Saturday, May 25, 2024

WWE King & Queen Of The Ring 2024 5/25/2024

WWE King & Queen Of The Ring 2024 5/25/2024


WWE Women's World Title Match - Becky Lynch (c) vs. Liv Morgan

BL is wearing a stupid outfit that makes her look like a butler. They shove each other and palm strike each other. BL takes her down. Liv back elbows her and hits forearms. BL facekicks her then shoulders her over.

BL hits forearms outside and bangs Liv's head off the apron and rails. Liv bangs BL's head off the apron. BL hits uppercuts and spin kicks her. BL is pulled off the buckles. Liv boot flurries her in the corner then running lariats her. Liv chokes her on the ropes then basement dropkicks her against the ropes.

BL boots her and spinning back elbows her. BL is pulled down off the buckles, banging her face off the buckle. Liv sits on BL's back and pulls on the arm. They trade punches and Liv rolls her into the buckles. They lariat each other down.

They trade forearms and BL hits forearms. BL leg lariats her. BL exploders her then baseball slides her. BL dropkicks her off the buckles for 2. Liv springboard codebreakers her for 2.  Liv 2nd rope dropkiks her for 2. Liv misses oblivion and is reverse ddt'd for 2. Liv rolls her up for 2 then step up enzugiri's her for 2.

They trade shots. Becky double underhook suplexes her into an armbar. Liv then rings of saturn's her. BL armbars her. Dominik Mysterio comes down. He and BL stare down. BL superplexes Liv off the top then Dom slides a chair in. Liv ddt's Becky on the chair then Liv wins with oblivion.

Thoughts: It was a decent match but it ran long. They really felt like they were hitting each other at times and they were pretty aggressive with each other. I didn't love the finish with Dominik as they hadn't really explained it well enough that Dom wants to help out Rhea and on the surface, it doesn't make much sense.

WWE Intercontinental Title Triple Threat Match - Sami Zayn (c) vs. Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable

Sami hits shots on Chad then Reef throws him off of him. Reed corner lariats Sami. They go out and Sami plancha's Reed. Chad nails Sami from behind on the floor. Sami hits corner punches on Chad then hits him off the ropes. Reed lariats Sami over. Reed uranages Sami onto Chad and reverse ddt's Chad off of it. Reed headbutts Sami.

Reed is tripped into the buckles. Chad traps Smai in the ring skirt and pounds on him. Chad then top rope dropkicks Reed. Sami back body drops Chad over the top then rope con hilos both opponents outside.

Sami sunset bombs Reed off the buckles. Chad clips Reed then we get a tower of doom spot with Chad getting powerbombed while superplexing Sami. Reed misses a top rope moonsault then Chad top rope moonsaults him. Sami walks the buckles into a tornado ddt on Reed. Chad ankle locks Sami.

Chad lets go and ankle locks Reed. Sami then ankle locks Chad while he has the ankle lock on. Sami blue thunders Reed for 2.  Reed hits a double samoan drop on both opponents. Reed then ropes Chad and Sami outside.

Reed misses a top rope splash on Sami. Sami charges at Reed and takes germans from Chad. Sami germans Chad. Reed waistlocks Sami and we get a double german suplex spot with Chad suplexing both opponents. Otis lariats Reed outside in front of the ref as told by Chad. Chad tells Otis to lariat Sami outside. Chad holds Sami. Otis debates on whether to do it and doesn't. Chad asks him what's wrong with him. chad pushes Otis and slaps him. Chad tells him to wake up. Otis runs at them and nails Chad with a lariat when Sami moves.

Sami helluva kicks Reed and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good three way. It didn't get a ton of time and would have been better as singles matches. They got what they could out of it though and they pushed the Otis/Chad issues here. Chad/Sami wasn't pushed that hard here at all which sucks since it's been a long feud and the justification for it to continue is slipping with Chad constantly losing to Sami.

Chad stares down Otis after. 

Byron Saxton interviews Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair.  He asks if there's a secret to how well they gell. Jade says they have each others back. Bianca says she was over Candace and said they had something to prove and prove it. Jade says they are giving out work if you want a tag title shot and to come apply.

Queen of the Ring Finals - Lyra Valkyria vs Nia Jax

Lyra rolls out of Nia's charges. Nia blocks a crucifix. Nia tries to throw her but Lyra cartwheels out. Lyra gets Nia's back with a sleeper. Nia misses a charge and goes out. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes then is pushed back first into the apron.

Lyra dropkicks Nia and hits forearms. Lyra gets Nia's back with a sleeper and is thrown over. Nia corner splashes her then elbow drops her back for 2. Nia foot chokes her in the corner. Lyra hits headbutts to the gut then Nia rams her into the buckles. Nia boots her while she's in tree of woe.

Nia pulls Lyra's arms while she's tied up in the ropes. Nia cobra clutches her then swings her around and drops her. Lyra hits strikes and step up enzugiri's her. Nia samoan drops her for 2. 

Nia misses a banzai drop on the ropes. Nia blocks Lyra' dropkick through the ropes then Nia is bulldogged off the casadora onto the floor. Lyra top rope dropkicks her then tornado ddt's her for 2. Nia samoan drops her then is double stomped while hanging in tree of woe. Lyra top rope legdrops Nia as she bends over for 2.

Nia splashes Lyra's back in the corner. Lyra goes for the powerbomb in the corner and Nia buttdrops her to win it.

Thoughts: Good match but not a classic. Thankfully Lyra lost here. They had Nia dominate her and gave Lyra some hope spots before she got put down. It made sense and they did a good job working the big vs small angle here. The win also gives Nia some much needed credibility after losses to Rhea and Becky. 

Triple H gives Nia the crown after. Nia is interviewed after. She tells Kayla she doesn't need the congratulations. She says none of the fans are happy for her but she is happy for her. She says she will get a lot happier and the fans will get a lot angrier. She says she will become the WWE Women's champ and your queen at Summerslam.

Byron walks in on Becky yelling at Dominik. She says she doesn't know what happened or why Dom was out there. She said she doesn't know what's going on with Rhea, Dom or Liv. She says she has a rematch clause in her contract and is getting her rematch on Monday.

King Of The Ring 2024 Final Match - Randy Orton vs. Gunther

They lock up and Orton is backed up on the ropes. Orton backs Gun up. Gun armlocks him and Orton armwringers him. They stare down and Orton side headlocks him. Orton shoulders him over and side headlock takeovers him.

Orton side headlocks him. Gun chops him. Orton blocks a chop then hits punches and euros. Orton knocks him down and hits corner punches. Gun avoids an RKO and stomps him. Orton fores him over and hits punches. Gun chops him down then armlocks him. Gun pulls on the chin as well.

Orton backbreakers him for 2. Gun slams him then Orton suplexes him. Gun chops him then takes a lariat. Orton misses a powerslam attempt then Gun running lariats him for 2. Orton powerslams him then bridging ddt's him over the 2nd rope. Gun slams him then hits a top rope splash for 2. Gunther misses a top rope splash and is RKO'd. Gun rolls out on the pin attempt. Orton backdrops gun on the commentary table.

Orton's back is rammed into the apron and Gunther chops him. Orton back body drops him on the floor. Gunther is back body dropped on the commentary table again. Gun dropkicks Orton in his injured knee and boots it. Gun goes for the half crab and gets it. Orton RKO's Gun for 2. Orton goes for the pin then Gun pins him off of it.

Thoughts: The finish was pretty lame here and not that exciting. I didn't think it was one of Gunther's better matches and I didn't think the leg was really focused on or old enough for the role it ended up playing in the match.

Byron interviews Gunther after. Triple H gives Gunther the crown. The crowd says Gunther deserves it, and he says what he deserves is none of the fans business. He said the Apex Predator became his prey and he said he will become the champ at Summerslam.

Triple H is interviewed. He congratulates the winners tonight.  He says Drew McIntyre is cleared to wrestle and said Damian Priest agreed to defend the title against him. Triple H says the match is official for June 15th in Glasgow, Scotland.

WWE Title / WWE Universal Title Match - Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Logan Paul

They have a special guest ring announcer for this named Ibrahim Al Hajjaj. He's an actor. They trade waistlocks. Cody wristlocks him and Logan wristlocks him back. Cody cartwheels and is legswept. Cody trips him and grabs the ankle. Cody side headlocks him. Cody goes for the punch from the mat and Logan blocks it.

They shove each other and trade shots. Cody slingshot gordbusters him then rolls him up for 2. Cody misses a flying crossbody and goes out. Logan plancha's him outside and sends him into the steps.

Logan hits a punch combo to the body in the corner. Logan alley oops him for 2. Logan gutwrench suplexes him for 2. Logan standing moonsaults him . Logan is caught up top. Cody runs up the ropes and armdrags him off the top. Cody hits punches then Logan goes for an octopus. 

Cody punches Logan in the face off a failed sunset flip. Logan is on the apron and Cody disaster kicks him. Cody throws Logan into the rail outside. Logan takes a drink of Prime then Cody hits him with it. One of Logan's buddies pushes Cody then Cody throws him over the rail. Logan's other buddy gives Logan brass knucks. Cody jumps off the steps and takes a brass knucks shot to the gut.

Cole yells at Logan for breaking his word. Cole calls him a loser and Logan gets mad and goes after him. Corey tries to stop it. Cody then topes Logan. Logan's head is banged off the commentary table. Cody running forearms Logan then powerslams him.

Cody misses a disaster kick. Cody hits punches then bionic elbows Logan for 2. Cody figure fours Logan. Logan misses a buckshot lariat and takes a Cody cutter for 2. Cody hits body punches on Logan then Logan hits cross rhodes for 2. Cody hits a twisting suplex for 2.

Logan hits corner spears then throws out Cody. Cody's head is banged off the commentary table. Logan clears off the commentary table and puts Cody on it. They fight on the table and Cody hits a cody cutter onto the commentary table by using the rail.

Cody clears off another table. Logan hits a big punch and drops Cody. Logan climbs the top rope, spits Prime and frogsplashes Cody through the commentary table. Logan top rope frogsplashes him inside for 2.

Logan tells him he hates him and hits punches on the gut. Logan misses a charge then Cody is thrown into the ref. Logan splashes the ref on accident then Cody hits a vertebreaker. Logan low blows Cody. The guest ring announcer grabs Logan's leg and is booted away. Logan asks who he is. Logan has his brass knucks shot blocked. Cody hits a cross rhodes on Logan and hits two more to win it.

Thoughts: I didn't like the vertebreaker not leading to the finish. It's too dangerous of a move not to finish someone. I liked Logan going for the brass knucks here and working the gut some. I thought it was an okay main but I thought it needed a little more to be great. I don't really like Logan losing as a champ but that's the problem with champ vs champ matches - someone's losing.

Overall thoughts: It was a solid show here. Nothing great but nothing bad either. I thought Lyra/Nia was maybe the best thing on here. I wouldn't recommend it but it wasn't a bad show.

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