Thursday, May 9, 2024

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 2/10/2024 Futari Wa Princess Max Heart Tournament 2024 Day 4

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 2/10/2024 Futari Wa Princess Max Heart Tournament 2024 Day 4

Up Up Girls perform before the show as usual.

Uta Takami and Kira Summer announce their debuts. 

Hyper Misao comes out to talk about something called Hype on 4/9,

Haru Kazashiro vs. Shino Suzuki

Haru is in the blue, Shino is in the green. They lock up and let go. Shino pushes her down off the lock up then Haru gets the advantage on the double knuckle lock. Shino armdrags and headscissors her. Haru hammerlocks her then Shino trips her into a front facelock. Shino neckbreakers her then hits a nice dropkick for 2.

Haru running back elbows her then dropkicks her in the corner. Haru snapmares her for 2 then armbars her. Haru snapmares her then Shino sleepers her. Haru does another armbar and Shino ropebreaks. Haru slams her then crossbodies her for 2.

They trade forearms. Shino forearm flurries her then sleepers her. Haru slips out of it then Shino puts it back on. Shino backrolls her, Haru tries to pin her then Haru pins her with a bridge.

Thoughts: It was your usual rookies stuff with mostly basic action. It was fine for what it was and I liked that Haru with persistent with armbar attempts.

Pom Harajuku, Raku & Ram Kaicho vs. Toyo Mates (Mahiro Kiryu & Yuki Kamifuku) & Nao Kakuta

MK = Mahiro Kiryu

Raku's team boots their opponents on the handshake. Rakus team is nearly thrown into each other then they jump around together before their opponents stop it. Ram breaks up MK's side headlock and hits mounted forearms. Ram and Raku play ring around the rosey on MK then double chop her in the head together. Raku goes to give Ram a valentines day gift and MK rolls up Raku.

MK shoulders Ram and slams Raku. MK kneels on both and say ssomething. Raku hits MK with Ram's gift. She then throws it out and Ram gets it. Raku and Pom then do the goodnight express on MK and do sleeping pins on her for 2. Pom clubs on MK. MK's legs are split in the corner then the ref stops Ram from doing something to MK.

MK shoulders over Pom and Ram then side slams Raku. Nao gets in and hits dropkicks on Raku. She facekicks her on the ropes for 2. Nao is spinning facebustered by Raku. Ram crossbodies Nao for 2. Nao headscissor chokes Ram over the ropes then pulls her neck down over the ropes.

Ram codebreakers Nao then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Nao hammerlock flatliners Ram. Yuki gets in and hits a nice dropkick on Ram. Ram gives Yuki middle fingers while ducking shots then hits a forearm flurry on her. Ram is then eye poked and facekicked. Ram climbs on Yuki's back with a sleeper.

Pom 2nd rope dropkicks Yuki then goes for a leglock that is blocked. Pom step up legdrops Yuki over the bottom rope for 2. Pom misses a step up legdrop and take attacks for it. Yuki dropkicks Pom into the corner for 2. Raku and Ram double chop MK off the top rope. Ram is pushed into Raku then Nao double bulldogs them.

Pom leg kicks Yuki and backrolls her for 2. Yuki headscissors Pom down then brainbusters her. Yuki hits a nice fameasser and wins it.

Thoughts: I didn't like the reffing here. Pom's team had a 2v1 for several minutes and the ref didn't care, then he stopped a 3v1 for some reason. Yuki had a good showing here with all of her offense connecting well and the Raku/Ram team was fun. 

Moka Miyamoto vs. Kaya Toribami

They lock up. Kaya wristlocks her and Moka reverses it. Kaya takes her down. Moka front facelocks her, does a headlock takeover then is headscissored. Moka headlocks Kaya. Kaya goes up and over in the corner. Moka leapfrogs while holding her skirt in a cute moment then Kaya backflip kicks Moka's back.

Kaya back elbows Moka. Moka boots Kaya in the corner then slams her. Moka armlocks her. Moka slams her. Kaya dropkicks her twice Kaya does a nice roll using the buckles then ties up both of her arms. Moka slams her for 2. Kaya spin kicks her then rolls her up for 2. Kaya rolls over her back and is punched in the gut. Moka takes her down by the arm and chops her in the gut for 2. Kaya does a Japanese armdrag then misses a spingboard elbow. Moka leg lariats her then Kaya hits her own leg lariat style kick. Kaya 2nd rope corkscrew moonsaults her and wins it.

Thoughts: This was a good match with the two matching up well. Kaya had one of her best performances to date and moved around well here. I liked this far more than I expected to and I'd like to see this one again.

HIMAWARI & Wakana Uehara vs. Kyoraku Kyomei (Hyper Misao & Shoko Nakajima)

Hyper and Shoko offer handshakes, go for cheapshots and are caught. Shoko is thrown out then Shoko sprays Hima in the eyes with spray. Hima's head is banged off the buckles. Shoko slingshot swantons her. Hima slams Shoko after a missed lariat.

Waka dropkicks and forearms Shoko. Waka sleepers her then Shoko takes her down and front facelocks her. Hyper works Waka's arm over the ropes and rolls her into a pin attempt. Shoko continues the work on Waka's arm and bangs her arm off the mat. Shoko boots Waka then sleepers her. Waka dropkicks Shoko. Waka goes for the cartwheel back elbow but her arm gives out.

Misao wraps Waka's around the ropes and pulls then throws her by the arm. Shoko hits a nice single leg dropkick on Waka. Waka hits forearms on Shoko then has her arm wringered. Shoko throws her into a double underhook hold. Waka suplexes Shoko and tags Hima in.

Hima shoulders Shoko over then Shoko back rolls her. Hyper crossbodies Hima for 2 then does it again. Hyper yanks on the arm then single arm ddt's Hima. Hyper legdrops Hima's arms. Hima shoulders Hyper over. Hyper chickenwings Hima then Waka breaks it up.

Hyper takes a double dropkick for 2. Waka sleepers Shoko then Hyper chickenwings Hima. Shoko head and double armlocks Waka and Hyper taps out Hima with the chickenwing.

Thoughts: It was a decent match with Hyper and Shoko working their opponents arms then Hyper getting the submission with with a chickenwing.

Mizuki vs. Zara Zakher

They lock up. Miz is backed up then Zara poses. Miz tease a clean break on the ropes then boots her. Zara shoulders her over then hiptosses her. Zara then cartwheels into a basement dropkick. Zara snapmares her and basement dropkicks the back of her neck for 2.

Zara back elbows Miz then hits forearms on her. Zara slams her. Zara hits chops and blocks Miz's roll-up. Zara step up enzugiri's her for 2. Miz boots her and hits a spinning headscissors. Miz then dropkicks her. Miz dropkicks her through the ropes.

Miz goes up top and jumps on Zara outside at 5 minutes. Miz top rope crossbodies her for 2. Miz headbusters her then 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Miz crossfaces Zara. Miz hits forearms on Zara then Zara jumping knees her. Zara spinebusters her for 2 then spinning falcon arrows her for another 2. Zara hits mounted forearms.

Zara hits a nice lariat. Miz bridges out and rolls her into a double stomp. Miz top rope double stomps her and botches her cuty special finish twice to win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match minus the finish. Miz just didn't have the power to suplex Zara around. Zara hit good stiff offense here and Miz did some nice flying around.

Ryo Mizunami & Yuki Aino vs. Miyu Yamashita & Toga

Ryo and Miyu miss shots on each other and stand off. Ryo shoulders Miyu over. Aino gets in. Miyu snapmares her then kicks her in the back. Toga gets in there and Aino shoulders her over several times. Ryo launches Aino into a shoulder on Toga.

Ryo facelocks Toga then slams her. Aino slams Toga as well then Ryo legdrops Toga for 2. Toga hits forearms and Ryo clubs her down. Ryo hits a chop flurry. Miyu runs in, gets put in front of Toga in the conrer then Ryo chop flurries Miyu. Toga boots Ryo out of the corner then does a nice running chest forearm.

Miyu tags in and kicks Ryo's chest. Miyu running knees Ryo then Ryo lariats her. Miyu has her PK blocked by Ryo. She spin kicks Ryo then Ryo hits a big chop. Miyu drops her with a chest kick then high kicks her. Ryo larits her over.

Aino sentons Miyu's back then spinning elbows her off the ropes. Miyu pump kicks her then triangle enzuigiri's her in the corner. Toga hits forearms on Aino then shoulders her over. Toga slams Aino for 2. Aino back elbows her then 2nd rope shoulderblocks her.

Toga drops Aino with a chest forearm then Aino takes forearms when she charges at her. Aino shoulders her over. Toga blocks a suplex then lariats Aino over. Aino counters a 2v1 and Ryo uranages Miyu. Aino karelin's lifts Miyu. Aino takes down Toga and sits on her back with a full nelson. Aino then taps her out.

Thoughts: I liked this one. They timed it just right and Toga had a big showing here, really nailing her sections with fast paced offense. Ryo and Miyu match up well here also. This was good.

International Princess Title Match - Yuki Arai (c) vs. Juria Nagano

JN hits kicks to start. JN grabs a hammerlock, Yuki rolls out of it and armbars her. Yuki takes her down by the arm and headscissors her. Yuki side headlocks her then snapmares her. JN drops her with a high kick for 2. JN upkicks her and is dropkicked.

Yuki ties up her leg then JN slams her. JN flying kicks her in the corner. Yuki slams her then grabs the leg again. JN upkicks Yuki when Yuki goes for the sharpshooter. JN then flying kicks her and chest kicks her. JN hits a back fist and high kick for 2. JN fujiwara armbars her.

Yuki dropkicks her then corner face kicks her. JN facekicks her out of the corner then 2nd rope flying kicks her for 2. They trade neck chops for chest forearms. Yuki blocks kicks then puts her ina sharpshooter. JN ropebreaks.

JN flying kicks her then takes a boot. JN blocks an axe kick then throws her down by the arm. JN hits a strike combo and a brazilian kick. Yuki blocks a kick with a kick then full-nelson slams her. Yuki axe kicks her in the head and wins.

Thoughts: It was okay but not as good as I had hoped. The crowd wasn't cheering much for this one here and it needed more to be super special. It was mostly all kicks here as expected some holds thrown in.

I think Yuki Kamifuku challenges Yuk Arai after for the title.

Futari Wa Princess Max Heart Tournament 2024 Final Match - Hakuchumu (Miu Watanabe & Rika Tatsumi) vs. Daisy Monkey (Arisu Endo & Suzume)

Endo and Suzu throws their opponents in the corners and hit dropkicks to start. Rika and Miu hit stereo leapfrogs then back elbows. Rika and Miu are rolled up at the same time. Suzu is slammed on Endo then Miu and Rika hit a double elbow drop for 2.

Rika leglocks Endo then hammerlocks her. Rika does an octopus on the mat. Endo gets out and dropkicks her. Rika takes corner attacks and a double back elbow. Rika chokes Suzu on the ropes. Miu works on Suzu in the corner then backbreakers her over the knee. Rika lays Suzu on the 2nd rope and pushes her knee against her, counting along with the ref.

Miu slams Suzu for 2. Suzu rolls her up and dropkicks her. Endo gets in and hits forearms and dropkicks on Miu in the corner. Endo double sledgehammer shots her while she is down for 2. Miu shoulders Endo over then rams her back into the buckles.

Miu corner splashes Endo then shoulders her over. Miu forearms Endo in the chest then Rika leglocks Endo. Endo ropebreaks. Endo takes corner attacks then Miu throws Rika's butt into her for 2. Miu swinging backbreakers Suzu.

Miu double giant swings Suzu and Endo together. Endo flying neckbreakers Miu. Endo camel clutches Miu, Miu lifts her and drives her back into the corner. Rika hip attacks Endo on the ropes. Endo does a high northern lights suplex to her.

Suzu bulldogs Rika then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Suzu headlock takeovers Rika and dropkicks Miu off the apron. Suzu top rope planchas both opponents outside after botching her first flying move attempt. Suzu does a grounded octopus to Rika. Rika dragon screws Suzu. Endo and Suzu double team Rika for a roll-up then double basement dropkick her.  

Suzu is popped up into Miu, Miu catches her and throws her into Endo. She then double slams both opponents. Rika gets on Miu's shoulders and is thrown down into a butt drop. Rika backbreakers Suzu then sleepers her. Rika gets stuck up tope and Suzu runs up the buckles and facebusters her.

Miu slams Suzu and Endo saves Suzu from a double team. Endo dropkicks Rika and rolls Miu into a suzu cutter. Suzu back rolls Rika. Endo holds Rika for a Suzu jack knife pin. Miu double axe handle shots Endo. Endo torture rack neckbreakers Miu. Rika hip attacks both opponents.

Rika double cutters both opponents at once. Rika slaps Suzu then Suzu cutters her for the win.

Aino and Ryo challenge Suzu and Endo after.

Thoughts: The finish could have been better but it was a good tag. Rika and Miu busted out their bigger offense here and the two teams matched up well. There was only one botch here and it was a good paced match with some creative moves.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show with only one match not being that good and that was due to the reffing. The main was good. Juria/Yuki didn't quite get as good as I hoped but I still liked it. Kaya and Moka oddly had a good one here. The show wasn't must see, but they did a good job with one here.

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