Saturday, May 25, 2024

AEW Collision 5/25/2024

AEW Collision 5/25/2024

Last week's show is here:

Jon Moxley comes out then Don Callis comes out too. Don said he wanted to talk about their history. He said he cost Mox the title on his 2nd night in the company. Don said Mox got his revenge and we see video of it Mox hitting Don and making him bleed. We then see Don helping Mox win the AEW Title.

Don Mox is the first person he thinks about every morning as Mox put 24 stitches in his head. He said that would be a dealbreaker for most but they are not normal people. Don says Mox then told him he's one of them in the ambulance. Don says he looked in Mox's eyes and saw nothing. He says they are a lot alike and are high functioning sociopaths.

Don said Mox was right when he said he's one of them. Don said he had to help Mox beat Omega, but Takeshita didn't need help. He said he sees himself in Mox. Don says they could run this is they teamed up. Don says let's not fight tomorrow and says he wants Mox in the family. He asks Mox what he needs to get this done.

Mox says he needs more of a commitment than that scar if they are going to do this. He said how about he puts 20 more stitches in him now. Takeshita then attacks Mox from behind. Takeshita pillmanizes the arm. The BCC then come down to help.

Thoughts: This had the usual AEW issue where they talk about stuff we never saw or even knew about with Don saying Mox talked to him in the ambulance.

Will Opsreay talks after Dynamite. He said that was nothing and isn't impressed with him getting busted open. Will said the only thing he believes in is that no one is better than him in the ring. He says the International Title is his spirit and says his last mission is to take it from Strong.

Lance Archer and The Righteous vs Claudio Castagnoli, Daniel Garcia and Hiroshi Tanahashi

This is random. CC backs up Dutch and takes an uppercut. They shoulder battle and Dutch slams him. CC euros him and slams him. CC double stomps him. DG shoulders Vincent over then takes a running back elbow. Vincent pounds on DG then DG punches and stomps him back.

DG hits corner punches then he and Tana do stereo twists and shouts. We go to PiP break and return. DG fights out of the corner then is rammed into it. DG backdrops Vincent. Tana flying forearms Lance.

Lance crossbodies Tana and DG pulls Lance over the top. Vincent dropkicks DG off the apron and is sent out. CC giant swings Dutch then CC suplexes Lance. Vince hits an assisted shiranui on Tana. CC lariats Dutch over the top. Tana slingblades Vincent. Tana takes forever and high fly flows Vincent to win it.

Thoughts: It was okay but a bit rushed. Tana coming in was super random. I didn't think they made the most of CC's power spots here and I don't like The Righteous and Lance losing yet again.

DG and Tana dance after.

We get a video on The Elite. The narrator puts them over and buries their opponents at Double or Nothing.

The Gunn's vs The Lucha Bros

Penta and Austin start us off. They shove each other. Austin drops Penta with a punch then Colten hits a nice dropkick on Fenix. Austin and Fenix lariat each other then The Gunn's take stereo superkicks. The Gunn's try to hide under the ring then Penta and Fenix superkick each other when The Gunn's move.

Colten lariats Penta after a double team sequence. Colten suplexes Penta. Penta takes a double suplex for 2. We go to PiP break and return. Penta superkicks Colten. Fenix is tagged in and hits a top rope double crossbody. Fenix headscissors Austin over then Penta headscissors Colten off the top. Fenix twisting splashes Colten off the buckles.

Fenix is crotched on the top rope. Fenix takes a fameasser from Austin for 2. Colten takes a double superkick. Colten takes a package piledriver + top rope double stomp and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a quick and okay tag here. It just didn't have enough time. It seemed like there were never any less than 3 people in the ring at one time here.

Pac comes out to celebrate with The Lucha Bros then Jay white comes out and points his bat at them.

Chris Jericho and Big Bill are interviewed.  Bill says when you are facing adversity, you have to dig deep. CJ said he wasn't expecting to have two opponents in Hook and Shibata. He says he knows he will have to work extra hard but thinks he will come out with the win. He says you have to be able to face all kinds of adversaries and opponents when you are him. Bryan Keith comes up to Jericho. He said he missed his shot but promises this isn't the last Jericho has seen of him.

Kyle O'Reilly vs KM

Kyle runs at him and hits a forearm flurry. Kyle hits kicks then KM hits a strong dropkick. Kyle is thrown into the buckles. Kyle gets a boot up. KM misses a splash and Kyle guillotine chokes him. Kyle hits kicks to the chest and axe kicks him. Kyle rolling armbars him and wins it in a quick squash.

We get a package on Mercedes Mone.

Willow Nightingale comes out. She said Mercedes Mone put her hands on her title. She said she respected her but they are past it. She says she will wreck her and make her long for the days when she was sitting on the shelf. She said she will be d@mned if her title reign ends tomorrow. She said she has gone to Manitoba Massacre's and gone to Stardom to defend the title. She says she is just getting started. She says she will prove she is the better woman tomorrow.

Trent Beretta is interviewed. He says he will show the whole world tomorrow something he has known for a long time. Rocky Romero comes in and says he hopes they can put all of this in the past. He says they are all like family and stronger together. Trent says that's not happening and says don't ever interrupt him again.

The Acclaimed vs The Infantry vs The Gates of Agony vs The House of Black (Buddy Matthews and Brody King)

Max rolls up Bravo and tries pins on him. Max face shoves him and Bravo does it back. Kaun and Buddy go at it. Buddy side headlock takeovers him and they get back up and stand off. Brody and Toa get in. They lariat and forearm each other. They trade more forearms. Various people interrupt and get hit. Brody facekicks Kaun then he headbutts Toa. Toa uppercuts Buddy. Buddy lifts the rope up and Toa goes out. Brody hits a big tope outside knocking down a bunch of people.

We go to PiP break and return. Max jawbreakers Buddy. Max superkicks Buddy then Infantry double superkick Buddy. Brody takes a triple superkick. Kaun takes a triple superkick. Kaun double crossbodies Infantry.

Toa corner lariats Brody then Buddy top rope meteora's Toa. Kaun jumps off Toa's back and dropkicks him. Brody knees Toa in the gut and Toa samoan drops him. Infantry dive off the ropes onto people outside. Brody takes shots from Infantry. Billy Gunn gets involved in the fight outside with Cage.

Some of the wrestlers fighting outside head up the ramp. Bravo takes a dropkick + cannonball combo in the corner and is pinned.

Thoughts: This was a random one. It was going okay with some fun dives and Brody/Toa but I would have liked to have seen it go longer. They had something going with Toa vs Brody here.

Adam Copeland does a promo. He said House of Black took the one item that kept him tethered. He said he knew it was only a matter of time in AEW until HoB tried him. He said they were formed out of the shadows of Adam's past. He said they wanted this version of him that has the devil on his shoulder but no angel to be found. He says the barbed wire steel cage is fitting. Adam says this is a horror story and said he used this to get closer to The House of Black. He says what happens if he beats him and The House joins him. He says he is known to be a master manipulator. He says "The House of Blood" is something he can sink his teeth into. He says he has so many questions. He says when Black sees evil in the man's eyes, it's already too late.

Thoughts: This was something here though I wish it would have happened sooner. I think this feud would have been more interesting if they had been doing this all along.

Toni Storm talks from after Dynamite on Wednesday. She says everything happens for a reason. She says she has to fight for her life against a woman who thinks twitching on the floor is a sign she needs to keep wrestling. She says she will make her a victim if she wants to be one. She says it will be mentioned in her obituary that she once lost to the champ.

Mariah May vs Leyla Hirsch

LH is backed up in the corner. May hits chops then puts LH's face in her chest. May dances around and takes a belly to belly suplex. May samoan drops her then LH shotgun dropkicks her.

We go to PiP break and return. LH misses a top rope moonsault. May hits running lariats and a saito suplex. May top rope dropkicks her. May hurricanrana's her off the buckles and twerks. LH germans her for 2. May headbutts her then running knees her for the win.

Thoughts: It was mostly May goofing off here and wasn't much before it ended.

Serena Deeb is interviewed. She says tomorrow is Deeb or nothing. She calls Mariah May a stooge. She sys she will become AEW champ tomorrow. She says it's not "Timeless" Toni Storm but "Times Up" Toni Storm.

We see a video of Christian and The Patriarchy at his garage wrestling ring. Christian says they are the ghosts of Swerve's past and will haunt him. Swerve says he's done some bad things and said his methods were misunderstood. Christian says Swerve needs to be held accountable for the crimes he committed against his family. Christian says he will prove this isn't Swerve's House and says he will erase him from AEW forever.

FTR and Bryan Danielson vs Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett and Satnam Singh

JJ hits armdrags on Bryan then struts. Jay knees Bryan in the gut then Bryan knees him in the gut. Cash slingshot shoulderblocks Jay then hits corner punches on him. Cash atomic drops Jay then hits more corner punches. Singh helps out Jay then chops Cash outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Dax hits punches on Jay and JJ. Dax cradles Jay for 2. Dax is hit by Singh on the ropes then takes a lethal combination. Singh beats up on Dax. Jay and JJ sit in chairs on the outside and watch. Singh iron claws Dax then Cash double axe handles him off the buckles.

Bryan and JJ get in. Bryan hits punches then chest kicks on JJ. Bryan hits corner punches on JJ. Bryan flying lariats JJ then flying dropkicks him in the corner. Bryan lebell locks JJ then Jay breaks it up.

Cash back body drops Jay over the top then Bryan and Cash dive on the outside on the heels. Singh runs into the post then Dax moves. Singh takes a 3v1. Singh is buzzsaw kicked then takes an EVP trigger from FTR. Bryan flying knees Singh. Jay hits a double lethal injection then Bryan flips Jay with a lariat. JJ throws Bryan into the buckle face first.

Karen Jarrett throws a guitar in. The ref intercepts it. Dutt gives JJ a chair. JJ misses and hits Singh but did a poor job so it looked intentional. Bryan flying knees JJ and picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It was just a match here with an obvious outcome. There was nothing too special about it.

Cash gets on the mic. He says they debuted 4 years ago in AEW. He said AEW is their home. He says he will die for this company. Cash says wrestling fans and wrestlers are better because of AEW as is the wrestling world. Cash says his team are the only four that are walking out tomorrow. Dax says he is fighting for the company and says he is fighting for every single man and woman who goes to work and turns on AEW, to get away from their problems. Dax says if they die tomorrow, it's one more time they get to be our heroes.

Overall thoughts: This wasn't a real interesting show. We had a lot of matches with predictable outcomes and nothing was that great here. I thought there too many matches and not enough time for them to reach their full potential. I don't recommend this one.

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