say they will do whatever they have to in order to get the titles for the third time.

Joe Cazana and Tom Prichard talk. They said they might have made a mistake with making Spanky the commission. Joe asks where he got the money for a $10,000 body slam challenge? Tom says Spanky is pushing his weight around and says if anyone can get to the bottom of it, it's Joe. Joe says if The Stew Crew win tonight, they are in the finals. They said other teams have to win twice to get into the finals. They say they need to go find Spanky. I have no idea who Spanky is. 

NWA JCP Southeastern Tag Team Title Tournament First Round Match - The Stew Crew (Dylan Stewart & Zach Stewart) vs. The TVA (Big L & Devan Dixon)


Zach's the bigger Stewart here and Dylan is the smaller one. Dylan waistlock takes down Dixon then armlocks him. They do a test of strength and Dixon armlocks him. Zach armdrags him and armlocks him. Dylan is thrown into a spear on Dixon then Zach is butt rammed into Dixon's head.

Zach throws Dixon. Dixon back elbows him out of the corner then L gets in. L stares down Zach. Dylan jumps on L's back with a sleeper and is thrown over. L then takes a double dropkick. L is double clotheslined over the top to the floor.

Dixon takes a double suplex for 2. L pulls the top rope down and Dylan goes out. Dylan's back is then rammed into the steps and post by L. Dylan's head is banged off the buckles and L boots him. L footchokes Dylan. Dylan is dropped on the top rope and bounces off of it down to the mat.

L elbow drops Dylan's back then Dylan is choked on the ropes. Dixon drops Dylan with a punch. He abdominal stretches him with help from L. Dylan backbreakers Dixon. L misses an elbow drop on Dylan and Zach gets in.

Zach hits forearms on L and throws Dixon in. Zach does a samoan drop + dropkick combo. Zach misses a corner splash and takes a facekick from L. Zach hits headbutts and punches on L. L takes a double backdrop. Zach hits a top rope splash but it's for 2 as Dixon breaks the pin up.

Dylan throws Dixon out. Dylan hits shots on L then does a big suicide dive over the top rope. Zach is sent into the post then L boots Dixon then Dylan moves. The ref does the count and Dylan is the only one to make it in on time. The Stew Crew win by countout.

It went a little long but it was an okay tag. Zach had a good showing here and we had some typical face vs heel stuff here. The countout finish was fine as the match was decent enough and long enough to make it feel not like a ripoff.

Commissioner Spank's $10,000 Body Slam Challenge

Spank comes out but it's hard to hear most of what he said. He challenges a 10 year old kid in the audience to slam him and the kid makes an awesome mean face, points his finger at him and poses. The kid gets on the mic and cuts some kind of promo on Spank and tells the crowd to make some noise. The kid steps on Spank's foot then his dad or someone else in the ring slams Spank. The kid is then given the $10,000 check and celebrates with it.

Spank says something else after and the kid points at him before going back to his seat.

It was too hard to hear the people involved in this but the kid was absolutely awesome. He had the mannerisms down and he seemed to actually be a good promo. I could not believe my eyes as he had a better defined character and ring presence than most people in wrestling do. They HAVE to get this kid on this show again. This was something else.

The Southern Six do a promo. Silas says he has had the Southeastern belt for almost 2 years now. Silas calls Jay Bradley a dumb@ss and say he must be an idiot to step in the ring with Silas Mason. He says the heat might be too hot for him to stand in the kitchen and he might be burning up like he's in hell.

Thoughts: Not the greatest material here but they performed it well.

NWA JCP Southeastern Title Match - Silas Mason (c) vs. Jay Bradley

Jay backs SM up into the corner. SM then backs Jay up. Jay wristlocks him then SM side headlock takeovers him. Jay headscissors him then SM side headlocks him on the mat. Jay armlocks him again then SM shoulders him over. They shove each other and Jay pulls him down by the hair.

Jay side headlocks him then SM dropkicks him out. SM throws a chair in and sits on it in the middle of the ring. They test strength. Jay knees him in the gut and rams into his shoulder. SM side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Jay throws him down backwards by the hair.

Jay running shoulders SM twice then knocks him out of the ring with it. SM's head is banged off the apron then Jay runs him over outside again. They trade shots outside and Jay hits a hard chest club. Jay clubs on him more.

Jay facekicks him off the apron. SM comes back and hits a headbutt then is knee'd in the head. Jay clubs on SM and eye rakes him. Jay abdominal stretches him and SM hiptosses him out. Jay running facekicks him and takes a big lariat. Jay jumping knees him then suplexes him. SM backdrops him for 2.

Jay back body drops him then misses a corner charge. SM hits a big standing blue thunder then misses a 2nd rope elbow drop. Jay wastelands him then 2nd rope vader bomb elbow drops him for 2.

Kerry Morton gets on the apron. Jay grabs him by the throat. Alex Taylor hands SM the title belt and SM hits Jay with it to win the match.

Thoughts: The finish wasn't the best ever but it was a hard hitting heavyweight match. It was just two big dudes clubbing and pounding on each other here just as you would want. Silas really took a beating here at times. I liked this one.

Overall thoughts: We had 2 matches and a segment here. The two matches were both good. The opener had typical face vs heel stuff which worked and a couple of highlights. The main was just two hosses beating the crap out of each other with Jay really giving Silas a whooping. The body slam challenge was really hard to hear but the kid in it looked like a better wrestler than most of the people on TV today and legit seems like the next big superstar. I could not believe it. This was a good show and the kid's segment is worth a look if nothing else.

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