Sunday, May 26, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 5/25/2024 Season 4, Episode 37

WOW Women of Wrestling 5/25/2024 Season 4, Episode 37

Last week's show is here:

Freedom Match - Coach Campanelli vs Ariel Sky

Coach gets on the mic. She says this happened because Ariel Sky doesn't want to be the water girl anymore. She said she can only get out of that by beating her in a match. She said McClane barred Top Tier from ringside and said she will beat her all on her own. She says Sky can then stay her water girl.

Coach slides out and makes Sky chase her. Coach boots her as she gets in. Sky rolls her up then spinning crucifixes her. Sky forward cartwheel lariats her and is pulled down face first from the top rope. Sky looks completely shocked here and doesn't seem well. Sky rolls out and grabs water from the water bucket.

Coach boots Sky and elbow drops her back. Sky's head is banged off the buckles. Coach corner lariats Sky. Sky hits forearms and is thrown hard into the buckles. Coach bangs Sky's head off the mat. Coach sharpshooters her and Sky gets in.

Sky lariats her then forward cartwheel lariats her. Sky basement dropkicks her for 2. Sky goes out and grabs the water bottle. She sprays Coach in the eyes with it and rolls her up to win it.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. Sky cheated to win and she either got another concussion or they made it seem like she did. I don't know which one, but she already got hurt once and no one wants to see her get hurt again. Whatever it was also seemed to affect the match as she didn't move as well after.

Coach nails Sky from behind after. Top Tier beats up Sky 3v1 after. The Mother Truckers make the save.

Holly Swagg gets on the mic. She says they smell like musty gloves and dirty gym shocks. She says they've been picking on Ariel for too long. Betty says Ariel Sky has more heart than the 3 of Top Tier put together. She says Sky has two words for them and Sky says Honk Honk Motherflippers.

The Disciplinarian vs GI Jane

Dis = The Disciplinarian

Smart says GI Jane looks and sounds like an idiot but really is an idiot. She says she can't believe the army lets her come out here. Smart says Dis is back in WOW and ready to fight anyone. She says she will find out if GI Jane measures up.

Jane runs to the ring and roughs up Dis. Dis gets her head banged off the buckles and is stomped in the corner. Jane side headlocks her then Dis reverses it. Jane hits a big boot then has her through pulled down over the top rope. Dis foot chokes her in the corner. Dis chokes her on the ropes and Smart pulls on Jane on the ropes.

Dis clubs on her and sitout gordbusters her. They double clothesline each other and trade forearms on their knees. Jane short arm clotheslines her then slams her. Dis TKO's her for the win.

Thoughts: I liked this one. They were extra rough with each other and put over that they had issues with each other well.

Goldie Collins vs Pep Reilly

Goldie side headlocks her and Pep rolls her up. Gold waistlock takedowns her then is legswept. Pep side headlock takeovers her. Pep trips her and elbow drops her back for 2. Pep 2nd rope crossbodies her but is caught and backbreakered. Gold hits a nice lariat. Pep snapmares her and hits corner attacks.

Pep runs at her and takes a shot to the gut. Gold suplexes her for 2. Gold twisting suplexes her and wins it.

Thoughts: I liked Goldie's finisher here but it wasn't too pretty. Pep got kneed in the gut in the corner and went down which didn't seem planned.

Goldie Collins gets on the mic after. She says Pep had a rough night. She said she can't blame her though as her coach abandoned her. Goldie says it's for the best though. Goldie says if her or anyone else wants to work with a certified trainer, you know where to find her. Goldie then says she's the best in show.

WOW Title Match Contract Signing

David McClane, The Beast and Abilene Maverick are out there. They both sign the contract and the match is official.

We see clips of Sofia Lopez getting mad at her wrestlers then we see Sylvia Sanchez slapping Sofia.

Jessie Jones locks up the doors to Americana's dressing room with a bandana. They said this is from the last show when Santana Garrett was in the title match.

Next week's show has Penelope Pink vs Sierra Breeze (debut), The Mighty Mights, Keita Rush and The Brat Pack.

Tormenta and Princess Aussie vs Las Bandidas (Angel Rose and Sylvia Sanchez)


Sofia Lopez is on commentary. Lopez says Tormenta defended her against Sanchez and says they can do business together.

Sanchez waistlocks Aussie. Aussie turns it into a headlock takeover. Aussie tries pins on her. Aussie has her head banged off of Rose's foot. Aussie is tripped into the 2nd rope and Rose slides out to punch her there. Aussie slaps her then hits mounted shots.

Tor lifts Aussie into a codebreaker then Tor double kneedrops Rose. Tor and Sanchez push each other. Tor trips Rose then sliding lariats her for 2. Tose pushes Sanchez and then they trade. Rose hits Tor from behind. Tor running euros Rose.

Aussie corner splashes Rose then suplexes her. Aussie takes a backbreaker then holds her so Rose can lariat her for 2. Sanchez corner spears Aussie and Rose pulls Aussie's hair. Rose foot chokes Aussie. Sanchez chinlocks Aussie.

Rose fisherman suplexes Aussie then chinlocks her. Aussie superkicks Rose. Tor is tagged in. Tor knees Rose in the gut, racks her and hits Sanchez with Rose's legs. She drops her then Aussie top rope frogsplashes Rose. Tor pins Rose to win.

Thoughts: It was an okay main. Nothing wrong with this as they pushed the issues between Tormenta and her former partners. I don't really believe Tor is going to be a long term face though as I don't think it's going to work.

Overall thoughts: It was an okay episode of WOW but not the most interesting episode. We really didn't get much storyline advancement outside of the stuff with Ariel Sky. Disciplinarian/Jane and Bandidas vs Tor and Aussie were both solid matches.

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