Tuesday, May 28, 2024

CMLL 5/25/2024 Arena Coliseo

CMLL 5/25/2024 Arena Coliseo

Pequeño Olímpico and Pierrothito vs Acero and Aéreo

Ace is in the mask. Olim legloks Ace then crucifixes him. They stand off. Ace hiptosses him. Ace headflips out of a wristlock and armdrags Olim. Olim trips Ace and leglocks him. Olim trips Ace and Ace armdrags him. They legsweep each other and stand off.

Pierr and Aer go at it. Aer hammerlocks him then Pierr armdrags him. Aer armdrags him and they get up. Pier flips Aer over his back and trips him. Aer runs up the buckles and does a nice flip into an armdrag off of it. Olim shoulders and armdrags Aer then dropkicks him out. Ace rolls over the ropes with an armdrag then does another armdrag on Olim ,sending him out.

Pier running lariats Ace then elbow drops him. Pier armlocks Ace and pulls at his mask. Ace is chopped thne takes a double boot. Aer is held for chops. Olim hits Ace from behind, dropping him. Pier 619's Ace. Aer gets double teamed and Aer is corner lariated by Pier. Aer gets knocked out of the ring by Pier.

Ace armdrags Pier then dropkicks him. Olim running lariats Ace. Ace slingshots in and armdrags Olim. Pier is thrown into Olim then double dropkicked out. Aer and Ace do stereo dives outside. Ace and Aer roll up the rudos for 2. The faces miss moonsaults. Olim submits Ace then Pier submits Aer with a double armbar hold.

Thought: It went longer than it needed to. The faces didn't get enough flying in and the rudos' offense wasn't that great. I wasn't a fan of this.

Diamond, Leono and Robin vs Dragon de Fuego, Inquisidor and Sangre Imperial

1st Fall - Sangre and Leono start us off. Leono headflips and armdrags Sangre. Sangre armdrags him with an armhold. Leono rolls him over for 2 then is hip thrown. Sangre misses a corner charge and Leono walks up the buckles and armdrags him.

Robin and Drag go at it. Drag armdrags him and Robin trips him. Robin cartwheels out of an armdrag. Drag hipthrows him and legdrags his arm. Robin armdrags him off the kip up and spin kicks him in the gut. Robin sunset flips Drag hten Dia springboard armdrags him. Inq gets in and boots Dia while he takes off his shirt.

Dia flying headscissors him and asai moonsaults him outside. Leono top rope crossbodies Sangre. Sangre takes an airplane spin into a Robin top rope swanton. Robin pins him then Leono tops out Drag with a spinning submission. Robin's team with the first fall.

2nd Fall - Leono headscissors Inq out then tilt-a-whirl armdrags Sangre. Leono casadora bulldogs Drag then basement dropkicks him. Dia tilt-a-whirl armdrags Inq then is popped up into a hedscissors on Sagre. Drag takes a headscissors from Dia.

Robin headscissors Inq. Robin does a cool seated springboard backflip armdrag on Sangre. Robin walks up the buckles, and does a seated moonsault into an armdrag on Drag. Drag shoulders over Dia and spinebusters him. Robin and Leono miss sentons together. Drag powerslams Dia then Inq and Sange hit stereo basement dropkicks. Drag top rope splashes Dia and wins the fall for this team.

3rd Fall - Leono is triple teamed and takes corner attacks. Leono takes a triple basement dropkick. Dia is triple stomped. Dia is hiptossed into a double backbreaker then Sangre basement dropkicks him for 2. Robin is triple stomped. Robin takes corner attacks and a spinebuster. Sangre dropkicks Robin in the crotch. Leono is triple teamed in the corner then takes a triple boot. Leono headsicssors Inq then monkey flips Drag twice.

Robin hits tilt-a-whirl armdrags on all opponents.  Dia is popped up into a double crossbody then Robin tope con hilos outside. Leono cannonballs Sangre off the apron and Dia rolls Inq into a camel clutch. Dia submits Inq. Robin's team wins the third fall and the match.

Thoughts: The sound cut out in the 3rd fall. It was a decent lucha match here with Robin doing some spots I hadn't seen him do before and Dragon de Fuego working hard.

Robin is check on by the doctors outside after.

Hera, Olympia and Tessa Blanchard vs Amapola, Metálica, Reyna Isis


1st Fall - Metal and Olym start us off. Olym snapmares her over then Olym stomps on her fingers. Metal armdrags her and Olym armdrags her after a cartwheel. Olym flips using the buckles and armdrags Metal out. Reyna and Hera go at it. Reyna armdrags her then is armdragged back.

Hera trips her. Reyna armdrags her then Hera flying headscissors her. Hera misses a headscissors on Ama and is stomped for it. Hera walks up the ropes and springboard armdrags Ama. Ama spears Hera.

Ama lariats Tess when she gets in. Tess does a headlock + headscissors takeover on the heels. She hurricanrana's Metal then cutters Ama. Hera and Olym are tripped on dive attempts. Reyna racks Tess on her back and submits her. Amapola's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Reyna boots Olym in the gut. Olym is thrown into Ama's boot. Ama corner spears Olym and Reyna dropkicks Olym in the crotch. Tess is shotgun dropkicked by Metal. Hera takes corner attacks then Ama slams Hera down while she sits on the 2nd rope. Reyna foot chokes Hera in the corner.

Hera takes a double team double chop. Hera is triple stomped by the heels. Hera escapes a triple team then Olym does a springboard double crossbody. Tess double splashes Metal and Ama is flipped onto them. Hera and Olym then pick up pins and win the fall.

3rd Fall - Hera misses a top rope armdrag on Reyna that Reyna sells anyway. Rena suplexes Hera. Olym squats Reyna on her back then does a samoan drop for 2. Ama blue thunders Olym for 2. Tess rolls up Metal. Ama and Metal are dropkicked out then Tess topes both outside. Hera topes both outside and Reyna top rope crossbodies Olym. Reyna flying hadbutts Olym then Olym swinging side slams her to win the fall and match.

The faces tried here but there was a lot of sloppiness and botching going on and it's too hard to put this over. I feel like Hera can do a lot of things, but hitting then cleanly is another story.

Lightning Match - Hechicero vs Terrible


They butt heads. Terr hammerlocks him and Hech escapes. Hech takes him down by the leg and leglocks him. Hech side headlocks him. Hech rolls him around into a pin attempt. Terr trips him and bow and arrows him. Hech ties Terr's legs up then rolls and pulls both arms back.

Hech surfboards him and Terr rolls out. They slap each other and shove each other back. Hech jumping shoulders him. Hech trips him and rolls him into a pin attempt. Terr rolls Hech up for 2 and they stand off. They chop each other and Terr punches him. Terr suplexes him.

Terr boots him out of the ring. Terr hits chops and slaps outside. Hech step up knees him in the corner then hits boots to the head. Hech sliding kicks him for 2. Hech hits chops and punches. Hech runs at him and is kicked through the ropes. Terr tope con hilos him.

Terr spinebusters him then kicks him for 2. Hech spinning back elbows him and legdrops him for 2. Terr shotgun dropkicks him. Terr is sat up top and Hech walks up the buckles and hurricanrana's him off the top. Hech step up knees him and submits him with seconds left.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. We got some nice technical wrestling, they got fiery with each other and they did some stuff they don't normally do. I didn't like Terr tapping out with only 2 seconds remaining though. That's just completely stupid.

Difunto, Kojima and Okumura vs Hijo de Stuka Jr., Magica Blanca and Villano III Jr.

1st Fall - Stuka and Dif go at it. Dif arm throws him then trips him into a single leg crab. Dif is tripped and Stuka armdrags him. Dif thows him over his back then armdrags him.

Stuka armdrags him and Dif shoulders him over. Stuka armdrags Dif out. Oku and MB go at it. MB armdrags him and trips him, then they stand off. MB and Oku shoulders each other over. MB dropkicks him. Koji gets in and shoulders MB out. Koji shoulders V3 over then stomps him.

Koji rips V3's mask. V3 springboard dropkicks Koji. Oku stomps on V3 then Dif and Koji join in. Dif spinebusters Stuka in the ring and Oku kicks Stuka in the back. Oku takes running back elbows then Dif walks up the buckles, walks the top rope and dropkicks him. Dif pins MB to win the fall and seems to hurt his head on the dive.

2nd Fall - MB takes a forearm from Koji then MB is double suplexed. Oku spinebusters Stuka then Dif top rope double foot stomps Stuka. MB takes corner attacks and is back body dropped by Koji. V3 is triple stomped. Dif and Oku hit Koji on accident. Stuka dropkicks Oku out then V3 topes Oku. Stuka asai moonsaults Dif outside. Stuka top rope splashes Koji then V3 hits his headstand sitout moonsault on Koji to pin him.

3rd Fall - Dif chops MB down and MB chops him back. Dif flying elbows MB for 2. Dif walks up the ropes and springboard elbows MB. Stuka rolls up Dif then does a neat backcracker from the side. Koji stomps on Stuka and they trade forearms. Koji chop flurries Stuka, V3 then MB.

Koji flying forearms Stuka in the corner and top rope elbow drops him for 2. V3 throws Koji down then springboard swantons him for 2. V3 spin kicks Oku then Oku powerbombs him down for 2. MB flying headscissors Dif out then tope con hilos him. Stuka slams Koji down. Stuka is stuck on the top rope and Oku superplexes him. Koji and Oku senton Stuka to pin him. V3 dropkicks Oku. Oku stops V3 handstand seated moonsault. Oku iconoclasm's V3 then Koji running lariats V3 to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special as expected. Oku's limited and Koji isn't really a lucha guy. Difunto did a good job here.

Atlantis, Flip Gordon and Valiente vs Euforia, Mephisto and Averno

1st Fall - Val and Ave go at it. They do some mat wrestling and Val tries a pin attempt. Val STF's Ave then armdrags him. They stand off. Meph and Ave beat up on Flip and Val while Euf sends Atlantis into the post outside. Ave bites Flip's hand then Val takes a kick to the leg. Flip is triple booted. Flip is double tripped and pulled down to the floor. Atlantis gets his leg split by the heels then takes corner lariats. Euf facekicks Atlantis. Ave hits an angel's wings on Flip and Flip is pinned. Euf pump handle slam throws Val then Ave pins Val off of it.

2nd Fall - Atlantis is double teamed and is knocked out of the ring. Val is double hiptossed into a triple powerbomb. Flip is whipped into double boots by Ave. Flip is spinebustered then double flapjacked. Euf basement dropkicks Flip.

Val is chopped in the corner. Atlantis is triple stomped by the heels. Flip is triple teamed. Flip escapes it and hurricanrana's Euf. Atlantis dives on Euf off the apron then Flip springboard cutters Ave to pin him. Val then taps out Meph with the tequila sunrise. Atlantis' team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Val hiptosses Meph. Val flips off the ropes and armdrags Meph. Val fights off a 2v1 and Euf facekicks Ave out. Val armdrags Euf off of his shoulders. Ave and Flip stare down. They chop eac hother. Flip headflips over him and flying headscissors him. Flip does kip downs and kips up around Euf. Euf is tripped into the ropes and Flip 619's him over the top rope. Flip springboard slingblade bulldogs him.

Euf decks Atlantis. Atlantis arm throws him then hits a double armdrag on Meph and Ave. Atlantis hiptosses Euf and hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on all 3 opponents. Val and Flip hit topres outside and Atlantis hurricanrana's Euf to win the fall. 

Thoughts: They didn't have a ton of time but made the most of it. The heels controlled the first fall and the techs controlled most of the 3rd fall. Atlantis saved most of his stuff until the end when he got a bunch in. Flip stuck to his name and did a lot of flipping around being the workrate guy here. It was a decent main.

Overall thoughts: I liked three of the matches here as the main, the lightning match and the Robin tag were all good. Nothing was must see but it was an okay show overall.

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