Thursday, May 9, 2024

WWE Main Event 5/8/2024

WWE Main Event 5/8/2024

Last week's show is here:

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn vs Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

Alba and Carter go at it. Carter walks on her back, taes a superkic kand dances. Carter dropkicks her. Chance flying double knees Alba in the corner. Chance is then popped up into a double knee press on Alba for 2. Carter is pulled down by the hair. Isla forearms and stomps on Chance. She does a cobra clutch on Chance.

Chance rolls up Isla then step up enzugiri's her. Chance codebreakers Isla. Carter gets in. She hits forearms on both oppponents then does a single leg dropkick + splash. Chance superkicks both opponnets. Alba superkicks Carter then does a sitouit drop on her for 2.

Chance throws Isla out. Carter rolls up Alba for 2 then kicks her in the back of the head. Carter does a facewash kick on the ropes. Chance goes for a lying hurricanrana, is caught and swung into Carter. Chance takes a double team gori special flatliner and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a short one here. It was fine for what it was but they weren't given much to work with and for sure it would have been a lot better with more time. It was just a throwaway match here.

New Catch Republic vs The Creed Brothers

JC = Julius Creed, BC = Brutus Creed

One of the effects of The WWE Draft is that we get newer matches like this. Bate font facelocks JC and cartwheels. Bate monkey flips JC. JC is supposed to catch himself but messes it up. Bate uses the ropes and headscissors takeovers him. Bate dropkicks him.

JC takes an STO then Bate uses Dunne's shoulders and flipping sentons onto JC. Dunne wrists JC's fingers. JC suplex lifts Bate while seated then suplexes him. We go to break and return. BC chinlocks Bate then drops him with a forearm. The Creed's hit knees to the gut of Bate then double gutbuster him.

Bate uses his knees to escape a double suplex. JC is pulled over the top and Bate backflips off of a back body drop to make a tag. Dunne step up enzugiri's BC then does the same to JC. Dunne double stomps BC's fingers then apron moonsauls JC outside. Dunne tornado ddt's BC for 2.

BC takes shots from both opponents then Bate airplane spins BC. Bate running ssp's him then Dunne bothes a shining wizard for 2. JC jumping knees Bate. Dunne takes a big backfist from BC. Dunne is thrown into a BC sitout powerbomb for 2. Bate rebound lariats BC. Dunne splits JC's fingers then JC takes a double tiger driver. Bate pins JC.

Thoughts: It was the usual decent match from both teams. It was fast paced and athletic as expected. No real faces or heels here and The Creed's didn't do some of their bigger offense here in this one. 

Overall thoughts: As usual, there were only two new matches here. Both were fine for what they were but weren't must see. I wouldn't recommend this.

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