Saturday, May 25, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 5/22/2024 Star Navigation 2024 ~ One Night Dream 2

Pro Wrestling NOAH 5/22/2024 Star Navigation 2024 ~ One Night Dream 2

Ulka Sasaki vs Hikaru Sato

Sato's shoot in is blocked. He front facelocks him and Ulka gets out. Ulka goes for a king crab hold then side headlocks him. Ulka shoulders him over and Sato goes for an armbar. Ulka hits knees to the face. Sato hits kicks to the body and elbows the arm. Sato kicks him in the arm and wraps his arm around the top and bottom rope.

Ulka hits forearms then lariats him. Ulka flying kick him and flying knees him in the corner. Ulka cutters him then guillotines him. They trade shots and slap each other. Ulka hits running facekicks then Sato enzugiri's him. Sato hits a waterwheel drop for 2.

Ulka slams him out of the double wristlock. Sato goes for the armbar then Ulka gamengiri's him and wins it.

Thoughts: These are two shoot wrestlers and it was obvious that's what it was going to be. I liked some of the strikes near the end but this wasn't going to be a great one as both are more unexciting wrestlers. Sato got his mouth busted open here.

Daiki Inaba, Junta Miyawaki, Ryohei Oiwa & Yu Owada vs. GLG (Anthony Greene, Jack Morris, LJ Cleary & YO-HEY)

Jack and Oiwa go at it. They shoulder battle and Oiwa is knocked over. Oiwa then backdrops Jack as he is posing. AG and Oiwa go at it. AG chops him then takes a running shoulder and an armdrag. AG takes a double shoulder then a splash and elbow drop for 2. Inaba sunset flips AG for 2 then Inaba backdrops him for 2.

Junta gets in. AG chinlocks him and side headlocks him. AG shoulders him over. Yo shoulders Junta over and is armdragged from the mat. Junta armdrags and dropkicks him. Yo hiptosses Yu then LJ attacks Yu. Yu hits a nice dropkick on him. LJ spin kicks him then LJ runs into a double dropkick. GLG blocks a double suplex and all 8 men fight. GLG is thrown into each other then take stereo dropkicks at the same time.

LJ 2nd rope double stomps Yu's back for 2. Yu's head is banged off of Jack's foot. Jack slams Yu for 2 then AG double axe handles Yu's arm. AG chops Yu then Yu 2nd rope twisting crossbodies AG. Oiwa hits forearms and chops on AG. Oiwa corner dropkicks AG then hits a regular dropkick. Oiwa suplexes AG for 2.

Oiwa takes a double team russian legsweep onto knees for 2. Jack falcon arrows Oiwa for 2. Oiwa gutwrench suplexes him. Inaba corner lariats Jack then Inaba blue thunders Jack for 2. Inaba hits forearms on LJ and is spin kicked in the face. Junta top rope dropkicks LJ and everyone comes in to hit a move. Inaba drops Jack with a lariat.

Junta diamond dusts LJ for 2. LJ jumping knees him  then GLG hits a triple tope outside. Junta cradles LJ. LJ springboard dropkicks him for 2. LJ does a neat slam into a suplex on Junta and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a decent opener style 8-man. We got a little flying, they kept it moving and they didn't overdo it. I liked it.

Miyuki Takase, Nagisa Nozaki & Takumi Iroha vs. Brooke Havok, Great Sakuya & Yuu

NN and Great go at it. They stare down and lock up. Great slaps her and hits dropkicks to the knees. Great spin kicks her then handspring back elbows her for 2. Great hits knees to the head then NN facekicks her. NN stomps on her then curbstomps her.

NN hits knees to the head. MT gets in and avoids a double team. She dropkicks Great then Great tiger feints into an armdrag on her. Great is triple teamed and takes corner attcks. MT running headhunters Great for 2. Great spin kicks MT then Havok gets in.

MT dropkicks Havok then slams her. Iroha drops Havok with a chest kick and legsweeps her into a PK and basement dropkick. Iroha snap suplexes Havok for 2 then Havok ddt's her. Yuu gets in and sentons Iroha. Yuu hits a big chop on her.

Yuu tries to fight off a 2v1 then misses a crossbody. Yuu takes kicks over the middle rope. Yuu blocks Iroha's german then Iroha spinning heel kicks her. MT top rope dropkicks Yuu the ncorner lariats her. MT octopuses Yuu but Yuu throws her off. Yuu hits a side slam = sidewalk slam combo. Yuu then does her steamroller thing on the outside to her opponents.

Yuu sentons MT for 2. Havok neckbreakers MT for 2. Mt dropkicks Havok off the buckles. Havok hits forearms on MT then basemnet dropkicks her for 2. Havok back rolls into a headscissors on Mt then armdrags her off the ropes. Yuu cannonballs MT then Great asai moonsaults Mt. Havok tries a pin on Mt for 2.

Havok pump handle side slams Mt for 2. MT lariats Havok then NN facekicks Havok. MT slams Havok and 2nd rope legdrops her for 2. Yuu sentons Havok on accident then MT cradle shocks Havok to win it.

Thoughts: It was your typical faster paced joshi tag. Nothing too special about it but totally fine for a midcard match. No one did anything too crazy here. Havok didn't impress.

Great green mists Iroha after then dances. Iroha goes after her.

Starboy Charlie & Titus Alexander vs. All Rebellion (Alejandro & Kaito Kiyomiya)

Star = Starboy Charlie, Ale = Alejandro

Titus and Kaito start us off. Katio wristlocks him and Titus reverses it. Kaito rolls through and kips up then flips Titus by the arm. Kaito armlocks him. Titus side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Kaito shoulders him over and Titus kips up. Titus hits a nice dropkick then Kaito flying crossbodies him. Kaito dropkicks him and kips up ,staring him down.

Star and Kaito go at it. Star rolls, headflips and cartwheels out of a wristlock. Ale gets in. Star side headlocks him then armdrags and dropkicks him. Star standing ssp's him for 2. Star slams Ale then rolls into a kneedrop and basement dropkick on him.

Ale back elbows him then rolls him into a basement dropkick. Kaito back body drops Star for 2. Kaito backdrops Star for 2. Ale slingshot kneeling swantons him. Kaito euros Star over and they trade shots. Star spin kicks him then rolls him.

Titus tags in and top rope crossbodies Kaito. Titus upkicks Kaito then hits a lethal injection for 2. Titus package backbreakers Kaito for 2. Titus high kicks him then Kaito flying knees him. Ale slingshot splashes Titus for 2 at 10 minutes. Ale flying headscissors him then tope con hilos him outside.

Titus takes a double boot then Ale is lifted into a springboard crossbody on him. Kaito elbow drops Titus. Titus fireman's carries Ale into a sitout side slam. Star pele kicks Ale then standing corkscrew moonsaults him for 2. Star takes a step up enzugiri then Ale handspring back elbows him. Ale hurricanrana's him off the top for 2.

Ale goes up top and takes a handspring cartwheel pele kick. Star 2nd rope corkscrew moonsaults him then 450's him off the top to win it.

Thoughts: It was a good tag here with Starboy Charlie putting on a good show. We didn't quite get the lucha I was hoping for here but it was still good. I don't think it's a good look though for Kaito to be in these when he's the same size as some of these guys yet pushed as a heavy.

Masa Kitamiya vs Tomohiro Ishii

They trade forearms to start then Ishii shoulders him over. They trade chops and Ishii hits more chops of his own. Ishii does a forearm and chop combo then Masa does it back, knocking him down. Masa slams Ishii and misses a senton. Ishii kicks him in the back.

Ishii foot slaps him and slaps him. Masa hits forearms back then Ishii chops him. Masa hulks up after taking chops then Masa samoan drops him. Masa hits more chops then shoulders him over. Masa sentons him for 2. Ishii suplexes him and Masa no sells it.

Masa suplexes him and they trade forearms. Mas germans him, Ishii no sells it and germans him. Masa no sells it and clips Ishii. Masa drops Ishii on his knees then Ishii saito suplexes him. Ishii foot slaps him. Masa hits a big forearm then facebusters him.

Masa stomps on Ishii's neck. Ishii powers up and forearms Masa down. Ishii hits a nasty 2nd rope superplex that Masa no sells. Masa lariats him and then is knocked over with a lariat. Masa lariats Ishii over then Masa sliding lariats him for 2.

They trade headbutts and Ishii goes down to one. Masa is busted open and piledrivers Ishii for 2. Masa prison locks him and Ishii ropebreaks. Ishii jumping knees him and they trade forearms. Ishii headbutts him and is punched. Ishii then goes down. Ishii dragon suplexes him then running lariats him. Masa no sells it, swats a lariat away and takes a running headbutt for 2.

Ishii sliding lariats him for 2. Ishii forearms him and is rammed into the buckles. Ishii lariats him for 1. Masa spears him then hits another spear for 2. Masa running lariats him for 2. Masa saito suplexes him and Ishii gamengiri's him. Ishii running lariats him for 2. Ishii brianbusters him to win it.

Thoughts: It went pretty much as well as it could here and they gave you exactly what you wanted with strike exchanges, suplexes and lariats. They stiff each other good here and it was real heated. I would have maybe dropped one or two of the no sells, but this couldn't have been done a lot better than it was. It was definitely one of the best matches on 2024. I'm not real surprised Ishii won as non-NJPW wrestlers never win against NJPW wrestlers. 

Los Ingobernables de Japon (Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito) vs. GLG (Jake Lee & Tadasuke)

Tada and Shingo start us off after much goofing around. Shingo tries to tag in Naito before it starts but is double teamed. Shingo is put in the paradise lock and Tada dropkicks Shingo in the butt to break it. Naito trips Tada then drives Jake into the rails.

Shingo bangs Tada's head off a chair at ringside and Naito wraps Jake around a rail. Jake is thrown int othe rails then Shingo shoulders Tada over. Shingo suplexes him. Naito armdrags and snapmares Tada into a cravate. Shingo knee chokes Tada in the corner then slams and elbow drops him. Shingo sentons him.

Shingo hip attacks Tada and footslaps him. Tada clubs on Shingo then takes a double chop. Tada suplexes Shingo. Jake and Naito go at it. Jake knees him in the gut then crabs him. Naito neckbreakers Jake then baseball slides him. Naito wraps his legs around and Jake's head and pulls.

Naito hits back elbows on Jake then tornado ddt's him on the ropes. Shingo corner lariats Jake. Jake stun guns Shingo then Tada stomps on Shingo. Tada flying euros Shingo then ddt's him for 2. Tada spinning forearms Shingo then Shingo lariats him on the ropes. Tada hits a nice running lariats on Shingo for 2.

Shingo back elbows and lariats Tada. Tada takes a corner lariat > atomic drop > enzugiri > lariat > made in Japan for 2 at 15 minutes. Naito hits destino on Jake. Shingo hits lariats on Tada then forearm combos him. Tada forearms him back then Shingo headbutts him over. Shingo sliding lariats him then running lariats him for 2. Shingo hits a made in Japan on Tada and wins.

Another New Japan win here as expected. This buried the Noah guys as Tadasuke had to basically be the flag-bearer for Noah here and he obviously had no chance as a junior. It was an okay match but totally a waste of an interpromotional battle. Jake got very little in here and legit would have been better off just calling off sick.

Naito lays his legs on Jake's head after to further bury him then LIJ pose.

Minoru Suzuki vs. Kenoh

Ken wears a Suzuki shirt and struggles to rip it off. Suzuki laughs at him as Ken looks like a weakling. Ken then throws the shirt at MS. MS then throws it into the crowd.

They start off going for strikes. MS hammerlocks him then Ken reverses it. Ken wristlocks him then MS hammerlocks him. MS pulls on the fingers. Ken mounted forearms him and they trade forearms. MS does Ken's pose and they trade more forearms. They trade running facekicks and facekick each other over. MS brings a chair in and Ken boots it away. MS hanging triangles him on the ropes MS then PK's him while running the apron.

MS gets hardway busted open somehow then he sends Ken into the rails. MS forearms him on the rails. MS sends him into the chairs and pushes the ref over. MS chairs Ken then wraps the chair around Ken's neck. MS chairs a chair on Ken's arm. 

MS bites Ken's head and kimura's him inside. Ken ropebreaks. MS yanks and kicks the arm. They trade forearms. MS knees him in the gut then is dropped with a chest kick. Ken legsweeps him into a double stomp then flying knees MS in the back of the head.

Ken anklelocks him and MS turns it into a nasty crossface + armbar. MS bullies him with kicks and knees. MS forearms him in the corner. MS running facekicks him and PK's him for 2. MS footslaps him and calls him weak. They trade forearms and MS drops him with some.

They trade kicks for forearms and MS sleepers him. Ken back body drops him and PK's him. Ken pele kicks him then running PK's him for 2. Ken hits a top rope double stomp for 2. MS sleepers him then Ken drops him with a high kick. Ken top rope double stomps MS' back. Ken top rope double stomps MS in the gut and wins it.

It was a simple and good main. MS beat up on Ken a bunch here then Ken made his comeback and won. I thought MS was booked too strong here especially since Ken is one of NOAH's top guys and MS is older.

Ken says he has hated MS for 9 years. Ken says he's a real man and thanks him. Ken says he loves the t-shirt and says he wants it back. Ken says you can get the shirt in Minoru Suzuki's shop. He says the One Night Dream show feels like a dream. He says there's @sshole fans here but they need more of them to support Noah. Ken says let's do this on the regular and says he will lead the way.

Overall thoughts: It was a good NOAH show with a MOTY contender, a good midcard and a good main event. Ishii/Kitamiya is what you think it is and it's a must see.

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