Wednesday, May 22, 2024

TNA Xplosion 5/17/2024

TNA Xplosion 5/17/2024

Last week;'s show is here:

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Trey Miguel is interviewed this week. His shirt is blurred out as he's definitely wearing something weed related. Trey talks about his dog. He says he just got it and the dog is his life. He talks about how much he misses his dog and said he took the dog to the ocean for the first time and the dog is fearless. The interview is only a few minutes long and they never make it to another topic.

KUSHIDA vs Steve Gibki

Steve's a big dude who really should not be jobbing here. He pushes Kushida over and poses. Steve waistlock takedowns him and avoids leg kicks. Steve clubs on him and they stare down. Kush spinning headscissors him out then dropkicks him through the ropes.

Kush comes off the top and double stomps Steve's arm. Steve does a chokeslam then stomps on him. Steve headbutts him down then powerslams him for 2. Kush hits leg kicks and Steve kicks him back. Kush is caught coming off the top with a bearhug.

Steve corner lariats him and boots him in the corner. Kush kicks his arm and hits punches. Steve misses a charge in the corner then Kush top rope crossbodies him. Kush hits kicks to the arm then handspring back elbows him. Kush comes out and tornado ddt's him on his way out.

Kush punches him and kicks him in the arm. Steve tries to rolling death valley driver him but Kush hols on and hoverboard locks him. Kush then wins via tap out.

Thoughts: It was an average match here with Kush working the arm until tapping him out. It would have been nice if they picked up the pace a little here.

Kush walks up the ramp then starts spitting out black ink.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match here and one new interview. Neither were must see or all that interesting. Kushida also spit up black ink. I wouldn't recommend this.

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