Wednesday, May 8, 2024

AEW Dynamite 5/8/2024

AEW Dynamite 5/8/2024

Last week's show is here:

Adam Copeland arrives and is talking on the phone. He said he doesn't feel too great about fighting Brody King. He said his mind is wandering in places he doesn't want and it has to stop. He said he got off the phone with Tony Khan and said the match with King will be No DQ. He said HoB wanted The Rated R Superstar and they got him.

Orange Cassidy vs Trent Beretta

Some girl (with help from a guy) tries to flash the camera as OC comes out. They hockey fight to start and TB slides out to avoid a punch. OC topes him then hits punches. TB is sent into the post then lariated on the floor. TB hits mounted punches. OC is sent into the rails but jumps over them. OC superkicks him in the crowd.

They fight in the stands. OC stands on seats and hits punches.  OC suplexes him on the floor then OC is back body dropped on the ringside mats. TB is pulled down while standing on the rails and hits his back on it. TB flying knee him then OC hits an orange punch. Don Callis comes out. We go to PiP break and return.

They trade shots. TB double throat thrusts him then OC tornado ddt's him. Don says he and TB have talked about business. OC kicks and stomps TB. OC then hits mounted punches. TB release half-nelson suplexes him then lariats him. TB piledrivers him twice then flying knees him. TB pulls off a turnbuckle pad. TB is pulled into the exposed buckle then OC pins him.

The ending was real weak here when these guys are kicking out of back body drops on the floor and piledrivers. I thought they did too much here as well. They really beat each other up pretty good here.

Trent is making angry faces after then knocks OC over outside. He hits mounted shots. TB piledrives OC on the steps after. OC is then catapulted into the ring frame. TB grabs a toolbox and OC grabs a chair. Don Callis and Kris Statlander stop the fight. Don says TB will kill someone and walks OC out.

The Elite are in an SUV and beep the horn at someone in a car. They then park in Tony Khan's parking spot.

We see Jack Perry talk about Kenny Omega after Dynamite last week. He asks if that's the best Kenny has. He says he's not as bad as he thinks he is. He said he hoped he had fun hitting his moves in his hometown for the last time in his life. Jack says Kenny was not the hero they needed him to be and was a coward. He said The Elite and AEW don't need him anymore. He said they all have to sacrifice and Kenny just made his.

Kenny Omega talks in a hospital bed. He said the EVP's have been his friends for 15 years and said he has to thank them for reminding them what they did wasn't personal but was business. Kenny says as an EVP, he has business to take care of too. He said they should do Anarchy in the Arena at Double or Nothing with The Elite vs FTR and two people who will reveal themselves tonight. Kenny then does his stupid goodbye kiss thing.

The feud just started. They shouldn't be doing an Anarchy in the Arena match already.

Tony Schiavone interviews Serena Deeb, who will get a title shot at Double or Nothing. Tony asks if she's ready to go. She says she's excited. She said everyone including her loves Toni Storm. She said she's aware people are saying she can't beat Toni Storm. She said losing at Double or Nothing is not an option for her.

Deeb said she returned a few months ago from 15 months of injury. She said it was the hardest 15 months of her entire life. She talks about being scared of being injured again. She said seizures are unpredictable and said she has a vision of being AEW women's champ stuck in her mind.

Toni Storm comes out. She said all she heard is a charity case, not her challenger. She throws something at her. Deeb says to take this seriously. She said she fought for her life and will fight to become AEW Women's champ. Toni said she doesn't give a single sh!t about what she went through. They stare down. Toni gets her punch blocked and is laid out with a punch. Luther carries Toni to the back.

Lexy Nair interviews Orange Cassidy. Rocky Romero comes up to him and said he wanted to check on him. Rocky says if he beats Jay White tonight, him, OC and someone else gets a trios title shot. Rocky said maybe they can even get back together with Trent. OC says no, we'll figure it out.

I never liked the concept of winning a singles match and qualifying for a tag shot with it. It doesn't make much sense.

Mariah May vs Harley Cameron

Saraya is out there with HC. HC lariats May on the ropes and bangs her head off the buckles. HC boots her and hits corner spears. HC head kicks her then does a running knee for 2. HC buttdrops May's back and the camera's cut away multiple times on accident. Saraya argues with the girl who flashed the camera earlier.

May hits chops on HC in the corner. May running forearms her then May spinning side slams her. May hits a basement dropkick. May's throat is pulled down over the ropes. HC axe kicks her.

We go to PiP break and return. They double facebuster each other and Saraya points out some people in the crowd. May and HC trade forearms on their knees. May hits a forearm flurry then HC lariats her against the ropes. May forearms her against the ropes and sky high's her for 2. HC chinbreakers May and May headbutts her.

May top rope dropkicks her. Saraya pulls HC out of a running hip attack. May forearms Saraya down outside. HC cradles her for 2 then May hits a cradle shock. May picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was an average match here with bad camera work. I have no idea why Harley was chosen for this match seeing as she can barely even make ROH.

Saraya attacks May after and the camera cuts when it shouldn't again. Mina Shirakawa then comes out. Mina urakens HC. May hugs Mina. They tease kissing but Mina pulls away. Mina then gives her champagne. 

Pac is interviewed. He is a lot less tanned and toned. He says he is not concerned with Death Triangle. The Death Triangle walk up to him. Jay says Death Triangle is dead and no one is concerned with it. Jay said Pac needs to be concerned about himself as  he is coming off a loss to Okada. Jay says he knows about Okada and says maybe he should go after Okada. He says he has Rocky Romero first and says Pac can watch and learn a thing about winning. Austin Gunn then does a Pac imitation saying, "guns up ya b@stard".

Malakai Black does a promo about himself and Adam Copeland. He said Adam changed the industry then started fearing death. He said he exchanged everything for a wife and children. He said there's a face over who he really is. Black says Adam had to be reminded who he really is. He say he has to prove to the world that Adam is a vile, coldhearted, son of a b!tch. He said he has to bring him down so he can live again.

The Bucks run a video of them with a graphic that says "Change The World". The Bucks say we are about to hear from the world champ and say go get 'em Swerve.

Swerve comes out to talk. He says when you become AEW champ, everyone wants a piece of you, literally and figuratively. He says he can't blame Christian for doing what he did. He says he's the Connor McDavid of AEW. He tells Christian to come out with the rest of The Addams Family.

Christian and The Patriarchy come out. He says there won't be any championship for The Edmonton Oilers this year. Christian says he will take something from Swerve each week until he takes something he wants. He says Swerve is not in his league and said he deserves to be AEW champ. He talks about taking Swerve's gold teeth. Swerve tells him he said he wasn't coming alone. The Mogul Embassy then get in the ring with him. Swerve tells him he wants him to get in the ring so bad. He said Christian got here from playing politics. He said he had to do it the hard way. He then dares him to come take the teeth and title. He says Christian is an uncomfortable position and when he is like that, he will say I quit.

Brian Cage then nails Swerve from behind. Kaun and Toa then beat up Swerve as well. Swerve is held for punches then he is powerbombed. The refs try to stop it and one is beaten up some while the others flee. Cage gorilla presses Swerve down to the floor. Swerve then takes a t-gimmick through a table.

I'm glad they didn't turn Cage and The Gates of Agony face. It wouldn't have worked. These guys have been disconnected from Swerve since the start and them turning on him really makes no difference towards anything.

The Young Bucks congratulate Christian in the back. Christian says it's a pleasure doing business with them and the start of a fruitful relationship. One of the Bucks asks if it would be a "b!tch move".

Willow Nightingale is interviewed. She said she doesn't feel good after the Manitoba Massacre match and shows her black eye. She said she's ready for Double or Nothing or any other match. She said it's just another stop as being champ. She asks if Mercedes Mone is ready and said she walked out the victor the last time they faced each other. She said Mone might win the headlines and red carpet opportunities, but she will win in a wrestling match. 

If Rocky Romero wins, he gets a Trios Title shot - Jay White vs Rocky Romero

They talk to each other. Jay does RR's dance. RR slaps him and rolls him up. RR hits leg kicks and slides out. RR dropkicks Jay off the apron then topes him. RR flying headscissors him  and hits punches in the corner. RR corner lariats him then Jay hits a big lariat.

We go to PiP break and return. Jay cravates him. RR euros him then hits a tornado ddt off the 2nd rope. RR jumps off the steps and hurricanrana's him. RR top rope crossbodies him. RR rolls him up for 2 then jumping knees him. Jay blocks a sliced bread then RR backslides him for 2.

RR rewind kicks him then hits a running sliced bread for 2. Jay double underhook suplexes him then hits a blade runner to win it.

Thoughts: With the stipulation being so specific and for such a low prize, it seemed possible that RR could win it, but he didn't. It was a short but decent and fast paced match here. The two worked well together.

Rocky is beaten up after by the heels. Pac comes out and the heels walk off.

We see Samoa Joe working out and hetalks about what drives a warrior. He says he has the qualities that make up a warrior.  He says he's not a warrior that fears but is what people fear in the first place.

Chris Jericho and Big Bill vs Harlon Abbott and Mo Jabari

Don Callis is still on commentary. CJ armdrags Mo. Mo kips up out of a hold and trips him with his legs. Bill throws Mo across the ring. Harlon gets in and runs into a lariat from Bill. Bill splashes both opponents in the corners then face kicks Mo. Bill black hole slams Harlon then chokeslams Mo. Bill chokeslams Harlon. CJ hits a judas effect on Harlon and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash. Even in kayfabe, I don't know what this proved.

Jericho gets on the mic after. He thanks the crowd and says it's always a pleasure to come back to Edmonton. Jericho said he wishes he could be on Dynamite for 2 hours straight, mocking people who wondered why he is on. He says he has the For The World championship and thanks Big Bill for a great job. He said his match with Shibata got the highest match on Cagematch. He said he wants to thank Hook and said he hit himself in the face with a baseball bat. 

Tony Schiavone comes in the ring. Tony tells him Hook will comeback next Wednesday on Dynamite. Jericho says he looks forward to Hook's return and said they will all celebrate together on Dynamite. He says it's for all of you, even Tony.

TNT Title - No DQ - Adam Copeland (c) vs Brody King

King side headlocks him. King shoulders him over then hits elbows to the back of the neck. King is pulled over the top rope. Adam is kicked over the 2nd rope then neckbreakered on it.

We go to PiP break and return. King chops him outside then misses a crossbody into the rails. Adam hits King with a chair then ddt's him on a chair on the apron. King is busted open big and Adam hits punches. King spits on him and Adam slaps him. Adam top rope crossbodies him inside for 2.

Adam grabs a weapon and King lariats him. Adam is sent into a chair head first. We go to PiP break and return. Adam pulls Brody down off the buckles. They lariat battle and kick each other in the face at the same time. They trade forearms. Adam puts him on his shoulders and falls.

King cannonballs him in the corner for 2. Adam pulls him down backward. Adam goes for a spear in the corner but just takes a piledriver. Adam death valley drivers him on the apron. Adam then spears him off the apron through a table. Adam spears him and gets the win.

King nails him after and pounds on him. Kyle O'Reilly hits forearms and kicks then King is double lariated over the top.

Thoughts: It was an okay hardcore match. Nothing too great or memorable outside of King's blade job.

Mercedes Mone is interviewed. Mone is asked if she's ready for Willow. She said she's so excited. She said AEW is where the best wrestle and she fights right into that. She says she will be at baseball games this week and says when she isn't promoting AEW, she's in the gym. She said Willow took a year from her career and said all she can think about is "why did this happen to her?". She said she's back with a vengeance because she is that b!tch. She said she will wipe Willow's smiles off her face.

We are past the 2 hour mark here.

Adam Copeland and Kyle O'Reilly are interviewed. Adam thanks him. Kyle says they are in his hometown on Collision and he wants a Cope Open match. Adam asks him if that's why he helped him. Adam then agrees.

The Elite come out. They say the show doesn't end until they say its over. One of the Bucks said they asked for an overrun and said they have an important message. Okada gets on the mic. He says get well soon. One of The Bucks says Tony is the best boss they ever worked for. He says they were never here to hurt AEW but to make it a better place. They said they had to give him a driver. He says Kenny ended a 15 year long friendship and they had to give him an EVP trigger. The Bucks agree to Anarchy in the Arena. They say good luck finding two other people to face them.

FTR come out. Dax says he found two people. Eddie Kingston comes out then Bryan Danielson comes out. The two teams stare down in the ring. The Bucks say not to put one finger on them and then they all fight. Security comes to break it up and the show ends.

Thoughts: Bryan being with FTR doesn't really make that much sense and it makes even less sense that he would team with Eddie, who he hates. One would think it would be Swerve here or a Kenny friend, but it wasn't.

Overall thoughts: It was okay overall. The main was fine and Jay/Rocky was okay. The Mogul Embassy turning on Swerve wasn't too shocking. There were some things I liked about Trent/OC. The Anarchy in the Arena match is too soon and Bryan/Eddie getting involved in it makes little sense.

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