Tuesday, May 28, 2024

WWE NXT 5/28/2024

WWE NXT 5/28/2024

Last week's show is here:  https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/wwe-nxt-5212024.html

Ava Raine is in the ring. She says NXT has the best's women's division in the game and is always breaking barriers and making history. She said they will make history in a few weeks when they crown a North-American champ. She then brains out Sexyy Red.

This person has a tattoo on their face and looks awful. Ava thanks her for coming. Red says she will host Battleground in Vegas. They then show the N-A title which has a white strap and red background.

Tatum Paxley slides in the ring and fights Red for the belt. Michin then comes down and hits forearms on Tatum. Tatum is then thrown out and sent into the rails.

WWE Women's North American Title Qualifier - Tatum Paxley vs Michin

Michin hits chops and boots in the corner. Michin misses a corner kick and is booted in the corner. Tatum foot chokes her then Jaida Parker comes down. Michin baseball slides Tatum out of the ring then topes her. 

We go to PiP break and return. Michin pounces her. Michin spin kicks her and release germans her. Michin hits headbutts then corner cannonballs Tatum. Tatum half-nelson flips her then backdrops her. Michin does the too sweet to Tatum's head and cradles her. Michin hits soul foot for the win.

The break was long and ate a lot of this one up. It wasn't anything too special and I don't like Michin winning here.

Joe and Mark Coffey talk in the back. Joe says Ava told them only 2 are allowed at ringside. Meta-Four come in and ask why they jumped Noam Dar. Mark says if they got to Dar, he'd know about it. Joe says it's a stupid question to accuse them and said he thought better of them. 

Lola Vice is shadow boxing in the back and Arianna Grace comes up to her. She asks if Lola wants to do another barbaric NXT Underground Match. She says Shayna Baszler is dangerous and a true cage fighter. Lola says she is too and says she can find out how dangerous she is first hand.

Ridge Holland vs Riley Osborne

Ridge backs him up on the ropes and pulls him down. Riley slaps him and hits punches. Ridge hits a knee to the body and euros him. Ridge throws him and hits chops and spears. Ridge snapmares him and chinlocks him. Riley dropkicks him and Ridge short arm lariats him. Ridge tells Chase he doesn't want to do this. 

Ridge hits euros and Riley goes into the buckles hard. Riley corkscrew flips off the 2nd rope onto him and step up enzugiri's him. Riley running SSP's him for 2. Ridge spears him out of the ring to the floor. We go to break and return.

Ridge chinlocks Riley and takes a jawbreaker. Ridge elbow him in the neck then Riley rolls him up. Riley dropkicks him then Ridge throws Riley off the top. Ridge corner splashes Riley then belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Riley is sent out hard.

Ridge is superkicked outside and Riley springboard dropkicks him. Riley goes for a dive and is forearmed. Riley cradles him for 2 then flying elbows him. Riley leg lariats him. Riley hits chops. Ridge superkicks him while he's on the 2nd rope and Ridge lifts him then hits a ddt to win.

Thoughts: As usual, the crowd wanted to part of this and it was a waste of time for both guys. There was nothing wrong with it but it's hard when the crowd doesn't care.

Ridge hugs Riley after and offers a handshake Riley goes out of the ring.

The OC are interviewed. They said they are tired of being overlooked and dodged. They said last week's beatdown is what happens when you treat them like outsiders. Luke says the beatdowns will continue until they get their tag title match. Karl asks if they have their attention now.

We cut to the back and Oro Mensah is down.

The OC vs Edris Enofe and Malik Blade

Karl kicks Enofe. Karl takes a double team ending in a bulldog. Blade goes up and over Karl and hits him in the gut. Enofe 2nd rope elbows Karl. Karl is double tripped into a double dropkick. Blade dropkicks Luke. Enofe is knocked off the apron into Brinley Reece by Blade. Ref's come to check on Reece.

We go to break and return. Luke chinlocks Blade then hits punches on Blade in the corner. Blade is sent hard into the buckles. Luke suplexes Blade for 2. Blade jawbreakers him. Enofe is tagged in and hits shots on both opponents. He then does a cool dropkick + double punch move. Enofe corner dropkicks both opponents. Enofe slingblade bulldogs him Karl. Enofe comes off the top, gets nothing and has a bad landing. Luke chokeslams Enofe then Enofe takes a magic killer. Karl pins Enofe to win the match.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Blade/Enofe looking fine. It wasn't one of their best matches but there was nothing wrong with it. They also tied in to Brinley Reece to this one by having them land on her.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer show up on the buckles after and hit stereo dropkicks. Luke takes a double lariat over the top. Ax and NF said they know what they want but they aren't getting anywhere near the titles. Ax says they will see them at Battleground.

Dante Chen does a promo. He said last week was the greatest night of his life. He said he watched other stars get their chance and said he waited for his chance. He said he will remember the cheers he got forever from people who watched him every week on NXT Level Up. He says he's hungry for more victories and is ready for whatever and whoever is next.

Chen is in the locker room with some of the wrestlers and they put him over. Lexis King rips him and says it's pathetic to get excited for this big win. King says he should let him get excited as it will never happen again. Chen says he will prove it wasn't a fluke and challenges him tonight. King says his 15 minutes of fame are over.

Trick Williams and Je'Von Evans work out. Trick says he appreciates him having his back. Trick says they need to be on their A-Game against Gallus. Sexyy Red comes in and twerks. Trick asks how she likes NXT and she loves it. She says she came to wish them good luck. Evans asks her to come out with them tonight and Red says to follow her.

Roxanne Perez comes out. She says she's the only woman in the WWE who has appreciated the NXT Women's Title from the beginning. She said she has seen the title jump from waist to waist and said women have used it as a stepping stone. RP says she's the only one who has shown true commitment to the title. She said she began training at 13. She said this title represents future greatness, not present greatness to most people.

RP says she deserves to be treated better. She said if Ava doesn't want to give her the respect she deserves then she can play like that too. She brings up Ava and Ava comes out. She said it's not a matter of whether Perez is a good champ or not, it's a matter of whether she will still be champ after Battleground. Jordynne Grace of TNA then comes out in a huge surprise.

Grace comes in the ring. She says some people may remember her from The Royal Rumble this year. She says she's the TNA Knockouts champ. She says she's a good champ but asks who built the stronger foundation. She says she wants to find out and is challenging her at Battleground. She says she's fully prepared to leave Las Vegas a double champ.

Thoughts: I don't like Grace that much, but you have to give it to WWE for this one. This is a huge surprise and turned Battleground into a must see show.

We get a promo with Eddy Thorpe talking about fire. He says fire is used for healing. He says he leads the way and says he is reborn.

Chase U talks in the back. Chase says Ridge won fair and Square. Riley says Ridge can't be trusted. Thea argues with Riley and Duke says he sees what Riley sees. Thea says she's done with them and has to focus on next week. Ridge comes in. He says that was a hell of a scrap and thanks Chase for putting it together.

Arianna Grace vs Lola Vice

Grace backslides her. Lola is wrestling in a shirt. Grace rolls her up and trips her on a blocked kick. Grace ducks a kick that doesn't happen then Lola axe kicks her. Lola euros her then spin kicks her in the gut. Lola hits punches to the gut and throws Grace back into the buckles.

Lola hip attacks Grace in the corner. Lola drags her and Grace up kicks her. Grace hits a chop and and suplexes her. Grace misses an elbow drop and elbows her against the ropes. Lola urakens her in the chest and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a short one here with real basic offense. Grace did a nice job selling her fear of Vice but the match wasn't much.

Lola gets on the mic after. She says Shayna has two options next week - she either taps her out or knocks her out. She says "you choose, b!tch". Shayna then comes out and security immediately jumps in before anything happens. Shayna says she was born in the underground.

We get a Carlee Bright video. She says she dedicated her life to cheerleading and it got her a scholarship to college. She said wrestling become her new love from the first time she stepped in the ring. She said she's bringing her cheerleading skills to NXT. She says NXT ray of sunshine has arrive.

Carlee, Natalya, Karmen and others talk in the back. Nat puts her over. Izzi Dame comes in and tells her to stop giving the girls false sense of hope. Karmen tells her not to talk to a legend like that and says she doesn't want her in the locker room with her negative energy each week. Izzi is smart with her and gets forearmed. They then fight.

We see No Quarter Catch Crew working out. Kemp asks if Dempsey is alright. He said he feels like he lost a piece of himself since losing the cup. He says he needs to win the Heritage Cup back. Dempsey says they need to look at how Tony runs his family - structure, discipline, a chain of command. Borne asks let me get Tony next week and Dempsey says Damon has got this. Dempsey then makes Kemp say "capice". Kemp asks what the hell was that and Borne asks what that means.

Jakara Jackson says she is getting nervous and Lash says she's not happy about this either. We see Oro getting worked on behind them. Lash says she will ask Trick if he's behind this and says she knows he will tell her the truth.

Lexis King vs Dante Chen

King misses a charge and takes shots. Chen splashes him then pump kicks him. Chen goes up and over and is superkicked by King. King hits mounted punches then kicks him in the chest. King tells him he doesn't deserve it and says he's the king. Chen cradles him for 2.

Chen hits shots then King lariats him. King jackhammers him for 2. Chen then crucifixes him and wins it.

Thoughts: It was short and I wasn't totally surprised Chen won here.

King nails Chen from behind after. They go out and King nails him from behind again. King then coronation neckbreakers him on the exposed floor.

We see Josh Briggs watching video in the back. He says he was signed to NXT in 2020. He said his goals were too big too early. He said he got himself a little brother and sister. He said there's no I in team but there's an I in win and that's what he did. He said then it was time to break away and find success on his own. He asks what he's betting on and says he may not know who Josh Briggs is now but he will figure it out.

Shawn Spears is watching this in the back. He says it's another lost soul in search of guidance. He says Josh has great potential but still doesn't have it yet. He says he's been done that path and will help guide the youth to reach their potential. He says he will be the answer.

The D'Angelo Family talk in the back. Tony comes in. He says nothing comes down until this with The Catch Crew get solved. Tony says The Heritage Cup is part of them like their liver. Tony asks if Luca looked up the Catch Clause and says he needs to know everything. Stacks asks if they need to take someone for a ride. Tony says they will beat them at their own game.

NXT Women's North American Title Qualifier - Wren Sinclair vs Kelani Jordan

They lock up. KJ wristlocks her then Wren reverses it. KJ headflips out of the wristlock then Wren rolls out of hers and trips her. KJ takes down Wren and front facelocks her. KJ hits dropkicks then Wren facebusters her. Wren is elbowed out of the ring then KJ plancha's outside on her. KJ splashes her for 2.

They try pin attempts on each other and KJ backdrops her. KJ hits a split legged moonsault and wins it.

Thoughts: It was over before it really got going. What we saw looked good though.

Stevie Turner asks Ava what Grace did to get a shot at the women's title. She said her invite to the women's combine must have gotten lost in the mail. She asks Mr. Stone, who is there, to help her. Stevie asks what Grace has done to earn a shot. Jordynne Grace comes in. She says she agrees and challenges her to a match next week.

Wes Lee is interviewed. He said it felt great to get the win last week but is upset he has to share his title shot with Joe Coffey. Wes says Gallus are 3 p!ssed off Scots. He says he needs his title. He said he's been in triple threats before. Oba Femi comes in. He says the number of opponents doesn't matter. He says the title stays with him. Wes says when it comes to him, he's wrong.

Trick Williams and Je'Von Evans vs Gallus (Joe and Mark Coffey)

Trick flying lariats Mark then back elbows him. Trick slams him. Evans uses the ropes to hit a hurricanrana then Trick and Evans hit stereo dropkicks. Sexyy Red then poses and twerks in front of them outside the ring. Evans gets back in and is pulled over the top. Joe pounces Evans into the steps.

We go to PiP break and return. Mark cobra clutches Evans. Evans hits forearms then is slammed. Joe hits elbow drops on Evans. Evans flips out of a backdrop and tags in Trick. Trick gets in and hits shots on his opponents. Trick hits a jumping sidekick on Joe then flying lariats Mark. Trick flapjacks Joe then hits a double uranage for 2.

Joe headbutts Trick and Trick takes a double backdrop for 2. Evans springboards and misses a cutter on Joe in a botch. Trick neckbreakers Mark. Trick and Mark trade forearms. Trick upkicks him then flying chest kicks Trick. Joe grabs the title belt, then Red grabs it from her. Evans hits a huge suicide dive over Mark that sends Joe into the table. Trick flying pumping knees Mark and wins it.

Thoughts: The match wasn't that special and was pretty average minus Evans' dive. The faces won here which hurts Gallus as they had just returned.

Lash Legend comes out after. She asks if he attacked Noam and Oro. The lights go out and Ethan Page beats up on Trick. Page says he took Oro and Noam out. Page says "Whoop that Trick? I'm about to."

Thoughts: I don't have a problem with Page hanging around if he's going to put over people and not be used as a main event guy. I think he's an okay midcarder who is about a 5 out of 10 in a lot of things and maybe can help some of the younger guys out.

Overall thoughts: This wasn't that great of a show minus Jordynne Grace appearing. Her fighting for the NXT Title is something different and it'll be interesting to see if this leads to a greater WWE/TNA partnership. The matches didn't really get enough time here and NXT is a bit gutted right now with a lot of their better talent being gone. I wouldn't recommend this.

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