Wednesday, May 22, 2024

WWC Superestrellas de la Lucha Libre 8/13/2022

WWC Superestrellas de la Lucha Libre 8/13/2022

Last week's show is here: 

The 49th Anniversary show just happened and Axel Cruz talks about it. 

Jay Velez vs Brandon

They complete for cheers from the crowd. Jay poses on the ropes and is hit then Jay hits a nice hiptoss and armdrag. They botch something and Jay punches him. Jay chops him then Brandon back elbows him out of the corner. Brandon spinning lariats him for 2. Brandon punches him.

Jay hits some punches then then Brandon leg lariats him for 2. Brandon hits shots in the corner then Jay spinning neckbreakers him. Both are down then Jay hulks up. Jay hits punches then back body drops him. Jay flapjacks him then side slams him for 2.

Brandon jawbreakers him then takes a flatliner. Jay then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was clear that Jay was winning this one from the start. It was an average match here with Brandon doing some basic heeling and Jay doing a decent hulk up.

Gilbert is on the phone in his car. He says they have to talk and says he will stop by now.

Axel Cruz wonders who Gilbert is to. He says Gilbert's Dynasty faction no longer exists due to them turning on him at the 49th Anniversary Show. The Dynasty is now called The New Order.

Crazy Luis vs Gigante Manson

Luis does a serious stripper dancing routine, gyrating around the ring post and twerking. Manson's name comes from another wrestler named Mad Man Manson, who some online say he is copying.

Luis ducks a chop in the corner and hits some punches. Luis hits leg kicks and dropkicks him in the knee. They botch something as Manson pushes him then hits boots to the body. Manson corner splashes him then throws him. Manson running shoulders him and Luis does a nice bump for it.

Manson footchokes him. Manson kneels on his back and pulls his chin. They compare Manson's physique to Abdullah the Butcher and Vader. Luis is choked on the ropes. Manson hits chops and punches.

Luis elbows him in the gut, ducks clotheslines and is knee'd in the gut. Manson throws him over and hits a nice senton for 2. Manson chops him in the corner. Luis tries to hulk up and takes off his jacket. Manson misses a corner charge and is rolled up for 2. Manson drops him with a stiff front kick.

Manson misses a corner charge and is hit on the ropes. Luis does a bad slingshot sunset flip that Manson stops. Manson does a bad powerslam as he struggles to get Luis up. Manson 2nd rope elbow drops him and wins it.

Thoughts: I like to watch bigger dudes but this was bad. Luis tries to fly but he's too big to do it well and Manson is not too coordinated. Both of these guys did some really bad looking moves here and it wasn't good.

We see Gilbert arrive somewhere in his car. He says this is the house.

Brandon vs Jay Velez

No, this isn't an error or a joke. They are airing this match A SECOND TIME on the same show. I do not believe this has ever happened in wrestling history. I have no explanation for this other than the person who put this together was drunk.

Gilbert talks to Chicky Starr in his backyard. He talks about what happened with The Dynasty. He says he's jealous and envious and didn't like what happened at the 49th Anniversary Show.  He says Gilbert has to do something.

They say they have been friends for 15 years. Chicky tells him he has to open his mind up a little and Gilbert said the people who turned on him made the biggest mistake of their careers. I think Chicky says he will help him out because he considers him part of his family. He tells him he's on his way to success and not to stop.

We get a highlight video from the 49th Anniversary show. Android 787 wins the junior title. Gran Armando beats Makabro. La Seguirada keeps the WWC Tag Titles. Rey Gonzalez beats Gilbert with a crucifix to keep control of WWC. The Dynasty then turn on Gilbert for losing. Xix Xavant slaps Gilbert then smashes a photo over his head. Huracan Castillo Jr. is given a plaque then he gets jumped and beaten up by Joe Bravo. Gigante Nihan beats Black Pain.

Mike Nice F-5's Bryan Idol to beat him. Huracan Castillo and Joe Bravo have a hardcore match. Joe is samoan dropped off the buckles through a table. Huracan hits him with the ring bell and wins.

Luke Gallows low blows Damien Sandow and pins him. Gilbert interferes in the Xavant vs Intelecto 5 Estrellas vs Primo Colon WWC Title match. He hits Xavant with a kendo stick and rock bottoms him. Estrellas then full nelson slams Xavant and wins the title.

We see clips of Carlito vs Andrade El Idolo. We see Ric Flair choking Charlito and eye poking Eddie Colon. Carlos Colon comes down and goes face to face with Ric. They take off their jackets. Carlos hits some punches and a headbutt. Andrade low blows the ref and Carlito backcrackers him to win.

Gilbert and Chicky Starr do a promo. Gilbert says he doesn't care what The New Order call themselves. He said they bit the hand that fed them and made the biggest mistake of their lives. He said he is always one step ahead of his opponents. He said he keeps the best card up his sleeve and says that is Chicky Starr. Chicky says Gilbert made them famous. He says he will be with Gilbert and they will pay. He says their day will come and they will decide when and where it happens. Chicky says to expect the worst.

They talk about tomorrow's show and promise a Carlos Colon vs Abdullah the Butcher match.

Overall thoughts: There is no excuse for airing the same match twice on one show. It's not like there were technical problems or something, it was just a total lack of quality control. I don't think that has ever been done in wrestling history before and they should be ashamed for letting that happen. We only had one other match here. The whole show was built around Gilbert getting turned on and joining up with Chicky Starr, but the problem was that they didn't show this happening until the end of the show. So if you didn't see the 49th Anniversary Show, you were left wondering what had happened for most of the show. This was a really bad show overall and I don't recommend it.

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